
音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US

new white followers: please unfollow me if you are not willing to provide resources (financial or otherwise) for the material needs of black people in our continued fight for liberation. this includes the inevitable seizure of your families estate and any other remaining assets

Keep her push for Socialism in mind. She isn't saying she wants to make all Whites homeless.

Although this may seem very radical to some, it's in line with a lot of what she's said before. Some ostensible fans seem upset with this latest quote, though. She has become more and more vocal in expressing her beliefs and pushing for progressive activism. Late last year, she stopped performing, because her audiences were mostly white: "I refuse to keep making music and putting it online for free for people who won't support me."

She also runs a book club, and her music is worth a listen.
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音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Unfortunately, rather than engage in respectful discourse, a number of Twitter users accuse her of "just hating white people," which feels fairly unproductive to me. But, y'know. Twitter. She's really not a hateful person. Just passionate for change.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like some people just want to try Communism.
Good luck with that.
Oct 27, 2017

You gonna name-check NPR as 'owned by White Supremacists' and don't bother to put FOX on blast?

Who 'owns' NPR anyways?


Jan 14, 2019
Someone who knows more about her want to clarify, cause the first half is great but at the end she kinda sounds like she just wants a white tax. I'm all on board for reparations out of taxpayer money but a straight up white tax is a little much tbh.


Dec 3, 2018
Her music is fantastic. I was really thrown off last year when she made those comments about white people at her concerts (I'm white) but after reading into it I totally understand where she's coming from, and this is no different.

Go Noname!


Oct 28, 2017
I feel like it would be more realistic to try taxing the super wealthy and all capital gains and implementing UBI before we try to convince stupid angry and often poor conservatives that they should give up their inheritances and houses...
I mean I'm not opposed to reparations but I feel like improving society and making things more equal would have more of a benefit than what she is proposing.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
People often criticize her for being extreme and radical in her addressing of white people-- and to ask people to literally seize assets and help black people is a lot. But I feel her frustration, resentment, and disdain from nothing but the truth. And that truth is...

People really don't want to realize how rampant white supremacy is and the headstart that white privilege gives people in the US historically. The US does an amazing job of doing this in plain sight and it's come to the point where people don't notice it (racism) until som idiot says n*gger or goes off rail. That's not the most common form of racism. It's the complacency in uprooting white supremacy and all it's seeds.

Everyone has to deal with capitalism and classism. Black people have to deal with capitalism, classism, and racism.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like it would be more realistic to try taxing the super wealthy and all capital gains and implementing UBI before we try to convince stupid angry and often poor conservatives that they should give up their inheritances and houses...
I mean I'm not opposed to reparations but I feel like improving society and making things more equal would have more of a benefit than what she is proposing.
I agree. Very few would support "the inevitable seizure of your families estate and any other remaining assets". Reparations and "we will take everything from you" are very different conversations and will yield very different responses.


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
i like her music and support the convinction

but i ain't giving my house away to anyone, sorry


Nov 4, 2017
The wording makes it seem like she wants white people to give everything they have away


Oct 27, 2017
Reparations from the government? Completely agree.
You want me to actually give you my shit? Don't let the door hit you...


Oct 27, 2017
I'm all for white people with the means to do so to financially support black people (whether that's donating to BLM or other organizations), but 'inevitable seizure of your estate and remaining assets'? LOL, no. And I'm not even white. Ridiculous fucking demand.

It's not even asking people to consider giving their assets away (which is a pretty ridiculous ask in and of itself), but it's asking you to support the seizure (i.e., forceful) of your assets and those of others.

I'm liberal but I'm not on board with seizing peoples stuff.

Hopefully a bunch of right wingers don't take this and go "ThIs Is WhAt AlL ThE bLM PeOple ReEalLy WaNT, SeE!"
That's the point. We're liberal. That's 'bad'.
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Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Its real. Said in a blunt way, but imho i think its needed.

While it buys into the fear of thousands of black people flooding the suburbs with guns fears that Foxnews loves to push, true quality will require some sacrifice.

It reminds me of many of the issues in NYC and school segregation. Liberal parents will talk that talk HARD, but when it comes to sharing resources with an underperforming school in any sort of way they become the Klan.

We will all have to sacrifice a biy for a better world, just hopefully they fix that whole pesky 1% taking 80% of the resources first it will be little if nothing at all (and hell, maybe we all get upgraded instead)


Oct 27, 2017
I'm liberal but I'm not on board with seizing peoples stuff.

Hopefully a bunch of right wingers don't take this and go "ThIs Is WhAt AlL ThE bLM PeOple ReEalLy WaNT, SeE!"
Oct 27, 2017
There's not really a need to state the incredibly blatantly obvious. Same reason why OAN and a host of other companies aren't on there.

This assumes that the people she's talking to are as well-versed in media literacy as she obviously is. Instead, what happens is the formerly apathetic are gonna see her list and at least assume that NPR and FOX occupy the same--or similar--places in perpetuation of White Supremecy.

It's lazy activism


Oct 25, 2017
Another tweet says she wants to abolish capitalism and electoral systems.
Note: She didn't call out The Intercept despite the Intercept constantly posting articles on black on black crime.
Can you link a few of these constantly posted Intercept articles? My google search is failing me and I'm curious.


Oct 25, 2017
This assumes that the people she's talking to are as well-versed in media literacy as she obviously is. Instead, what happens is the formerly apathetic are gonna see her list and at least assume that NPR and FOX occupy the same--or similar--places in perpetuation of White Supremecy.

It's lazy activism
I don't think you need to be well versed at all. The only people who aren't seeing Fox as white supremacist media are people who constantly have Fox News on TV and will never hear anything against it. Her message is obviously for liberals and minorities who mistakenly believe that so called "liberal" MSM is somehow on their side when it is definitely not.
Oct 25, 2017
This assumes that the people she's talking to are as well-versed in media literacy as she obviously is. Instead, what happens is the formerly apathetic are gonna see her list and at least assume that NPR and FOX occupy the same--or similar--places in perpetuation of White Supremecy.

It's lazy activism
if you don't have basic media literacy you probably aren't capable of internalizing the points she's making or the idologies which inform them


Oct 26, 2017
Reparations from the government? Completely agree.
You want me to actually give you my shit? Don't let the door hit you...

good luck finding someone who actually supports the seizure of their own assets and estate lol
and in this Los Angeles real estate market, no way I'm giving up my inheritance lmfao


Oct 25, 2017

A fellow journalist literally calls out a writer at the Intercept.

Yeah... And she also is a writer at the intercept. One writer pushing black on black narratives isn't exactly the same as the media outlet "constantly posting articles on black on black crime". So are there a lot of Lee Fang articles on black on black crime that the Intercept is posting?

So like i said can you link to just a few of these "constantly posted articles"?

To be clear I think Lee Fang does have some pretty problematic views on his social media like his pushing of black on black crime narrative and shit like asking why not reparations for countries the US has bombed to divert attention from reparations for black people in America.


Jul 14, 2019
Too many white fans of hip hop don't acknowledge themselves as guests in a black culture. I'm glad she's stuck to her guns.