Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Stop calling DeWine a moderate. He's been all for getting in on far right policies from the jump diving headfirst to deny pregnant kids who were raped the right to abortions. He was the face of ads on the abortion amendment calling abortion rights people extremists. He just knows how to play nice at the right times to throw those not paying attention all of the time off of his trail.

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
Fact is, you don't become or remain an office-seeking or office-holding Republican because you are a good person.
adding onto this you especially don't do this in Ohio because you're a good person. the stories i've read about how institutionally corrupt the Ohio GOP has been for decades now are milk-curdling
Where to leave a comment on the proposed rules
Android Sophia

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
I just do not understand the obsession especially right wing groups have about trying to put trans people down or in this case push to make it as hard as possible for them to receive care and a scarily invasive tracking system for whatever damn reason.

Always gotta have some sort of boogeyman instead of just letting people live their lives.
Besides just being hateful transphobes anyway, I'm still convinced this is among their very desperate strategies to try to win women voters back since Dobbs. Big, scary headlines about us, underscored by tough, draconian laws passed against us, results in frightened soccer moms voting in favor of the one party clamping down aggressively on the "trans menace", out to prey on women and children. Create enemy, stoke fear, profit. Nazi playbook 101.

Certainly that seems to be how they're hoping the formula will play out.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
positively heinous, but as has been said here, entirely predictable - this has always been the game plan

gonna quote myself from the trans genocide thread

trans asylum seekers support network, trans resistance network and numerous others are working to build safe networks around the US, providing asylum, transportation and any number of services that at-risk trans folks need

please support your local mutual aid networks, they need it far more & do a lot more with your efforts & donations than the same failing avenues that helped get us here

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
Fucking glad my wife and I moved from Ohio last year, although the state we moved to is listed as "moderate risk within 2 years," so we'll see how that goes.

You can leave a comment on the proposed rules here. You will have to provide quite a bit of information (name, email, mailing address) in order to do so, however.

Source: Erin's website

General question for anyone to jump in on, drafting up a statement to submit- any ideas as far as what to say or how to phrase it? I don't usually fill these out.
Edit: Nvm think I managed to find a good way to express my sentiments on how bullshit the situation is.
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Oct 25, 2017
These kinds of laws are fueled by attitudes that trans people are all early in transition and always don't look like their gender but instead like someone trying to look like the opposite gender. People transition and build lives after transition with new families and friend groups and workplaces that see them as though they were always the gender they present as, and often don't know that they are trans.

Revoking someone's HRT when they have been fully transitioned for 15 years with legal documents sorted, who have had kids growing up only knowing them as the gender they've used for the past 15 years, who are embedded in workplaces and school parent groups and in-law families, always having been known as their current gender in those contexts, is insane and criminal.

It also introduces non mental-health consequences like loss of bone density, loss of libido, chronic tiredness and fatigue, and shortens life span, when you take hormones away from someone who had the natural ability to create hormones surgically taken away decades ago, but who is expected to live decades more.

Stop voting Republican at any level, PLEASE. This is genocide. Not every trans person is an activist or new to it or not passing as their gender or has trans or queer community. Trans people are people just like you.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
This is 100% unequivocally genocide, and not the beginning of it either. feels like we're halfway through the progression at this point and the fucking worse is yet to come. I need to get out of this fucking state.

Eye Konik

Nov 17, 2023
So ashamed of my state right now. And here I was giving DeWine credit for the veto last week…


Oct 25, 2017
Danbury, CT
It's always astonishing how many (het/cis/white/abled/etc) people are surprised when this kind of vile legislature is proposed like eugenics hasn't been an integral part of this country's belief system for as long as it's been around.


Oct 25, 2017
It's always astonishing how many (het/cis/white/abled/etc) people are surprised when this kind of vile legislature is proposed like eugenics hasn't been an integral part of this country's belief system for as long as it's been around.
I think a lot of people just have blinders on when it comes to things that don't directly effect them.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
GOP wants government in your doctor's office, in your home, in your bedroom, in your child's private conversations with their student councilor.... am I missing anything? The party of immense, far reaching government.

Lil Peanut Brotha

Motion Graphics Artist at Riot Games
Oct 25, 2017
You can leave a comment on the proposed rules here. You will have to provide quite a bit of information (name, email, mailing address) in order to do so, however.

Source: Erin's website
I've been gone for over a decade but I can't stand seeing shit like this just keep picking up pace. I even have an old friend who recently transitioned and it infuriates me to hear about things like this bill , especially while things are relatively fresh with that decision.

Thanks for the link, I wrote in.
ACLU of Ohio Statement
Android Sophia

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
ACLU of Ohio Statement:

I've picked out some choice quotes, but the whole statement is worth a read.

Columbus, OH – Following his veto of Ohio House Bill 68, a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender people under 18, Governor Mike DeWine issued an executive order and proposed restrictions on care for transgender people that, in practice, could amount to a de facto ban on care for transgender youth and adults. The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction proposal is subject to public comment until January 19, and the Ohio Department of Health proposal is subject to public comment until February 5.
"In one fell swoop, these proposals could threaten the lives and well-being of transgender youth and adults across the state and needlessly insert politicians and bureaucracy between them and their doctors. This is a dangerous escalation and unfounded effort to control Ohioans' bodies, lives, and futures. In the interest of protecting transgender people's lives and their fundamental right to self-determination, these radical and life-threatening proposals must not be allowed to move forward. Ohio voters just made clear at the ballot box that government officials should not be involved in private healthcare decisions; these matters should be left to families and doctors, not politicians."
Gender-affirming care as treatment for gender dysphoria is broadly supported across the entire medical mainstream, including by the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association.

The ACLU of Ohio will file a public comment with an additional policy analysis ahead of the deadlines.

The bolded part is not my emphasis, and makes me think they will file a lawsuit should the executive order go into action. I don't think these regulations will go unchallenged.


Oct 25, 2017
So the Ohio House overrode DeWines veto. Now what? The new proposals from DeWine and this are a full double whammy?


Oct 25, 2017
:( between this and the West Virginia distance ban....stomach upsetting
The West Virginia stuff is nutty and evil on its own. Erin is saying it's now almost 200 bills 11 days in.

Can't believe DeWine got more TV time and praise a week ago and the past few days since Friday it seems to be crickets. I know people are doing hard work behind the scenes, but idk.
Android Sophia

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly been thinking about a follow-up thread to this to highlight just how many awful bills and regulations have been passed. Very few parts of the country are safe right now for trans people. I just haven't had the time or energy because I've been sick so much.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry TransEra for all of the hateful shit being passed right now, I can't imagine how much it must be weighing spirits down. Please find time to disconnect and do something you love doing.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
I feel the need to keep these topics as close to the top as possible since it seems a lot of cis users have a hard time caring otherwise.

Honestly been thinking about a follow-up thread to this to highlight just how many awful bills and regulations have been passed. Very few parts of the country are safe right now for trans people. I just haven't had the time or energy because I've been sick so much.
Yes we need this ;;


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Fuck these monsters. Let people live their lives how they want to.


Dec 3, 2018
I set my alarm clock to the local radio station here in my backwater Ohio town because it's less grating noise to wake up to than buzzing. The two news stories between songs was about this veto over ride and another where the treasurer was talking about growing Ohio jobs and making it attractive for companies and people to come here. I just shook my head and just marveled at how against each other those two state goals are. Great way to make people want to feel welcomed and wanting to move here...
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Dec 30, 2020
I hope DeWine gets punched in the head by a kangaroo that's just done a speedball, and everyone gets their god damned rights back.


Oct 27, 2017
In the short term, I don't see a solution here besides an organized effort to relocate trans people out of hostile states. We're literally at the point where we need to have American refugees from states like Florida and Ohio.

Otherwise, we need some kind of unifying voice to get people up and on the streets. Right now everyone is paralyzed and passive, on pretty much every issue.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
I just wish more people fucking cared about this.

I don't know what the fuck I can even do, moving to another state is impossible since I have no money or income I'm just totally fucked and at the mercy of this shitty state.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, remember when it was just about "protecting the kids"? Trash politicians and trash politics.

Hopefully this doesn't pass, but it won't stop them from trying again. Fucking hypocrites.