
Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
It's happening. A group of students (including some friends of mine) just set up an encampment on the quad at my university calling for the administration to divest from the manufacturing company that's supplying Israel with bulldozers. I'm expecting a lot of pushback from conservatives but no one ever said it was going to be easy.

Going to be surreal taking action instead of watching everything unfold over the internet.
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Aug 17, 2023
Happy to hear my Alma Mater joining in.

Police end University of Utah student pro-Palestine rally with riot gear and 17 arrests

You mentioning your Alma Mater reminded me to look up mine and it turns out they were protesting since last year:

Reportan nuevamente manifestaciones por la Universidad de Antioquia a favor de Palestina | Hora 13 Noticias

Reportan manifestación ciudadana en la Cl. Barranquilla altura Universidad de Antioquia.

Proud of my folks. UdeA doesn't have that many links to Israel but I hope they end up divesting from whatever they have with them. Academicians shouldn't be furthering research links that serve the IOF.

It's happening. A group of students (including some friends of mine) just set up an encampment on the quad at my university calling for the administration to divest from the manufacturing company (Caterpillar) that's supplying Israel with bulldozers. Considering that we're in the middle of bumfuck Illinois, I'm expecting a lot of pushback from conservatives but no one ever said it was going to be easy.

Going to be surreal taking action instead of watching everything unfold over the internet.

I hope they stay safe, they're too brave! My visa situation has me with hands tied about doing anything "physical", but I've been donating whenever I can.
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Nov 21, 2017
I'm not really following up, but it seems like the protests have been peaceful. The reaction by the police in UT seems so overkill.


Oct 25, 2017

April 30, 2024 - US university protests

Over 100 demonstrators were arrested at Columbia University and City College of New York after police cracked down on people protesting Israel's war in Gaza.

The Columbia University students who have been occupying Hamilton Hall now face expulsion, the university said in a statement Tuesday.

"We made it very clear yesterday that the work of the University cannot be endlessly interrupted by protesters who violate the rules. Continuing to do so will be met with clear consequences," university spokesperson Ben Chang said in the statement. "Protesters have chosen to escalate to an untenable situation – vandalizing property, breaking doors and windows, and blockading entrances – and we are following through with the consequences we outlined yesterday."


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
With the insane level of violent escalation by police that's been happening I'm worried that this will culminate in another Kent State incident


Dec 23, 2017
We need a nation wide closure of universities. Violence like this from the police shouldn't be allowed and it's happening because institutions want to be back to normal operations.


Oct 25, 2017
Proud of these students. The University I work at doesn't have an encampment, but I did swing by MIT and saw theirs.

I do expect the universities to crack down and resolve these camps in the coming days, as finals, commencements and reunions approach during the coming weeks. I hope they can be resolved peacefully.


Dec 27, 2020
We need a nation wide closure of universities. Violence like this from the police shouldn't be allowed and it's happening because institutions want to be back to normal operations.
Finals are going on now or about to kick off for most universities. It'll chill out in a couple of weeks.


Oct 25, 2017
They need to close all schools now and resume in 2025 or else the violence will escalate.
What would that solve? Putting aside the endless list of other consequences that would have, the students wouldn't stop existing just because school isn't in session..

With the insane level of violent escalation by police that's been happening I'm worried that this will culminate in another Kent State incident


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
They need to close all schools now and resume in 2025 or else the violence will escalate.
They need to stop sicking cops on students, un-expel anti war protesters and divest.

It's the universities that are eager to pull the trigger on the violent option, the protests were largely peaceful before their escelation.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think a Kent State is really in the cards, only place I could see it happen would be Texas because Abbott is insane but I don't think this has the same temperature and unrest as the events around Kent State.


Oct 28, 2017
Everyone really should check out the Israel/Palestine thread and just look at the most recent page. The news on that pages is some of the darkest shit and it's all recent. Anyone that wonders why these protests are happening will have their answer. They will also see so much war crime that Biden doesn't even mention yet he is critical of the protests. This man has no moral compass.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
Everyone really should check out the Israel/Palestine thread and just look at the most recent page. The news on that pages is some of the darkest shit and it's all recent. Anyone that wonders why these protests are happening will have their answer. They will also see so much war crime that Biden doesn't even mention yet he is critical of the protests. This man has no moral compass.
This cannot be understated.

I actually promised myself that I would stay out of it for my mental health, because it fucked me up mentally emotionally and made me an angrier person in my personal life.

But its so infuriating, I keep coming back and am unable to let it go with exception for the brief moments of self restraint.

It's also why I do not give a flying fuck to the political spectrum

Democrat, Republican, Tory, ect…

I've seen the mask come off and their two faced villainy exposed.

Then they put it back on and pretend to have a sense of morality and decency.

It is infuriating to hear their praises from their consteiuents when I know full well the vile disgusting shit they are participating in.


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
My university is calling for divestment from Caterpillar, who has recently granted the school $1.2 million. Everything's going splendidly but we are anticipating agitators of some sort; there has been some push back from centrists/conservatives over social media. On the other hand, university policy is constructed in a way where the administration really can't do anything about us (considering that a spokesperson said that they cannot violate our first amendment rights, it'd be pretty damning if they sic the police on us).

Will post more updates after I'm finished with this final tomorrow. Won't be able to go all-in until then.
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Jun 24, 2018
Chicago, IL
The Arabic word for "uprising" is antisemitic now. Unfuckingbelievable. Biden doing what they've been wanting to do since 9/11

They have to ban the word "intifada" because the images of intifada really drive home the immense power imbalance between the two groups. And you'll understand who actually holds the power to make peace but refuses to do so.



Oct 25, 2017
Has there ever been a time where a government cracking down on protesters was on the right side of history?


Oct 29, 2017
These sorts of campus protests are occurring all over the world and I cannot stress enough how uniquely violent the American ones seem to be getting simply because the governments response is to send in the cops/troops and the President is out there calling them criminals and revolutionaries

If the violence escalates and people start getting hurt or dying I predict you'll see a backpedaling or mystification of what's going on, but you really have to lay it at the door of the political leadership of America deciding to escalate this


Jun 21, 2019
Cool country.

Everyone really should check out the Israel/Palestine thread and just look at the most recent page. The news on that pages is some of the darkest shit and it's all recent. Anyone that wonders why these protests are happening will have their answer. They will also see so much war crime that Biden doesn't even mention yet he is critical of the protests. This man has no moral compass.

Which is why the guilt-tripping from some on the left about Arab-Americans refusing to vote this year will be a notable chapter in this entire sordid affair, when its history is written. Nobody really ever learned from the post-9/11 attitude and atmosphere, obviously.

But Dark Brandon 😎 or something. Nauseating.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
My MOTHER called me talking shit about this today. (on the side of the protestors)

I have no words for any of this shit. I'm completely disgusted. Our best and brightest shouldn't have to have goddamn encampments to protest a genocide because a genocide shouldn't be fucking happening. And now they're getting violently removed and expelled on top of it for doing the right thing.

Fuck everything.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
I'm at my university's encampment. It's pretty peaceful. There are some agitators who seem to be looking for confrontation, but it's cool so far. About 40 people here at the moment.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
My friend went to one of the encampments and she said they were very peaceful and welcoming. She didn't see any incidents unfold but she heard there was apparently some agitators elsewhere. It's good to hear no problems are arising from it.


Oct 27, 2017


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
It's official.

We're digging in and we're demanding negotiations. The university is threatening us with suspensions for setting up tents but there's nothing in the student code of conduct that prevents us from doing so.

I won't be able to stay overnight, but I will be visiting frequently.


Oct 28, 2017
Cool country.

Which is why the guilt-tripping from some on the left about Arab-Americans refusing to vote this year will be a notable chapter in this entire sordid affair, when its history is written. Nobody really ever learned from the post-9/11 attitude and atmosphere, obviously.

But Dark Brandon 😎 or something. Nauseating.

It's head in the sand shit for a lot of people. Cognitive dissonance broke some brains and the rest are american exceptionalist dimwits. They will never come to terms with how much of a rotten influence America is in the world. They give new meaning to "hypocrite" Rules for thee not for me is the American way. Listening to Chuck Schumer talk about these protests today was grotesque. Just a mountain of lies to justify sending in the pigs.


Jul 5, 2022
Really scary thinking about how Trump will respond to everything when he is elected in November. Will he just have protesters like this shot? Will he let Bibi drop a nuke on Palestine? What an even bigger disaster this will become. Really scary times.
It's annoying how your entire contribution in this thread has been running interference for Democrats. Of course it'll be worse under Trump but your inability to recognize when your side is seriously fucking up is not only craven prostration but also an admission that you are comfortable with a certain level of fascism and genocide.


Oct 27, 2017
WKCR went offline for a bit due to capacity issues, they're being hit hard.

I tuned out to leave more bandwidth for people who need it more, but I wonder if anyone has been rebroadcasting it for additional listeners? Like on Twitch, etc.


Oct 28, 2017

It's such a juggernaut of a cause and I commend all these students that put their education and money on the line for Palestinian emancipation. The deck is just so stacked against them because unwavering support for Israel, regardless of who is leading that country, is bipartisan. If the moment to moment atrocities aren't enough to move people then I don't know what is.


Oct 29, 2017
I was also surprised there wasn't any underhanded reporting to make the protests seem inherently antisemitic.

I mean this was the NYtimes page on the protests yesterday when I checked it:



Reads like a more dressed up version of when FoxNews is trying to manufacture consent thru JAQing off with their headline titles, stacking the deck and cherry picking, and clearly biasing their coverage toward the narrative they want to push…and it's pretty obvious what narrative that is