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One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Tbh I don't really know why Kamala would be worse than Biden other than not trusting to change candidates right now.

She seems more suited in this environment with hopefully reengaging voters and being able to actually communicate the stakes of the Election and even other nice points like campaigning on Abortion as a woman.

The worst thing she has to deal with are the optics of the campaign shifting candidates and potentially losing certain demographics. Just in general there isn't many reasons to be against the idea especially when considering the political environment and challenges Biden specifically has to face


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017

White House was pressured by today's reporting to the point of disclosing that he had a neurological exam which tested for signs pointing towards multiple conditions, including Parkinson's, about four months ago.

Tests are said to have come back with no findings out of the ordinary

The problem is that this doesn't account for the eight different visits over the course of the last 12 months. Unless the annual physical got pushed seven different times. Keep in mind that White House visitor logs are a matter of public record.

I gotta be real, there's a lot of smoke and this doesn't exactly get rid of it.


Oct 27, 2017
The problem is that this doesn't account for the eight different visits over the course of the last 12 months. Unless the annual physical got pushed seven different times. Keep in mind that White House visitor logs are a matter of public record.

I gotta be real, there's a lot of smoke and this doesn't exactly get rid of it.

Do we have to post Ronny's letter to remind people about how far off these can be?


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Do we have to post Ronny's letter to remind people about how far off these can be?
Here's the thing, I don't think this is that. The letter very specifically only addresses a single meeting, of which he is more likely than not being totally truthful about. There's no reason to assume he's lying here. The question isn't "is he lying?" but "what were the other seven visits about?"


Oct 27, 2017
Here's the thing, I don't think this is that. The letter very specifically only addresses a single meeting, of which he is more likely than not being totally truthful about. There's no reason to assume he's lying here. The question isn't "is he lying?" but "what were the other seven visits about?"

A distinction without a difference, when as you say that doesn't explain the numerous other visits. Something is up.

Willfully withholding all of the information is dishonesty.


Oct 29, 2017

If Biden steps aside, whom Democrats would want to replace him — and how | YouGov

Two-thirds of Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents would approve of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the presidential nominee, if Biden steps down.

Yeah, as I suspected.

This is the Newsom/Harris/Buttigieg poll all over again.

21% have no opinion. Which all that really tells us is that Biden is actively campaigning and others are not.

When that poll digs in on Harris though, it would appear an overwhelming majority would support her at the top of the ticket, despite her total lack of campaigning. Including nearly 70% of Democratic leaning voters in the Midwest.

It should also be pointed out that once again a plurality of respondents think Biden should step down.

You also could have easily pointed to the part of the poll where 53% of respondents say they think Harris has as good a shot or better at beating Trump than Biden, compared to 30% that said Biden does.

Makes me deeply skeptical of whoever that Twitter account is that is cherry picking that singular data point.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
A distinction without a difference, when as you say that doesn't explain the numerous other visits. Something is up.

Willfully withholding all of the information is dishonesty.
Here's the thing, he probably isn't. He might not actually know or there might be a legit reason. It could be whatever he tests was doing needed to be done over a length of time. That sort of thing wouldn't surprise me at all. All that said, this is a moment in time where the only way out is total honesty and full disclosure. Where overexplaining is required.

EDIT: The issue the White House keeps running into is that they're only answering the question asked instead of addressing the implication behind the question. Everyone, on both sides of this debate, want to know for sure if Biden is up to the challenge and if he's still got enough fight in him to win this thing. Why? Because everyone can tell this one might be for all the marbles. If they want this sort of nonsense to stop then they need to prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that he's still got it in him and can pull it off. Every new accusation or piece of reporting questioning that is an opportunity to address peoples' concerns. Until he does that this doesn't end.

EDIT 2: What he needs to be doing is getting out there, in a situation where he needs to show mental sharpness, fire, and a command of the issues. Real talk, if his campaign aren't in the middle of organizing a town hall right now then they're morons. If Biden really is ok and still has enough fire to win, then he needs to be getting out in front of people, on national television, and showing he's still got it.
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May 14, 2024
There were only two options in the poll LOL. What kind of question is that? The question was: "Who would you prefer to be the Democratic nominee?" in a poll of registered Dem voters by YouGov. YouGov did not include any other options likely because they think it's unrealistic that it's not one of those two.
Point is it doesn't matter. Only one of the two will run. If they wanted a meaningful poll, they should have asked "Which of these two would you never vote for."


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that this doesn't account for the eight different visits over the course of the last 12 months. Unless the annual physical got pushed seven different times. Keep in mind that White House visitor logs are a matter of public record.

I gotta be real, there's a lot of smoke and this doesn't exactly get rid of it.
My understanding is the doctor was there multiple times, including some times Biden wasn't at the White House, because of this:



That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
My understanding is the doctor was there multiple times, including some times Biden wasn't at the White House, because of this:

It wouldn't surprise me if they had him in on this, but this is the sort of thing you need to actually say. The reporting wasn't about one visit, it was about eight. Only addressing one makes it look like you have something to hide. If this is all there was to it then say so and move past it. Don't answer part of the question, answer the whole question. Answering only part of the question is how we wind up here in the first place. That they didn't answer the question just shines a big spotlight on it!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It wouldn't surprise me if they had him in on this, but this is the sort of thing you need to actually say. The reporting wasn't about one visit, it was about eight. Only addressing one makes it look like you have something to hide. If this is all there was to it then say so and move past it. Don't answer part of the question, answer the whole question. Answering only part of the question is how we wind up here in the first place.
Fully agree. They're terrible at being transparent right now and it does make them look shady. If they're just... forgetting to mention details like this, that's equally troubling.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that this doesn't account for the eight different visits over the course of the last 12 months. Unless the annual physical got pushed seven different times. Keep in mind that White House visitor logs are a matter of public record.

I gotta be real, there's a lot of smoke and this doesn't exactly get rid of it.
If you'd watch the clip I responded to you with it goes into this. The neurologist comes to the White House for a clinic that treats White House staff and service members multiple times a year


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that this doesn't account for the eight different visits over the course of the last 12 months. Unless the annual physical got pushed seven different times. Keep in mind that White House visitor logs are a matter of public record.

I gotta be real, there's a lot of smoke and this doesn't exactly get rid of it.

According to the NYT article, this amount of visits was not out of the ordinary compared to the Obama years.
Records from the Obama administration, when Mr. Biden was vice president, show that Dr. Cannard made 10 visits in 2012 plus a family tour; four visits in 2013; and one in 2014.


Oct 29, 2017

The attack ads about the "real threat to America is 4 more years of Sleepy Joe Biden's weak leadership and mental unfitness" are writing themselves.

the cynical weaponization of ageism and ableism to mute any legitimate criticism of Biden's mental acuity might break me.


Meanwhile, in the name of reality falsification to prop up Biden's deteriorating campaign, Democrats are self-destructing their own ability to attack the declining mental fitness of Trump, brilliant fucking reverse triangulation there guys. Just brilliant.

Glad Biden will be satisfied knowing HE will have tried his best, after all, that's what this is apparently all about....
Oct 29, 2017
Stewart did a segment on it. I assume it'ls going to make people angry.


" I'm proud to be—as I said, the first vice president—first black woman to serve with a black President"
- Joe Biden 7/4/2024

This isn't going to stop. He'll continue to do this and it'll likely only get worse.

I understand that all of us would vote for Biden while he's in a coma over Trump, but it doesn't change the fact that he's en route to losing states he shouldn't be losing.


Oct 25, 2017
If only Harris was like Selina Meyer.

America, collectively, after the debate:



Oct 25, 2017
Stewart did a segment on it. I assume it'ls going to make people angry.


Damn, I had seen most of those clips, but the one from two years ago where he's asking where a Representative was at a speech, but the Rep. had died six weeks prior in a car crash with her staffers, and to whom he had written a condolences for.... that does not look so good, especially with the current context. Biden and gaffes are like chocolate and peanut butter so it makes it extra hard to figure out, but that kind of thing feels like more than a gaffe. But who knows, we're left to take Biden's word.


Oct 28, 2017

That is a really big age split. I guess most Democratic politicians are 65+ themselves so no surprise a lot of them seem opposed to Biden dropping out.


Oct 27, 2017
Stewart did a segment on it. I assume it'ls going to make people angry.


Should be required viewing for everyone telling us "shut up and get in line".

The points Stewart makes about France and the UKs blisteringly fast election cycles vs. DNC inability to rally behind a new candidate with far more time is scathing… as is Biden in his own words saying there's at least 50 other democrats that could beat Trump not that long ago…


May 28, 2020
Like I've said it before if he's like this right now what will he be like in the middle of his next term when he's 83-86
Jan 23, 2024
Damn, I had seen most of those clips, but the one from two years ago where he's asking where a Representative was at a speech, but the Rep. had died six weeks prior in a car crash with her staffers, and to whom he had written a condolences for.... that does not look so good, especially with the current context. Biden and gaffes are like chocolate and peanut butter so it makes it extra hard to figure out, but that kind of thing feels like more than a gaffe. But who knows, we're left to take Biden's word.

The clips are damning and are not even selectively chosen, something I'm sure the detractors will try to point out. These are gaffes that are public, numerous, and only increasing in frequency. Even looking at clips from a couple of years back Biden didn't sound this bad. Biden's age has been a topic for some time and there's a real chance the "sharp as a tack" quotes from back when they were being made were largely true even back then. The decline seems like it's coming on quick and it's not something especially unique to Biden, this is just what an octogenarian brain does.

Should be required viewing for everyone telling us "shut up and get in line".

The points Stewart makes about France and the UKs blisteringly fast election cycles vs. DNC inability to rally behind a new candidate with far more time is scathing… as is Biden in his own words saying there's at least 50 other democrats that could beat Trump not that long ago…

It's the usual "country too big" but for politics.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
A late-night text from one House Democrat — who is privately pushing for Biden to step aside — confirmed what most reporters could see Monday from their on-the-record conversations: The president and his team are locking down Democratic support.

"Dems are folding all over the place," this lawmaker texted. "There's a real circling of the wagons happening. Instead of breaking, the dam is holding. For now."

The Democratic lawmaker went on to predict that "very few members" would openly push for Biden to step aside in the coming days.

"They've outflanked us with the CBC and others," this lawmaker texted, referring to Biden's efforts to gather support from the Congressional Black Caucus. "Members are becoming resigned to Biden holding all the cards here, and us having no real say in the matter. The anticipated 'intervention' is crumbling in the face of Biden preempting it. The only thing that could change this is some devastating new polling, a major new gaffe, or some revelation that reopens the matter. It feels closed for now."

Joe Biden Hasn’t Lost Dems on Capitol Hill. Keeping Them Won’t Be So Simple.

Congressional Democrats largely stayed in line with Biden on their first day back to Capitol Hill. That may change soon.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
Like I've said it before if he's like this right now what will he be like in the middle of his next term when he's 83-86

i do find it's inappropriate to speculate about any person dying, but fuck it i'll take that risk and be a bit of an asshole and say that as someone who has seen a sample size of literally tens of thousands of frail old people (decade plus of hospital work), i would not bet on Biden surviving to 83, let alone 86.. :/

all it takes is one slip in the bathroom, or on stairs, or anywhere really, and that's it. plus a million other things that can happen, strokes etc. at this point the risks grow every single day too, and soon/soon-ish luck runs out. the sad reality of our bodies and minds breaking down.

it's brutal but he really seems very, very frail now. at least on TV, to my eyes. maybe i'm wrong and he's super vigorous and sharp when he gets up in the morning and otherwise when he's out of sight, but i doubt it..

disclaimer: i am not an actual medical professional, i've just seen certain patterns repeat so, so many times. for example, when i see someone walk as laboriously as Biden does now, i ALWAYS get a wheelchair for them, 100% of the time, as a responsibility of my job. the risks are just too high otherwise. slips happen SO easily, one damn pebble can do it, and then you go downhill real fast because recovery from broken bones/hips or concussions is REALLY DIFFICULT and often impossible when you've reached a certain point in the aging process.

but uhmm are there any actual medical professionals here, what does Doctor-Era think...? it kind of blows my mind that a team of doctors hasn't evaluated Biden yet and given either an all-clear or a recommendation to step down. i mean wtf do politicians and talking heads on tv know about his actual health and capabilities?? why are we only hearing from them? don't doctors and White House doctors exist for a reason?


Oct 27, 2017
As much as we like to make fun of Republicans for their shameless loyalty to party, it's been illuminating to see many Democrats embrace the same tactics. The gaslighting is surreal. Acting like there is no problem doesn't make it go away.
May 7, 2020
Stewart did a segment on it. I assume it'ls going to make people angry.


It'll make people angry and he absolutely nailed it.

Seems pretty bad that the only thing standing between America and a gang of ravening fascists is a sundowning old man's ego and his power hungry family that seem unwilling to put their foot down, only this one happens to have a D next to his name.

Truly healthy democracy you have there.


Nov 4, 2017

That is a really big age split. I guess most Democratic politicians are 65+ themselves so no surprise a lot of them seem opposed to Biden dropping out.
it's not just the fact that he is 65+, he is 81, look at him at 70.

Vice Presidential Debate 2012: Joe Biden to Paul Ryan: 'Oh, Now You're Jack Kennedy'

The vice-presidential debate gets animated over the Romney tax plan.

I would take 70 year old Biden any day. But the 65+ group need to think how they would be turning 81 after 4 stressful years of being president and expecting 4 more after. There needs to be a cap, I'm honestly wondering how crazy trump will be being an 82 year old president, and that is a terrifying thought.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I don't understand why Democrats seemingly didn't make any effort to nurture new leaders that could conceivably take Biden's place right now for the past 4 (or heck, 8) years,

Like, they couldn't foresee how his age could become a problem 4 years back? No one prepared for this? Why? They're afraid of Biden or something? It's mind boggling.


Nov 1, 2017
I don't understand why Democrats seemingly didn't make any effort to nurture new leaders that could conceivably take Biden's place right now for the past 4 (or heck, 8) years,

Like, they couldn't foresee how his age could become a problem 4 years back? No one prepared for this? Why? They're afraid of Biden or something? It's mind boggling.
Ego, mixed with the insulation of yes men and a family focused on cementing a fairytale legacy for him.


Aug 14, 2022
United States
As much as we like to make fun of Republicans for their shameless loyalty to party, it's been illuminating to see many Democrats embrace the same tactics. The gaslighting is surreal. Acting like there is no problem doesn't make it go away.

It's so frustrating lol. I like how Bernie was, "too old" and then when Biden is actually showing that he's too old it's, "okay guys we all vote together as a team, right?!"

Absolute clown show.


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
I hate this argument that Cedric Richmond is using that it's somehow racist to black people to ask Biden to step down. Especially when the replacement most of the candidates are suggesting is a black woman. And polling shows that many black voters want him to step aside too! It's just ludicrous, you can say you support Joe without bringing that into the argument.

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