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Oct 25, 2017
We need to drop this Biden dropping out nonsense. He is the best candidate right now. No one else can beat Trump.
Every measurable piece of data not only shows that Biden himself cannot beat Trump, but he's destabilizing the usual Dem strongholds AND dragging down downballot races. Depressed overall turnout for such a deeply unpopular candidate will not only lose us the White House, but enable Republicans to sweep the house and Senate as well. Dems have historically needed to over-preform in polling to barely eek out a victory; Biden was several points ahead this time last race, but was underwater before the debate, and is even lower now.

But tell me how he'a still the best without the "you can't believe the polling!" which is also BS.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I'm hearing some rumblings in the agency I work in (DOJ) and members of the presidential campaign of a potential announcement in 48 hours - it seems to line up with this increased push from the campaign of internal polling of Harris along with pushing her to start making her calls with donors telling them to keep quiet and calm down. It tbh appears like everyone knows the inevitable is coming...except Biden himself


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think we've successfully lost the election with this nonsense. There wont be an accelerated primary or broekered convention.

We have now tarnished our own candidate and if he drops out we will lose the support of many people who feel their candidate was forced out, I fully expect this to alienate the Boomer vote that Biden has done well to woo
"We" didn't tarnish anything. Biden took a dump on stage during the debate and his supporters keep trying to gaslight us into believing it was no big deal.


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
As much as this site denies it, there does exist depressed and reluctant Republicans that have either sat out the race because of Trump or turned up their nose while (previously) voting for a Biden instead.
This is true! My mom is a life long Republican and voted for Trump in 2016 because she thought he was so genuine. In 2020, she voted Democrat for the first time for Biden because Trump was racist, kept spreading lies about COVID (she was very serious about COVID), election fraud conspiracy theories and she thought honestly that we were going to end up in a war with Iran. She said that he had gotten worse and more extreme.

However, she is not voting for Biden this year. She thinks Trump belongs in prison and shouldn't be anywhere near presidency but Biden is mentally unfit to be president. She voted for Reagan (and Reagan's second term) and did not like what Reagan turned into and doesn't want to see that again. This year is the first year she is not voting at all.

So that perspective is important.
Oct 25, 2017
"We" didn't tarnish anything. Biden took a dump on stage during the debate and his supporters keep trying to gaslight us into believing it was no big deal.
What the "Dems should've rallied behind Biden and the story would be gone by now!" team doesn't understand is how much worse it would've looked for Democrats to outright tell a concerned audience to "not believe their lying eyes". If their lack of faith and trust in another Biden term was bad before, Biden's continual gaffs beyond the debate paired with continual denials from the party would backfire worse than anything we could imagine.


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
Hillary Scholten on CNN just now: "We are divided as a party on this, I'm not going to say we aren't. There are people who have said Joe Biden is the best chance at beating Trump and I have outright said that it should not be him. I respect my colleagues decision but I represent my constituents and I can't turn away from my voters, who have constantly been calling me to come out before it's too late. And for everyone who thinks it is too late, it's not true. It is fundamentally not true. There is time."
Oct 25, 2017
As much as this site denies it, there does exist depressed and reluctant Republicans that have either sat out the race because of Trump or turned up their nose while (previously) voting for a Biden instead.
I'll admit it myself,
im a middle-ish class white dude from Alabama
I was raised Republican, turned 18 and voted McCain that year,
stayed leaning Republican literally up till Trump was the candidate.

Initially I was just against Trump but then you just see all the negatives of the party as a whole
I won't go back to that party but I guarantee there are others that would
Trump took the mask off the party for me at least thankfully

Even funnier/more sad was I actually enjoyed Trump up to him running until it became clear what kind of person he was(and truth about his business acumen and such)
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
This is true! My mom is a life long Republican and voted for Trump in 2016 because she thought he was so genuine. In 2020, she voted Democrat for the first time for Biden because Trump was racist, kept spreading lies about COVID (she was very serious about COVID), election fraud conspiracy theories and she thought honestly that we were going to end up in a war with Iran. She said that he had gotten worse and more extreme.

However, she is not voting for Biden this year. She thinks Trump belongs in prison and shouldn't be anywhere near presidency but Biden is mentally unfit to be president. She voted for Reagan (and Reagan's second term) and did not like what Reagan turned into and doesn't want to see that again. This year is the first year she is not voting at all.

So that perspective is important.
Anecdotally my MAGA mom is also not voting because Trump is "too old".

She's convinced that Biden has been a vegetable for years now, doped up for important events, and that Obama's team has been running a Weekend at Bernie's from the White House.

For whatever that's worth. Just another take from the space-lasers-cause-all-the-wildfires brigade.

Deleted member 4222

Oct 25, 2017

Saw this posted before and just want to highlight something about it for people still banging the "Biden has the best/only chance to beat Trump" drum.

According to this poll, 26% of Biden supporters want to keep Biden on the ticket compared to 39% of Trump supporters who want Biden to stay on the ticket.

Why would so many Trump supporters want Biden to stay on as the candidate? Significantly more than Biden supporters, huh!

Things that make you wonder


Oct 25, 2017

The two edits, according to the station, were:

  1. At time 5:20, the removal of "...and in addition to that, I have more Blacks in my administration than any other president, all other presidents combined, and in major positions, cabinet positions."
  2. At time 14:15, in reference to Donald Trump's call for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, the removal of "I don't know if they even call for their hanging or not, but he–but they said [...] convicted of murder."
Had to do a double take because of how Trumpian that first quote is. Holy shit this guy is racist.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Anecdotally my MAGA mom is also not voting because Trump is "too old".

She's convinced that Biden has been a vegetable for years now, doped up for important events, and that Obama's team has been running a Weekend at Bernie's from the White House.

For whatever that's worth. Just another take from the space-lasers-cause-all-the-wildfires brigade.
Just out of curiosity, who does she believe is firing the wildfire-starting space lasers?
The Chinese? Obama? Soros? Aliens? Elon? Hillary's Emails? I'm intrigued.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like we need to make some account bets here. 🤣🤣

lol I'd almost be willing if I weren't absolutely terrified for my future depending upon how this all goes 😅.

I will say, I think it's inevitable. Theres too many people publicly and privately calling for it. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle here.
Oct 25, 2017
Saw this posted before and just want to highlight something about it for people still banging the "Biden has the best/only chance to beat Trump" drum.

According to this poll, 26% of Biden supporters want to keep Biden on the ticket compared to 39% of Trump supporters who want Biden to stay on the ticket.

Why would so many Trump supporters want Biden to stay on as the candidate? Significantly more than Biden supporters, huh!

Things that make you wonder
Yep. How weird that Republicans want coughing baby vs Hydrogen Bomb 🤔


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Oh, I remember. Which is part of the reason my bullshit detector pinged

A couple of us quoted you and asked you to explain what you believe the "Biden should step down'" rhetoric was actually based on, since you said it wasn't actually about what is best for the country.

The comment:

Which is why I think the 'Biden should step down' recent rhetoric is not based on "saving democracy " or other American-left cosplay

Could you please answer that question?


Oct 28, 2017
This is already moving fast. I imagine if this press conference goes bad he won't be the candidate by monday


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I don't see much of a pragmatic reason to drop Biden before the GOP convention. Its only a few more days.
May 29, 2019
A couple of us quoted you and asked you to explain what you believe the "Biden should step down'" rhetoric was actually based on, since you said it wasn't actually about what is best for the country.

The comment:

Could you please answer that question?

Nothing concrete, just as much of this speculation is.

If it's true that republicans have preemptively filed suit(s) if Biden is not the nominee,
If foreign powers would prefer a Trump presidency,
If Biden dying in office leads to a guaranteed Harris presidency,
If comparing an old man to another based on on imagery rather than rhetoric ,

But simply, it was known Joe Biden was an old white male when he was chosen for 2020(I wanted Warren). That was a large part of his appeal. That basic fact hasn't changed.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I changed my mind, it would be dumb to kick him out before the RNC has ended. Uncertainty on their end is probably good for us.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be too predictable if he were to have a bad showing here so I think he'll be okay tonight


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Nothing concrete, just as much of this speculation is.

If it's true that republicans have preemptively filed suit(s) if Biden is not the nominee,
If foreign powers would prefer a Trump presidency,
If Biden dying in office leads to a guaranteed Harris presidency,
If comparing an old man to another based on on imagery rather than rhetoric ,

But simply, it was known Joe Biden was an old white male when he was chosen for 2020(I wanted Warren). That was a large part of his appeal. That basic fact hasn't changed.

I genuinely don't know what you're trying to say here. You originally said this:

Which is why I think the 'Biden should step down' recent rhetoric is not based on "saving democracy " or other American-left cosplay

Which implies that anyone recently saying Biden should step down is not saying that because they want what it is best for the country.

You're saying we're doing it for other reasons. I'm asking you what you believe that reason is. Like, you don't actually think it's just pro-Trump people who want Biden to step aside, do you? Because that is clearly not true.


Jun 15, 2018
But simply, it was known Joe Biden was an old white male when he was chosen for 2020(I wanted Warren). That was a large part of his appeal. That basic fact hasn't changed.

this makes no sense at all. people aren't suddenly realising Joe Biden is old. they're realising that his mental faculties have seriously deteriorated
May 29, 2019
I genuinely don't know what you're trying to say here. You originally said this:

Which implies that anyone recently saying Biden should step down is not saying that because they want what it is best for the country.

You're saying we're doing it for other reasons. I'm asking you what you believe that reason is. Like, you don't actually think it's just pro-Trump people who want Biden to step aside, do you? Because that is clearly not true.

I'm not being an absolutist with my discussion points. If you want to defend your position, do so. If others Will make a similar case, let them.
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