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Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
So, ProJared has, allegedly, cheated on his wife. A thread was made and then closed, the reasoning given that it was personal drama we shouldn't discuss. And perhaps that's true, for that part, so I implore people in this thread to keep that discussion to an absolute minimum if at all unless mods deem otherwise, so that it may be kept open for more serious matters.

Those serious matters being, well, in the thread title.

See, in the process of his cheating being revealed... it's also been alleged that he used his fame in order to fish for nudes from fans. Several have come forward in response to his wife indicating that his philandering was not limited to the person he cheated with, but also involved, well, sending explicit messages uninvited to fans, fishing for nudes from fans (in some cases getting them) and giving his own nudes and lewd photographs out to fans, again, often uninvited, either via text or Snapchat. Several of the more prominent tweets come with explicit and pretty damning photographic evidence of pics of him. They can easily be found if you look in the replies of the following tweet. NSFW, of course:

Most alarmingly, one such fan that has come forward has said that they were underage at the time that they interacted with Jared in such a manner, as well as meeting another fan who reciprocated a similar story:

This in itself was backed up by further tweets with screenshots of correspondence with NormalBoots, the collective of content creators ProJared publishes his content as a part of.

Another such allegation is posted below, claiming he in fact had a blog that included photographs of several underage fans mixed in among adult fans, which upon being called out for it publicly, he immediately nuked the blog and claimed it did not exist, in spite of several disparate people, including Jared's wife, now saying the blog existed (though many, apparently did not know that several of the fan-submitted pics were of underage individuals, and, in the case of his wife, also believed the blog was meant to be a NSFW body positivity blog):

I don't think it'd be a good idea to dismiss such claims as mere "drama". The man allegedly sent nudes to and solicited nudes from several underage fans- several of whom allege that, yes, he knew they were underage at the time. And even for those who were not underage, this is very much a case of a semi-famous man using his fame to sexually manipulate people.

We've had threads about popular e-celebrities turning out to be shitheels with similar claims. If you ask me, it's still something that absolutely should be discussed, and more importantly, shared with the community here that enjoyed ProJared's videos so people can individually decide whether or not to continue supporting him; and even more importantly, to further show just how prevalent sex pestery is in the gaming community.

Please alert me if any articles are released about this, and I shall threadmark them. And let me know if I'm leaving out anything major in regards to his inappropriate interactions with fans.

EDIT: Check threadmarks. Evidently Jared also used his sway in order to manipulate someone into having sex with him, including lying about the status of relationship with his wife (claiming it was open). NormalBoots is also disassociating with him due to his soliciting underage nudes/sending nudes of himself to said underage people.

EDIT 2: The initial individual who alleged Jared solicted nudes from them underage has put his account on locked, likely due to people being dickheads. However, his friend who was mentioned unnamed in their own has come forward:

Thread has several evidences. May be NSFW, so be careful.
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Oct 30, 2017
And still DSP is outlasting them all

Edit: Also is it becoming a thing where the longer you are on YT/Twitch the more likely something will come out as well, just an observation


Oct 28, 2017
Was never a big ProJared fan, but Holly always seemed really nice. This whole thing is gross.


Oct 11, 2018
Disgusting. Unsubbed - not that there was a lot of content coming from him anyway.

Deleted member 47318

User requested account closure
Sep 1, 2018
Oh shit.

He always gave me a bit of a creep vibe, but I never figured the rabbit hole went this deep. How the hell did this never come out before?


Apr 26, 2019
Colour me surprised that yet another youtuber can't keep his dick in his pants


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Still don't really know what this has to do with gaming perse. It's youtube celebrities taking advantage of fans for some fucked up shit. I'd figure the current situation is more at home in off-topic if anything.

Deleted member 9857

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
damn :( I really only watched him around E3 time but wow

how many big Youtubers are we at now that have been caught doing this disgusting crap? it seems like you hear about one every few months (if not more often)

Youtube really is a hive of trash people isn't it.

sure seems that way, God I hope Beatemups stays pure, he's brings so much joy & I would be devastated if he ended up being a creeper too

Deleted member 4260

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Still don't really know what this has to do with gaming perse. It's youtube celebrities taking advantage of fans for some fucked up shit. I'd figure the current situation is more at home in off-topic if anything.
It may probably move there, but ProJared is part of a prominent gaming group, has over a million followers and has collaborated with multiple games industry figures on videos. He's built that fanbase in gaming and apparently exploited it. So it could stay here.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
God damnit. You obviously never really know a person who only communicate in controlled ways such as YT videos buy the guy seemed to be genuine and mature enough whenever I watched his videos.

No excuse for this.

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
I have to agree I'm quite crushed by this revelation. I never really pinned him as such a creep. Kinda hesitated on posting until I saw people alleging the underage solicitation and posting of underage nudes knowingly, then I felt obligated to.

Still don't really know what this has to do with gaming perse. It's youtube celebrities taking advantage of fans for some fucked up shit. I'd figure the current situation is more at home in off-topic if anything.
Most of his videos are about video games, to the point he's even interviewed Reggie before, so I thought it pertinent for this section in the same way TB threads were pertinent to this side. If mods feel it belongs on OT, then they're free to move it.


Oct 27, 2017
God damnit. You obviously never really know a person who only communicate in controlled ways such as YT videos buy the guy seemed to be genuine and mature enough whenever I watched his videos.

No excuse for this.
Even in real life people only show what they want you to see, when you can curate that in such a way as you can on social media, you can make people believe you are anything.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rebel Taxi almost calling it 6 years It advanced

I wonder why?
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Oct 27, 2017
Still don't really know what this has to do with gaming perse. It's youtube celebrities taking advantage of fans for some fucked up shit. I'd figure the current situation is more at home in off-topic if anything.
You cannot be serious?This shit needs to call out just like any other shit youtuber.


Oct 25, 2017
Still don't really know what this has to do with gaming perse. It's youtube celebrities taking advantage of fans for some fucked up shit. I'd figure the current situation is more at home in off-topic if anything.
He's a video game reviewer on YouTube and also has a gaming channel and Twitch where he avidly plays video games. His career even started on Screwattack.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Who's the nicest guy on Youtube? MetalJesusRocks? If it turns out that MetalJesusRocks is a serial sex pest then I'm officially abandoning the planet.

Edit - Please stop replying with who you think is the nicest person on Youtube, I wasn't legitimately asking.
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Oct 25, 2017
I was very much okay with the original thread being closed, because - usually - the popular male content creator gets the least flak, while both, the (soon to be ex-) wife as well as the person who allegedly hooked up with the dude, will receive endless amounts of abuse online. (from both, fans of the youtuber, as well as drama-hungry vultures on Twitter).

You could already see it happening, people harassing both women for "proof" and "receipts".

These new allegations ... oh boy. 😳


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Ay ay ay
its like a monthly thing with these youtubers or streamers. All that popularity gets to them I guess.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I followed Jared's stuff back when he did News and the main podcast on ScrewAttack back in 2012. He eventually left and did solo YouTube stuff and at the time it seems like he left with bad blood. I was wishing for his success since he came off as a pretty genuine guy and his content showed a lot of promise. I wouldn't say he made the best stuff in the world but it was enjoyable enough even if I fell off actually paying attention to him in like 2015/16.

Seeing this even though I don't really follow him anymore is so disappointing. Between the thread his ex posted about her situation with him, the fact he blocked her and allegedly tried to make her sign a fucking NDA, and the preying on his fans... it's all just awful.

It doesn't help PeanutButterGamer injected himself into his ex's thread and said it was wrong of her to make this public.

I guess Jirard, The Completionist is the only one in that group that has my respect at this point.
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