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Deleted member 8674

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
This is fake, by a parody account


@Nintendaube lol


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 28, 2017
I wonder if a Gamefreak employee ever came across a thread like this, on Era or somewhere else.
He must be really amused on how much time these people have in their hands or he's just laughing at us, thinking 'those poor unfortunate souls'.

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
We should hold Phantom Thief accountable for the crime of creating this thread.

We have all gone crazy in here. The worst part is that we haven't reached the bottom of our madness yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I know it won't happen but I hope next region won't have a villian team and they focus more on the adventure, discovery and magic of Pokémon. Maybe with more side quests/stories (ORAS had some bht longer/more in depth).

Maybe even catching a legendary Pokémon making the people in the local town dislike you because you caught their deity (and jack up Pokemart prices and refusing pokecenter services)


One Winged Slayer
Nov 8, 2017
idk what's been going on in here but is everyone assuming we're getting some news on Wednesday?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nobody talked about this tweet yet


We all know Nidoran becomes Nidoqueen. That in itself is a confirmation of Pokémon Queen being real. We don't need to look for any queen confirmation anymore.

But what about King you might say ? Well Oddish is HM43. So, let's search for "King" in the search bar. Now, we look for the 43rd result : "November 2000 news". Now, we look inside and search for a news that was posted on the 21st. Why ? Because Oddish evolves at level 21. And what do we see ? News about an anime episode called Little Big Horn, focused around Stantler. Stantler. a stag pokémon. And stag are considered as kings of the forest in France, wearing their horns as a crown. Why France ? Because French people are odd. There, we are back at Oddish.

You are not convinced ? Just check the number of that episode: 127. And HM127 is Pinsir, who is, drum roll, a stag beetle pokémon.

Not there yet ? Then let's look at the three main pokémon I just talked about: Oddish, Nidoran and Pinsir, respectively HM43, 29 and 127. Guess what, 43+29+127=199 and pokémon n°199 is.... Slowking !

Wait, you think I should also count Stantler and Nidoqueen as I talked about them ? Then that would get us to 464. Which is Rhyperior, whose first appearance in the anime was in movie 11, you know, the Giratina one. This movie is about a little realm (as the blurb says) we hadn't heard about before. There, we got it, a realm.

(Which also definitely fits the UK, maybe a post Brexit one where everybody forgot it even existed ? This is where Pixelpar's tweet is revealed to be a tease: it is ruled by a ruthless ruler that is lonely because everybody left and tries to drag someone (Dialga) in to punish him for bothering him. Which is ironic when in the first place, Brexit was about pushing people away. But it still makes sense: the reverse world is a world which is the exact opposite of the world of reality, fit for Brexit, isn't it ?).
But this is no proof, just guess-work.

I truly don't think I have anything to add to prove you all that this is all real... But I can predict with 100% certainty where the games will be set:

Indeed !
Nidoqueen is HM 31, and Oddish is HM43. And guess what ? 43-31=12, and Elizabeth II is the 12th monarch of the United Kingdom. Which confirms the setting to be the UK, and even more, we now know that in the pokémon world, Elizabeth II exists and rules the equivalent of the UK (could she be the equivalent of Giratina?)

This took me way too long and it's not even that great :(

You're right, it's not great... It's amazing. Thank you for all your hard work.


Oct 25, 2017
Speculation: the real inspiration behind new region also has a map resembling a Pokemon.

Stop quoting, get drawing, is what I mean


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Okay I will accept Mewtwo getting another gimmick as long as it is the armour it wears in the movie

Deleted member 31092

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
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