Feb 24, 2018
I don't like being pranked, like at all, after years of severe bullying, both emotionally and physically, I don't find them funny at all and will stop being friends with you if you do after I told you so. So it may not come as any surprise I don't like April Fools Day all that much.

I don't hate all of that, the fun games Google does some years are and I like ones that are very creative and don't hurt anyone or a funny videos, but quite frankly, most people aren't funny and most April Fools just aren't funny.

I've personally be on the receiving any of too many "jokes" to find April Fools amusing, from being told my cat has been run over, been punched in the face, shoulder or gut, spat on, set on fire in secondary School because a kid who had a lighter used a can of Lynx to set fire to my trousers (No that kid wasn't properly punished, I went to a really bad Secondary School) and just lies.

And quite frankly, most April Fool "jokes" are just lies and not even funny lies, just lies that can be easily proven to be so, that isn't funny, that's amazingly uncreative and a time waster. And that's not even to begin to discuss the "pranks" that are just crimes like people who think because it's April Fools that makes it okay to steal, create public disturbances, sexual assault, breaking in people's homes, breaking stuff etc.

The one that still baffles me are people who think "fake" kidnappings are a joke, like WTF?! Yes potentially traumatise one of our friends, what a joke!!!!???? Oh and if they have a problem with that, their just a "bad sport"... *sigh* I despise that term along "good sport" it implies that the victim should not be upset or MUST LIKE the joke/prank and if they don't THERE the bad person, it's victim blaming BS and it makes it clear to me the type person who is using is.

So for the angriness of the thread, April Fools just bothers me.

Deleted member 26156

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Oct 30, 2017
April Fools jokes are good if the performer has a good sense of humor.

The problem with this is that the vast majority of the world does not have a good sense of humor.

Deleted member 44129

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May 29, 2018
Any website that does an April Fool this year should be closed down.

The internet has made AF jokes suck so bad. Simply writing a bullshit news story is not a "prank" and this shit needs to stop.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm with you on the traumatic pranks and stuff. I used to find them amusing, but now I'm like "Nah!", it can fuck with people even if they did initially find it funny.

But, best April Fools for me is game related - that MvC3/CvS thing was and is still so good. I hate them, too. Sigh.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I like it cause Dragalia Lost usually has something for today. This time it's a cool Doggo you can play with.



Imgur: The magic of the Internet


Alt Account
Jan 30, 2020
April Fools is fine but people take it entirely too seriously sometimes, the jokesters I mean.


Jan 14, 2019
Fake news are annoying as fuck.

Something like Blizzard used to do where its extremely obvious and silly, can be fun.


The Fallen
Nov 12, 2017
Yeah imagine having your birthday on that day, and every year when someone finds out they call you an April fool like it's original
Jun 20, 2018
I think it's been warped out of all proportion. I always remember it being something that only lasted til lunch time for a start, but the idea was also to make someone feel like a fool for believing something really dumb. It's not like that anymore. It's websites purposefully being broken or just telling complete lies. I don't think someone is a fool for believing a straight up lie.


Jan 8, 2019
i liked it when i was a kid we just told some dumb lies and jokes. now with the internet people will do something stupid for the views. i'm expecting someone to film themselves coughing on someone as an april fools ''prank''.

Terra Firma

Oct 25, 2017
April Fools needs to stop after high school. You can have it in entertainment but not in real life.


Nov 9, 2017
I've only ever known the sort of people who love dad jokes to engage in it, and their "pranks" are about as harmless and unfunny as you'd anticipate based on their sense of humor.


Oct 27, 2017
Pranks are for selfish unfunny people. They're never really fun. Prank-shows are the worst. It's so cheap and lame. "Hey i abused your trust and made you do something you had no reason to doubt and you totally fell for it, lol lol lol..................."

I know i know, "no fun allowed" or "you must be fun at parties". But that's the whole thing, it isn't funny in any measurable way. Only for the ass who thought of the "prank". Be funnier if pranks are your level of humor.

Having said that, i did pull one on my son today. Because we have to prepare our kids for the dumb-ass traditions that dumb people created (Christmas, Valentines Day, Halloween, all that fucking shit). He "fell" for it so now i know i can lie to him without him noticing. Cool.



The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Anyone perpetuating April Fools jokes about Coronavirus should literally be jailed.

Fuck, I'm going to hear it ALL day long.


Oct 27, 2017
Internet really took it too far IMO.

Also not to sound like "no fun allowed" but I feel any AF joke this year would be in pretty bad form (unless it's extremely light-hearted). Even Google says they aren't doing any this year.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey guess what, the world isn't absolute shit!

A P R I L F O O L S ! !


Oct 25, 2017
Hate it as well, there's already enough misinformation in the world, don't need an entire day dedicated to it.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
It's the worst fucking day of the year to open a web browser. I truly loathe this day.

Deleted member 11985

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Oct 27, 2017
I like when Reddit did r/thebutton in 2015 and r/place in 2017. But besides that, I also hate April Fools. I'm not particularly offended by it like you appear to be, OP. I just find it annoying.

It was alright back in the 90's when you'd only have to deal with that one person who would remember what day it was, and you'd just have to fake laugh and that was it for the rest of the day. But then the internet came along and completely fucked it all up. Everybody goes way overboard with it on the internet every single year. It's so annoying.


Oct 25, 2017
I like it if it's obvious, but well done. Like the Zelda movie trailer on IGN years back.

Haven't seen any april fools today yet, hope there's not much this year.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
100% agreed. I usually dislike it, but this year it's tenfold.
Pranks done at the expense of others are too often bullying masquerading as humor.
In an age of untruths and fake news, posting made up stories as a joke doesn't make you clever or imaginative, it makes you a fucking moron.

If not having either of these prevents you from being funny, you're the problem.
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah it's shit.

Especially since the internet and corporations ruined it completely.

With friends in person it could somewhat be funny sometimes.


Oct 27, 2017
For harmless fun I think it's fine, but unfortunately it's usually used for misinformation and at the expense of others.

My college would update their student access site for April Fools, and while some could consider it cringey, I thought it was amusing. One year it was covered in sparkles and unicorns with a link to Robot Unicorn Attack, and another year with memes and a Nyan Cat cursor. If you didn't like the look and layout, they had a toggle to turn it off/on.


Nov 5, 2017
The problem isn't the fake news, the problem is EVERYONE online started doing fake stuff so the gotcha moments were completely gone because it was predictable.

Practical jokes are still fun though.


Oct 28, 2017
Over the years, it's gone from fun to utterly toxic for me. I genuinely hate the day now, and in times like these, it's borderline cruel to engage in it.


Oct 30, 2017
I have fun with it, I can't wait for my nephew to be a little older so I can pull pranks on him for april fools.

I was a little jaded about it for a few years, but the important thing is to just have fun, and ignore the online content for it.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine with it any other year, except for this year and during like national emergencies.

A link went around this morning that the governor of MA was making students repeat their current year. And it very clearly said "APRIL FOOLS" on the link, but the link preview was meant to look like it was real... ANd it got shared like 30 times among my wife's group of friends who are all teachers. Sure "Click the link and read it," but c'mon.

Some pranks I think are funny.

My brother in law played a prank on his son when he was 6 or something where he put an elastic band over the nozzle on the sprayer thing in their kitchen sink, so when he turned on the water, it sprayed it. He caught it on video and it was hilarious. My nephew actually cried at first from the surprise but then thought ti was the funniest thing ever, and then tried to prank me with it when I Came over their house.

Imagine if you could look into the future back from like... February, and you saw headlines "NBA SEASON CANCELLED" "MARCH MADNESS CANCELLED" "DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY POSTPONED" you'd think either there was a giant meteor or it was an april fools joke.


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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
But if it wasn't for April Fools, we would have never gotten Pokemon Go.

I understood where you are coming from op


Oct 27, 2017
It's the one of the worst days of the year. Every single year. I wish it would end.

Deleted member 52442

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Jan 24, 2019
I like when people get to have a little fun on the day, especially when gaming companies do it. Jokes at peoples expense are not OK with me 363 days out of the year and this one is no different


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Does anyone likes it?

Get ready for "Platinum announces Scalebound" and other very funny pranks


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
April Fools sucks and has always sucked. The whole premise is "I'm going to lie to you and, when you believe me, I'm gonna say 'APRIL FOOOOOOLS' and then it's OK."

I remember one year, a friend (A) wanted me to call another friend (B) and tell him that Friend A had been jumped and was in the hospital. Like... WHY? So much needless cruelty wrapped up in a "holiday."