Have you played Mass Effect: Legendary Edition?

  • Yes, more than one playthrough.

    Votes: 35 4.4%
  • Yes, one full playthrough.

    Votes: 161 20.4%
  • Yes, I'm in the middle of a playthrough.

    Votes: 109 13.8%
  • No, but I have already bought it.

    Votes: 116 14.7%
  • No, but I plan to buy it eventually.

    Votes: 112 14.2%
  • No, I have no interest in the game, but I played the original games.

    Votes: 170 21.5%
  • No, I have no interest in the game just like I didn't have in the original games.

    Votes: 88 11.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
The Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster was the remaster that I wanted to happen the most. For two reasons: one is that they are my favorite series of all and two because it always felt the most obvious remaster project a company could undertake. I would look at the night sky night after night and the stars would ask me: "why hasn't EA remastered the ME Trilogy yet?" and I would sadly answer that I didn't know. But there was always the next day, and eventually EA saw the light and greenlit the project.

There was some doubt surrounding it. Bioware wasn't on top of their game to say the least, it's EA™ and you don't have to look far to see how much developers can screw up remasters. And by screw up I mean really screw up. The weeks leading up to the release were a bit worrisome because of that plus the fact that there was minimum gameplay shown (which in hindsight was a very weird decision) yet when the collection was finally released it was glorious.

Mass Effect 1 got the lion share of work, understandably so, and it is as result a better game than it was a 15 years ago. They managed to make the combat fun. Not in an engaging way like ME2 and ME3, but in a pleasant kind of way. One of the improvements is that they changed how some guns work to offer a little bit more variety and it was quite fun to use a semi automatic assault rifle with explosive rounds as an engineer. The visual enhancements were very meaningful as well, with some levels receiving an overhaul, which further added a feeling of freshness to the game. One detail that I really appreciated was the improved Thresher Maw fight. Not only it was more engaging, but it also added elements from the ME2's fight that made the series more cohesive. Talking about that, there were also trilogy wide improvements, like a unified character creation and more visual parity.

I was surprised by how much work ME2 got. Beyond the up res work there were new effects and the lighting was notably improved. Compare the gunship fight from Samara's loyalty mission in the original game and the remaster for example. ME3 seems to be the game that was less worked on and I believe it could have used some more ME2 style improvements. The up res textures really helps that game though.

Not everything was perfect. I think the performance, on PC at least, is not quite as smooth as I'd like. Old bugs remain and some new ones appeared and there are a few textures here and there that aren't in their correct place. A reworked Priority: Earth had always been a loose hope, so I won't hold that against it, even if it was the right call. I also miss the multiplayer.

All in all, the Mass Effect Legendary Edition was a big triumph in my book, and I hope in EA's as well. It offered the games at their best for old fans and a fantastic way to play those games for new ones.

The stars are undoubtedly happy.

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Oct 27, 2017
I was hyped at first.... but was holding off for a native PS5 version.... then other games were happening.... it just slipped by. I'll get to it at some point.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't played any Mass Effect stuff outside a Mass Effect 2 demo way back on the PS3. It just never really grabbed me, but I can see why it's a beloved series.


Oct 25, 2017
I got it on Steam and will play it in the future.

I finished the originals not too long ago (actually 7 years so I guess its been a bit lol)


Oct 25, 2017
Great remasters, i played through them using the same same choices i did in the original trilogy because that's what i always do but then i immediately started a quick renegade run and it was so much fun.


Mar 25, 2021
I'm still annoyed they never fixed the half frame rate reflection bug in Mass Effect 1. Otherwise they were brilliant.
Wait, no. I'm still pissed they don't let me turn off the vignette or holster my weapon in ME3.

Still pretty happy with them though.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I finally played through the first game via the collection and loved it. It felt a lot better to play than the original.

I stopped somewhere in the middle of the second game. I think it was just too much Mass Effect in too short a time period lol. I've been thinking of going back to it, but I might just restart it (assuming I still have my ME1 clear file, which I'd assume I do).


Feb 12, 2018
I'm about to wrap up ME3 for the first time on this

One thing I'll say and I dont know if the OG was like this, but Mass Effect 2 is way too dark. I only fixed it by disabling depth of field in an ini file. But otherwise, it was impossible to see anything in that game, black levels crushed to hell like someone set their TV to 'vivid'. I wonder why


Oct 27, 2017
I started a playthrough a few months ago and was mildly impressed with the changes made to Mass Effect 1. I only got a few hours in before getting sidetracked by other games — one being another exceptional collection of remasters in Crysis Remastered Trilogy. I believe I left off right after scanning all of the Keepers for Chorban, so I plan on returning to it soon, but had to remind myself I've already beaten the first two games about a dozen times each.


Apr 5, 2018
Some nice improvements to ME1 especially, but the LE did launch a little rough and even now still has a few outstanding issues.

I don't agree with all the artistic choices they made, but it's convenient to have everything together in one package


Jan 15, 2022
Yeah it really did make me treasure that story and how incredibly it builds the cultures and relationships. Very few series can make you care about everyone and have such an idea of how different groups act. Like you get so immersed that you start reacting like any human would in the game when a krogan starts arguing it's really great stuff

Still couldn't bring myself to NOT romance Miranda even after a decade

Secret Bambino

▲ Legend ▲
Mar 21, 2021
Absolutely loved playing through it all over again. And IMO, it cemented the fact that the first Mass Effect is the best one in the trilogy. The Mako sections can go fuck themselves though. ME2 is the one I like the least due to its gameplay compromises and ugly UI (I prefer blue instead of orange). I loved playing through ME3 again, that gameplay is still smooth as butter, and it has some of my favorite scenes with Liara and Shepard (the one where Ashley is taken out by the android, Shepard is panicking, Liara realizes it and tries to wake them up). You don't usually see these body language nuances in Bioware games. The scenes where you see the stress from the war taking a toll on Shepard are also greatly appreciated.

God, I wish we could get some kind of "Lost Levels" DLC, with the Pinacle Station content and the ME3 multiplayer.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm ok. I still have a save from the originals I need to carry forward into 3. Don't want to restart.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, haven't played it, probably won't. For all the years that ME3's DLC was trapped behind Bioware points on PC I wished for a Mass Effect trilogy remaster that would come with it all bundled together, but it came too late and at this point in my life I'm just not interested in replaying games any more. Oh well.


Jul 30, 2020
Never played the original trilogy, blasted through the LE and had a great time. Can't wait for ME 4, although cautiously optimistic on that one.


Feb 25, 2018
Just realised im still only 1/4 through 3 so for sure going to play it today.

Absolutely loved the games when they released and loved them even more on a replay.

So happy to see it rerealesed with all DLC included.


Dec 3, 2018
They nailed* it IMO. I'm happy I've got such easy access to the trilogy on modern platforms, will probably run through them every year or two from here on out. It even salvaged my opinion of ME3! Citadel dials up the fan service and character moments so hard that the actual ending no longer bothered me. Trilogy lives and dies by its characters, and that DLC brings out the best in them.

*it WOULD have been nice to get some more QOL stuff in the third game… weapon holstering, better side quest tracking, that kinda thing.


Oct 28, 2017
Probably my favorite collection of games ever, and arguably one of the greatest values for $60 in gaming. I know EA doesn't do good very often, but they knocked it out of the park with this one. If only there was a Switch port…


"This guy are sick"
Dec 9, 2020
Got it for Christmas last year, and played through the trilogy early this year then.

Completely forgot you couldn't romance Tali in the first game, and spent a lot of time burning bridges with Liara and Ashley and couldn't get the Trophy for romancing someone in all three games lol
Oct 27, 2017
I'd like to revisit it, but I bounced off really fast because of an audio bug. If I recall, all the dialog and a bunch of sound effects were getting piped to the rear channels in ME1 on PS5. I wonder if it was ever fixed.

Dash Kappei

Nov 1, 2017
Where's the "I will if it ever releases on Switch/successor" option ;)
Or if whenever/if a Steam Deck 2 comes out I guess :P


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
They really knocked it out of the park with this collection and it's given me hope that Bioware still has what it takes to make a great Mass Effect game.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Played through the first one again and enjoyed it but the games just lose their luster for me as they go on so I dropped them again. Still glad to have the ability to revisit it in a fresh format.


Sep 22, 2018
Wish there was a native PS5 version 🤔 Does the console give any boosts to the PS4 version?


This guy are sick of the One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
I blew through ME1 very quick but took a break during ME2 and haven't gone back to it. The upgrades to the games were incredible, and going renegade for the first time has been... something.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I played through 1 again and loved it. One of the few remasters I've actually played to the end.
But was a bit burned out to go straight into 2 - I need to give that one


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I was hyped at first.... but was holding off for a native PS5 version.... then other games were happening.... it just slipped by. I'll get to it at some point.

Skipped it since PS5 didn't get a native version or even upgrades if I remember right. If it does I'll get it then.

It's running on Unreal 3 and that does not have support for modern systems. They would need to re-remake it with a newer Unreal to get a native PS5 version :D just get it now, runs great!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Played it through one on Series S, somebody gifted it me on Steam so Steam Deck renegade playthrough this Summer.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Was so hyped for this pre-release, then it came out and played the first 3 hours of ME1 and… I just stopped playing. In my rose-tinted memory, ME1 had been a great narrative experience, but playing through it again, it was just too rough. Even story-wise.
Oct 25, 2017
I was initially hyped. Loved all 3 games as they came out. But once the collection released I realised I had no interest in putting another 100+ hours into them.


Dec 5, 2017
I only wish they would've adjusted the mission structure in ME2 to give you more freedom in recruiting party members, seeing as how theres a lot of character dialouge that exists but you just can't get due to the forced order you must recruit characters. You can't even enjoy having Legion for very long without being forced into a bad ending for certain other characters just because you want to bring him on missions.


Nov 10, 2017
Does the collection contain all DLC released ?

I might buy it if it does and re experience these fantastic games at their full


Nov 26, 2017
Just started ME3 (played through 1 and 2 over the past couple weeks), and I am really enjoying it. This will be my third playthrough of the trilogy (once around release and once about 5 years ago). I'm disappointed they didn't include biotic charge in ME1, but I understand it. Otherwise, the improvements are really good, especially visually on ME1.
Oct 30, 2017
Was my first time experience with the Trilogy... and gosh I had such a blast !

ME2 blow my freaking mind, a true perfect game dripping with high quality feelings in every minute.

I truly wish ME5 would give us a similar experience.


Oct 28, 2017
Haven't gotten it. I might eventually, but I dunno. I replayed the trilogy a couple years ago, and I think I'm done after that