
Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX

This Twitter thread goes on for a while, & I sadly can't link everything here on Era. But Ryce did a great job of compiling everything, but a better translation would be appreciated.
Nakayama's been revealing some interesting lore information on Twitter.
  • He confirms that certain character stories take place during and even slightly after the events of SFIII. He gives the example of Ed's story ending (the formation of Neo Shadaloo) occurring at the same time as SFIII.
  • Falke's arcade ending of a peaceful life is merely a dream.
  • The Neo Shadaloo gorilla is named Baba Mwalimu (which appears to be Swahili for "father teacher").
  • Each member of Neo Shadaloo has inherited a different characteristic of M. Bison. Falke can inject Psycho Power into objects, Ed can eject Psycho Power, the guy with the knife can teleport, and the gorilla is super intelligent.
  • Ed's name came about when Nakayama wrote a note to a designer saying "ED (ending) boy"; the designer mistook the "ED" abbreviation for an actual name, and Nakayama thought it was cool so it stuck.
  • "There's a reason for splitting up Bison's abilities. Maybe he knew he was going to have a confrontation with Ryu, or maybe he wants to come back in some way and continue as a king of fighting even if his body is destroyed... I hope we can talk about that someday! As for the names, as someone noticed, the initials are B (Baba Mwalimu), E (Ed), F (Falke), and G (I'm reaching Twitter's character limit...)"
A professional translation of all this stuff would be really cool.
And to add to this, there's an implication that the Laura SFIII Arcade Mode ending for Laura where Sean finally won a tournament was indeed canon rather than a dream & that Rose is already part of a time loop. But we still need to get a proper translation to be sure. Either way, it seems like we already moved past Street Fighter III in the timeline in some instances.

Source: Takayuki Nakayama (Twitter)


Oct 31, 2017
Please for the love of Gouken have SF6 story progress past 3. 2 games in a row have been between 2 and 3, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
I like Psycho Power Rock Howard from both a gameplay and story perspective. He just needs a better look.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
That Falke character looks interesting. Hope she will be released one day



Oct 25, 2017
Does that mean the next game will be able to conveniently ignore most things about SFIII since we're lowkey going past it already? :/


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like people like Ed? He needs an updated design but I'm sure he's sticking around. Falke needs work, and the others we barely know about (though who's gonna hate on a gorilla)
I thought Ed was gonna stick around until Luke was revealed who design-wise just looks like an updated, improved Ed lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like people like Ed? He needs an updated design but I'm sure he's sticking around. Falke needs work, and the others we barely know about (though who's gonna hate on a gorilla)

Falke's got the opposite problem of Ed where her design is for the most part on point (she looks so much better in that uniform than Ed does) but she's just not as interesting gameplay-wise. And even then IMO the idea of what she's overall supposed to be isn't too bad, it's that the execution's botched and whatever they're going for just doesn't translate.


Social Media Manager • EA SPORTS WRC
Mar 28, 2021
Warwick, UK
I feel like people like Ed? He needs an updated design but I'm sure he's sticking around. Falke needs work, and the others we barely know about (though who's gonna hate on a gorilla)
Ed's a ton of fun to play with his simplified control scheme. I mained him for about a year, he's got some firepower.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Does that mean the next game will be able to conveniently ignore most things about SFIII since we're lowkey going past it already? :/
Beyond Bison being dead & the Illuminati now being a thing, that's probably the plan.

I feel like people like Ed? He needs an updated design but I'm sure he's sticking around. Falke needs work, and the others we barely know about (though who's gonna hate on a gorilla)
Oh yeah, Ed definitely needs a redesign from top to bottom.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought Ed was gonna stick around until Luke was revealed who design-wise just looks like an updated, improved Ed lol.
Like ain't poppin, that ain't really doing it.

If ed gets a redesign that's good, its a wrap for luke

The NeoShadaloo thing isn't going to fly. Nobody cares about its characters.
People like ed, and unfortunately people like falke, so they

That's the issue with " Nobody cares" because you run into situations where you are just wrong
Last edited:

Ryunosuke Naruhodo

May 8, 2021
No one likes luke so, that ain't really doing it.

If ed gets a redesign that's good, its a wrap for luke

People like ed, and unfortunately people like falke, so they

That's the issue with " Nobody cares" because you run into situations where you are just wrong
All 10 fans of Ed are surely enoguh to make CAPCOM focus on NeoShadaloo from now on and get rid of Bison, Vega, Balrog, etc LOL


Nov 14, 2017
Oh good, I was just in the other thread talking about how much I loathe the concept of Neo Shadaloo.


Oct 25, 2017
All 10 fans of Ed are surely enoguh to make CAPCOM focus on NeoShadaloo from now on and get rid of Bison, Vega, Balrog, etc LOL
Its not 10, ed's a commonly played character and people like him.
Also uh, you realize that A none of the characters you said outside of bison are dead and can still fight. And B Bison being dead doesn't stop him from just being a dead character who shows up like geese or rugal. This already happens in SFV where he shows up in multiple peoples stories as a ghost.

So not only are you wrong about ed, your fear of " those character being gone " is silly when they will be sold as DLC, like Balrog and Sagat in sfv 2 of the original 4 kings. Why not focus on new characters when you , a old head presumably,will pay 10 bucks and buy every single classic character and their costumes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Neo Shadaloo is gonna give us an intelligent fighting gorilla, so they should stick around.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah lots of interesting stuff here, a shame it'll probably never be properly translated.

At this point it would take a mammoth amount of incompetence from Capcom to not have 6 set after 3, but you never know with them really lol. That said, they've finally bit the bullet and moved past SF3 (though very quietly) which is a huge deal. A lot of 5 has been building towards it, but to have confirmation we're moving past it is honestly kinda unbelievable. I just hope 6 is a significant leap ahead and not just some cowardly 'running along at the same time' thing. We'll see I guess, but I'm cautiously optimistic about 6's direction now.

As for Neo-Shadaloo, they're interesting in concept but the execution left a lot to be desired. I liked Ed a lot, but Falke was a total failure and needs to basically be rewritten and redesigned from the ground up before she comes back. I think as a group they can work but they do need to ditch the Hitler Youth shit and have them all stand out. It's a shame we're already basically building towards Bison coming back though, we couldn't even get one game away from him and it's been established at length now that he's a small fry when it comes to the overall picture of what's going on in SF's world. It just feels like more SF2 nostalgia wank that Capcom can't break off from doing. Here's hoping 6 at leaves shelves him for most of it.

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
for Neo Shadaloo they should just lean into them being a bunch of chuunis with psycho power, imo

let the gorilla be the adult in the room

also let Balrog and Ed reconcile, they had some genuinely interesting interactions in SFV


Oct 25, 2017
With design and animation improvment, I think Falke will be popular next game.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 11, 2017
First Metroid Dread, and now Street Fighter 5, these series are finally moving forward with their timelines! Maybe they just ran out of space to cram in side stories.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
This new information helps recontextualize Rose's and Oro's character stories and provides a much clearer look at the future of Street Fighter.

Rose experiences a vision of Bison causing the end of the world after his death, so she decides to effectively go back in time and kill young Bison in order to prevent Shadaloo's rise and the eventual apocalypse. We know that Rose is stuck in a time loop, so this effort may prove to be unsuccessful.

Rose: Despite appearances, I am not sure who [G] really is... However, the vision I saw after I battled with him was all too real. The world is going to end, as if a gigantic glacier fell into the ocean. And's too late to find a way to stop it. Shadaloo and Bison... I believed if I could eliminate their evil, the world would be able to escape from crisis. I believed that, but was I too naive?
Rose: Psycho Power... The abuse of such dangerous power pushed the world to the precipice of destruction. But even after that man's ambition has been crushed, we are still on the path of annihilation. The world had already been heading in the wrong direction long before I realized it. Now it's too late. The answer lies not in the future, but in the past... We must stop the seed of evil from ever taking root. And the only one who can do that is me... The me of the past. Only I have the ability to stop this. If the person I was could see into my mind right now, and realize the situation... Yes. I might be able to start it all over again. From zero...

Oro also surmises that Psycho Power will lead to the end of the world even after Bison's death.

Oro: Let me pose a question to you: what happens when evil ambition drives the world to the brink of destruction?

Dhalsim: Bison... I can only assume you are talking about him. However, that man no longer...

Oro: ...exists. Am I right? If you are convinced it was his Psycho Power and his tremendous army which sent the whole world into crisis then I would say we have avoided the worst possible outcome, for the time being. However... What if a real threat does not have a physical form, like an army, but is something intangible, like a force of will? What if it is his dark ambition itself that is trying to swallow the entire world?

Dhalsim: Do you mean even after his death, his dark ambition is still corrupting our world?! That is difficult for me to imagine.
Oro: Even if something was just for fun, and if one has the sheer force of will to win, no matter what... or if one is willing to consider the possibility of losing, the result could be entirely different.

Dhalsim: My mind did not consider this... *gasp* The will of Bison! Could it be...?

Oro: Yes. The dark ambition of that man, with his tremendous power, has already been exerted upon this world. It consistently threatens our existence. If he has used that concept to instill his will into others, then the apocalypse may yet come to pass.

Dhalsim: So you're saying that even after Bison's death, we still can't stop the world from moving towards destruction?!

Oro: Sadly, yes. And that, my dear friend, may be the true nature of Psycho Power. Corrupt and control people's minds... It is indeed quite disturbing.

Bison knowing about and accepting his death explains why he'd store different pieces of his soul in Ed, Falke, and the other members of Neo Shadaloo. He formulated a plan to recombine his soul some time after dying, plunging the world into chaos once more and causing the apocalypse.

Oro also says that only someone with "a clear and unselfish state of mind" who "sought out strength purely for its own sake" can prevent the end of the world, which is language that Capcom typically uses to describe Ryu.

Dhalsim: In that case, how do we avert that which is inevitable?!

Oro: Well, firstly, you could stop with the pessimistic attitude. Consider this: if such a powerful force of will could threaten the entire world then those people, in the right state of mind, may have the power to save it instead. What is strength? Most who seek it end up vying for domination or destruction. Such things are a natural consequence, but they are ultimately meaningless. To overwhelm, subjugate, or even kill those who oppose you is but one interpretation of strength. However, if one's mind were free from such desires, and they sought out strength purely for its own sake... If a human with such a clear and unselfish state of mind, does indeed exist then that person could prevent the impending apocalypse. But only that person, with that kind of strength.
Oro: To seek strength purely for its own sake... To find someone in this world who is both pure of mind and pure of heart. That would be very interesting. Oho ho ho ho ho!

Taking all of this into account, I think the crux of SFVI's story will be:
  • Oro trains Ryu (while secretly knowing he'll save the world)
  • The benevolent Neo Shadaloo suddenly succumbs to Bison's possession and plunges the world into chaos
  • Gill revels in the impending apocalypse, and religious zealots flock to his cause
  • G tells/forces his large following (possibly including Luke) to defend the planet against Neo Shadaloo... or maybe he's even orchestrating the apocalypse on his own, mind-controlling Neo Shadaloo while the whole world thinks it's Bison
  • Ryu emerges from training right on time to save Neo Shadaloo and ultimately the world


Jun 22, 2018
lol is ed poppin tho

Ed needs such a thorough redesign. I speak as an Ed main.

To me Luke has a very "shonen manga main character" look to him. He's really not that terrible.
he looks like a crack addict

Ed has the cool bison legacy psycho powers. reminds me a bit of Rock Howard but his design needs work. I really like how he looked in the story cutscenes but they just had to bulk him up when he became playable

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
Luke looks like your standard arrogant racist american opponent from a sports manga

Ed just needs something more like his one alt costume. Boxer-Bison fusion is a better look


Oct 25, 2017
This new information helps recontextualize Rose's and Oro's character stories and provides a much clearer look at the future of Street Fighter.

Rose experiences a vision of Bison causing the end of the world after his death, so she decides to effectively go back in time and kill young Bison in order to prevent Shadaloo's rise and the eventual apocalypse. We know that Rose is stuck in a time loop, so this effort may prove to be unsuccessful.

Oro also surmises that Psycho Power will lead to the end of the world even after Bison's death.

Bison knowing about and accepting his death explains why he'd store different pieces of his soul in Ed, Falke, and the other members of Neo Shadaloo. He formulated a plan to recombine his soul some time after dying, plunging the world into chaos once more and causing the apocalypse.

Oro also says that only someone with "a clear and unselfish state of mind" who "sought out strength purely for its own sake" can prevent the end of the world, which is language that Capcom typically uses to describe Ryu.

Taking all of this into account, I think the crux of SFVI's story will be:
  • Oro trains Ryu (while secretly knowing he'll save the world)
  • The benevolent Neo Shadaloo suddenly succumbs to Bison's possession and plunges the world into chaos
  • Gill revels in the impending apocalypse, and religious zealots flock to his cause
  • G tells/forces his large following (possibly including Luke) to defend the planet against Neo Shadaloo... or maybe he's even orchestrating the apocalypse on his own, mind-controlling Neo Shadaloo while the whole world thinks it's Bison
  • Ryu emerges from training right on time to save Neo Shadaloo and ultimately the world
I thought Alex was the one destined to save the world


Oct 25, 2017
he looks like a crack addict

Ed has the cool bison legacy psycho powers. reminds me a bit of Rock Howard but his design needs work. I really like how he looked in the story cutscenes but they just had to bulk him up when he became playable

Yeah, I don't think making Ed look like the standard SF character in terms of bulk was the play. He would stand out more as an SNK-style Rock Howard lighter build, since they aren't super common in SF.

Especially since he's basically Capcom Rock Howard anyway in terms of story.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Having a gorilla with a name in an African language is a no-fucking-go.
I get why you would say that, but gorillas are from Africa



Oct 28, 2017
hell yeah, we're going past SF3!! can't wait for the cast of SF6, hope they bring some hip hop for them




Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
he looks like a crack addict

Ed has the cool bison legacy psycho powers. reminds me a bit of Rock Howard but his design needs work. I really like how he looked in the story cutscenes but they just had to bulk him up when he became playable
dunno bout crack addict

Ed's moveset is great he just needs something completely different from the hitler youth outfit he's rocking. And preferably some other kind of hairdo.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
dunno bout crack addict

Ed's moveset is great he just needs something completely different from the hitler youth outfit he's rocking. And preferably some other kind of hairdo.

this guy makes uncle sam feels like hes trying too hard

i still cant believe this is a real character


Oct 25, 2017
I thought Alex was the one destined to save the world
That's only from Gill's warped perspective. Gill might recruit Alex to his cause or something like that, believing him to play a major role in his utopia, but I'd be surprised if he was "the protagonist" in anything outside of SFIII.


Oct 25, 2017
This new information helps recontextualize Rose's and Oro's character stories and provides a much clearer look at the future of Street Fighter.

Rose experiences a vision of Bison causing the end of the world after his death, so she decides to effectively go back in time and kill young Bison in order to prevent Shadaloo's rise and the eventual apocalypse. We know that Rose is stuck in a time loop, so this effort may prove to be unsuccessful.

Oro also surmises that Psycho Power will lead to the end of the world even after Bison's death.

Bison knowing about and accepting his death explains why he'd store different pieces of his soul in Ed, Falke, and the other members of Neo Shadaloo. He formulated a plan to recombine his soul some time after dying, plunging the world into chaos once more and causing the apocalypse.

Oro also says that only someone with "a clear and unselfish state of mind" who "sought out strength purely for its own sake" can prevent the end of the world, which is language that Capcom typically uses to describe Ryu.

Taking all of this into account, I think the crux of SFVI's story will be:
  • Oro trains Ryu (while secretly knowing he'll save the world)
  • The benevolent Neo Shadaloo suddenly succumbs to Bison's possession and plunges the world into chaos
  • Gill revels in the impending apocalypse, and religious zealots flock to his cause
  • G tells/forces his large following (possibly including Luke) to defend the planet against Neo Shadaloo... or maybe he's even orchestrating the apocalypse on his own, mind-controlling Neo Shadaloo while the whole world thinks it's Bison
  • Ryu emerges from training right on time to save Neo Shadaloo and ultimately the world
This seems extremely straightforward so it's what Capcom will most likely do, but I still subscribe to the theory that Rose's time shenanigans will break something and everything will be rebooted


Alt Account
Feb 12, 2019
  • Ryu emerges from training right on time to save Neo Shadaloo and ultimately the world

But succumbs to the satsui no hado and after killing the Neo Shadaloo in cold blood, absorbs Bisons Psycho Power and becomes Street Fighters most powerful villain.
That's anime as fuck.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
But succumbs to the satsui no hado AND absorbs the Pyscho Power after killing the Neo Shadaloo on cold blood and becomes Street Fighters most powerful villain.

and even going through all of this ryu would still be a boring af character boggles the mind
dont @ me!


Oct 25, 2017
That's only from Gill's warped perspective. Gill might recruit Alex to his cause or something like that, believing him to play a major role in his utopia, but I'd be surprised if he was "the protagonist" in anything outside of SFIII.

This exists in the comics book canon...
