
Oct 25, 2017
I finished the game a couple of days ago and I was doing mental gymnastics to convince myself I enjoyed it.
"The world was beautiful"
"Cowboy games are a rare experience"
"It's a god damn Rockstar game"

But nope, I finally realized it. The story was weak to me, the gameplay was book example of servicable and I found the epilogue more engaging than whole game beforehand. I noticed this with GTA V too, all these raving reviews and chatter, while I forced myself to finsh the damn game.
I just got RE2 and I cannot wait to play more tonight, it feels like fresh air after RDR2 while whenever I booted RDR2 something in my head was whispering "I hope this is the last mission".

I know most of this is "cool story bro" tier opinion, but for such highly reviewed and acknowledged game I am just surprised how disconnected I am.


Oct 27, 2017
What are your thoughts on God of War?
Did you connect with that?

I didn't but did RDR2, different strokes, reviews and critical acclaim can't account for that.


Feb 21, 2018
I think the bone people would pick with you is regarding the story, but I guess even that positive is carried mostly by the game's characters.

Last year was a pretty meh year for me overall honestly. Only games I felt super passionate about were Wandersong and Astro Bot


Aug 6, 2018
I know most of this is "cool story bro" tier opinion, but for such highly reviewed and acknowledged game I am just surprised how disconnected I am.

Nah, you are just normal. The reviewers are just kissing Rockstar's ass and disconnected from gamers. I disliked the game too and almost all my co-workers stopped playing it soon after buying it. It's not a bad game but just so average. I should stop buying their games.


Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018
The story is weak?
Yes man you are really disconmected like you said.


Oct 27, 2017
it's ok tonot like something..i don't like the first red dead redemption at all but the rest of the world seem to consider it a a masterpiece.
Oct 27, 2017
When you really dislike a game while playing it it's time to stop. Forcing yourself because the game has a 97 mc is only going to frustrate you even more.


Mar 9, 2018
I actually loved RDR2 until I beat it,
I am very upset with how it ended. I really dislike John and really love Arthur. Had I played RDR1 I would've known though, as a similar thing happens in that game
And after that I started thinking how annoyingly scripted everything was and how the game decided how you could move (slowly) in certain areas.
So no, I don't like it either right now.


Feb 21, 2018
A story is carried by its characters? You don't say
Lol yep, as opposed to a story that is mostly focused on unraveling some complex plot. I always prefer a story driven by compelling characters, especially those of RDR2's caliber, but given OP's take on weak story I am guessing he was looking for sth more fast-paced or focused


Nov 12, 2017
Lmfao at calling the story weak. What the hell are your standards for videogame stories?

hate to say this, but if you like the way stories are told in books and movies, video game stories are weak all the way around, even when they are at their best. i've gotten so much flack for saying that over the years, but there are only a handful of games that handle character development well and none of them are big action game hits.


Oct 25, 2017
It's okay to dislike a game. I dislike many parts of RDR2, too, but can't say that story was one of them. Sure, I was annoyed by Dutch and his "I have a plan" gibberish, but the overarching story was still fine and it had amazing characters to support it.

For me, it's the several "realism" mechanics that ruin the gameflow and thus gameplay, to a degree. Having to constantly clean your weapons and your horse, is just not fun at all, for example. The worst feature is the Replay Mission one, though. Getting actively punished by Rockstar, if you dare to use it.


Oct 25, 2017
I felt the same way about God of War. Everyone hyped it up. I decided to buy it. I was impressed by the combat (namely dat axe) but bored shitless after the initial appeal wore off. Didn't even finish it


Nov 2, 2017
I trivalize it, but most of the game was Dutch going "I HAVE A PLAN", plan backfires and then Arthur going "lol i told u". And they repeated this beat like 3-4 times.

Yeah I'm in chapter 6 and this is really starting to get to me.
The story could easily have been cut in half. The side quests are actually much better imho as they have real agency too.


Oct 26, 2017
I trivalize it, but most of the game was Dutch going "I HAVE A PLAN", plan backfires and then Arthur going "lol i told u". And they repeated this beat like 3-4 times.
Add to that that probably some members of the gang side more with Dutch (Micah, Bill Williamson) and others more with Arthur (Hosea) and you got a "great" conflict brewing. And seeing how paranoid Dutch is it probably ends up with Dutch and his cronies going on a rampage while the rest tries to survive (and probably many of them die).


Nov 2, 2017
I actually agree with you OP. The story was very repetitive and typical of a Rockstar plot. Someone rats out the MC. Greed takes over. Basically a Lance Vance from Vice City character.

The main missions were stale and most side missions sluggish. I did everything in RDR2 except finish the compendium but truth be told it was kind of a chore. The best parts for me was hunting, occasional sidemissions, the general setting and atmosphere and the prologue.

Deleted member 35011

User requested account closure
Dec 1, 2017
I feel ya. Sometimes with rockstar games I feel like I'm trying to play them more out of a weird sense of obligation due to being in awe of the technical side of it than actually enjoying it.

It's a really, really well made game...and I just didn't enjoy playing it.

Deleted member 8777

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 26, 2017
Add to that that probably some members of the gang side more with Dutch (Micah, Bill Williamson) and others more with Arthur (Hosea) and you got a "great" conflict brewing. And seeing how paranoid Dutch is it probably ends up with Dutch and his cronies going on a rampage while the rest tries to survive (and probably many of them die).
You know storytelling is more than just the script?


Oct 27, 2017
I think I don't personally know anyone who has managed to finish the thing, including a couple of (not anymore lol) long time Rockstar fans. Don't think you're that disconnected at all OP.


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
I'm not sure I'd agree the story was weak but it was certainly predictable and stretched out far more than it needed to be.

My main problem with the game is, and it was same with Wolfenstein New Colossus, that you can experience the best parts of it via YouTube.

The best parts of RDR2 are the parts you're not in control of, the graphics, the world, the music, the writing.


Oct 27, 2017
This is all backwards imo. I thought the main story was among the best I've ever experienced in gaming, felt like watching a TV show at times, a new mission was like a new episode, and the Arthur moment almost put me in tears. But the epilogue was faaar too long and boring. Seriously, all the ranch gameplay felt like a waste of my time, they could've ended it with Arthur without issues and just put the epilogue stuff as pics or those short clips in the ending credits to connect with RDR1. Only about 20% finished the epilogue, perhaps not the best use of development time and resources...

But different strokes and all that, in the end what made RDR2 my GOTY was the story, characters and living open world. Nothing could compare last year. I'm currently playing RDR1 on the X to connect all the dots, even with the last gen presentation it's still better than most games released this generation.


Oct 26, 2017
You know storytelling is more than just the script?
Wait, that was right? lol I stopped at chapter 3 or so when I found myself going back to the game only to play dominos.
And yes, I do know that, no need to get all condescending because I don't like a story, that to me feels very run of the mill and weak with a pretty standard-fare cast of characters.

Deleted member 3924

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's okay to dislike a game. I dislike many parts of RDR2, too, but can't say that story was one of them. Sure, I was annoyed by Dutch and his "I have a plan" gibberish, but the overarching story was still fine and it had amazing characters to support it.

For me, it's the several "realism" mechanics that ruin the gameflow and thus gameplay, to a degree. Having to constantly clean your weapons and your horse, is just not fun at all, for example. The worst feature is the Replay Mission one, though. Getting actively punished by Rockstar, if you dare to use it.

I think i cleaned the weapons and horse like 2-3 times in the whole story so im not sure how you ended up doing that constantly.

Deleted member 49132

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2018
Obviously RDR2s story is weak guys I mean it wasn't even nominated at the highly prestigious and credible DICE awards.

Hell AC Odyssey has a better story since it was nominated.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
is it the story that is weak, or the plot

Dec 4, 2017
I did no play Rdr 2 but I played GTA 4, GTA 5 and Rdr. I didn't like any of these games. I felt the same OP. Rdr was boring, the GTA games felt strange, it wasn't fun like vice city or San Andreas. Only ballad of gay Tony felt like a fun GTA game.


Nov 12, 2017
is it the story that is weak, or the plot


what is this from? that's an awful chart - how exactly do you divorce characters from plot when the events and storylines depend on characters to drive them in most cases (there are some non-character driven stories, but they're rare). the tension between ally and opponent (do they mean protagonist and antagonist?) is literally the central plot of many a tale.


Oct 25, 2017
That's basically the point of the game.

I would argue that the game is more about redemption than anything else. Sadly, it takes quite some time until that gets clear.

I think i cleaned the weapons and horse like 2-3 times in the whole story so im not sure how you ended up doing that constantly.

So, you played most of the game with weapons in horrible conditions and a horse on the verge of death? Seems like even more fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I would argue that the game is more about redemption than anything else. Sadly, it takes quite some time until that gets clear.

So, you played most of the game with weapons in horrible conditions and a horse on the verge of death? Seems like even more fun.
Well I believe that is both right. Arthur so slowly realizing that Dutch is a crazy man and that there's more than life than just what he's living

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
I just couldn't get into the game.

I loved RDR and was super hyped for this but I couldn't stomach it after about 10 hours. It's just mind numbingly boring and tedious. i'm kicking myself for buying it digitally because i can't trade it in now. usually i only buy a game digitally if i'm confident i'll like it.

they ruined GTA for me and now Red Dead. WTF is happening rockstar?


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
I've gotten into a vicious cycle with the game

I'll play it for 10 hours straight, won't touch it for a few weeks for various reasons, will go back to it forgetting most of what happened as well as some of the mechanics/controls, so I'll restart the story to refresh myself, only for it to happen again

im on my third restart and i stopped playing to dedicate most of my time to RE2 and haven't gone back to it yet, but if i do I'll prob wanna restart again :/


Nov 28, 2017
Your 'rationalizations' are compelling. Who can argue with the thoughtful reasoning you've laid out?


Oct 27, 2017
its another example over an overhyped game that seemingly got super high review scores just to match the hype. The game isn't bad, but it has a lot of flaws that absolutely do not make it a 90+ meta/open score game.

I did like the story, thought the world and characters were really great. Playing the game was a chore. It was too long. Most of the mechanics were just not fun. I often ended play sessions because my next mission marker was across the gd world and I just didn't feel like running to it. None of the side content was of any interest. Controls are garbage. The way the characters felt to move and perform actions was really bad.

I also never cleaned my guns more than a few times or had more than the first horse, who i left named "my horse", because i could not care less. Never donated to camp other than getting it upgraded for the "fast" travel system. Never really felt like I had to do any of this stuff. Also I was sitting on a mountain of cash the whole game and bought nearly nothing.


Oct 27, 2017
I got so bored around Chapter 3 I just never picked it up again
At the beach camp? You should really push yourself a bit longer, you're like at the tutorial still, there are so many cool things after that, plenty of twists and turns, if nothing else, at least go through a youtube playthrough.