
Oct 28, 2017
This feels like a new low point in American journalism. I don't think I've read anything outside of social media that gives an accurate portrayal of what is happening. It's crazy.

I've been seeing wild stuff from the MSM. The antisemitism thing ain't working because there are too many Jewish people participating in the pro-palestinian protests. So now I'm seeing a couple of new angles. It's trendy, many of the people there don't know what they are protesting and the best one so far came from that demon Scott Galloway who said that young people aren't having sex anymore so protesting is the new sex LOL!

It's a desperate time for people that defend apartheid and genocide.
Jan 18, 2018
I've been seeing wild stuff from the MSM. The antisemitism thing ain't working because there are too many Jewish people participating in the pro-palestinian protests. So now I'm seeing a couple of new angles. It's trendy, many of the people there don't know what they are protesting and the best one so far came from that demon Scott Galloway who said that young people aren't having sex anymore so protesting is the new sex LOL!

It's a desperate time for people that defend apartheid and genocide.
From Tik Tok to Dick Dock. Is protest the new sex? News at 11.
Jan 20, 2024
To pushback to this feels very similar to the response against the occupy wallstreet movement. First, very brief coverage, then they demonized and distorted it, then they just straight up stopped covering any aspect of it. I suspect that as time goes on, most major news outlets will do the same here.


Oct 28, 2017
To pushback to this feels very similar to the response against the occupy wallstreet movement. First, very brief coverage, then they demonized and distorted it, then they just straight up stopped covering any aspect of it. I suspect that as time goes on, most major news outlets will do the same here.

Media ignoring shit doesn't work anymore. They actually tried with Gaza. There was a stretch of about a month where Gaza coverage vanished in the mainstream but socials and none western news agencies kept covering it. They just can't control narratives anymore because we don't really need them as a voice. More often than not they are trailing behind on news items and playing catch up for credibility.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017

Yeah, student journalists were in the encampment this morning when the warnings were handed out - admin just eyed anyone in the encampment and is handing them warnings of disciplinary probation

CUAD and their legal advisors are working on whether they can actually stand or not - Minouche Shafik apparently superseded the wishes of the University Senate by declaring a state of emergency and the encampment as an existential threat that must be taken down by any means necessary

Insiders that we have thankfully indicated that NYPD isn't thinking of moving in within the evening, but of course the situation is always fluid

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
To pushback to this feels very similar to the response against the occupy wallstreet movement. First, very brief coverage, then they demonized and distorted it, then they just straight up stopped covering any aspect of it. I suspect that as time goes on, most major news outlets will do the same here.
Well they only have to ride it out a couple more weeks until the semester is done.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Protests have spread north of the border too. We've got some in Quebec, Ontario, and here in BC at UBC.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
This just popped up in my YouTube feed... pretty interesting conversation about how easy it would be to have universities divest in these companies...

I was also surprised there wasn't any underhanded reporting to make the protests seem inherently antisemitic.
It's hard to do so when a good number of Jewish groups are joining the protests.

Also, it seems like these groups are taking lessons from past protests on how to handle journalists and the police to make their narrative clear and minimize arrests.


Oct 25, 2017
This feels like a new low point in American journalism. I don't think I've read anything outside of social media that gives an accurate portrayal of what is happening. It's crazy.

I've been seeing wild stuff from the MSM. The antisemitism thing ain't working because there are too many Jewish people participating in the pro-palestinian protests. So now I'm seeing a couple of new angles. It's trendy, many of the people there don't know what they are protesting and the best one so far came from that demon Scott Galloway who said that young people aren't having sex anymore so protesting is the new sex LOL!

It's a desperate time for people that defend apartheid and genocide.

It's been really bad. There's zero attempt at portraying an honest look at what's happening in the encampments, outside a few opinion pieces here and there. Theres always a mention of anti-semitism but never any of the horrific abuse and violence enacted on these students.

The stuff that happened at UCLA over the weekend should have been everywhere.

Media ignoring shit doesn't work anymore. They actually tried with Gaza. There was a stretch of about a month where Gaza coverage vanished in the mainstream but socials and none western news agencies kept covering it. They just can't control narratives anymore because we don't really need them as a voice. More often than not they are trailing behind on news items and playing catch up for credibility.

Thats correct. Thats why they're banning TikTok.

Some pretty big org names in that list, wow. Pretty good.


Jan 6, 2021
I honestly don't understand how Biden is not listening to these students and doing the right thing. I don't get that man and what the fuck he stands for anymore.

Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
It's pretty wild to me honestly, these aren't some random small town universities (though many of them are protesting also) but the ones getting the bulk majority of attention are what are considered some of the "top" universities in the entire country, where the elite go to become the leaders of tomorrow and they are claiming these students from Colombia, Harvard,Yale,MIT "Don't know what they are protesting".


Oct 28, 2017


With friends like this, who needs enemies? These democrats are gladly doing the republicans work for them. Useless shit heads.

This is a bipartisan effort to crack down, demonize, misrepresent and endanger students speaking out against genocide. These people are irredeemable.

In some ways dems and reps are clearly different parties, but on some others they're siamese twins and when it comes to Israel... hoo boy.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty wild to me honestly, these aren't some random small town universities (though many of them are protesting also) but the ones getting the bulk majority of attention are what are considered some of the "top" universities in the entire country, where the elite go to become the leaders of tomorrow and they are claiming these students from Colombia, Harvard,Yale,MIT "Don't know what they are protesting".

Dogshit democrats and republicans alike putting public pressure on them. Major donors to the institutions carry a lot of water for Israel too (it's pathetic how beholden universities are to their whims). This genocide has really brought to light the hypocrisy liberals have and how little they value Muslim lives.

Really proud of these students and other protestors putting their safety and academic future on the line to protest injustice. Pure bravery.


Dec 20, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
It's unthinkable and unconscionable that a country that called itself a bastion of democracy and free expression would do such a thing to its best and brightest.

It feels so similar to what a country like China or Russia would do to dissenting voices, unbelievable.


Jul 5, 2022


With friends like this, who needs enemies? These democrats are gladly doing the republicans work for them. Useless shit heads.

This is a bipartisan effort to crack down, demonize, misrepresent and endanger students speaking out against genocide. These people are irredeemable.

Driving the news: In a letter to the university's board of trustees, 21 House Democrats wrote of their "disappointment that, despite promises to do so, Columbia University has not yet disbanded the unauthorized and impermissible encampment of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish activists on campus."

I feel like calling the many Jewish protesters anti-semitic is a very dangerous road to take. While it does expose the absurdity of anti-semitism being weaponized in this way it has the potential to completely undermine our attitude and understanding of one of the most ancient and corrosive bigotries. I can see this shit priming people to take actual anti-semitism far less seriously as a consequence.

Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
Wtf it's getting scary what they're doing to these student.

That's not a particularly great conspiracy hole to go down

Maybe you missed it


Not to mention how fucking far our own government has gone to bend over for the IDF and Netanyahu. Our Government and the police are cracking down hard on our Students peacefully using their first amendment rights to criticize a foreign nation and they are being brutally beaten for it. Anti-Zionism does not equal Antisemitism.
May 7, 2020
Completely speechless.

Nothing else to add other than to echo that it's definitely getting harder to pretend that this November's election is a referendum against fascism with each passing day.


Oct 25, 2017


You would think they would compare 1968 to today and either say "it's the same as before, the students were right about the vietnam war and they are right today" or "back then they had a just cause, but not today, we can't compare them"

BUT NOPE, the guy even shit on the student from 1968 and says it doesn't make any sense for them to take over just like the protest today... You know, the vietnam war the majority of people think was horrible today... no wonder biden love morning joe


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018


You would think they would compare 1968 to today and either say "it's the same as before, the students were right about the vietnam war and they are right today" or "back then they had a just cause, but not today, we can't compare them"

BUT NOPE, the guy even shit on the student from 1968 and says it doesn't make any sense for them to take over just like the protest today... You know, the vietnam war the majority of people think was horrible today... no wonder biden love morning joe

It tells you a lot when the first thing he brings up against a protest that opposes genocide is money.

It tells you how much they value the Palestinian lives that are suffering and dying on the other side.

I hope every one of those students and their peers remembers this.

How the media tried to demonize them as they fought injustice.

They are the next generation of business men, executives, engineers and even politicians.

They are a potential audience these people just drove away.

And as legacy media dies out, I hope the resentment sticks, let them rue this day.


Oct 25, 2017
New York
Politicians and pundits always say the youth doesn't vote, that you can't rely on them, and when it comes down to it they won't actually vote. So for many of them it's easy to dismiss concerns and movements making their way through college campuses because they don't think they will face any real consequences come voting day. It's always been this way,

I remember protesting the Iraq war when I was at college in 2004 and the movement around it, and they couldn't give two shits what we thought. Election night after Bush won again, I remember Joe Scarborough talking shit about the kids not voting and how we don't matter, and it makes no difference what we think about Iraq, and then just how enraged everyone was in that dorm room hearing it. Nothing has changed, it's always been that way since the '60s and Nixon.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Politicians and pundits always say the youth doesn't vote, you can't rely on them, when it comes down to it they won't actually vote. So for many of them it's easy to dismiss concerns and movements making their way through college campuses because they don't think they will face any real consequences come voting day.

Statistically, they have had low turnout as a historical standard and even in record turn out for that bloc, it is <20% of the electorate. The two next blocs (30-64 combo) make up >60% of the electorate. It also doesn't change very much per election cycle for the bloc in a vacuum, 2020 was estimated at around 55% but that is only 10% more than 2016 which was a record low. Young-before to now-30+ also have dropped in share of the total vote to 50-65/64+ voters.

It also isn't like young people only vote Democratic with monolithic views. Biden won them by a significant margin but not in the same way he won the AA vote, for example. It is also hard to make any specific claim of the youth vote turning a critical election, Taylor Swift tried to mobilize the youth in 2018 midterms for a Senate seat and that failed entirely. Bernie failed to win on "the youth vote" twice and the second time rather convincingly lost. Conversely, the AA vote is very clearly what won two seats in Georgia and the state as a whole for Biden. The two senators from Georgia have been pushing for things to benefit Georgia and the AA community as a whole, which Biden also works towards.

You then get genius level politics of people saying not to vote at all which... yes you no longer have a voice at any table, creating the above situation, proving the punditry and politicians correct.

Ironically, this may end up being one of the more engaged years for younger voters with college degrees because Biden has been directly helping their wallet with his policies. This has always been one of the main things to drive people out to vote and why Trump almost won in 2020 because he gave people money with his name on it.
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Jan 18, 2018
It tells you a lot when the first thing he brings up against a protest that opposes genocide is money.

It tells you how much they value the Palestinian lives that are suffering and dying on the other side.

I hope every one of those students and their peers remembers this.

How the media tried to demonize them as they fought injustice.

They are the next generation of business men, executives, engineers and even politicians.

They are a potential audience these people just drove away.

And as legacy media dies out, I hope the resentment sticks, let them rue this day.

They're a bunch of ghouls and thrive on the exploitation of this planet and its life. Money is god here and they will follow it wherever it leads them. For years morality and right has been what they tell us it is and now with so much information being out of their control, it's harder for them to create a reality. It's a big unmasking and all they can do is operate as usual with a mask half broken.


Oct 30, 2017
McGill asks police for help as pro-Palestinian encampment enters fourth day
"Having to resort to police authority is a gut-wrenching decision for any university president," Saini said. "It is, by no means, a decision that I take lightly or quickly. In the present circumstances, however, I judged it necessary."

Lawyer Neil Oberman, who said he represents two McGill students, is set to ask a judge for a provisional injunction against the encampment on Tuesday afternoon. The injunction request, expected to be filed at the Montreal courthouse at 2 p.m., will target various people currently protesting on campus, according to Oberman. McGill University is expected to be named as an interested party in the case.

A spokesperson for Montreal police said that "no crime is being committed" at the encampment and the situation is a civil matter. The spokesperson said officers will continue to monitor the demonstration and are ready to enforce a court injunction if it is granted.

North of the border in Montreal.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't understand how Biden is not listening to these students and doing the right thing. I don't get that man and what the fuck he stands for anymore.

Mehdi Hasan said it best. Biden has been going around saying Donald Trump is the most dangerous thing for America. Yes, we all agree. Then why the fuck are you acting this way in support of a foreign government commiting genocide (not just regarding protests, but financial support and weapon deals)?

If Israel is the issue that makes you lose in November, is it worth it??

I guess they really don't think it will hurt them for the election?

Young people are paying attention to what is happening at these protests. Moreso than ever, Palestinian solidarity is a generational issue, and also a class issue. Generations and classes that would typically overlap with D voters...


Aug 17, 2023
That's not a particularly great conspiracy hole to go down

In what sense? There's a significant and documented amount of lobbying by pro-Israel organizations such as AIPAC in the US. I'm not sure how much control people like Fetterman (just to bring up an example) have over the police response, but the way they go out of their way to treat Palestinians as animals does indicate that their lobby money has a lot of impact on their decisions. I doubt it's any different from the lobbying by USian oil and arms companies, or well, any kind of abusive business sector actually.

And sure, Jewish citizens are often the main target of fascist conspirational nut-jobs across the world, but I don't think we would be talking of conspiracies if anybody alluded to Turkish lobbying being behind some countries around the world refusing to recognize the Armenian genocide. So while I don't believe there is a direct phone line between Netanyahu and the police pigs in the quoted tweets, I wouldn't be sure that there isn't a link at all.


Oct 25, 2017
In what sense? There's a significant and documented amount of lobbying by pro-Israel organizations such as AIPAC in the US. I'm not sure how much control people like Fetterman (just to bring up an example) have over the police response, but the way they go out of their way to treat Palestinians as animals does indicate that their lobby money has a lot of impact on their decisions. I doubt it's any different from the lobbying by USian oil and arms companies, or well, any kind of abusive business sector actually.

And sure, Jewish citizens are often the main target of fascist conspirational nut-jobs across the world, but I don't think we would be talking of conspiracies if anybody alluded to Turkish lobbying being behind some countries around the world refusing to recognize the Armenian genocide. So while I don't believe there is a direct phone line between Netanyahu and the police pigs in the quoted tweets, I wouldn't be sure that there isn't a link at all.
Israel does not "give orders" to governors or campus police, and the implication that they can "give orders" to entities throughout the world (rather than lobbying efforts and things like that) very obviously echoes centuries of antisemitic conspiracy theories.


Oct 28, 2017
It's always incredible to see how quickly police rush to beat the shit out of everyone around when it's a left wing protest group vs how they're always sitting back and doing nothing unless directly attacked when conservatives protest.


Aug 17, 2023
Israel does not "give orders" to governors or campus police, and the implication that they can "give orders" to entities throughout the world (rather than lobbying efforts and things like that) very obviously echoes centuries of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

I guess that's a fair distinction to make, thank you.

Meanwhile, the people whose stolen land that white-supremacist institution was built on...

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Nov 20, 2020
Salt Lake City, UT
Happy to hear my Alma Mater joining in. Hope they start up again.

Police end University of Utah student pro-Palestine rally with riot gear and 17 arrests

More than 100 officers from agencies across Salt Lake County stood at the edge of the cleared campus, forming a line of black helmets and vests in front of the welcome sign for the state's flagship university.

It was an unprecedented show of force in recent memory for any campus rally in Utah.

Like others, the Utah students called on their school to divest its endowment from any ties to Israeli companies and weapons manufacturers benefitting from the war. The U. has $1.47 billion total in its holdings.

The students specifically called on the U. to eliminate holdings from Lockheed Martin, which has an Utah location, and 47G; both are involved in aerospace and defense. The U. also has a research partnership with 47G that was announced in 2023 and which it pays memberships due to be a part of.
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