
Oct 30, 2017
I added funds to a different account's wallet, but now I'd like to move them to my primary account. Has anyone had any success in doing this, or is this even possible?

For additional context, I placed $50 into my sister's account but she hasn't been a good kid at all lately despite my patience, attempts at reasoning and threats to take the console away. So now, I'd like to move that $50 into my own account so it won't just sit unused.

The entire $50 is there untouched, and I used a PS Store voucher code to redeem it.


Oct 27, 2017
As far as I know, once you got that code in, that money is in there for good. But doesnt hurt to check in with PS Support.


Oct 30, 2017
Well…ummm…. What's going on?
LOL so nosy bro.

But she is just being a terrible brat to her mom and sister. Talking to boys on PS chat about inappropriate things, cursing and getting physical with her sister and mom, telling her she hates her mom and defying and disrespecting her, etc. etc....just the worse. She's 10.

So yeah. No Playstation 5 for you. That sumbitch is gone. It's MINES now. I'm the one that bought it for her.


Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
LOL so nosy bro.

But she is just being a terrible brat to her mom and sister. Talking to boys on PS chat about inappropriate things, cursing and getting physical with her sister and mom, telling her she hates her mom etc. etc....just the worse. She's 10.

So yeah. No Playstation 5 for you. That sumbitch is gone. It's MINES now. I'm the one that bought it for her.
Hey I ain't no dad or anything but I got a younger sister too. Gotta be real gentle when it comes to discipline. Trust me. Turn the PS5 into a motivation thing like a reward thing


Oct 30, 2017
Hey I ain't no dad or anything but I got a younger sister too. Gotta be real gentle when it comes to discipline. Trust me. Turn the PS5 into a motivation thing like a reward thing
Its a little deeper than that. She has been playing this "angel/devil" thing where whenever there's male influence around, she's good and innocent. But when its just her and her mom, she is tyrannical. So she know's exactly what she's doing and it pisses me off that she's been putting up this facade. The PS5 was taken away before because I happened to log into her account and see overtly sexual messages between her and some random boy (could have been a gotdamn MAN on some pedo shit) so I notified her mom and she punished her by taking it away, and she raged so hard on her mom to the point where her mom GAVE IT BACK just so she can have piece of mind and in her words "keep from hurting her".

She told her friends "I told yall I was gonna get it back" all unapologetically. Her PS Extra account expired and I told her I WASN'T gonna renew it until she went a good while without getting into trouble so all she could do was I guess chat and play the purchased games on the console. Her mom puts her on an internet curfew, so she goes into her big sister's room and demands to use her phone to play on since she can't get on the playstation and her big sis tells her no. She then starts ATTACKING her and cursing her over the phone...all this being heard on the Ring camera inside her mom's house.

Gentle is no longer in the vocabulary anymore. I haven't cursed or been forceful with her at all, but right NOW? She definitely out of control and that playstation is gone PERMANENTLY. She gone have to go back to Day 0 and work her way back up the ladder before she gets ANYTHING from me for a while.

By the way, upon getting the Playstation back, its absolutely FILTHY. The controller has stains I CAN'T get off and so does the shell. She hasn't had the damn console for a YEAR.
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Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
Its a little deeper than that. She has been playing this "angel/devil" thing where whenever there's male influence around, she's good and innocent. But when its just her and her mom, she is tyrannical. So she know's exactly what she's doing and it pisses me off that she's been putting up this facade. The PS5 was taken away before, and she raged so hard on her mom to the point where her mom GAVE IT BACK just so she can have piece of mind and in her words "keep from hurting her".

She told her friends "I told yall I was gonna get it back" all unapologetically. Her PS Extra account expired and I told her I WASN'T gonna renew it until she went a good while without getting into trouble so all she could do was I guess chat and play the purchased games on the console. Her mom puts her on an internet curfew, so she goes into her big sister's room and demands to use her phone to play on since she can't get on the playstation and her big sis tells her no. She then starts ATTACKING her and cursing her over the phone...all this being heard on the Ring camera inside her mom's house.

Gentle is no longer in the vocabulary anymore. I haven't cursed or been forceful with her at all, but right NOW? She definitely out of control and that playstation is gone PERMANENTLY. She gone have to go back to Day 0 and work her way back up the ladder before she gets ANYTHING from me for a while.

By the way, upon getting the Playstation back, its absolutely FILTHY. The controller has stains I CAN'T get off and so does the shell. She hasn't had the damn console for a YEAR.
Yeeeooowwwww. I mean I understand how you feel. I'm tryna think of a way to positively help the kid. Gotta figure out a way to increase good behavior


Oct 30, 2017
Yeeeooowwwww. I mean I understand how you feel. I'm tryna think of a way to positively help the kid. Gotta figure out a way to increase good behavior
Our dad passed away a year or two back and as far as I recall, she hasn't really "grieved" like I think a normal kid should. So I think there may be some mental things going on with that, on top of her hitting the puberty phase now where we all know this is where we act out the most. Basically a perfect storm of teenage emotions.

I live a state away from her (3-4 hours away, back and forth) so I can't be hands on with her so that adds to it as well.

I told her mom she possibly needs therapy and also a stern influence to get her back on track since it seems the mom can't control her. Perhaps a boarding school or some "scared straight" type of scenario


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
How about you don't presume. You gave her fifty bucks, get over it.


Oct 30, 2017
How about you don't presume. You gave her fifty bucks, get over it.
Do me a favor. Don't give people advice, especially if you know nothing about what's going on. I only told the cliff notes version.

Great comment..."you gave her fifty bucks, get over it".

You completely missed the train.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Its a little deeper than that. She has been playing this "angel/devil" thing where whenever there's male influence around, she's good and innocent. But when its just her and her mom, she is tyrannical. So she know's exactly what she's doing and it pisses me off that she's been putting up this facade. The PS5 was taken away before because I happened to log into her account and see overtly sexual messages between her and some random boy (could have been a gotdamn MAN on some pedo shit) so I notified her mom and she punished her by taking it away, and she raged so hard on her mom to the point where her mom GAVE IT BACK just so she can have piece of mind and in her words "keep from hurting her".
Don't want to intrude but have you tried to take her to a child therapist? Seems like it would do good


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Do me a favor. Don't give people advice, especially if you know nothing about what's going on. I only told the cliff notes version.

Great comment..."you gave her fifty bucks, get over it".

You completely missed the train.
Believe me, as an older brother of an obstinate sister that was in foster care during her teens, I know more than I would have liked. I am sorry for being crass. I do understand you try to do what is best for her, and you are right, I don't have the whole situation in front of me. I don't know you, your sister or your situation. But from my perspective, assuming a parenting role is not your place, nor should it be. Be an ear, a shoulder, don't be vindictive, even if you mean to do it out of love.


"This guy are sick"
Aug 23, 2023
This thread is way off track.

I doubt you can transfer credit to another account, and unfortunately PlayStation support is particularly unhelpful in my experience.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, OP I don't think you can.

Hopefully it's just a phase she's going through with puberty and you and your family can get it all worked out.


Oct 30, 2017
Believe me, as an older brother of an obstinate sister that was in foster care during her teens, I know more than I would have liked. I am sorry for being crass. I do understand you try to do what is best for her, and you are right, I don't have the whole situation in front of me. I don't know you, your sister or your situation. But from my perspective, assuming a parenting role is not your place, nor should it be. Be an ear, a shoulder, don't be vindictive, even if you mean to do it out of love.
Its cool.

You're right, I SHOULDN'T be trying to assume a parental role and for all intents and purposes I'd rather NOT cause I have my OWN family to deal with. But lets just say her mom is young and "inexperienced", as well as has 2 other kids from different fathers...so you see where I'm going with this? So my hand is kinda forced because I feel like if I don't do/say anything then it would absolutely be lawless in her house.

Trust, I tried being an ear for her when our dad died but she only gave me what she wanted, and me being a kid her age before and having feelings and emotions all over the place, I do my best not to pry, lest I push her away for trying to be too "nosy" or "overbearing".

But regardless her behaviour is unacceptable cause the bottom line is noone or nothing has did anything to her to cause this, she is just being a complete ass for no reason and its purposeful cause she is selective to whom she acts this way. Crazy thing is she is doing fine in school..which in my opinion makes it worse because to me you truly DO know what you're doing and I feel like I can almost get rid of the "teenage puberty angle". It would be different if she was this way with everyone she comes across and her school life AS WELL as her home life is tumultuous on her behalf.

Anyone as others stated, this thread has definitely gotten off track, so I'm gonna be done talking about this situation after this post. But thanks to all for the advice, listening ear, and feedback on the PS account thing