Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017

A report suggests that President Donald Trump will tour Apple's manufacturing facility in Austin, Texas, perhaps as early as next week.
According to Reuters:
U.S. President Donald Trump and Apple CEO Tim Cook are expected to tour facilities in Texas where Apple products are made as soon as next week to showcase companies that keep jobs in America, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Neither party has commented on the rumored tour of the facility, where Apple has made the Mac Pro (trash can) since 2013. Apple confirmed earlier this year that its newest Mac Pro (cheese grater) would also be made in the facility. Whilst the release date of the Mac Pro remains a mystery, it has previously been confirmed that several Mac Pro components would be exempted from U.S. tariffs on trade imports from China.
The news, if true, would highlight the continuing strong relationship President Trump enjoys with Tim Apple, I mean err... Cook. On a public level, a tour of the manufacturing facility would be mutually beneficial. President Trump can no doubt point to Apple's U.S. manufacturing operations as a fine example of the benefit of keeping manufacturing jobs in America, whilst providing even more of them. He may even be able to spin the previously mentioned tariff exemptions as an act of benevolence on his part. Meanwhile, Apple will be able to showcase how it is playing its part in also trying to keep manufacturing jobs on U.S. soil. The new Mac Pro will likely get some strong media coverage, and privately, Tim Cook will also be able to speak with President Trump face-to-face, perhaps on the matter of further tariff exemptions for the Mac Pro or other products in Apple's lineup.


Dec 19, 2017
We're going to see footage that's going to be humorously reminiscent of N. Korea's Kim touring random shit.


Oct 25, 2017
He's going to tour this plant and then claim he brought jobs from overseas back here. Hurray.


Oct 28, 2017
Geez. Que the Kim Jong Un touring memes. I hope Trump also just randoming points at things for pictures.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Gross. Hope he's not staying in any of the hotels near me on Burnet.


Sep 23, 2019
They should greet him with Justin Long telling him he's Steve Apple, the son of Tim Apple.


Lead Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Stay the fuck away from my city.

I work close to the Apple campus and work near 183/35. This will really fuck my commute that day.


Oct 26, 2017
He's gonna make it about himself plus the cult will invade Austin because LIBZ LIVE IN AUSTIN DURRR

Also, I bet 3 bucks he'll call Cook, "Tim Apple."


Nov 2, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Troll account
What's the problem with the President of United States visiting an American tech company in an American city?

What type of protest are you users planning and what effect do you think it'll really have on your liberal agenda? If the LGBTLMOPQRSTUVWXYandZ ppl haven't spoken about it why are you concerned lmao

Let Tim invite OUR president into the Apple plant. Seriously REEEEEsetERA needs to loosen up, and calm dafuq down.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What's the problem with the President of United States visiting an American tech company in an American city?

What type of protest are you users planning and what effect do you think it'll really have on your liberal agenda? If the LGBTLMOPQRSTUVWXYandZ ppl haven't spoken about it why are you concerned lmao

Let Tim invite OUR president into the Apple plant. Seriously REEEEEsetERA needs to loosen up, and calm dafuq down.

Bye bitch


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What's the problem with the President of United States visiting an American tech company in an American city?

What type of protest are you users planning and what effect do you think it'll really have on your liberal agenda? If the LGBTLMOPQRSTUVWXYandZ ppl haven't spoken about it why are you concerned lmao

Let Tim invite OUR president into the Apple plant. Seriously REEEEEsetERA needs to loosen up, and calm dafuq down.
Try harder, idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
What's the problem with the President of United States visiting an American tech company in an American city?

What type of protest are you users planning and what effect do you think it'll really have on your liberal agenda? If the LGBTLMOPQRSTUVWXYandZ ppl haven't spoken about it why are you concerned lmao

Let Tim invite OUR president into the Apple plant. Seriously REEEEEsetERA needs to loosen up, and calm dafuq down.



Feb 11, 2019
What's the problem with the President of United States visiting an American tech company in an American city?

What type of protest are you users planning and what effect do you think it'll really have on your liberal agenda? If the LGBTLMOPQRSTUVWXYandZ ppl haven't spoken about it why are you concerned lmao

Let Tim invite OUR president into the Apple plant. Seriously REEEEEsetERA needs to loosen up, and calm dafuq down.
The problem is it's Trump.


Oct 29, 2017
Ironic considering apple is stopping MBP assembly in Austin.

Fuck orange asshole


Jan 27, 2018
Hopefully Tim "Apple" will give him an Iphone that is customised to not send any of his stupid tweets.