
Oct 25, 2017


She was born during the reign of James I, was a youngster when René Descartes set out his rules of thought and the great fire of London raged, saw out her adolescent years as George II ascended the throne, reached adulthood around the time that the American revolution kicked off, and lived through two world wars. Living to an estimated age of nearly 400 years, a female Greenland shark has set a new record for longevity, scientists have revealed.

"Fish biologists have tried to determine the age and longevity of Greenland sharks for decades, but without success." said Steven Campana, a shark expert from the University of Iceland. "Given that this shark is the apex predator (king of the food chain) in Arctic waters, it is almost unbelievable that we didn't know whether the shark lives for 20 years, or for 1000 years."

The scientists then made use of a side-effect of atomic bomb tests which took place in the 1950s: when the bombs were detonated, they increased the levels of carbon-14 in the atmosphere. The spike, or pulse, in carbon-14 entered the marine food web across the North Atlantic no later than the early 1960s.

That provides a useful time-stamp, says Nielsen. "I want to know when I see the bomb-pulse in my sharks, what time does that mean," he said. "Does it mean they are 50 years old, or 10 years old?"

Nielsen and the team found that the eye lens proteins of the two smallest of their 28 Greenland sharks had the highest levels of carbon-14, suggesting that they were born after the early 1960s. The third smallest shark, however, had carbon-14 levels only slightly above those of the 25 larger sharks, hinting that it was actually born in the early 1960s, just as bomb-related carbon-14 began to be incorporated in marine food webs.

Edit: Got my ass blown out for not reading thoroughly...sorry...Didn't know that By-catch meant was most likely dead to begin with.
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Oct 25, 2017
Can't believe someone hasn't managed to kill it for its fins! It's delicious, medicinal fins! Yum!

Sometimes, I get really sad about all the amazing and mysterious stuff that we'll never learn about, or be able to appreciate, because we've pillaged and slaughtered so much with nary a second thought. But if I let myself dwell on things like that for too long, I'd really just become hopeless. Hang in there, aged shark friend.

Wow, that's really co...




Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I knew it would be one of those goddless kinds of sharks that lets warms eat it's eyes


Oct 26, 2017
They were able to determine it's age unfortunately by gouging out its eyes, thus killing it. And a method involving the atomic bomb testing of the 1950s.

You make it sound like they took a living shark and killed it by gouging its eyes out o0 This, as far as I can see, is the only info we got on the matter:

Writing in the journal Science, Nielsen and an international team of researchers describe how they set about determining the age of 28 female Greenland sharks, collected as by-catch during scientific surveys between 2010 and 2013.

For anything more you'd have to check out the paper yourself, linked in the article.

Bycatch is fish and animals you unintentionally catch while fishing for something else, most likely killing them in the process.


Oct 25, 2017
the article doesn't even say anything about killing it. the paper could say something, but it's paid.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Lmao really why the fuck would they murder a shark just to see how old it was. That's the stupidest way of doing it.

The Struggler

Alt Account
Jul 3, 2019
I mean....couldn't they have tagged it with a tracer or something and always check up on it. When it died of natural causes then you can check how old it was


Oct 24, 2017


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Folks, they didn't kill the shark by gouging it's fucking eyes out. Nowhere in the article does it say that's what happened.


May 16, 2019
Lmao really why the fuck would they murder a shark just to see how old it was. That's the stupidest way of doing it.
They likely didn't. More than likely these were sharks that had been caught and were already dead when the scientist came into their possession. Most scientist are pretty good about the ethical issues around killing animals.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Did they really murder the oldest shark in the world? This is something out of Simpsons.

Deleted member 38227

User requested account closure
Jan 12, 2018
In other news, archeologists recover an underground depository of the Library of Alexandria. Speculated to contain Aristotle's treatise on Comedy, Homer's Margites with the actual author's name, the second esotorica of the I-Ching, and the lost books of the bible. "We had to bulldoze and burn our way in, but standing in the wreakage was awe-inspiring. The amount of knowledge here was probably vast."


Oct 25, 2017
Whoops. Didnt know what that term bycatch meant, sorry for the misinformed OP.


Oct 25, 2017
The shark would have been already dead.

There's still something very sad about such an old creature being killed because humans accidentally caught it though.
Oct 26, 2017
Did they really murder the oldest shark in the world? This is something out of Simpsons.
After reading the article only the youngest sharks had their eyes carbon dated and the age of the older ones was extrapolated from that.

So assuming they were killed in the process of aging - which isn't certain either as it says they were bycatch - only the youngest 3 were affected by this.


Oct 27, 2017
I want top scientists making a serum from it's DNA by the end of the week that I can inject to give me it's powers.
Let's get moving people!


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
To think.... she was right there witnessing the conquest of the Americas and we didn't even notice
Oct 25, 2017
This article is 2 years old, Greenland sharks have been speculated to live upwards of 400 years far longer than that, there's some doubt about the methods used, and they're not a recently discovered species.



Oct 28, 2017
Man, how do you even read that article and get " They killed it by gouging out its eyes!!" It's like you set out to misinform.

What sense does it make even in imagination? What were they impatient or something? "Damn, it's been hours since we injected it with a sedative, may be a few more hours until it's gone....FUCK IT, I'M GOING FOR THE EYES!"


Nov 28, 2017

I like how OP's misrepresentation of what the scientists did led to this crazy scientists tangent.