Best Pocky

  • Chocolate

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • Strawberry

    Votes: 19 29.2%
  • Cookies & Cream

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • Matcha Green Tea

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • Chocolate Banana

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Almond Crush

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • Other (Name In Comments)

    Votes: 5 7.7%

  • Total voters
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
Hello Era,


Ever had Pocky? Chances are, you can confidently answer that. Which is pretty remarkable given how homogenized the snack world is. Pocky is just that unique of a food, you remember it even if you only encountered it once.

It's described as a creme covered biscuit stick. But it's really just a cookie, an inverted Oreo. It's light, tastes good, and there's so many dang varieties. I have picked my personal favorite as well as my least liked. Heck all pocky is good but it's clear some are lesser. And finally I'm listing my most desired, cause no one has ever tried EVERY Pocky.

Favorite: Matcha Green Tea


Matcha fucking rules. Absolutely everything you want in a snack. Mildly sweet, crunchy, a hint of oak, even a touch savory. Ya can enjoy just one or eat a whole damn box. A top tier snack.

Least Liked: Chocolate Banana


Like I said, all Pocky is good. But Chocolate Banana is a flavor premise this snack doesn't live up to. As mentioned before, Pocky is at it's best when it's muted. But this is sadly the exception. Chocolate Banana is too damn mellow! So instead of highlighting a single taste, it's a wishy washy profile. It's fine, honestly.

Most Desired: Oolong Tea


This section is for the Pocky I haven't tried but want to. I like tea, Oolong Tea is tea. It's just that simple! Can anyone tell me what it's like?

ERA, What is your 1. Best 2. Worst 3. Most Desired Pocky?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I like the cookies and cream ones but I can only have like two of them at a time because the flavor gets too strong if you eat a bunch of them.

What he hell is DreamPocky, anyway? It looks like it's covered in edible glitter.


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
The half strawberry half chocolate ones with the fudge dip are the only way to go


Jul 28, 2019
New Jersey
Men's Pocky (Dark Chocolate) isn't in the poll, wtf.

My favorite Pocky was a limited flavor called Pocky G, which was never brought back, afaik. It's also my most desired Pocky.

Out of "regular" flavors, I'm partial to Men's and Coconut. I think the worst one I've had was Cookies and Cream, but it isn't that bad.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh man there are so many great flavors but the almond ones have a nice texture and crunch. I might be a bigger fan of the Péjoy aka the reverse pocky.


Oct 27, 2017
I really have only had the strawberry, matcha and chocolate. I really really like the strawberry ones.


Oct 26, 2017
Lemon Fran is my favorite. It's Meiji's attempt at Pocky. Ate a shit ton of it in Japan back in 2006 and every once in a while I'll see another type of Fran at the Japanese grocery store in Seattle, but never lemon.
Oct 29, 2017
Upstate New York
Man, I love both the almond crunch and strawberry Pocky the most.

Although I do remember one time at my local grocery store, they had like off-brand Pocky, it was like exactly the same concept, but it some Turkish brand lmao.


Oct 26, 2017
Overpriced in Chinatowns now. I remember enjoying it as a kid before all the anime fans jumped on the bandwagon.