Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
Out of the fucking blue, didn't have a cavity or anything in it. It's one of my canines on my right side. I was chewing on a tootsie roll pop when CRACK. This is fucking horrifying. There's no pain, but using my tongue and a mirror it's like the entire "top" part of the tooth just snapped off, there is a really sharp jagged edge at the gum where the tooth, uh, root goes. My mouth is bleeding like crazy. Again, no pain, which is also scary, but I'm freaking the fuck out.

Gonna go to the dentist in the morning, but I really need some words of encouragement to make me feel better. I guess there's no chance of saving the tooth, I mean it's broken the fuck off. I put the old tooth part in milk, I've read about doing that. Will they have to do an extraction? Do they have to put me to sleep to do that? I have cheap-ass dental insurance that really only covers cavities and teeth cleaning, anybody know what something like this would cost out of pocket, worst case? What can they do? Can I get, like, a false tooth for the gap?

Maaaan this is literally like a nightmare come true. I dream about my teeth falling out all the time. I'm so fucking mortified.


Jan 8, 2018
Man, crazy coincidence, I'm going to the dentist tomorrow to get my back tooth extracted because it's broken down the middle. It was a tooth they fixed once before but it broke again so now it's too late to fix.

As long as you head to the dentist you'll be fine.
Oct 25, 2017
I would imagine if the root is intact and you don't have a root canal then they'll file it down and just put a crown on it. Might have to deal with it cosmetically for a few days. Just tell people you lost it saving a kid from getting hit by a bus or something.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Yikes, stop the bleeding and go see a dentist quick. Dentistry has come a long way, back in 08, when I was in HS, this girl I sat next two chipped a tooth and the next day she went to the dentist and it was like it never happened. So don't worry about that too much.
Oct 25, 2017
Do you have bruxism? I do. I seem to be a teeth grinder, just like my dad. I was eating a soft ice cream sandwich when half of the crown on my one tooth that died and needed a root canal just shattered and fell off.

Apparently, next year when my major dental insurance kicks in I'll have to start wearing a tooth guard to bed if I want to keep the teeth the way they are.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry to hear OP. That's one of my fears, and given how poorly I looked after my teeth while I was sick, it's probably going to happen to me soon. I'm too afraid to go to the dentist and find out how bad things are. My canine has chipped.

Hopefully they can just put a crown on it.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I would imagine if the root is intact and you don't have a root canal then they'll file it down and just put a crown on it. Might have to deal with it cosmetically for a few days. Just tell people you lost it saving a kid from getting hit by a bus or something.

I have a crown on the left side in a back molar from getting a root canal, that's not too bad. If they can fix this tooth with a cap that would make me feel way better. Except it's a canine, so it's a pretty important tooth. The cap on my molar feels "smooth," like not quite like the other surrounding teeth. Would a cap on a canine feel weird in the same way? Or be noticeable? My other cap is way in the back of my mouth so I can't really see it.

Fuck man I feel like crying over this shit.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Do you have bruxism? I do. I seem to be a teeth grinder, just like my dad. I was eating a soft ice cream sandwich when half of the crown on my one tooth that died and needed a root canal just shattered and fell off.

Apparently, next year when my major dental insurance kicks in I'll have to start wearing a tooth guard to bed if I want to keep the teeth the way they are.

Bruxism is where you grind your teeth while you sleep? If so, then yes, my dentist has told me before they see stress signs on my teeth that indicate I grind my teeth.


Oct 27, 2017
Ouch damn,hope you get it sorted asap....I've had half my tooth break off before,ended up having to be removed and replaced,fairly easy at the time


Oct 26, 2017
Had the same on the left and the right with two which werent even fully grown out (first teeth like my grandpa) and both broke after eating a sandwich. Same thing like you, no pain, just broken, bit of blood.

Would cost me 7300 Euros in Germany and insurance will pay 700 Euros out of it. Still havent done but will have to do soon. You cant see it in my case though. I can feel you.


Oct 27, 2017
A friend of mine had a similar thing happen back in high school. Went to see the Two Towers in theatres and bit down on a skittle; his molar broke in half.

Aesthetically you'll be fine OP. No idea on dental cost though.


Oct 27, 2017
This is one of those thread titles that make you wince with pain upon reading.

I'm sorry OP, I'm still holding my own mouth...... although I have some tooth-related PTSD from chipping off my front teeth as a kid that makes me cautious of my teeth whenever I'm running on any paved ground.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is why I stay away from sticky candy or anything of the sort. Terrifying.

I have a sweet tooth, it actually sucks. I love candy. I've had gummy stuff like now and laters actually pull fillings out in the back of my mouth before. This, however, is by far the worst thing to happen to my mouth. The feeling of the tooth in my mouth made my blood run cold.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Breaking teeth is the stuff of nightmares, but don't let yourself stress out too much.
Book a dentist in asap and get their opinion.

Edit: sorry if that reads as dismissive, I've also got a broken tooth that will be looked at tomorrow.. I'm also trying not to freak out.
It's just important not to think about all the worst case scenarios and get an expert.
Oct 25, 2017
Bruxism is where you grind your teeth while you sleep? If so, then yes, my dentist has told me before they see stress signs on my teeth that indicate I grind my teeth.
Then that's why it broke, you have bruxism. If you don't want this to keep happening, even after you 'fix it' cosmetically, you're going to probably need to buy a tooth guard. I don't want to spend the 500 dollars on the tooth guard so I'm waiting until next year for my major dental to kick in so I get 80% of it paid for by my insurance.

My dentist told me that, and he'll probably tell you that. It will keep happening unless you do something about it, even after you do the 'cosmetic' work on it.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Had the same on the left and the right with two which werent even fully grown out (first teeth like my grandpa) and both broke after eating a sandwich. Same thing like you, no pain, just broken, bit of blood.

Would cost me 7300 Euros in Germany and insurance will pay 700 Euros out of it. Still havent done but will have to do soon. You cant see it in my case though. I can feel you.

Fuck that's expensive. I can cover that but... fuck I hope it's not that much.


Oct 27, 2017
Weren't you the guy who said you didn't brush your teeth for like 5 years because of depression?


Oct 25, 2017
I have a sweet tooth, it actually sucks. I love candy. I've had gummy stuff like now and laters actually pull fillings out in the back of my mouth before. This, however, is by far the worst thing to happen to my mouth. The feeling of the tooth in my mouth made my blood run cold.
Pulling fillings and now a tooth? Oh man, you are describing nightmares.

Time to embrace something else as your treat of choice.
Oct 25, 2017
I have a crown on the left side in a back molar from getting a root canal, that's not too bad. If they can fix this tooth with a cap that would make me feel way better. Except it's a canine, so it's a pretty important tooth. The cap on my molar feels "smooth," like not quite like the other surrounding teeth. Would a cap on a canine feel weird in the same way? Or be noticeable? My other cap is way in the back of my mouth so I can't really see it.

Fuck man I feel like crying over this shit.

I'm not really sure, sorry man. Don't freak out, though. Remember you already lost a full set of teeth once! I would imagine your dental insurance probably covers emergency work like this, as well.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is one of those thread titles that make you wince with pain upon reading.

I'm sorry OP, I'm still holding my own mouth...... although I have some tooth-related PTSD from chipping off my front teeth as a kid that makes me cautious of my teeth whenever I'm running on any paved ground.

My front big tooth is chipped from falling down bleachers during high steps in football practice when I was younger. It's chipped oddly in the back of the tooth, where it can't be seen, and thus the dentist said to just live with it, as any fix they could try would have made it worse. That's already been like 18 years ago. Tooth is still fine.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Weren't you the guy who said you didn't brush your teeth for like 5 years because of depression?

wtf no? I brush my teeth all the time, and always have. I just like candy, so I got cavities a bunch when I was younger. This is the first bad mouth related thing that has happened to me since I was like a teenager.


Oct 27, 2017
Depression is a terrible thing and can make looking after oneself difficult. Let's not judge.
Wasn't judging at all, just wondering.

wtf no? I brush my teeth all the time, and always have. I just like candy, so I got cavities a bunch when I was younger. This is the first bad mouth related thing that has happened to me since I was like a teenager.
My bad, I think the user had the same avatar or at least another sonic avatar. Good look with the tooth!


Oct 27, 2017
I saw this thread right after forcing myself to get up and brush my teeth, and had mouthwash in my mouth while reading and replying. If I hadn't, it would've been a good push to go do so.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Then that's why it broke, you have bruxism. If you don't want this to keep happening, even after you 'fix it' cosmetically, you're going to probably need to buy a tooth guard. I don't want to spend the 500 dollars on the tooth guard so I'm waiting until next year for my major dental to kick in so I get 80% of it paid for by my insurance.

My dentist told me that, and he'll probably tell you that. It will keep happening unless you do something about it, even after you do the 'cosmetic' work on it.

I think my teeth grinding is actually related to sleep apnea, and I've got a sleep study scheduled for later this month to take care of that.

Fuuuuck being an adult sucks


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry to hear OP. That's one of my fears, and given how poorly I looked after my teeth while I was sick, it's probably going to happen to me soon. I'm too afraid to go to the dentist and find out how bad things are. My canine has chipped.

Hopefully they can just put a crown on it.

Please just go to the dentist, it's going to be worth if whatever the cost may be just to get rid of the constant anxiety that keeps chewing in the background. I always took care brushing my teeth, but somewhere along the line, I just stopped going to the dentist. The longer I kept away the bigger anxiety of loosing my teeths got. I didn't go to the dentist for nearly 15 years, I was dead sure that I fucked up my teeth and I didn't even look myself in the mirror when I brushed my teeth because of fear seeing the damage done.

In the end I did go to the dentist, and I had zero cavities and all that was needed was some cleansing. I think it mostly thanks due to, not only that I kept brushing twice a day of course, but I stopped drinking soda and eating candy a long time ago. I don't know if you will have as happy ending or not, but the point is the anxiety. It ain't worth it, deal with now because you will have to deal with someday.

As for OP, you'll be fine. They are going to fix it, just head to dentist as soon as you can.


Oct 26, 2017
Goodness me why on earth would you post a thread with that title rather than with some kind of warning. I'm going to have that image in my head all day.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Please just go to the dentist, it's going to be worth if whatever the cost may be just to get rid of the constant anxiety that keeps chewing in the background. I always took care brushing my teeth, but somewhere along the line, I just stopped going to the dentist. The longer I kept away the bigger anxiety of loosing my teeths got. I didn't go to the dentist for nearly 15 years, I was dead sure that I fucked up my teeth and I didn't even look myself in the mirror when I brushed my teeth because of fear seeing the damage done.

In the end I did go to the dentist, and I had zero cavities and all that was needed was some cleansing. I think it mostly thanks due to, not only that I kept brushing twice a day of course, but I stopped drinking soda and eating candy a long time ago. I don't know if you will have as happy ending or not, but the point is the anxiety. It ain't worth it, deal with now because you will have to deal with someday.

As for OP, you'll be fine. They are going to fix it, just head to dentist as soon as you can.

my mom drilled going to the dentist every 6 months into me and my sister as kids, both she and my dad have really bad teeth due to lack of care. My sister and I actually have naturally great teeth, we never needed braces or anything. Super lucky, all of them straight. Even the wisdom teeth came in straight. My mom told us to take care of our teeth. I got cavities a bunch as a kid, but always got them taken care of.

As an adult, I have dental insurance but haven't gone for a check up or teeth cleaning in like 2 years now. Just slipped out of the routine. I really regret it right now, fuck.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Can't they just glue it back on or something?

I dunno how that shit works, but what is sticking on my mind is that this is a canine. Those are really important teeth. They need to be really strong. Whatever they do to it, it needs to be super strong because its a tooth I use heavily for eating.


Oct 27, 2017
Please just go to the dentist, it's going to be worth if whatever the cost may be just to get rid of the constant anxiety that keeps chewing in the background. I always took care brushing my teeth, but somewhere along the line, I just stopped going to the dentist. The longer I kept away the bigger anxiety of loosing my teeths got. I didn't go to the dentist for nearly 15 years, I was dead sure that I fucked up my teeth and I didn't even look myself in the mirror when I brushed my teeth because of fear seeing the damage done.

In the end I did go to the dentist, and I had zero cavities and all that was needed was some cleansing. I think it mostly thanks due to, not only that I kept brushing twice a day of course, but I stopped drinking soda and eating candy a long time ago. I don't know if you will have as happy ending or not, but the point is the anxiety. It ain't worth it, deal with now because you will have to deal with someday.

As for OP, you'll be fine. They are going to fix it, just head to dentist as soon as you can.

I really don't want to make this thread about me. I already feel bad for posting so much and posting about my teeth in it, because I really feel for the OP and hope it goes well for him. Mouth issues are one of my greatest fears.

I'm trying to work up the courage to go to the dentist. I last went to a college where they do dentistry, but they only do cleanings and x-rays and told me that I had a few cavities. I didn't have the insurance to get them fixed at the time, and one was under a previous filling from years ago, while another had been filled twice by the same dentist but had fallen out both times. That dentist actually got fired from the practice from what I heard.

My anxiety is really bad over it and I'm afraid of the thousands they're going to tell me that it's going to cost to fix. I have insurance now, but my job only provides basic insurance and I know that one tooth is chipped, one wiggles, and there are definitely cavities if not worse. Maybe early gum disease from falling asleep without brushing then putting it off the next day because I work from home and "I'll have a Coke or two anyways. I'll do it after."

It's the monetary worry, really. I need to go soon though, because it is in the back of my mind almost constantly and I don't like looking at them when I brush. I used to take incredible care of my teeth when I was younger, before I dealt with depression.

There's a place I go to now that has a dental clinic, but the people I've asked haven't known much about it. I go for therapy and it's apparently open to outpatients, but the hair salon's website said that and their hours were cut so that they can only deal with inpatients.

I dunno how that shit works, but what is sticking on my mind is that this is a canine. Those are really important teeth. They need to be really strong. Whatever they do to it, it needs to be super strong because its a tooth I use heavily for eating.

Unfortunately. My canines are my worst teeth, too, due to a cavity that was filled twice and had the filling come off twice then cracked.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread is a nightmare I have at least once a month.

I had to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming right now about it happening to an ERA poster.

Fuck I reaaaaly am terrified of this happening to me.

Sorry OP.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I really don't want to make this thread about me. I already feel bad for posting so much and posting about my teeth in it, because I really feel for the OP and hope it goes well for him. Mouth issues are one of my greatest fears.

I'm trying to work up the courage to go to the dentist. I last went to a college where they do dentistry, but they only do cleanings and x-rays and told me that I had a few cavities. I didn't have the insurance to get them fixed at the time, and one was under a previous filling from years ago, while another had been filled twice by the same dentist but had fallen out both times. That dentist actually got fired from the practice from what I heard.

My anxiety is really bad over it and I'm afraid of the thousands they're going to tell me that it's going to cost to fix. I have insurance now, but my job only provides basic insurance and I know that one tooth is chipped, one wiggles, and there are definitely cavities if not worse. Maybe early gum disease from falling asleep without brushing then putting it off the next day because I work from home and "I'll have a Coke or two anyways. I'll do it after."

It's the monetary worry, really. I need to go soon though, because it is in the back of my mind almost constantly and I don't like looking at them when I brush. I used to take incredible care of my teeth when I was younger, before I dealt with depression.

There's a place I go to now that has a dental clinic, but the people I've asked haven't known much about it. I go for therapy and it's apparently open to outpatients, but the hair salon's website said that and their hours were cut so that they can only deal with inpatients.

I'm not so worried about going to the dentist, I went to the dentist so much over the years that it became normal to me. I'm more worried about my mouth and tooth and the long term implications of having my tooth broken off. My mind keeps going on about this being a permanent change to my mouth, and it's horrifying to me. My dad got dentures last year on his upper mouth, and he told me the feeling of having them take out each of his teeth one by one was "scarring" and warned me heavily to take care of my teeth. Fucking fuck.


Oct 26, 2017
Had the same on the left and the right with two which werent even fully grown out (first teeth like my grandpa) and both broke after eating a sandwich. Same thing like you, no pain, just broken, bit of blood.

Would cost me 7300 Euros in Germany and insurance will pay 700 Euros out of it. Still havent done but will have to do soon. You cant see it in my case though. I can feel you.
Lol what. I paid a couple of hundred of €s for my partial crown in Germany.

Had then same thing happening to me as the OP. Part of the top of a tooth just like that broke off while eating a soft sandwhich.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Lol what. I paid about 300€ for my partial crown in Germany.

Had then same thing happening to me as the OP. Part of the top of a tooth just like that broke off while eating a soft sandwhich.

300 euros sounds much more reasonable. I'm honestly expecting like $1000+ though. Fuck I should have gotten better insurance.


Oct 25, 2017
I would go to the dentist and get it looked at. You don't want to get it infected if there are any holes to the nerve.

I had broken a molar off a French fry and went to the dentist the next day. I had no pain but cut my mouth on the sharp edges.

The dentist say surprised with no pain and if I had left it any longer by whole face on that side would have swollen up.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I would go to the dentist and get it looked at. You don't want to get it infected if there are any holes to the nerve.

I had broken a molar off a French fry and went to the dentist the next day. I had no pain but cut my mouth on the sharp edges.

The dentist say surprised with no pain and if I had left it any longer by whole face on that side would have swollen up.

the bleeding has stopped but I've sort of been testing it by breathing in through my mouth, if that makes sense. When I'd have cavities, breathing in through my mouth would sting, but I'm not getting that kind of sensation at all. It feels like it's normal, no pain, except it's obviously not there.

This entire shit has made my stomach upset. It's bubbling from stress right now.

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
Fuck OP, I grind my teeth in my sleep(it's not audible like some holy shit I can't imagine) you're making me buy a tooth guard ASAP. Best of luck to you.


alt account
May 29, 2018
Spent a year walking around with a chipped tooth. Finally got it fixed a few months ago. Feels so damn good.
Don't worry, OP, they've got really nice solutions for this stuff right now. Temporary solutions are cheap, but crowns can be pretty expensive.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
any idea how much that would run? I have money in my savings account for rainy days and dental insurance, but I feel like this is gonna be expensive.

It depends what you need. Bridges are the cheapest but they have to be replaced every several years. Implants are what every dentist wants you to get but they cost thousands of dollars. You might get a better deal at a dental school (if you live in a major city) so shop around.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It depends what you need. Bridges are the cheapest but they have to be replaced every several years. Implants are what every dentist wants you to get but they cost thousands of dollars. You might get a better deal at a dental school (if you live in a major city) so shop around.

is there risk of going to a dental school? Like, could they fuck up and not fix it or something?

Rei no Otaku

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cranston RI
About 10 years ago I was walking through my room in the dark. I tripped and hit my mouth on the edge of my bed. Knocked out my two front teeth. Like you, there was no pain but blood everywhere. I had to go without those teeth for about a day, but I have implants now and you would never know they are fake.

Cost around $2000 a tooth without insurance.