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Dec 3, 2018





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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2018
Interesting. Not too surprised by Biden but it seems Warren needs to reach out some more. Though I wonder why Arizona would perfer Biden or Warren over Sanders?


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, people who wrote Trump off in 2020 need to see this.

Warren is way behind, and Biden is basically equal in all of the states that actually matter.

He can win. It's one poll... But good reason to be nervous. Go out and vote.
Oct 31, 2017
"Women Cands Not "Likable"" has more checks than any of the other columns in the list shown. Still a long way to go :-(


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Dont trust GE Polls a year before the election

Also, you are extremely naive if you dont think that Biden's history of harassment wont come to bite him in a general

Also, Biden is terrible at running a campaign, he might get 4th in Iowa!


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
Most of those asked really said women candidates are not likable. Wonderful.

Fuck Biden, but I'll pull for him if its between him and Trump. Hell at this point I'd almost vote for another Republican over trump if it was somehow my only choice.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Everyone here needs to realize Trump has nonzero chance of being re-elected. Lot of folks think he's donezo because of a million scandals and impeachment. Doesn't work like that, and in the end it will still be the economy.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I'm still voting for either Sanders or Warren in the primaries. I'll vote for Biden if it comes down to it but I'm not letting polls like these change my mind.

but Jesus these people are absolutely insane. Women candidates aren't likable? Why tf not?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Most of those asked really said women candidates are not likable. Wonderful.

Fuck Biden, but I'll pull for him if its between him and Trump. Hell at this point I'd almost vote for another Republican over trump if it was somehow my only choice.
I would vote for a rotting pig carcass if it would end this bullshit


Oct 30, 2017
It's going to get worse if Biden gets nominated. He's doing nothing to energize the party and he's been awful in all of the debates he's been in.


Oct 25, 2017
pretty clear to me who's holding america back...

and of course biden will get all the support he needs if he's the nominee... but going into 2020/2021, seeing a now doddering fool like biden leading us into a new decade is a super depressing choice. and that's not a condition that's likely to get any better as he further ages.


Oct 27, 2017
Warren just lacks that guttural, cultural connection that it takes to win in the Midwest and southern battlegrounds of Florida/Georgia/North Carolina. She inspires the same kind of instinctual revulsion I've seen people have for Pelosi and Hillary. She's has the east coast, Ivy League professor persona; that "I know what's better for you than you do" quality. Fair or not that's just the way she's quickly sized up by low-engagement voters. She can probably run up the numbers big in the deep blue states but I don't see how she overcomes this problem where it counts in the battlegrounds.


Oct 25, 2017
Poll is trash. Wisconsin isn't voting for Trump over Sanders lol. If I'm not already banned from this site when the time comes, and Trump beats Sanders in Wisconsin, I'll take a permaban.

Edit: Ok I looked wrong and it shows Sanders +2/Even for WI. I'll still take a ban though if he were to lose to Donald Trump there lol

Deleted member 11626

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So...if every other demographic leans democrat, how in the fuck are we letting uneducated white people dictate what happens in this country?

And it's a god damn shame how many people are so appalled at the idea of a woman president


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
If the polls don't shift it doesn't matter how the 1000 or less Biden haters on here vote, Biden will be winning the nom. Too early for any of that though.

I was referring to general election polling, not primary, so I am presuming a scenario where Warren or Sanders wins the nomination, and this poll reflects a consistent voter sentiment going forward. It's not like Biden hasn't polled consistently as the mosty likely to beat Trump up until this point. Like personally? I am a social democrat but I would forgo that and vote the old kook in the primary than bet the house on losing odds. I would rather eat shit for that than extend the Trump era by another four years.

Then again I am not American and this is all hypothetical for me, so I may be more detached than some of you


Nov 7, 2017
'women candidates not likeable'

What the fuck

These are real sentiments in these battleground states. Warren is a risk. I've been saying this for months.

It's an execrable reality. I'm fine with Warren (although I prefer Sanders), but regardless, I hope polling and qualitative research like this knocks back down to the ground anyone thinking 2020 is a slam dunk.


Oct 27, 2017
Poll is trash. Wisconsin isn't voting for Trump over Sanders lol. If I'm not already banned form this site when the time comes, and Trump beats Sanders in Wisconsin, I'll take a permaban.

You won't be banned because he's not gonna be the nominee.

What will it take for you guys to see that.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't get why no college white folk want to vote for a party that is meant to fuck then. It's hilariously bad.


Jul 17, 2018
One thing people are ignoring here is the religious angle that some people who would vote D would either not vote or vote R if a woman is on the ticket because religion has conditioned them to believe a woman should not be the leader of the household, family, and certainly not the country. It's something I'm very afraid of if Warren is at the top of the ticket. I can't do another 4 years of Trump, I don't care who it is I just need the democrats to win.


Oct 25, 2017
I still worry Biden isn't close to a sure shot. He's running a godawful campaign with fundraising troubles indicating a big lack of enthusiasm. He's good at losing campaigns too and can be gaffe prone. He's going to fuck this up if it's one on one with Trump.
Oct 27, 2017
Warren just lacks that guttural, cultural connection that it takes to win in the Midwest and southern battlegrounds of Florida/Georgia/North Carolina. She inspires the same kind of instinctual revulsion I've seen people have for Pelosi and Hillary. She's has the east coast, Ivy League professor persona; that "I know what's better for you than you do" quality. Fair or not that's just the way she's quickly sized up by low-engagement voters. She can probably run up the numbers big in the deep blue states but I don't see how she overcomes this problem where it counts in the battlegrounds.

Huh. Other than being from the east coast, do you see any other similarities among those three names?

Uneducated whites dont like women in positions of power is my take away. They like being told what to do by women even less. They dont object that way to men who say the same things. Seems pretty obvious actually.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No matter what happens, it will be a painfully tight race, the right, or at least the white working class, isn't going to let their idol go out without a fight.


Oct 25, 2017
I think part of the difference between Biden and Warren poll numbers above is voter aversion to Warren/Sanders sweeping policies like Medicare for All (the other part being a woman as stated above). People still remember what an oxygen-consuming shit-show Obamacare was to get passed and implemented. For a lot of Americans with healthcare (either OoP or through a job), the current system may not great but it works well enough for them right now and they don't want to mess with the system for fear of it becoming worse. I think many Americans after four years of the Trump administration just want a return to boring normalcy. No big sweeping progressive/conservative initiatives, just keep the economy running and the troops home.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
I still worry Biden isn't close to a sure shot. He's running a godawful campaign with fundraising troubles indicating a big lack of enthusiasm. He's good at losing campaigns too and can be gaffe prone. He's going to fuck this up if it's one on one with Trump.
I have had this gut feeling for a long time that were he to get the nom, he may actually pick Stacey Abrams as a running mate. She would get out the vote, I think

If he picked Beto it would feel like a really mediocre sequel entry


Oct 25, 2017
seriously, this just says more about the electorate than anything else. if two separate women get the same treatment, even after three years of trump. that says all you need about where some segments of the american electorate are at in 2020. and that's a depressing thing to come to grips with.

and if dems want a real alternative to biden, they will need to coalesce around a non-biden candidate pretty quickly. otherwise Biden will just rack up wins/delgates in places like Nevada/South Carolina and the South. Similar to how HRC beat Bernie.

and i agree that there's something to the idea of warren appealing to coastal progressives, while those in the midwest/south/etc will have a tougher time hopping on board.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
'women candidates not likeable'

What the fuck

Any women can tell you they have to work twice as hard to equal to men.

Even other women don't want women candidates.

Harris had the double whammy- women and minority.

Also being from Michigan, and growing up rural- not shocked they go for Trump. They been voting against their families economic interest for a long time. Middle class here was built on unions, and in their greed they voted to destroy unions and worker rights.


Oct 28, 2017
You won't be banned because he's not gonna be the nominee.

What will it take for you guys to see that.

That is an idiotic statement given that nothing has been decided yet. What will it take for people to see the future is not yet written? Probability is a different thing, but amongst the field is still open and all bets are off.


Oct 27, 2017
I think part of the difference between Biden and Warren poll numbers above is voter aversion to Warren/Sanders sweeping policies like Medicare for All (the other part being a woman as stated above). People still remember what an oxygen-consuming shit-show Obamacare was to get passed and implemented. For a lot of Americans with healthcare (either OoP or through a job), the current system may not great but it works well enough for them right now and they don't want to mess with the system for fear of it becoming worse. I think many Americans after four years of the Trump administration just want a return to boring normalcy. No big sweeping progressive/conservative initiatives, just keep the economy running and the troops home.

The Devil you know.

Again, what people in California or NY think doesn't matter. You need to convince these 5 states that these are good policies.


Oct 27, 2017
That is an idiotic statement given that nothing has been decided yet. What will it take for people to see the future is not yet written? Probability is a different thing, but amongst the field is still open and all bets are off.

Well quite literally, all bets are not off. People are betting and Sanders is a distant third. Just as he is in basically all polling.

But believe what you will.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
I was referring to general election polling, not primary, so I am presuming a scenario where Warren or Sanders wins the nomination, and this poll reflects a consistent voter sentiment going forward. It's not like Biden hasn't polled consistently as the mosty likely to beat Trump up until this point. Like personally? I am a social democrat but I would forgo that and vote the old kook in the primary than bet the house on losing odds. I would rather eat shit for that than extend the Trump era by another four years.

Then again I am not American and this is all hypothetical for me, so I may be more detached than some of you
Yes any rational person would vote for the lesser of 2 evils to prevent the worse outcome.
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