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Oct 26, 2017
I've been knees deep in studying for licensing all week long and cut off from news due to trying to sleep and studying.

I didn't even see this was happening.

Has Biden even said anything? My kid says he got cut off while doing a speech.

I'm surprised this thread isn't bigger. It seems these protests are happening all over the US and I'm getting tons of TikToks now after opening the app for the first time in days.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Just glad the emancipated slaves didn't think like you do. Else American democracy would've died out over a century ago.
I know this user has been banned, but not only is that an absurd comparison point, but it is also preposterous thing to say while the Supreme Court is genuinely flirting with the idea that the President can be allowed to act like a dictator by executing his political rivals or staging a coup. American democracy is not a remotely solid institution by any stretch of the imagination and that should terrify people.


Jul 5, 2022

And we're back to Soros funding!
Interesting angle of doing anti-semitism to fight against anti-semitism


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprised this thread isn't bigger. It seems these protests are happening all over the US and I'm getting tons of TikToks now after opening the app for the first time in days.
like with a lot of the genocide coverage right now, its all over social media with traditional news outlets giving small bumps here and there

biggest coverage might be from AP which is kinda depressing

Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
I've been knees deep in studying for licensing all week long and cut off from news due to trying to sleep and studying.

I didn't even see this was happening.

Has Biden even said anything? My kid says he got cut off while doing a speech.

I'm surprised this thread isn't bigger. It seems these protests are happening all over the US and I'm getting tons of TikToks now after opening the app for the first time in days.

His current stance is that all of the protesters are anti Semitic, and college students in addition to the Professors from some of our most prestigious universities don't know what they are talking about.



One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
I've been knees deep in studying for licensing all week long and cut off from news due to trying to sleep and studying.

I didn't even see this was happening.

Has Biden even said anything? My kid says he got cut off while doing a speech.

I'm surprised this thread isn't bigger. It seems these protests are happening all over the US and I'm getting tons of TikToks now after opening the app for the first time in days.

Also I recall something similar to what your kid said but cant find it at the moment.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised this thread isn't bigger. It seems these protests are happening all over the US and I'm getting tons of TikToks now after opening the app for the first time in days.

Bigger? The majority of this forum doesn't care about palestinians. They shrug it off and say, oh well the option was either Biden or Trump so we had to vote Biden. I mean... cmon…
I hope protesters stay safe. That's all we can ask for now.


Jul 29, 2018
jUsT vOtE gUyZ jUsT vOtE, oR eLsE!!!! *as they swing
a police baton at an 18 year old while the "good guy" president calls them names

the optics of our embarrassment of a country

"Rules Based International Order" means students get beat for exercising their first amendment rights and its okay to blow the correct innocent people to bits


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Oct 26, 2017
like with a lot of the genocide coverage right now, its all over social media with traditional news outlets giving small bumps here and there

biggest coverage might be from AP which is kinda depressing

That is depressing.

I thought SOMEONE would be more cognizant that support of the Palestinian people is not anti-Semitic and/or Pro-Hamas.

But apparently we've just gotta sit back and watch them genocide because otherwise we're racist.

His current stance is that all of the protesters are anti Semitic, and college students in addition to the Professors from some of our most prestigious universities don't know what they are talking about.

So "our" President is on board with racist fuck Abbott.

Horribly depressing.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
So "our" President is on board with racist fuck Abbott.

Horribly depressing.
Always was.
He kept stressing his unwavering support for Isreal as he armed, funded and politically protected the genocide they are inflicting on Palestinians.

He is not above the lowest action you could possibly imagine.

He is already at that level.


Jul 29, 2018
You know these cops all have a massive chip on their shoulder about college students too, they are more than happy to unleash their rage on these kids.

Name bigger cry babies than the cops, you can't do it.


Oct 25, 2017
jUsT vOtE gUyZ jUsT vOtE, oR eLsE!!!! *as they swing
a police baton at an 18 year old while the "good guy" president calls them names

the optics of our embarrassment of a country
Pretty sure the people most concerned about voting in November aren't the ones swinging the batons.

His current stance is that all of the protesters are anti Semitic, and college students in addition to the Professors from some of our most prestigious universities don't know what they are talking about.

That is not an accurate summary of what he's quoted as sayin either in that article or elsewhere. He has condemned the antisemitic protestors, given a vague appeal for empathy for Gazans, and that's mostly it. He has not said everyone is antisemitic or professors don't know what they're talking about.

Bigger? The majority of this forum doesn't care about palestinians. They shrug it off and say, oh well the option was either Biden or Trump so we had to vote Biden. I mean... cmon…
Posts like this are so confusing to me. We're on an internet message board. What are users on ResetERA supposed to be doing to prove to you that they care? None of the actions I take in support of Gaza are visible to the users of ResetERA, that doesn't mean they're not happening.

So "our" President is on board with racist fuck Abbott.

Horribly depressing.
You should actually click through and read the link they posted, their summary is made up.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
like with a lot of the genocide coverage right now, its all over social media with traditional news outlets giving small bumps here and there

biggest coverage might be from AP which is kinda depressing
There's usually reports from mainstream outlets highlighting idiotic or hateful things the protesters have said (like that one kid who said "Zionists should be dead" or something in a Daily Wire show) while framing the protests as some kind of elusive complex issue that's hard to understand. The same frustrating bullshit they did during the BLM protests. Highlight the bad actors/irresponsible participants while obfuscating the real issues at the core of these protests.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017

Marisa Kabas (

NEW: I've just learned that today faculty at NYU's Gallatin School passed a vote of No Confidence in university president Linda Mills in the aftermath of her calling NYPD on peaceful protesters earlier this week. 80% of faculty voted in favor. Full resolution text here:


NEW: I've just learned that today faculty at NYU's Gallatin School passed a vote of No Confidence in university president Linda Mills in the aftermath of her calling NYPD on peaceful protesters earlier this week. 80% of faculty voted in favor.

Full resolution text here:


Oct 25, 2017

Marisa Kabas (

NEW: I've just learned that today faculty at NYU's Gallatin School passed a vote of No Confidence in university president Linda Mills in the aftermath of her calling NYPD on peaceful protesters earlier this week. 80% of faculty voted in favor. Full resolution text here:


According to Wikipedia the Gallatin school includes around 140 of the more than 9,000 academic staff at NYU. Hopefully some of the larger schools and departments join in.


Jul 29, 2018
This video by Horses feels very appropriate to the response we see from all of these Universities. Their number one concern is trying not to upset big donors, not the safety and well being of their students.


Oct 25, 2017

After student activism, Portland State will press pause on Boeing philanthropy

Portland State University will temporarily hit pause on its philanthropic relationship with aerospace giant Boeing after student activists repeatedly raised concerns about the company's ties to Israel, the university's president said Friday.

The move by Portland State President Ann Cudd comes one day after when pro-Palestinian student activists set up encampments outside of the university's library to protest Israel's actions in the country's war against Hamas.

In a letter to the Portland State students and staff first reported by Oregon Public Broadcasting, Cudd wrote that she had initially found demands that the university cut ties with Boeing to be "confusing and arbitrary," given that she said Portland State does not own shares in the company.

But Portland State has accepted grants and donations from Boeing, most notably in its business school's global supply chain management program. The school touts that Boeing regularly recruits Portland State graduates from that program.

Student activists point to Boeing's role as a supplier for the Israeli Air Force as a source of concern. Demonstrators contend that Boeing thus shares responsibility for the thousands of those killed since Israel's invasion of Gaza in response to the Hamas killing of Israelis and taking of hostages last fall. Boeing says its relationship with Israeli dates back decades and that the Israeli military currently uses nine different Boeing products.

But on Thursday night, protesters set up an encampment on the Southwest Park Blocks. Police dispersed the campers later that night. There were no arrests made and Cudd wrote in her letter that "No one involved in a protest has been sanctioned for the content of their message."

In her letter, Cudd wrote that the "passion" of student activists had inspired the pause in seeking philanthropy from Boeing and that the university planned to host a two-hour "moderated debate" next month to discuss the issue before making any further decisions about Portland State's relationship with the airplane manufacturer.

After student activism, Portland State will press pause on Boeing philanthropy

Portland State University will temporarily hit pause on its philanthropic relationship with aerospace giant Boeing after student activists repeatedly raised concerns about the company’s ties to Israel, the university’s president said Friday.

Good start.

Boeing supplies the IDF with 9 products.


Nov 19, 2017
First off, I'd like to say thanks for the response. I feel what you wrote here and for myself personally, I agree with damage mitigation and buying more time.
That said, I cant say that not voting hasn't crossed my mind, and my perception is colored by my experiences and the experiences of the people around me.
I grew up in Memphis and Mississippi, dealt with a lot of racial trauma and hardcore racism all my life. Not gonna lie, I grew up with a deep hatred of my environmental and society as a whole. Even hatred of myself for my blackness, growing up black in a racist environment can hit like that.
I navigated systems that were designed to keep me down, police who were quick to pull weapons on me and rednecks who openly hated black people.
There was a point where I was completely disillusioned to the political happenings in America and it took a lot of work and educating myself to get out of it. In fact, if it wasn't for me moving out of Mississippi, I probably would STILL have that perspective today. I still know what it feels like, and I still battle that feeling on a daily basis at this point. So when I see someone who says fuck it, and doesn't vote because of disillusionment to a system and people that tells them they are worthless (at least until it's time for you to vote 😉) then all I can say is I understand. I don't encourage anyone to not vote and that's not the point I'm speaking to, but what I will speak to is understanding. People are beat down and tired, mental health fucked and financially burdened, historically silence and you watch as your people are called terrorist, or thug, or whatever dehumanizing term the political machine has for your group of people and you have to summon that energy to vote for them same mutha fuckas that just made your depression even worse just five minutes ago.
That shit is hard as fuck. ?As you know as you just spoke on it) It ain't easy. And having to do that while being in the crosshairs of both political parties is even wilder. When no matter who you vote for your people are getting killed and all folks can say is, "aye, could be worse, you could be dying more and we could be dying too" it shouldn't be so hard to see why someone would tap out. So when folks turn around and blame these people it gets under my skin.

At the end of the day, our participation HAS to go beyond voting. We have to make our voices heard and truly band together to hold politicians accountable.
We can't just keep getting a dem in office and getting complacent like we do when they win. Democracy takes constant maintenance and attention and even when a dem wins we can't make the mistake of getting too comfortable by not getting out there and making our voices heard.

Sorry I tend to hit these stream of consciousness rants and ramble on.
I'll admit I was pretty privileged growing up. We did move to what is now red state that wasn't diverse at all, but looking back at the 90's, there was very much an attitude of not wanting to appear racist. A lot of my teachers did seem to care about racial issues. The town I grew up in has grown a lot and diversified. However, the state went from mostly blue to full red and they've been doing horrible shit that doesn't help people of the state at all. I imagine there's a lot more racism in the schools I grew up attending and unfortunately a more diverse population to suffer it.

I've been pretty naive for a lot of my life. It took until 2016 for me to realize just how fucked up the US is in terms of race. A decade ago I thought that cops could be trusted, even!

Personally, I feel like Democrats are indifferent at worst to me while Republicans hate me just for being a minority.

Jesus Christ people apparently can't criticize the horrendous and honestly slanderous response from the Biden administration and Democrats to the protests without the liberal defense brigade derailing the whole conversation for two pages to whitewash the Biden administration and repeat the same usual vote pragmatically is the only option bullshit. This forum is an intellectual wasteland.

What is more amusing is that this is happening exactly in a thread reporting on *another completely valid* way people in the US figured out they could deal with the current context, which is fucking protesting and organizing and pushing back against the genocide supported by US institutions and government. Your only option is not to "oh I'll heroically face the difficulty that is voting in tough times for that is the duty of the good citizen", you can actually go join one of these protests or organize your own to try to pressure such administration instead of carrying water for it.

Maybe it achieves something, maybe it doesn't, but if it works it might make the idea of voting for Biden easier for you and the people that are disillusioned and justifiably angry enough to not have that as their top priority. If it doesn't work then you can go vote with a clear mind that you did everything *you actually could*.
I mean, I wasn't complimenting Biden. I was expressing my frustration that no matter what happens, a Sword of Damocles is hanging over our heads regarding the November election. I disagree that saying to vote pragmatically is bullshit. No matter what we do, there will only be two real choices.

I never implied that I'm heroic by voting. I even admitted to how much of this is due to self-interest. I have nothing against the protests and support them.


Oct 25, 2017
Kasumin I think you've done a great job in this thread of calmly explaining your mindset. You have not made yourself out to be some unimpeachable hero and haven't done anything wrong. PES's antagonistic post either wasn't referring to you or is strawmanning what you actually said. I appreciate your contributions.
Jan 18, 2018
I'll admit I was pretty privileged growing up. We did move to what is now red state that wasn't diverse at all, but looking back at the 90's, there was very much an attitude of not wanting to appear racist. A lot of my teachers did seem to care about racial issues. The town I grew up in has grown a lot and diversified. However, the state went from mostly blue to full red and they've been doing horrible shit that doesn't help people of the state at all. I imagine there's a lot more racism in the schools I grew up attending and unfortunately a more diverse population to suffer it.

I've been pretty naive for a lot of my life. It took until 2016 for me to realize just how fucked up the US is in terms of race. A decade ago I thought that cops could be trusted, even!

Personally, I feel like Democrats are indifferent at worst to me while Republicans hate me just for being a minority.

I mean, I wasn't complimenting Biden. I was expressing my frustration that no matter what happens, a Sword of Damocles is hanging over our heads regarding the November election. I disagree that saying to vote pragmatically is bullshit. No matter what we do, there will only be two real choices.

I never implied that I'm heroic by voting. I even admitted to how much of this is due to self-interest. I have nothing against the protests and support them.

Democrats are a very diverse group of politicians, speaking in the range from centrist to more progressive. There's a good bit of em that don't hate you, but there's a good bit of em who don't hate you as long as you stay within the lines of what is "acceptable".
as far as being naive for most your life that's by design , they don't really teach us how to effectively engage in politics and ways we can do our civic duty, at least my school didn't. The amount of whitewashed history we are taught and propaganda we are fed should not be underestimated and we have to give ourselves grace to dismantle those thought processes
Like a lot of white people just found out racism is real like, 3 years ago. That ain't on accident! That's why it's so important that we all understand that no matter what avenue we take or how we choose act in the election, at the end of the day our fight is with those who seek to take away our lives and freedoms. We need to commit to sticking together because when shit hits the fan we'll need to work together. Lord knows white supremacy knows how to bring people together. Collective action is so powerful.

On a side note, I recommend reading the book Black AF History (The unwhitewashed History of the America) by Michael Harriot. Read it a few weeks ago and loved it.

Kasumin I think you've done a great job in this thread of calmly explaining your mindset. You have not made yourself out to be some unimpeachable hero and haven't done anything wrong. PES's antagonistic post either wasn't referring to you or is strawmanning what you actually said. I appreciate your contributions.


Oct 25, 2017
Kasumin I think you've done a great job in this thread of calmly explaining your mindset. You have not made yourself out to be some unimpeachable hero and haven't done anything wrong. PES's antagonistic post either wasn't referring to you or is strawmanning what you actually said. I appreciate your contributions.
yeah, thirding this. you've expressed yourself in a manner that didn't make my blood boil and acknowledged blind spots you might have. that's more than most people tbh
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON


Emory professor slammed onto ground as she called the police out on a forceful arrest of a student. Looks like a second cop pushes her face into concrete.

This is just fucking insane. Politicians have emboldened police to be brutish and violent towards everyone.

Ooof, this is fucking disgusting. Real tough guys. Jesus. I'm a university professor and I'd be doing the same as her - why are you brutalizing my students? Stop hurting them. Guess I'd be getting a faceful of concrete.


May 20, 2019
I've been knees deep in studying for licensing all week long and cut off from news due to trying to sleep and studying.

I didn't even see this was happening.

Has Biden even said anything? My kid says he got cut off while doing a speech.

I'm surprised this thread isn't bigger. It seems these protests are happening all over the US and I'm getting tons of TikToks now after opening the app for the first time in days.
If Trump was president this thread would be at least 50 pages by now.


Oct 25, 2017

Charges dropped against all 57 arrested in connection to UT-Austin pro-Palestinian protest

All charges have been declined against the 57 people arrested in connection to the Wednesday pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas.

The Travis County attorney's office said all 57 arrests, which were all criminal trespassing charges, lacked probable cause.

Charges dropped against all 57 arrested in connection to UT-Austin pro-Palestinian protest

The Travis County attorney's office, which handles misdemeanor cases, said the arrests lacked probable cause.

Nice. I hope the students also sue.


Oct 25, 2017


an Emerson College student sent me this video of city crews cleaning blood from the alleyway where 108 students were arrested last night during an encampment sweep. I'm at Boston municipal court today where eight of those arrested have been given summons for arraignments in May.

108 arrested during ‘horrific’ police sweep of Emerson College pro-Palestine encampment

Boston police arrested dozens of students who had set up an encampment to protest the Israel-Hamas war.
Multiple students provided GBH News with photos of injuries they sustained during the sweep. City crews were dispatched Thursday morning to clear blood and graffiti from the Boylston Place alleyway, according to footage obtained by GBH News. Four police officers sustained non-life-threatening injuries, three minor and one serious, according to Boston Police Department spokesman Detective Sergeant John Boyle.

Officers surrounded the block during the sweep, according to a student who was arrested and asked to remain anonymous.

"We were trapped, so there wasn't any way in or out for us," they said. "They stormed both sides of the alley in full riot gear, with batons. Students were dragged, ripped from the front line. I was thrown to the ground with a knee on my back. Somebody that I was thrown into the wagon with had a bloody nose and wasn't given medical attention until we were at the precinct. It was horrific. People were screaming that they couldn't breathe while they were being arrested."
"It was terrifying. They beat students to the ground. I was pushed to the ground. That statue right there, they pressed me up against it, and I was like, 'We're being peaceful,'" said a second-year Emerson student, who was arrested and also asked to remain anonymous. Their court date is next week.

"They had knees on the backs of students' backs. They used zip ties on me instead of handcuffs because they didn't have enough handcuffs — and it really, really hurt. They had black batons and wooden sticks, just, that looked like it could be a chair leg that they were using to beat students," the student continued. "When I was taken in the cop car, there were students that had gashes on their face."


Oct 25, 2017
Awaiting White House statement against WSJ and the NY Post for their blatant anti-semitism.
We'll see that right after they condemn this guy.

GOP Rep. Tim Walberg suggests Gaza should be handled 'like Nagasaki and Hiroshima'

The Michigan congressman said his comments were intended to convey his desire for Israel and Ukraine to "swiftly" end their wars "without putting American troops in harm's way."
"We shouldn't be spending a dime on humanitarian aid," Walberg said at a town hall meeting on Monday in Dundee, Michigan, according to a video that circulated on social media.

"It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick," he continued, referring to the Japanese cities on which the U.S. dropped atomic bombs during World War II. Hundreds of thousands of people died.


Sep 26, 2021
I mean, I wasn't complimenting Biden. I was expressing my frustration that no matter what happens, a Sword of Damocles is hanging over our heads regarding the November election. I disagree that saying to vote pragmatically is bullshit. No matter what we do, there will only be two real choices.

I never implied that I'm heroic by voting. I even admitted to how much of this is due to self-interest. I have nothing against the protests and support them.

The spirit of the post was definitely not targeted to you specifically. The liberal defense brigade is referring to a few familiar faces who always engage in controlled opposition all over this forum and that started the derail trying to diminish Biden administration statements. And the heroic voting part was definitely for the apparently now banned critical thinker.

FWIW wrt to your contributions in the topic, while I sympathize with the anxiety and self doubt that comes with having to engage with the American political system, using that abstract feeling of powerlessness as way to try to rationalize against people actually concretely protesting or elucidating the contradictions of the system is not the only way.

It is working as intended that decades of neoliberalism dismantling any type of institutional capacity in the US to achieve positive results also resulted in a population that deals with these abstractions by over indexing of the small concrete act of voting (which is specially fucked up in a "democratic" country with an specially non-representative electoral system), making it seem like the only step in an almost paralyzing way.

But as these kids and professors are showing, there is another concrete step - you can heighten and highlight the contradictions, you can organize, you can protest, you can agitate and you can push back against the bullshit around you, and in turn eventually materially change the world around. If you ever decide to fully take that step, you will see how it also helps alleviate the anxiety and self doubt inherent to neoliberalism that you are feeling.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
In fact this is the very stuff liberals threaten would happen if he were reelected

You mean the Trump who got his little army to beat and tear gas protesters so he could do a photo-op with an upside down bible?

They don't really need to threaten it will happen when it did happen, also this is a stupid false equivalence. One is the president, the other is a bunch of universities making dumb moves and it's not all universities. Some are taking this mostly in stride like my alma mater NU.


Oct 28, 2017
If Trump was president this thread would be at least 50 pages by now.
Though it's not surprising, it is still extremely disappointing to see the extent to which so many democrats are indistinguishable from Trump supporters when it comes to going along with whatever their guy does. Everything Biden does is correct and part of some larger secret strategy that will lead to everyone getting what they want, as long as the leftists stop their whining over civilians being murdered so Bibi's racists can take their homes.


Oct 25, 2017
Universities and police departments in Dem-led states wouldn't be as comfortable getting violent against protestors had the Dem president not call the protestors hateful, antisemitic, and terrorist sympathizers. Or the former speaker and others claimed they're paid by Russia and or China.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not American so unsure exactly how it works, but I thought this was local, not federal? Is Biden actually involved one way or the other?

Biden's involvement is indirect and he has not been sending any federal troops in or anything like that yet (the White House even publicly said no to House Speaker Mike Johnson's calls to send in the National Guard), but his statements calling these "antisemitic protests" and almost exclusively furthering the bad faith pro-Israel framing have been terrible.

If Trump were President, there's a good chance he'd agree with Johnson to send in National Guard troops and make the situation many times worse like he did in 2020 with BLM, but that doesn't excuse Biden's statements and inaction in the here and now.

Half Jewish myself, I can say from a personal experience that the only exclusion I've felt since Oct 7 have been from staunchly pro-Israel Occupation members of my extended family - and that the constant, gross ties to equate antisemitism with wanting to see Palestinians not get bombed have provided a lot of cover for actual far right antisemites to be a lot more bold in their hate.


Oct 25, 2017
Universities and police departments in Dem-led states wouldn't be as comfortable getting violent against protestors had the Dem president not call the protestors hateful, antisemitic, and terrorist sympathizers. Or the former speaker and others claimed they're paid by Russia and or China.
Unless I missed it, Biden has not called the protestors hateful, antisemitic terrorist sympathizers.

He has condemned hateful rhetoric, antisemitic protestors, and made a vague appeal for empathy for Gazans. That's it.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Universities and police departments in Dem-led states wouldn't be as comfortable getting violent against protestors had the Dem president not call the protestors hateful, antisemitic, and terrorist sympathizers. Or the former speaker and others claimed they're paid by Russia and or China.
People really want to act like Biden isn't setting a fucking tone with his bullshit.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
That is not Biden's current stance.
Explain yourself instead of saying "no its not" and leaving.

His responses to these protests as far as I've seen were exclusively condemning antisemitism, insinuating they were anti semetic.

Unless I missed it, Biden has not called the protestors hateful, antisemitic terrorist sympathizers.

He has condemned hateful rhetoric, antisemitic protestors, and made a vague appeal for empathy for Gazans. That's it.
See above.

He exclusively refers to the anti semitism when referring to these protests, I haven't seen anything as of yet about the excessive police force used on them or anything in support of the protesters.

Nothing to exclude bad actors.

If someone asks you about the protests and you only want to talk about antisemitism, the implication is the protests are antisemetic.

He's smart enough not to flat out say all these protests are anti semetic.
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