
Jan 27, 2018

I thought I create this thread for the upcoming new previews on Wednesday. I will try to keep up with everything and put relevant videos and impressions in the OP. Please feel free to discuss anything or link relevant information.

I understand that some people want to go in completely blind on the game but this thread may contain SPOILERS so you have been warned.



VOD ||
Youtube Video No Commentary Link






That said, despite those setbacks, it's hard to deny that Sekiro(so far) is shaping up to be yet another excellent title that bears FromSoftware's signature marks. While I clearly have a lot of work to do to measure up to the demands that Sekiro seems like it has from players, from what I played, I am more than willing to sit, learn, and listen.

What's interesting is the way Sekiro is using ideas similar to what fans are familiar with to create fresh experiences--whether it's combining the assassination opportunities of stealth that even work on some bosses, with more aggressive combat; or thinking about ways to both use and avoid death. Sekiro's different spin on From Software's formula creates a new, interesting relationship with video game death for players, while continuing to be just as crushing as fans expect.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice feels straightforward and streamlined in other ways. It has an easy-to-digest story of a hero seeking revenge and protecting his divine lord. There's also a bit of a time-travel twist; at one point, I prayed to a buddha statue that sent Sekiro a few years to the past, where he seemed confused about his time and place in the world. The enemies I fought are not the gory beasts of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but samurai, monks, mounted soldiers, yokai, and giants. But there are also unexpected things to contend with, like huge roosters that keep watch over buildings and a gargantuan, pure white serpent. And as is FromSoftware tradition, there are mysterious characters to talk to, who will offer cryptic hints about the world and its supernatural elements.

It feels as though there's plenty here to excite and interest even the most seasoned Souls veteran, and the unabashedly Japanese setting (complete with Japanese voice work) means there's a significantly different flavor, too. In other ways it's very familiar. You meet your weapon and health upgrading NPCs early on, and boy – these are the Souls tropes. The game seems to know it and own it, however.

It says a lot about the FromSoftware formula that despite all these differences Sekiro still very much feels cut from the same cloth as most of their other games over the last decade. Because of that I imagine it'll struggle to convert those who bounced off Souls previously – but if you're hungering for a new title in that vein and are sick of hoping and praying for a Bloodborne 2 or Dark Souls 4, Sekiro definitely looks like it'll scratch that itch.

Sekiro is full of interesting ideas, including how it deals with player death, and how the sickness, known as Dragon's Rot, spreads throughout the world each time you die. If you're even mildly interested in From Software's next title, give the video a watch.

But in the week since I played Sekiro, that's the memory I keep returning to. From Software loves to pull the rug out from under us: Stumbling into those high-level skeletons behind Firelink, or gaining enough Insight to see Yharnam for what it really is. The studio has a way of making worlds that are dense with strange, one-of-a-kind ideas. There's no doubt in my mind that the early game showdown with the samurai is just the tip of the iceberg. Sekiro's number one priority is to surprise you. In other words, it's a From game.

I've only experienced a fraction of what Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has to offer, but I'm excited - albeit in a oh god I think I'm going to snap a controller kind of way. There are hints at a greater, potentially time travelling, narrative within the general shinobi and master dialogue, and with even more weird, wonderful and probably terrifyingly powerful things on the horizon, it should be quite the adventure.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice may have the DNA of a Soulsborne game, but if there was one thing that became clear to me after spending three hours with it, it's that Sekiro is entirely its own beast. Sure, it's a difficult yet rewarding action-RPG with a sprawling world full of darkness and mystery around every corner. But it's the mechanics that set Sekiro (out March 22 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One) apart from the Souls series and Bloodborne that have me the most excited.

Two hours is barely the blink of an eye for Sekiro, especially when it's your first time playing. There's much to decipher, plenty to learn, and a thousand deaths to endure during the process. But what I do know is that Sekiro feels wonderful. It captures the essence of the samurai code in its combat and liberates traditional Dark Souls level design with its more freeflow, vertical movement.

As FromSoftware promised, this is a very different game to its previous works, but it maintains many of the hallmarks that make them special. It feels like the right mix, providing more surprises than Bloodborne did, but still clearly building on that common foundation many players have come (Swedish)
With less than three weeks left to launch, I am now sure the Souls fans will enjoy exploring Wolf's history in Sengoku's Japan, which has been so beautifully incorporated into the adventure. The challenges are tough and tough, but also rewarding, just as you would expect from the genre. The big question is whether those of us who think the genre is a bit tough sometimes, will experience the game as being too difficult, relentless and frightening to fully enjoy it. The answer to that is of course highly individual, but fortunately we do not have to wait longer than March 22 to get the message. (Italian) Google translated
The questions on the game are still endless, and it was not enough an hour to dissect the complex and extensive world of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, but finally tried a new build has allowed us to touch the enormous potential of the new action from From Software, and to eviscerate his progression system a bit. This is a challenging game, very different from the Souls and perhaps even more brutal than them, because faster, devoid of their development RPG and cooperative multiplayer. the charm of the Japanese software house titles, however, is still all there, and we can not wait to dive into this alternative version of the Sengoku era, to discover all that has to offer.


4Gamer (Japanese)

Famitsu (Japanese)


Skill tree video by Long Island Joe



Arekkz Gaming

Inside Playstation











The Completionist

Regarding frame rate on consoles

Update: Seperate thread for DF video regarding performance on PS4 Pro found here
Last edited:


Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018
DMC V reviews and Sekiro previews on Wednesday!

Fucking nice


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Sekiro previews & DMC5 reviews on the same day. Wednesday is gonna be nuts.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Give me already that good Tenchu stuff From. Its been a lot since Wrath of Heaven.

Wolf of Yharnam

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I have a few questions about the game. I didn't follow all of the reveals so I'm still a bit spoiler free about some stuff.

1. Will there be a hub world like in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3? Or is it all connected like in Dark Souls 1 with the Firelink Shrine?
2. Can we change the look of Sekiro with new costumes, colors or even armor?
3. I take it there's only one weapon confirmed, the samurai sword of Sekiro right?


Jan 27, 2018
I have a few questions about the game. I didn't follow all of the reveals so I'm still a bit spoiler free about some stuff.

1. Will there be a hub world like in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3? Or is it all connected like in Dark Souls 1 with the Firelink Shrine?
2. Can we change the look of Sekiro with new costumes, colors or even armor?
3. I take it there's only one weapon confirmed, the samurai sword of Sekiro right?

1. Yes there is a hub area where you can teleport but the overall level design should reflect DS1 is what they've told us.
2. No
3. The katana is your main weapon but Sekiro wields a second sword on his back called "Fushigiri" that he uses to execute bosses in the footage we've seen. The sword is connected to the lore so they haven't talked about it too much.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Will there be a hub world like in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3? Or is it all connected like in Dark Souls 1 with the Firelink Shrine?
2. Can we change the look of Sekiro with new costumes, colors or even armor?
3. I take it there's only one weapon confirmed, the samurai sword of Sekiro right?
This is based on the info we have now.

1. There is a hub.
2. No
3.One weapon

Wolf of Yharnam

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
1. Yes there is a hub area where you can teleport but the overall level design should reflect DS1 is what they've told us.
2. No
3. The katana is your main weapon but Sekiro wields a second sword on his back called "Fushigiri" that he uses to execute bosses in the footage we've seen. The sword is connected to the lore so they haven't talked about it too much.
This is based on the info we have now.

1. There is a hub.
2. No
3.One weapon

Thanks. I love the hubs, so that's great. There being no visual customization coming from Soulsborne will be a bit disappointing, but I can deal with that. Maybe we'll get more weapons throughout the game and they just didn't want to reveal that surprise. I'm hopeful


Nov 12, 2017
Thanks. I love the hubs, so that's great. There being no visual customization coming from Soulsborne will be a bit disappointing, but I can deal with that. Maybe we'll get more weapons throughout the game and they just didn't want to reveal that surprise. I'm hopeful

There are different weapon options/attacks with the prosthetic arm.


Oct 27, 2017
Hype! I'm glad Elajjaz had a chance to stream the old demo other day. It did much better job than other players showing the available mechanics.


Jan 27, 2018
Thanks. I love the hubs, so that's great. There being no visual customization coming from Soulsborne will be a bit disappointing, but I can deal with that. Maybe we'll get more weapons throughout the game and they just didn't want to reveal that surprise. I'm hopeful

The variation in combat should come from the different prosthetics since they have synergy with the katana. All different proshetics we've seen so far has a special animation (move-set) when combined with the katana in combat.


Oct 25, 2017
The embargo lifting so early means that there's going to be a large amount of people spreading idiotic spoilers, filling the internet and social media. God damn it.

Now I need to go on a social media blackout for around 2/3rds of a month.

Wolf of Yharnam

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
There are different weapon options/attacks with the prosthetic arm.
The variation in combat should come from the different prosthetics since they have synergy with the katana. All different proshetics we've seen so far has a special animation (move-set) when combined with the katana in combat.

That really reminds me of the trick weapons in BB and a bit of the skills in DS3. Hype intensifying.

I'm hopeful this game can surprise me like Bloodborne did. I've never been so invested in a game's lore, characters and world before.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Jan 11, 2018
The urge to keep up with the news vs going dark is a difficult one...


Oct 27, 2017
Not being to modify how Sekiro look is a bit of a downer. I like the fashion aspects in the Souls game.


Oct 25, 2017
The embargo lifting so early means that there's going to be a large amount of people spreading idiotic spoilers, filling the internet and social media. God damn it.

Now I need to go on a social media blackout for around 2/3rds of a month.
The embargo is for a preview event, people don't have access to the full game yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a few questions about the game. I didn't follow all of the reveals so I'm still a bit spoiler free about some stuff.

1. Will there be a hub world like in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3? Or is it all connected like in Dark Souls 1 with the Firelink Shrine?
2. Can we change the look of Sekiro with new costumes, colors or even armor?
3. I take it there's only one weapon confirmed, the samurai sword of Sekiro right?
1. Did you play DS2? The hub is like Majula with linear paths leading out of it but then it branches off into an interconnected world like DS1.
2. Nope he has a set look.
3. Yep you only use the normal katana he has and you have the Fushigiri aka the bigger one on his back which translates to Immortal/Undead cutter/slayer. You use it to finish off specific bosses and it was said you'd wield it in more story driven fights, it has the same moveset as your regular blade.

So why exactly are they inviting Souls streamers then?
Because they play fromsoft games the most. So it's a good marketing move.


Oct 27, 2017
Good thing this is not a Souls game.
And? I didn't say it was. I just said I like that Souls games have this aspect, and this was the next game by From Software that are fairly reminiscent to them. It's rare for a mainstream game today that don't allow you to customize your appearance.

Wolf of Yharnam

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
1. Did you play DS2? The hub is like Majula with linear paths leading out of it but then it branches off into an interconnected world like DS1.

Yo, that's great. I didn't mention DS2 because it's my least favorite game of theirs, but Majula itself with the branching paths was amazing.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Sekiro previews & DMC5 reviews on the same day. Wednesday is gonna be nuts.

I think both games look great and will score / sell well but I truly hope because they're released around the same time that it doesn't turn into another Horizon / Zelda moment where the fan bases are constantly putting the other game down, you can't go into a thread about one without the other being brought up and people are constantly comparing them.

I'm personally hoping Sekiro is more Bloodborne than Dark Souls as I preferred the more linear experience it offered.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
I'm looking forward to this game, but the loss of RPG elements has me properly deflated. I fear that having a very difficult game stripped of its progression elements may prove too frustrating for me. Looking forward to these previews, as I would love to want this game as much as their previous entries.


Oct 26, 2017
I think both games look great and will score / sell well but I truly hope because they're released around the same time that it doesn't turn into another Horizon / Zelda moment where the fan bases are constantly putting the other game down, you can't go into a thread about one without the other being brought up and people are constantly comparing them.

I'm personally hoping Sekiro is more Bloodborne than Dark Souls as I preferred the more linear experience it offered.
Neither DMC nor Sekiro are exclusives, so you won't have to worry that much.

From impressions so far it's more like Bloodborne than Souls so yeah.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm looking forward to this game, but the loss of RPG elements has me properly deflated. I fear that having a very difficult game stripped of its progression elements may prove too frustrating for me. Looking forward to these previews, as I would love to want this game as much as their previous entries.
There are progression elements, just not tied to stats. You have skilltrees and so on.


Oct 25, 2017
Shit, I said I wasn't going to look at anything, but I might watch a teeny tiny bit of preview stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm looking forward to this game, but the loss of RPG elements has me properly deflated. I fear that having a very difficult game stripped of its progression elements may prove too frustrating for me. Looking forward to these previews, as I would love to want this game as much as their previous entries.
You can upgrade prosthetics, it has 3 skill trees and you possibly also might be able to upgrade your katana. Just no stat leveling.


Oct 28, 2017
Seeing the demo I finally purchased Bloodborne. While people will be playing Sekiro in March, i thought i might let my ass get kicked in BB.