Deleted member 20297

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Ah, the loophole to make money hats look better: "funding". And funding a game from Activision, no less! But it worked for SFV so they might just ride that narrative over next years.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey they are getting better at telling people what hey want to hear, just what you guys always wanted lol

I knew it would eventually come to this. This is what happens when people put caveats or move goalposts on what behavior they find acceptable depending on how it fits their agenda.


Nov 28, 2017
Calling BS, if Sony funded it, it would be permanently exclusive like Spider man was (before aquisition).
Oct 26, 2017
Are you telling me Activision needed Sony money to make COD MW2


Same reason why Sony was wanting to do Crash for so long, Acti didn't want to

It's not even comparable.

I can see Sony pushing for Crash since it's an iconic PS brand, but COD MW2? Really? Activision didn't want to remastered one of the best selling and highly regarded COD title? I call bullshit.


Jan 11, 2018
Hey they are getting better at telling people what hey want to hear, just what you guys always wanted lol

Except it's quite obvious it's BS PR in an attempt to spin it off as consumer-friendly rather than blatant moneyhatting. Acitivision isn't a small company that needed help with making a certain game. So sure, they can say it, but nobody's buying it.


Oct 25, 2017
Except it's quite obvious it's BS PR in an attempt to spin it off as consumer-friendly rather than blatant moneyhatting. Acitivision isn't a small company on the that needed help with making a certain game. So sure, they can say it, but nobody's buying it.

But it's not BS PR to think that Capcom wouldn't have made SFV if not for Sony? Are they a small company? Again why take one possibility at face value but not the other? Is it because its what people want to believe?


Oct 27, 2017

why would they fund something to only get 30 days of exclusivity and why would activision need help to remaster their best selling game.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Why would Activision want to remaster SP campaigns when they make so much money on MP?

It makes sense to me.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
So Sony is funding multiplatform Xbox games now. Cool

this is obviously false information


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
  • Sony funded for 30 days of exclusivity
  • Activision in need for funding
  • Activision not considering remastering it themselves soon (thus accepting funding from Sony)
I don't know... it's hard for me to believe it.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
It wasnt okay when xbox did it for rise of the tomb raider and titanfall, and it wasnt okay when sony did it with street fighter and this game

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They fund a game to get a 30 days exclusivity? Interesting strategy.

(This news sounds fake as hell tbh)


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
Marketing is expensive, sometimes unreasonably so, and if you can spend someone else's money for marketing rather than your own and all you have to give up is 30 days exclusivity of your product on one platform, I'd call that a good deal for Activision. It makes sense for Sony to step up and want to market these remakes as well, its a safe bet for marketing dollars and ROI plus it drives more people to the PlayStation platform.

There's more to making a game than just the programming/QA/dev side :)

Edit: Also - I think the difference between Rise of the Tomb Raider, Street Fighter V, Titanfall and this deal is pretty evident:

All those details also included funds to cover some devs costs, this was mainly just a marketing deal.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Why can't people accept Sony paid for 30 days exclusivity and move on? Activision certainly don't require money to remaster one of the most loved COD campaigns.

This deal is a result of the previous 30 day early (or delay on other platforms) deal for DLC. With no season pass this is the alternative.


May 7, 2019
lol they didnt need sony to fund this. sony is just trying to buy timed exclusivity and its really shady.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
Activision made Modern Warfare remastered which is incredibly successful. Thank you Sony for saving Modern Warfare 2 remastered.

Deleted member 31092

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
If Sony really funded this it would have been exclusive forever (similar to Bayonetta 2 and 3), this is just a "funded the timed exclusivity deal".


Mar 31, 2020
Such bullshit. I hope Sony and Microsoft knock this shit off next gen. It's been almost entirely Sony this gen, if I'm not mistaken.


Oct 27, 2017
Absolute BS. Sony funded a COD (lol). And even let's say they did, they then allow it on Xbox after 30 days (bigger lol).

Did Sony also fund the MW remake from a couple of years back? That had a 30 day window exclusive to Sony as well.

People who make up this shit don't have the first clue about videogames.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
To be fair, the leaker has been correct about Warzone releasing and Modern Warefare 2 campaign being remastered as well as other COD related leaks.
I mean true but also MW2 Remastered had been leaked like 4 times before hand it's been all over the place since 2018, and Warzone was sorta datamined.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh, there's a very real possibility Titanfall wouldn't exist without MS so that's not really the best example. Tomb Raider for sure though

The first Titanfall had the initial backing of EA. Why is it easier to stomach that EA somehow needed help/money to let Respawn finish development than it is to accept for Activision? The reality is that most of the companies striking these deals aren't in poverty. None of them really need these deals most of the time. Activision has been striking marketing deals with MS and Sony for a decade now for Call of Duty (which is a blue print most company follow for all of their big games now in terms of platform partners), do you think they do this because they need the money? They can't fund marketing for a game like CoD or Assasssins Creed on their own?


Oct 27, 2017
Lol. Hilarious. Call of duty is the biggest selling series on the planet outside of gta. Like they needed extra funding. This is just a good old fashioned money hat. But it's a month of exclusivity, so who cares, really?


Oct 25, 2017
Investment in this case = "here's X amount of money to keep this content exclusive to our platform for a month."

Probably, yes. But I've always believed that about all these deals. Its why I always thought it was silly when people would make exceptions. Unless we get access to these companies' books and can follow the money trail to see where Sony's money went directly to the salaries of Activision programmers, there is no fundamental difference to any of these deals. People just hear what they want to believe.


Oct 29, 2017
The first Titanfall had the initial backing of EA. Why is it easier to stomach that EA somehow needed help/money to let Respawn finish development than it is to accept for Activision? The reality is that most of the companies striking these deals aren't in poverty. None of them really need these deals most of the time. Activision has been striking marketing deals with MS and Sony for a decade now for Call of Duty (which is a blue print most company follow for all of their big games now in terms of platform partners), do you think they do this because they need the money? They can't fund marketing for a game like CoD or Assasssins Creed on their own?
Maybe I'm thinking of something else but I could have sworn that we had info from solid sources that Titanfall was in development hell and in very real danger of being shitcanned before MS stepped in with funding


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
The first Titanfall had the initial backing of EA. Why is it easier to stomach that EA somehow needed help/money to let Respawn finish development than it is to accept for Activision? The reality is that most of the companies striking these deals aren't in poverty. None of them really need these deals most of the time. Activision has been striking marketing deals with MS and Sony for a decade now for Call of Duty (which is a blue print most company follow for all of their big games now in terms of platform partners), do you think they do this because they need the money? They can't fund marketing for a game like CoD or Assasssins Creed on their own?

Better to spend someone else's marketing dime than your own if what you are giving up is a minimal headache. Not to mention that Sony has some marketing reach that Activision does not (most notably in Asia). In addition to that, a platform holder, like Sony or Microsoft, have ways of marketing "important products" (re: exclusives and exclusive deals) that'll give the product additional marketing exposure it might not have got otherwise.

So yea, not a matter of Activision not being able to afford it. More a matter of it making more business sense to take a deal like this.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Lol. Hilarious. Call of duty is the biggest selling series on the planet outside of gta. Like they needed extra funding. This is just a good old fashioned money hat. But it's a month of exclusivity, so who cares, really?

They don't need it, but it doesn't mean they wanted to spend money remastering and marketing a SP campaign that won't make 1% of Warzone.


Oct 25, 2017
Better to spend someone else's marketing dime than your own if what you are giving up is a minimal headache. Not to mention that Sony has some marketing reach that Activision does not (most notably in Asia). In addition to that, a platform holder, like Sony or Microsoft, have ways of marketing "important products" (re: exclusives and exclusive deals) that'll give the product additional marketing exposure it might not have got otherwise.

So yea, not a matter of Activision not being able to afford it. More a matter of it making more business sense to take a deal like this.

Agreed, but I think this applies to every facet of the industry. These deals are complex, but its almost never a case of a company (particularly say, a company as big as Capcom, and an IP as big as Street Fighter) not having the means themselves.


Oct 27, 2017
Props to Sony for continuing to support the struggling indie devs that would otherwise go unnoticed in the industry.