
The Movie Critic
Feb 5, 2021

  • Ronin Trail is an open-world adventure game.
  • Combat is skill-based and fluid.
  • Fights are brutal and grotesque.
  • Explore an environment brimming with life.
  • Discover interesting places.
  • Survive off the land - Fishing and foraging.
  • Choose-your-own-adventure.
  • Customize your character.
  • Learn unique stances and skills.
  • Pack your bag - Inventory, manage equipment, logbook.
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Dec 23, 2017
The backer tiers aren't bad.

Of course, there is always a risk when backing a project on Kickstarter, but I think I'll throw $17 his way. I appreciate this passion project.
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Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
That looks really cool, and all done by a solo dev so far as well.


The Movie Critic
Feb 5, 2021
A short demo is out for backers. I'll admit, it's a bit rough around the edges at the moment, but it is early days. I got stuck on geometry a couple of times. Kinda wished it had full gamepad support too, rather than keyboard/mouse.

But it's quite chill and nice. Really like the way the enemy ragdolls stay upright just long enough for another strike to behead them... and washing off blood in the water is really nice as the blood stains and hangs in the water. Nice looking voxel game in general. Good vibe.


Oct 25, 2017
looks pretty cool but dang can we get more Japanese things that aren't samurai?


May 9, 2020
Damn, that looks great. Love the style and atmosphere and impressed that only one person has done all of this.

Backed. Thanks OP.
Dec 23, 2017
WASD = movement
Mouse Cursor = character will look in the direction of cursor placement
Hold Shift = Sprint
Space = Dash/Dodge
TAB = Inventory
B = Swap to secondary weapon
Q = Shout (Make Noise?)
E = Use Item in Slot 1
R = Use Item in Slot 2
T = Sheathe/Unsheathe (Hold T for special sheathing/unsheathing animations)
C = Crouch
V = Change stances (High, Middle)
M = Map
LMB = Attack
RMB = Block

Hold LMB with sword sheathed = Draw stance (Let go for a quick attack)

Hold LMB with sword sheathed + Space = Let go of LMB while dashing for a dash attack

Hold LMB with sword unsheathed = holds your attack

Hold LMB with sword unsheathed + Space = Let go of LMB while dashing for a dash attack

Hold RMB + click LMB = Push

Came away from the short demo really impressed. Movement is slow/weighty and methodical, but it can be fast when it wants to.

As your character is running, you'll notice the sword on your waist jumbling around, along with your characters hair and cloth physics. Walking into water covered in blood will cause it to wash away, leaving a murky trail behind. Walking through fields of reeds also leaves a trail.

It's the small details like that you can really appreciate.

When entering combat, enemies will unsheathe their swords, readying their attacks or changing stances in hopes of landing a blow on you. Blocking at the right time will allow you to parry their attacks, leaving them open for yours. You do have a stamina gauge, attacking or blocking depletes it so be careful.

Landing a clean dash attack is sooooo satisfying.

Overall I enjoyed what I played, my only piece of criticism at the moment is that I think the blur filter for distant or close terrain may be a bit too much.

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Oct 25, 2017
Video Games


The Movie Critic
Feb 5, 2021
WASD = movement
Mouse Cursor = character will look in the direction of cursor placement
Hold Shift = Sprint
Space = Dash/Dodge
TAB = Inventory
B = Swap to secondary weapon
E = Use Item in Slot 1
R = Use Item in Slot 2
T = Sheathe/Unsheathe
C = Crouch
V = Change stances (High, Middle)
M = Map
LMB = Attack
RMB = Block

Hold LMB with sword sheathed = Draw stance (Let go for a quick attack)

Hold LMB with sword sheathed + Space = Let go of LMB while dashing for a dash attack

Hold LMB with sword unsheathed = holds your attack

Hold LMB with sword unsheathed + Space = Let go of LMB while dashing for a dash attack

Hold RMB + click LMB = Push

Came away from the short demo really impressed. Movement is slow/weighty and methodical, but it can be fast when it wants to.

As your character is running, you'll notice the sword on your waist jumbling around, along with your characters hair and cloth physics. Walking into water covered in blood will cause it to wash away, leaving a murky trail behind. Walking through fields of reeds also leaves a trail.

It's the small details like that you can really appreciate.

When entering combat, enemies will unsheathe their swords, readying their attacks or changing stances in hopes of landing a blow on you. Blocking at the right time will allow you to parry their attacks, leaving them open for yours. You do have a stamina gauge, attacking or blocking depletes it so be careful.

Landing a clean dash attack is sooooo satisfying.

Overall I enjoyed what I played, my only piece of criticism at the moment is that I think the blur filter for distant or close terrain may be a bit too much.

Great post. Thanks for documenting the controls, I clearly didn't experiment enough when I played. Will go back in for another go armed with this new knowledge :)

Agree with the depth of field being a bit much at times. In some areas it can feel excessive. Particularly when there's large foreground elements.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm really NOT digging the art style mash-up here. Why the blocky minecraft-y characters (or parts of the characters)? They look totally out of place most of the time. Then some objects such as furniture have the same style but most (stones, vegetation, ground etc) don't, they are rounded. It's weird.

Can't wait until indies grow out of the Minecraft style era again.
Dec 23, 2017
Great post. Thanks for documenting the controls, I clearly didn't experiment enough when I played. Will go back in for another go armed with this new knowledge :)

Agree with the depth of field being a bit much at times. In some areas it can feel excessive. Particularly when there's large foreground elements.

Thanks! Hotkey Q also does a shout, I assume to lure enemies towards you but I couldn't figure out if it worked or not.

Yeah, Depth of Field, not sure why I called it a blur filter lol. I did feel it was a tad too strong, I understand what the dev is going for though.
Dec 23, 2017

Update 2: Controller support is in progress! · Rōnin Trail

Hello everyone! I've been asked about controller support a lot and I wanted to let you all know that it's been in development and will be in the game soon. I'm also working on adding key bindings in settings! While I'm hopeful for an eventual console release, I'd like to fully focus on releasing...

Looks like the dev is working on controller support as well as key bind settings.


Jun 1, 2022
Well this looks very promising. Hoping the survival stuff is kept to a minimum though, please don't make me punch any more trees, video game developers.


The Movie Critic
Feb 5, 2021
Fully funded. The dev also put an update to say controller support is under development - I think they got a lot of feedback from people wanting that!


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2018
Still not fully convinced. But, looks quite good.
Dec 23, 2017
Found out how to do the special sheathing/unsheathing animations!

You just hold T depending on whether your sword is out or not, really cool!