
Jan 10, 2018
Saw a rumor this might be a new
Famicom Detective Club
How likely is this?
that type of game feels like more a regular Nintendo Direct drop, than going the route of viral marketing.

Also the tone is much different, and the upgrade to a potential M-rating doesn't lend itself to likely being part of that series.


Jun 24, 2024


Doctor Videogames at Allfather Productions
Oct 25, 2017
What was so exciting about Sadness, I cant remember.
The trailer they showed was entirely live action, but in the days of 56k dialup you probably didn't actually watch the trailer, you saw stills in magazines. And the magazines didn't say "this is just a live action video," they said "still from Sadness." We didn't know what the Wii was called or what its features were beyond motion or anything, so it read like "the new console will have photorealistic graphics and you can see them in this cool black and white horror game."

Of course it was all fake but that was how news existed at the time. Today it'd crumble instantly under any scrutiny.
Sep 23, 2018
Somehow, Hassan Karaman('s aptly named Abandoned )returned.

In all seriousness - I really want to know anything about this so it's certainly having its intended effect.


Oct 26, 2017
I have a theory. Emio isn't a character in his own game. He's the narrator (crypt keeper style) for a series of Nintendo creepy pasta/game corruptions that will release on NSO in time for Halloween.


Oct 25, 2017
Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me Emio


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I find it crazy how we don't know specifically when this will be revealed. I figured it would have been revealed wihthin 2 days and yet its coming up on a week


Oct 25, 2017
You should maybe read the first line.

Damn, why you gotta do Grubb like that

damn you got real personal and body shaming

everyone thinks you're very cool for that

Really? We shouldn't be body shaming like that. Definitely for good ol grub
You guys are right. I edited that part out. I stand by being sick of white guys on YouTube talking about video games tho lol


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still drawing a blank of what this could be, this is so outside of the realm of Nintendo, and this is definitely first party, or as close as it can be a la Metroid Dread. This isn't Fatal Frame where Nintendo just gave them Luigi and Zero Suit Samus costumes, they are absolutely involved.


Nov 11, 2022
I'm still drawing a blank of what this could be, this is so outside of the realm of Nintendo, and this is definitely first party, or as close as it can be a la Metroid Dread. This isn't Fatal Frame where Nintendo just gave them Luigi and Zero Suit Samus costumes, they are absolutely involved.
Metroid Dread is not just close to first party, it is first party. :P
You probably mean you think this is internally developed and nout outsourced?


Oct 25, 2017
Metroid Dread is not just close to first party, it is first party. :P
You probably mean you think this is internally developed and nout outsourced?

I mean Mercury Steam is definitely not first party.

If its not internally developed they have to be working closely with whatever developer it is, right? Surely they are the IP owners unlike Bayonetta, even if its outsourced.


Nov 11, 2022
I mean Mercury Steam is definitely not first party.

If its not internally developed they have to be working closely with whatever developer it is, right? Surely they are the IP owners unlike Bayonetta, even if its outsourced.
I also imagine it's a new IP by Nintendo, if internally devloped or not I think they are involved with like a producer at least if not more. Someone I know suggested this could be a side project of Sakamoto before Metroid 6, that would be fun!


Oct 25, 2017
Not quite. An Alternate Reality Game is kind of a group roll-play game where everybody agrees to pretend that they live in an alternate reality where XYZ is true, XYZ being whatever the fiction of the game is (world run by shadowy cabal, wizards exist, it's the year 3000, whatever). Historically, the most common way that the gameplay part of this manifests is as as you describe, solving puzzles as a collective, but it doesn't need to be that - it just needs to be a distributed community role-play set in an alternate reality. It's sort of like an immersive theater event with gameplay mechanics. Otherwise, you just have a puzzle hunt.

Source: I designed these for a living.

Anyway Sadness was my most-anticipated Nintendo Revolution prerelease title. Maybe I should make it myself.

Thanks for such a thorough explanation! Based on that, there's probably little reason to think Nintendo's attempting an ARG with Emio at this point.


The Fallen
Nov 11, 2017
United States
If I rated house of Fata Morgana 9.8/10, how much would I enjoy Famicom Detective Club? Thinking of buying it and playing it over a flight at the end of the year.