
Oct 25, 2017

Rudy Giuliani Forgets to Mute His Microphone While Going to the Bathroom

As if things weren’t going badly enough for him.

Despite his stint running a cybersecurity-consulting company, Rudy Giuliani has never been that great about taking care of his own cybersecurity: He has been known to butt-dial reporters and leave his phones behind in cars. But on Tuesday, the 79-year-old may have had his most embarrassing tech moment yet. As he was being arraigned (via video link) for allegedly conspiring to overturn the election results in Arizona, Giuliani committed the early-pandemic faux pas of going to the bathroom without muting himself.
For those of you who understandably choose not to watch this video, Giuliani signs off from the call just before you can hear a stream of liquid hitting water.

"Is that me?" Giuliani asks. The host of the call answers in the affirmative.

There are a lot of jokes about livestreams to be made here, but we will avoid them for the moment because of Giuliani's sorry state. Aside from being extremely broke, he is facing charges of making false statements and soliciting false testimony in Georgia as part of his alleged role in helping the Trump campaign overturn election results there. As he left his birthday party in Florida on Friday night, he was served an indictment for his alleged role in the Arizona election plot, and he faces conspiracy, fraud, and forgery charges in the state. (He has pleaded not guilty in all cases.) Perhaps, though, Giuliani will scare up some funds to pay his own lawyers with his latest venture: selling coffee via surreal QVC-style ads.

View: https://youtu.be/pdE83FX-Mto?si=Kq1_Ex8emOm19zW-


Movie Aficionado
Oct 25, 2017
Under the Silver Lake


Oct 27, 2017
Still wild how this guy could have just... Not gotten involved with Trump and remained relatively respected / not a huge fucking mess.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
It hasn't happened often thankfully but being on a call and hearing someone piss is like immediate 🤢