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Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
This guy needs to make a decision on what he's going to do by the 20th at the latest. This is silly how untenable it is. Doesn't he see how massively fucking despised he will be for dragging the party into a Trump landslide?


Nov 16, 2017
This guy needs to make a decision on what he's going to do by the 20th at the latest. This is silly how untenable it is. Doesn't he see how massively fucking despised he will be for dragging the party into a Trump landslide?

I don't think he sees that at all. He is in an echo chamber where his family and staff seem to be telling him he can still win. Until that changes...


Sep 12, 2018
Biden's debate performance is what it was. It did damage but that damage should have been contained by a disciplined message from leadership down through the rank and file.
Millions of Americans saw what they saw. Asking Dem leadership to contain or spin Biden's cognitive decline is an unfair and impossible task.

It's clear sticking with him as the candidate is the worst choice as he's not only a liability to the presidential race, but also down ballot races.
Dec 15, 2017
Yeah like it or not, Democrats by nature are not just going to fall in line like the other sides cult. We have plenty of free thinkers and we're not going to forget that debate performance and aftermath, the curtain has been undeniably pulled back. The biggest problem is that Biden decided to run again out of hubris instead of building up Kamala Harris..

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
Your scenario expects the party faithful to ignore their eyes and ears. And expects independent voters to not only do the same, but to give a damn what the Dem leadership has to say.

Advocating for soviet style rank and file party discipline to ignore an obviously disastrous situation is the anti-thesis of what a "democratic" party should stand for.

You're asking democrats to act like a cult and deny reality. Isn't that exactly why we hate Trump? Our voters are much better at thinking freely, and many of us just don't see Biden as capable of handling another 4 years. Biden fucked us by trying to run again when he shouldn't have, but luckily we have Kamala in a great spot to take over

I'm asking for politicians to act like politicians. If I wasn't clear, I meant that the messaging discipline should have applied to elected Dems (backed up by Dem insiders), not Dem voters and the public at large. I don't think it's a ridiculous suggestion for a political party to try to be unitied in its message to the public backing up its candidate.

Regardless , the response to the debate performance has been an unmitigated disaster, much more than the actual debate. Far, far more people are seeing the fallout from the debate than the debate itself. That was predictable, and Dem leadership did very little to prevent it, and instead allowed rank and file Dems to stoke the flames.

This was my initial take too, but now I'm pretty happy with the Democrat response to push Biden out. The media firestorm to his awful debate performance was gonna smother Biden's chances regardless of what the elected Democrats did...

The Democrats of 2016 wouldve stood by, and we would be stuck watching Biden's campaign bleed out over the final 4 months of the election

Yeah, I think this is a panicked reaction specifically based on fear of 2016. Panic is not a good adviser. But we seem to be locked in now. I truly, truly hope this all works out, but I can't shake the fear that we've embraced a loser mindset.

This shit is unprecedented.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I actually think sticking with a loser convinced that they're a winner instead of cutting your losses is a loser mindset.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't even hate Biden but fucking hell he needs to come to reality and stop talking shite about elites

I'm not an elite, nobody in this thread is an elite lmao
No, I am an elite, please let me into the smoke-filled rooms and give me a six-figure consulting job. There's simply been a mistake and I've lost my papers.


Oct 25, 2017
This guy needs to make a decision on what he's going to do by the 20th at the latest. This is silly how untenable it is. Doesn't he see how massively fucking despised he will be for dragging the party into a Trump landslide?

He reaffirmed his decision two weeks ago. I'd be stubborn and cranky if I made a statement as clearly and explicitly as possible and people still opined about my decision, too lmao


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
He reaffirmed his decision two weeks ago. I'd be stubborn and cranky if I made a statement as clearly and explicitly as possible and people still opined about my decision, too lmao
It is legitimately hilarious that he released a four-page decisive written statement and everybody in congress just blanked it and kept talking about him needing to make up his mind

It is also very sad


Sep 12, 2018
This guy needs to make a decision on what he's going to do by the 20th at the latest. This is silly how untenable it is. Doesn't he see how massively fucking despised he will be for dragging the party into a Trump landslide?
He'll be out by then for sure.

I'll be surprised if he's still running next week at this time


Oct 27, 2017
This guy needs to make a decision on what he's going to do by the 20th at the latest. This is silly how untenable it is. Doesn't he see how massively fucking despised he will be for dragging the party into a Trump landslide?

Probably depends on what the people around him and that he trusts the most are saying. He doesn't strike me as the type to hold on to power just because. In the past he said something to the effect of he probably wouldn't have run for President if Trump weren't running.

If the leaders of the party tell him it would be best to throw their resources behind someone else who has a better shot I imagine he'll bow out.

What is crazy about this community in particular is how quickly you all expect some things to happen. There is a whole mess of hurdles to make changes to a ticket and campaign. They need to be sure what their next move is and have everything lined up to make a transition smoothly.

If there's infighting behind the scenes among the Democratic leaders on what to do then they need to get on the same page first. The FUD spilling out even more into the public is just going to further hurt their chances of uniting the party in such a short amount of time. They need ONE plan they agree on and can unite behind, and I doubt they are there yet.

Deleted member 910

Oct 25, 2017
Kamala Harris will be campaigning for Biden in a solo rally in North Carolina alongside NC Gov Roy Cooper while Biden is at the NATO thing.





Oct 25, 2017
I don't think the media hid anything. If you look at cnn, live reaction of the debate was like watching a person walk into a brick wall. And if you expect them to report on every possible rumor that floats around DC, you'd ultimately end up with some kind of infowars level nonsense.

So ultimately they handled it as well as they could. They can't report on heresay as if it were fact, and the debate was the first time this condition was obvious to anyone with eyes or ears.
It wasn't the first time it was obvious. And everyone started to leak. They could have dug deeper on it. Some reporters did report on it.


Oct 27, 2017
I was of the opinion "well... we're going to lose. so we may as well stick with Biden and not go out like drowning rats" which may sound flip as democracy is on the line, but i mean if you're going to lose you're going to lose. so like preparing for a hurricane you just brace for what's coming the best you can (second trump term)

but i finally came around. nominating Kamala at the convention would probably be a net positive. damn shame it came to this though, i really thought Biden had it in him maybe not for a full second term but at least to win this year


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
I'm asking for politicians to act like politicians. If I wasn't clear, I meant that the messaging discipline should have applied to elected Dems (backed up by Dem insiders), not Dem voters and the public at large. I don't think it's a ridiculous suggestion for a political party to try to be unitied in its message to the public backing up its candidate.

Regardless , the response to the debate performance has been an unmitigated disaster, much more than the actual debate. Far, far more people are seeing the fallout from the debate than the debate itself. That was predictable, and Dem leadership did very little to prevent it, and instead allowed rank and file Dems to stoke the flames.

Yeah, I think this is a panicked reaction specifically based on fear of 2016. Panic is not a good adviser. But we seem to be locked in now. I truly, truly hope this all works out, but I can't shake the fear that we've embraced a loser mindset.

This shit is unprecedented.

This. Should have been serious discussion either he stays or goes but it seems by and large it's been everyone hedging their bets and not willing to go either way. We are in a stage where Dems are half ass weighing in and yes, I know politics is about reading where the wind is going but ultimately what we have here was a media environment painting Biden as senile that was written off as a right wing media narrative into mainstream outlets smelling blood. No defense or decisive decisions with fucking George Clooney op ed being one of the big news stories around it.

Again, I get the stakes particularly for their careers; but this isn't a death of Caesar scenario. Decide he's the best or not the best to go with in November and act accordingly. But ultimately the media and social media has been guiding the discussion and it looks terrible on the party. It's making it a shitshow even if Biden magically recovers rep, and imagine the extra work a candidate has to do if this bloody ass baton gets passed in their direction.
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May 14, 2024
I was of the opinion "well... we're going to lose. so we may as well stick with Biden and not go out like drowning rats" which may sound flip as democracy is on the line, but i mean if you're going to lose you're going to lose. so like preparing for a hurricane you just brace for what's coming the best you can (second trump term)

but i finally came around. nominating Kamala at the convention would probably be a net positive. damn shame it came to this though, i really thought Biden had it in him maybe not for a full second term but at least to win this year
I think it reinvigorates the party and a lot of independents who are tired of old men.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I'm asking for politicians to act like politicians. If I wasn't clear, I meant that the messaging discipline should have applied to elected Dems (backed up by Dem insiders), not Dem voters and the public at large. I don't think it's a ridiculous suggestion for a political party to try to be unitied in its message to the public backing up its candidate.

Regardless , the response to the debate performance has been an unmitigated disaster, much more than the actual debate. Far, far more people are seeing the fallout from the debate than the debate itself. That was predictable, and Dem leadership did very little to prevent it, and instead allowed rank and file Dems to stoke the flames.

Yes. In their response to Joe Biden failing to demonstrate himself as the stability candidate, they failed to demonstrate themselves as the stability party.


Oct 25, 2017
Black voters who support Biden are less likely than other Biden backers to favor replacing both candidates: 58% of Black Biden supporters favor replacing both candidates, compared with 67% of Hispanic, 74% of White and 84% of Asian Biden supporters.

CBC reading the polls like anybody else. The numbers are bearing out what's driving a lot of the things happening these last two weeks. Pretty much everyone is moving with respect to the flash data, aside from Biden himself arguably. (If you take raw majority as the determinant factor.)


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
I think they should solve it either before the RNC or after the RNC. It CANNOT be during the RNC though, we need the media to have media attention on MAGA and Trump and the crazy things they say. People need to see who they are. If it is DURING the RNC, the RNC coverage will be drowned out by Harris being the new presumptive nominee.

If it happens before the RNC, they can attack Harris at the RNC but they'll do that anyway since they already created the narrative that Biden is almost dead and you're voting for Harris if you vote for him. If they can't get it done before RNC, table it until after RNC.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
It just popped in my head but I don't like.the optics of Trump only being able to defeat women canidates to become president (if that dark time line comes to fruition again)


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I actually believe that if Biden drops out and Harris takes his place, despite her generally not being a very popular figure, it will still put some excitement into the race and get more young people and leftists invested who were otherwise just feeling defeated with Biden as the nominee.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I was of the opinion "well... we're going to lose. so we may as well stick with Biden and not go out like drowning rats" which may sound flip as democracy is on the line, but i mean if you're going to lose you're going to lose. so like preparing for a hurricane you just brace for what's coming the best you can (second trump term)

but i finally came around. nominating Kamala at the convention would probably be a net positive. damn shame it came to this though, i really thought Biden had it in him maybe not for a full second term but at least to win this year
This is a good mindset to have. Sometimes those who are in favor of sticking with Biden think that those who want him to step down (as I do) believe that Harris will cruise to a victory. That's not the case. We mostly think that the damage has already been done thanks to Joe's all-time bad debate performance, and that it's an uphill battle either way, albeit a slightly more viable one with Harris than with 8PM bedtime Joe.


May 17, 2018
I think they should solve it either before the RNC or after the RNC. It CANNOT be during the RNC though, we need the media to have media attention on MAGA and Trump and the crazy things they say. People need to see who they are. If it is DURING the RNC, the RNC coverage will be drowned out by Harris being the new presumptive nominee.

If it happens before the RNC, they can attack Harris at the RNC but they'll do that anyway since they already created the narrative that Biden is almost dead and you're voting for Harris if you vote for him. If they can't get it done before RNC, table it until after RNC.
That's assuming the media can exhibit any restraint at all from talking about Dems in Disarray constantly regardless of what the situation is during the RNC. A party convention is, frankly, boring compared to this drama.
Apr 24, 2024
For those calling out Dems for hiding, guarding etc Bidens condition and everything that's happening... This is them dealing and grappling with what Republicans should also be doing with Trump. It's hard and complicated and daunting. At least it's a conversation. Neither of these guys should be in the running. I know this won't likely mean anything as far as votes though.

I'll vote for a ham sandwich over Trump so whatever. But after much thought I really do believe that Kamala could do this. It's gonna take work and luck but she's got a better chance than Biden and it's only gonna get worse for him. Unless tonight he starts karate chopping boards while doing his presser.
The difference is Trump is the only person bringing votes to the republicans. Its not their policy or ideology, they are the party of Trump. If he died tomorrow, they would be absolutely fucked because there went their identity. I get that there are a lot of racists and fascists in this country, but you have to have a leader to make that shit palatable to enough normies to win an election. I suppose they could try Abbott, it sure won't be DeSantis and I don't think Haley has the pull either.


Oct 25, 2017
Kamala is definitely an interesting and maybe the only choice, Biden is toasted in my opinion.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
I actually believe that if Biden drops out and Harris takes his place, despite her generally not being a very popular figure, it will still put some excitement into the race and get more young people and leftists invested who were otherwise just feeling defeated with Biden as the nominee.

Similar to Hilary I fear a nexus of the GOP knowing she eventually was going to run so that's years of intentional bad press, and on the left side going to assume inheriting and having to claim Biden's mistakes (Israel being a big one) along with other bad optics (the bots have been nuts with Kamala is a cop and they have a point).

Issue is she has baggage coming in (similar to Newsome) as opposed to a Whitmer. I do think making voting her in a referendum on abortion a good one, and she would eat Trump in a debate. But I feel she's got an albatross on her neck that reminds me of Hilary.
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