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Deleted member 1839

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Oct 25, 2017
For me it would look like this.......

Playstation- 8/10

Nintendo- 5/10

Xbox- 2/10

Even though PlayStation had a lot less titles then Nintendo I've played, a lot of them did more for me or or they were more into my taste. Nintendo has the variety and output but very few titles hit it very well for me. Though Splatoon 2 is probably my favorite game from any of the console publishers. I didn't play much or care much for what Xbox offer this gen with maybe 3 to 5 titles at most but Sunset Overdrive was one of the best open world games I've played so there's that.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
PlayStation - 4/10 Only had four good games: Bloodborne, TLOU2, Nioh and Nioh 2. But Nioh is already on PC and Nioh 2 most likely as well, so it's technically a 2/10.

Xbox - 5/10 MCC has five good games in it out of six.

Nintendo - 0/10 I don't own a Switch.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty close to OP's.

PlayStation - 8/10. Could be improved with full quality put into the more diverse games. Overall great though.
Nintendo - 6/10. Some incredibly excellent games and some incredibly horrible droughts.
XBox - 3/10. 7 years of Phil promising games are on the way. For the most part he has failed.
Apr 25, 2020
Playstation - 8

Xbox - 3

Nintendo - 6

Frankly Nintendo being so bog average has been the biggest surprise. Were it not for BotW, that 6 would be a 2 or a 3.


May 17, 2020
Nintendo 10, Sony 9, Microsoft 5

I've gotten plenty of enjoyment from all of them overall but Nintendo has breadth and quality and quantity and their games are extremely replayable. Sony has some stuff I find largely boring, not really into open world games so Tsushima and Days Gone do nothing for me, early in the generation was pretty bad. Microsoft's stumbled a bit but I got a Halo collection, Rare Replay and Forza so I've got a good chunk of hours in anyway.


Oct 26, 2017
Playstation - 6/10. Great games, but also a bit formulaic and somewhat lacking in variety.
Nintendo - 7/10. Great games, nice amount of variety.
Xbox - 2/10. Definitely not their strongest period.

And yet, I'm going with a Series X for my first next gen console.


Oct 25, 2017
PlayStation 10/10

They released some truly amazing games.



Their best game was a rerelease of all the Halos and it was the most broken game ever when it first came out. They couldn't have dropped the ball harder than they did last gen. Thankfully they know they fucked up and it seems like the new gen will have a lot of first party games.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd give Sony a 9/10, some really great and diverse games. Feels like their first party offerings have never been better.
Nintendo I would give an 8/10, their major games have been stellar but going back 7 years encompasses the Wii U and their have been some draughts mixed in.
For Microsoft, as they say if you have nothing good to say, better to say nothing at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo > Playstation > Xbox, I guess. I don't have an Xbox so they are last by default. Don't care for most of the big PlayStation exclusives (The Last Guardian is my favorite PS4 exclusive of the gen if that's any indication). Wouldn't say Nintendo has been amazing but they've been better than the competition. Wish there were less significant droughts between major Switch releases.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
PlayStation - 9/10: so many masterpieces, their studios were on fire this gen, this year alone has been crazy, and everything points to a great 2021 as well. Just give me a JRPG!

Nintendo - 9/10: Wii U and 3DS had a great 2013/2014/2015. They've been killing it with their Switch output as well. Just give me Metroid Prime 4 now!

Xbox - 1/10 - Sunset Overdrive, I guess?


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
PlayStation - 8/10. I've had some of the best gaming in my experience from PlayStation's exclusives this generation, they're driving my current sense of peak games enthusiasm more than any other portfolio of exclusives. There's occasional duds, and particularly I feel like much of them were front-loaded at the beginning of this generation. PSVR kinda gives PlayStation an edge here for me, too -- it's the only VR I own, and despite knowing its limitations, I feel like Sony's first-party output on PSVR is generally pretty great and takes into account the limitations of the hardware, and I've personally found PSVR -- as my first and presently only step into VR -- to be a novel and enjoyable way to play games.

Nintendo - 7/10. Nintendo can still hit really hard for me on a fairly regular basis, but Switch having a lot of WiiU ports has been a bit redundant as someone who already owned a WiiU (but I am glad some of the games are having an opportunity at a much larger audience), and some of their more experimental titles don't really resonate with me as much as I'd like. Alas, still very solid. Breath of the Wild is now my favorite game of all time, so when they hit hard, they hit HARD.

Xbox - 4/10. I still absolutely love the Forza franchise, with the only misstep so far for me being the launch state of Forza 7 -- The Horizon games are still absolutely fun times for me. I still like the Gears franchise, and I felt that Gears 1-3 was one of my personal favorite franchises of LAST gen, but Gears 4 and 5 have lost steam because I'm just not into the narratives they've set up, and a lot of that has to do with how final Gears 3 felt to me. I still love Gears from a gameplay and visual perspective, though -- and I love how robust the Horde modes have gotten, since that was one of my absolute favorite things about Gears 3. A sense of creativity is kinda gone from Xbox's portfolio at the moment, though. As far as exclusives go, Forza is the only thing that holds me greatly in Xbox's realm at present. If it weren't for Game Pass -- which I do NOT credit as exclusive due to how much my enjoyment does hinge on how much third party games add to its value for me -- Xbox would largely be irrelevant to me right now, because their exclusives appeal is just Forza and a lukewarm response to Gears and that's it for me.
Oct 25, 2017
Playstation: 8/10 - Great output. They definitely have a preferred style of game (third person narrative focused), but they do it extremely well. Bloodborne is one of my favorite games of all time

Nintendo: 5/10 - Lots of good games in the past 7 years, but tbh the only one I REALLY consider top tier for my personal tastes is Breath of the Wild.

Xbox: 1/10 - Haven't been a huge fan of any of their first party games in the last 7 years. I've never been super into Forza Horizon so my favorite first party games were probably Sunset Overdrive and then Ori to a lesser extent. Not much else outside of that. Recent Halo and Gears games have been very underwhelming.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony = 9/10 : I've basically hugely enjoyed their output minus the launch lineup. Since Bloodborne onwards it's been golden

Nintendo = 8/10 : Similar franchises as always but still handled oh so well.

Xbox = 2/10 : A point each for Gears 5 & Forza Horizon 4, pretty dire otherwise.


Oct 26, 2017
PlayStation - 9.5 - Banger after banger, Goty after Goty. Lots of variety, smaller titles, AAA titles but no one is making AAA at their level and consistency. Everyone is going GAAS and thankfully Sony is producing the games I love without the bs.
Nintendo - 5 - a lot of repetition, BOTW was nice before it got stale and some droughts. I only played a handful of their stuff but not a lot of desire to play all of them. I like the Fire Emblem games the best out of their portfolio.
Xbox - 1 - Yeah not good.

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
Playstation - 7 - they are good most of the time.
Nintendo - 6 - they are alright.
Microsoft - I don't know.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
PlayStation has been the most solid of the three, with Nintendo being extremely surprising in the past few years with their first parties, and expanding their lesser known games to become big franchises (Fire Emblem, Xenoblade). Xbox, I can't really comment on, but it's definitely been the weakest for me for a very long time.
Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
PlayStation: 9/10
Xbox: 2/10

Nintendo: ?/10 — haven't owned their system nor have any interest in Nintendo games so can't meaningfully grade them.

PlayStation delivered in spades this gen. Xbox, not so much. It's been one of the weakest gens ever for a first party for Xbox this gen. Sure they're now well positioned to fix a lot of that, but it doesn't take away from the fact that they flubbed this gen FP-wise.

Deleted member 79517

User requested account closure
Aug 31, 2020
Nintendo - 10/10

Many of their best franchises have received their best entries on the Switch: Zelda, Smash, and Animal Crossing come to mind. Other major series have been great, too.

Sony - 7/10

For my tastes, the highs are high and the lows are unbearable. Uncharted 4 was a great swan song. Meanwhile, God of War made me wish its predecessor was a swan song. Also, the lack of mechanical variety is disappointing.

Xbox - Ori/10

Will of the Wisps is so good.


▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
Bias Note: I am a Nintendo fanboy who prefers PlayStation over Xbox. I am trying to be objective, however.

Playstation: 9/10. I believe they've been firing on all cylinders. Infamous Second Son, Uncharted 4, Lost Legacy, Spider-Man, God of War, Horizon, Ratchet 2016, TLOU2, and Ghost of Tsushima are all incredible. All I ask to improve is to bring back Resistance so we can get some cool FPS exclusives, and for more Ratchet games like we got during the PS2/PS3 era, though this seems to be happening with Rift Apart.

Nintendo: 6/10. When Nintendo hits, they make some of the very best games ever. However, since switching to HD, their games come out far less frequently, and since the Wii U, they've adopted the Splatoon model of launching games fairly bare-bones then updating them frequently to eventually get them up to the usual standard. While games like Smash Ultimate, Mario Odyssey, BOTW, Tropical Freeze, and Luigi's Mansion 3 are all fantastic, I've been disappointed with games like Mario Tennis Aces or Mario Maker 2 which feel anemic at launch.

Xbox: 4/10. Forza Horizon games have been their best exclusives during the Xbox One generation. Sunset Overdrive is too if you count that as an Xbox Game Studio game, but Insomniac is owned by Sony now. Rare Replay and Master Chief Collection are amazing collections. Sea of Thieves is a lot of fun on occasion. Aside from that, largely unimpressed, and the reason I became a primarily PlayStation gamer during the last generation.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 4, 2017
Sony in the last 7 years have put out games that have defined my gaming career. God of War, Spiderman, Ghosts, Bloodborne, Detroit:BH (I am serious, I loved the fuck out of this game), Until Dawn, Uncharted 4, TLOU2, R&C, Horizon, SotC, Uncharted Lost Legacy. I don't think anyone approaches that kind of output from any studio. 10/10


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It'd be interesting to also hear thoughts on Xbox + the Zenimax studios as that will be more indicative of the future.
Oct 27, 2017
Xbox 7 / 10 as long as they keep releasing Forza I'll be a happy frog
Nintendo 8 /10 Some good bangers over there
Sony 5/10 I really haven't liked any of the exclusives. I always feel they're a chore to play, at least they look pretty. And Gravity Rush is dead now so.


Nov 25, 2017
I'm not counting Wii u. Switch alone since 2017 has been amazing for 1st party support. Far better than it was on Wii u. For switch I would give it a 9. For Wii u 2010 to switch 2017 I would drop it to a 7


Oct 27, 2017
Probably like...

Sony - 7.5/10

Good cadence of releases and it's all pretty interesting, with only the occasional dud. Would like way more Japanese games though, as they're my favourite thing they put out (Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 2, Soul Sacrifice, etc).

Nintendo - 6/10

I disliked a good portion of their Wii U lineup, but they were super consistent with their 3DS releases. Switch has kind of been disappointing in the sense that it's a lot of the Wii U all over again, but when a game hits, it really hits.

Microsoft - 3.5/10

Enjoyed Ori, Cuphead and the Forza Horizon subseries, but thought everything else I checked out was a worse version of a previous thing (the Halo and Gears releases co-op with a superfan friend) or a good studio doing some of their worst work (Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive).


Together, we are strangers
Oct 25, 2017
Threads like these always devolve into console wars.
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