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Oct 25, 2017


We gather to cheer up our good friend Smokey because there is only so many whiteclaw one man can drink alone.

When: Saturday, July 23rd at 7PM
Where: Stone Creek Bar & Lounge | 140 E. 27th. St (Btwn 3rd & Lex) |
What: Just chilling out and having some fun post lockdownerino
Cost: Free to enter and chillax, drinks and food menu here:

**No outside food or drinks – Stone Creek expects us to order the food and drinks we have during the movie from them. They host, their rules. Entry to watch the movie is free, so let's not tarnish our relationship with the bar.





What's the best way to contact people to make sure I don't show up somewhere alone?
I don't know, use Google?

How long have these meetups been around?
Since before Era was resetted.

But I'm not a social butterfly and prefer to stay home to x activity. Strangers are weird.
We were all strangers at some point before we met. That said, we're a welcoming bunch.

I'm banned, stopped posting or don't even have an account. Can I still come out?
The more, the merrier, so feel free to show up!

How many people typically come out?
On average around 10 - ∞ people; it consists of regulars and new comers, as well as poor significant others dragged out to meet Era members. Past meetups have attracted people from out of state and even out of the country. All are welcome and no need to feel too timid or unwelcome; meetups attract folks with a wide array of interests so groups typically split into smaller conversations.

How long do these meetups last? Do you peeps always meetup at one location or move around the city?
The Meetups go on for as long as there are people still willing to be out. As the night goes on the group dwindles down but there's usually an enthusiastic few who want to go another bar or eat late night fast food.

Do I have to drink to be cool with you all?
Nobody will pressure you to drink so if it's water or soda you want, more power to you. A few regulars barely drink or don't drink at all. But if you drink, make sure you keep an eye on how much you consume because we preferably want you to get home safe.

But I'm poor and I'm trying to be frugal! Rent isn't cheap you know!
We all have bills to pay and are willing to take some of our time to meet up; one night out isn't going to kill your budget. If anything, someone may buy you a drink and/or share food. Plus, delightful conversation about pop-culture, New York and the meaning of life is always free.

Oh no! It's too cold to be outside! You guys are crazy!
Dress accordingly then. While weather is something to keep an eye on, it's not a factor so the show must go on.

Where I can go air out my grievances about how expensive NYC is when there isn't a meetup?

Is there an NYC Era Discord I could join?

This is going to be really awkward isn't it?
It's only awkward if you make it awkward for yourself.

Any women come to these?
Don't be weird.

I'm shy and need a push - should I go?


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That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
lol is Stone Creek even gonna be open?

Deleted member 388

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Pandora wants to do SHABU SHABU - maybe that instead?

I'll get my fiancé to start stitching face masks with everyone's avatar on it.


Jun 4, 2018
If there was an era meetup in New Zealand or Taiwan, okay maybe. New York? That's crazy


Oct 25, 2017
... really? You want to host a 10+ person gathering? It's not like once restrictions are loosened that everything goes back to normal.
Oct 27, 2017
Phase 1 reopening is definitely happening in June. Early June, probably. NYC is just shy of the last hospital capacity metric and needs to get another couple hundred contact tracers hired. That's it.

But Phase 1 is just construction and manufacturing. Lord knows when we'll get to bars and restaurants, although to-go and curbside stuff is everywhere right now.

Also fwiw the number of daily cases right now in NYC is probably the real number of daily cases we had in, like, late February.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm optimistic that things'll open up around here in a week or 2, but y'all really think it's gonna be meetup status by July?
Oct 27, 2017
You realize this is two months away. We are just hoping everything stays on course. Stone Creek might be closed for good because I am shocked they were open in general in the first place. If it is we pick a different spot.
My bad, I actually thought we were already in June, my sense of time is all fucked.

I still think NYC bars being open in July is dicey, and getting a cautious community like Era to meet up is even less likely, even if/when the green light is given.


Oct 27, 2017
I live in Brooklyn, and would love to meet up. At this time? This is a bad idea, and I'm an epidemiologist.


The King of Games - One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Its risky enough just having to ride the bus/train. Don't do this.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
I understand your heart wanting this to happen OP, but even with places reopening, public gatherings aren't the best suggestion, and I doubt things will get better enough by July so this can happen.
Oct 27, 2017
It's two months from now, which is basically "who knows territory". Two months ago was March 28, the beginning of the nightmare ramp-up. NYC peaked at around 6000 confirmed daily cases and 800(?) daily hospitalizations, and we likely had tens of thousands of actual new daily cases.

NYC is literally down to a tenth of that per day and 50 new hospitalizations, with ten times the testing. Nowhere near flinging the doors wide open but we've come waaay down. (In fact this is the most important time to try and sit on our butts for a little while longer to really stamp it out.)

I'm not saying it's gonna be fine in two months. But it's *possible* we're down to a few dozen traced and tracked cases per day in a city of 8.5 million people in late summer.


Oct 25, 2017
wow, what do you know, it's not satire huh guess a lot of people including the mods owe me an apology


Oct 25, 2017
New York, NY
When I saw the title of this thread, I was in complete disbelief. Then I saw the date this thread was made and here we are a few weeks later. More businesses have been defying orders and started doing sidewalk seating including around my neighborhood. As such, it makes sense to make the Phase 2 date the 25th.

You should have seen Domino Park last weekend. That place and East River Park was crowded with people. It didn't stop folks from bringing out booze to drink. But my party of 2 friends and I didn't get sick. You bet we wore face masks and had hand sanitizer! I didn't see many peeps wearing them around there.

If y'all really meet up before that date, I would suggest a park, a cooler, and BYOB/BYOS (bring your own snacks). Finding a public bathroom is a whole other story though lol.
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