
What Are Ya' Buying?
Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
"We're on Game Pass for Xbox, and it's been really awesome because I think it's brought a lot of players to the game who would not have known about it otherwise," he says. "So I think that's been a big shift. The same way it's changed the TV and movie worlds, the subscription system is also going to impact the game industry very significantly. We're starting to see that, and starting to see it maybe unlock the market to weirder things and more original things that would have been more risky beforehand."
"My personal take is that for any industry, it's all a question of monopolies," Verneau explains. "And our industry is filled with monopolies on so many levels, from tools to platforms. And I've learned enough economics to know what that means and to think it's a really problematic thing for both players and game developers.

"As long as we manage to break these monopolies and have competition at every level, I think we'll be fine. Whether or not we can get there? Monopolies are very good at making people think they like it, because they have all the money to put on marketing. That's my personal worry. For as long as we have competition between platforms, publishers, and distributors, game developers will [be able to reach our audience ].

Lots more in the link above.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm, will era shit in gamepass and subscriptions or side with the indie darling of 2019.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Sure, but when so much stuff becomes subscription service its hard on the wallet


Oct 25, 2017
One of the best games I've ever played and it was on gamepass. Fantastic devs, fantastic service from MS.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
But i was told that gamepass will force all devs to put in ways to steal my money so clearly he is wrong



Dec 20, 2017
It certainly goes in line with what other Xbox Games Studios teams have been saying for the past months. Initiative's video even being very prominent about doing weird stuff.

Third-party content on XGP has been phenomenal with stuff like Void Bastards and Outer Wilds. Really curious to see their first-party additions with both Bleeding Edge and Grounded coming out in the upcoming six months.


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Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
common sense, get paid to be a showpiece for a service. Same thing as Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Hulu, etc.


Oct 30, 2017
I am excited for what is in store for GamePass.

Streets of Rage 4, Ori etc... It really does allow one to expand their gaming palette, and try new things.


Jan 2, 2019
Makes sense. Game pass was the perfect service for something like Outer Wilds. Hard to explain why the game is good, but if it's part of your subscription - you can give it a shot.
Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully and yeah, but they're owned by Xbox who has a vested interest in that so of course they'd say that. If this came from a dev in a Obsidian situation that was still third party it would have more weight imo

Edit: Read it as Outer Worlds, sorry guys my dyslexia got the best of me there. Good to hear for these devs, and yes it does have a lot of weight now.
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May 17, 2018
This is, so far, the only long-term benefit I can see with subscription services, IMO. It definitely gives weirder games a wider potential audience.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I played it through game pass myself and honestly wouldn't have bought it otherwise. I'd love to know how much money Microsoft is giving some of these devs though.


Oct 25, 2017
I took a chance on this game because of GP and it's my GOTY. It's not my job to worry about the economics of it all - that's on MS. If devs are seeing positive results like this then all the better.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
"As long as we manage to break these monopolies and have competition at every level, I think we'll be fine. Whether or not we can get there? Monopolies are very good at making people think they like it, because they have all the money to put on marketing. That's my personal worry. For as long as we have competition between platforms, publishers, and distributors, game developers will [be able to reach our audience ]. "

Anyone want to fill me in on what he's really talking about? Exclusive deals maybe?

Outer Wilds, not Worlds. Not a MS Studio. Outer Wilds is on PS4 and Epic as well.
Even I still get messed up sometimes because both games came out close and have similar titles.


Oct 25, 2017
What's kind of interesting to me is it's almost like taking a money-hat for exclusivity, but MS isn't demanding exclusivity. You get some guaranteed income but your game isn't removed from other markets because MS can't really afford to pay for exclusivity and they don't really need to.

Throwing your game up "for free" on EGS or XBL Gold or PSN+ is another similar revenue stream out there.


Oct 28, 2017
Hopefully and yeah, but they're owned by Xbox who has a vested interest in that so of course they'd say that. If this came from a dev in a Obsidian situation that was still third party it would have more weight imo
So now that you now know that they aren't a MS holds more weight right?

What's kind of interesting to me is it's almost like taking a money-hat for exclusivity, but MS isn't demanding exclusivity. You get some guaranteed income but your game isn't removed from other markets because MS can't really afford to pay for exclusivity and they don't really need to.
Yep...this is what "3rd party exclusives" should turn into if anything imo. Better for gaming...I don't like "3rd party exclusives" just cuz.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, until subscription services change their model from "bleeding money to move userbase" to "make profits".


Oct 25, 2017
"As long as we manage to break these monopolies and have competition at every level, I think we'll be fine. Whether or not we can get there? Monopolies are very good at making people think they like it, because they have all the money to put on marketing. That's my personal worry. For as long as we have competition between platforms, publishers, and distributors, game developers will [be able to reach our audience ]. "

Anyone want to fill me in on what he's really talking about? Exclusive deals maybe?

Yeah maybe throwing a little shade at gamers who cheer on exclusivity "money hats." Not in a talking shit sense, but in a "you are cheering something that isn't actually good for gaming and does nothing for you either" sense.


Nov 14, 2017
This works as long as MS (Or other sub services) continue looking for and signing unique games + giving them enough exposure such that people play them.

As these libraries keep growing, discoverability is going to become a bigger and bigger problem (Like it does with any store). If "indie" games are added more frequently, and their quality isn't tightly controlled, you're going to start seeing people completely ignore those small titles in favor of "AAA" titles (It already happens on this very forum).

That likely will end up meaning those "big" titles will command the majority of user attention and advertising for these services, with the hope that users will trickle down into indie titles that otherwise wouldn't get attention. I don't know the economics of the deals these companies make with the service providers so I won't go into that, but it's going to be harder and harder to get noticed on these services as time goes on.

In some ways, Outer Wilds feels like that "gold rush" story you see with a lot of new store fronts. I hope there's a way to keep it up long term.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
And it makes big AAA risks far less likely. Fewer God of War, Last of Us, Breath of the Wild titles.


Nov 4, 2017
I guess it comes down to whether you want to convince a small handful of people with specific tastes your game is worthy of a large amount of funding or convince a very large number of incredibly variant people your game is worth many small amounts of funding.

Are there any examples of shrinking the pool of people who get to decide what's consumed working out for the better?

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
Yeah maybe throwing a little shade at gamers who cheer on exclusivity "money hats." Not in a talking shit sense, but in a "you are cheering something that isn't actually good for gaming and does nothing for you either" sense.
The amount spent on marketing is insane and I can totally understand the smaller developers struggling. Game Pass to me is awsome because so many games I'd otherwise not even notice I can try and found some real gems (Void Bastards, Slay the Spire).

My take is that the issue is that if subscription services become the bulk of gaming revenue, it can hurt independent developers because the subscription holder will hold the keys to that revenue. Basically another form of curation that locks certain developers out. So the key to keeping the indie scene healthy is not allowing a monopoly, whether a platform, service, console, etc, because then you are basically giving the keys to success to one entity/corporation.
Are you sure because they are supporting a service now so wouldn't that be kind of counter productive if they are not on other services too like PSNow?


Puzzle Master
Oct 25, 2017
"As long as we manage to break these monopolies and have competition at every level, I think we'll be fine. Whether or not we can get there? Monopolies are very good at making people think they like it, because they have all the money to put on marketing. That's my personal worry. For as long as we have competition between platforms, publishers, and distributors, game developers will [be able to reach our audience ]. "

Anyone want to fill me in on what he's really talking about? Exclusive deals maybe?

Even I still get messed up sometimes because both games came out close and have similar titles.

My take is that the issue is that if subscription services become the bulk of gaming revenue, it can hurt independent developers because the subscription holder will hold the keys to that revenue. Basically another form of curation that locks certain developers out. So the key to keeping the indie scene healthy is not allowing a monopoly, whether a platform, service, console, etc, because then you are basically giving the keys to success to one entity/corporation. Which is why the developer isn't sure whether or not subscription gaming will ultimately benefit independent developers.


Oct 25, 2017
And it makes big AAA risks far less likely. Fewer God of War, Last of Us, Breath of the Wild titles.

A third person action game in an estabilished franchise, a third person cinematic shooter and an open world action-adventure game from one of the biggest gaming franchises... not really what I would call risky.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
This is definitely what I'm hoping for. Streaming clearly helped a lot more niche TV shows get made which was great — my only reservation on how that would translate to vidya is if the temptation to turn every game into a GaaS that you can play for 1,000 hours would be too strong.


Nov 4, 2017
A third person action game in an estabilished franchise, a third person cinematic shooter and an open world action-adventure game from one of the biggest gaming franchises... not really what I would call risky.

They are risky in a different way (less so for first party titles). AAAA game budgets mean that massive failures mean studio closures. They also swim in red waters, where audience expectation is sky-high.

There are no easy wins in making games.


Oct 25, 2017
I do think Game Pass is the reason Yakuza is coming to Xbox at all. It's a great way to get games in front of an audience that might have never considered it.