
Oct 27, 2017
I loathe hearing that line, "Protect the kids from the LGBTQ people". Then I open up the news every other day and hear about how a right-wing Christian, pastor, or priest who shouts anti-LGBTQ rhetoric was caught either diddlin' kids or with a massive CP collection. It infuriates me.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017

I loathe hearing that line, "Protect the kids from the LGBTQ people". Then I open up the news every other day and hear about how a right-wing Christian, pastor, or priest who shouts anti-LGBTQ rhetoric was caught either diddlin' kids or with a massive CP collection. It infuriates me.
A few weeks ago it was revealed that the Ilinois Catholic Church was sitting on close to 2,000 cases of child molestation and it seems to not even be a blip on the radar.


Apr 19, 2018
Lol at people saying good one on Activision. It's still a terrible company trying to show their face in a good light. They don't give a single fuck about LGBTQ people, about you, about anything but cash. So fuck both that guy and activision, this isn't a W everyone's talking about. Gross.


Mar 18, 2020
Why even put twitch streamers and game personalities in your game at all? The chances they'll turn out to be racist or homophobic right after you promote them are basically 100% at this point


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Lol at people saying good one on Activision. It's still a terrible company trying to show their face in a good light. They don't give a single fuck about LGBTQ people, about you, about anything but cash. So fuck both that guy and activision, this isn't a W everyone's talking about. Gross.

Yes, its easy kudos for a terrible company but that said bigots need to be stamped like the fucking cockroaches they are so in this one rare circumstances gonna give em a bit of respect.

End of the day reason he can behave like that is gamers like him get treated with kiddie gloves even though they are hateful assholes, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend for the next 30 seconds.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI

That is actually a shitty and ignorant tweet.

The Pride stuff in Overwatch was something that LGBTQ+ members of the development team were pushing for and are happy and proud to have in the game. Referring to that as "virtue signaling" completely dismisses them.

The developers of Overwatch are not the CEO. It's always really frustrating when people can't differentiate between the two when it comes to Activision Blizzard -- especially when those developers have been the victims of that CEO (and other management) in the past.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol at people saying good one on Activision. It's still a terrible company trying to show their face in a good light. They don't give a single fuck about LGBTQ people, about you, about anything but cash. So fuck both that guy and activision, this isn't a W everyone's talking about. Gross.
youre right they should leave his stuff up

do u guys hear yourselves sometimes


Apr 19, 2018
youre right they should leave his stuff up

do u guys hear yourselves sometimes
Did I say they should leave it up? Don't put words in my mouth.

It's a good thing that bundle was removed, not a good thing for people to praise AKB. Or we now encourage this kind of thing?

So "fuck Activision" as long as it suits our narrative and we could be viewed as good guys, if not, say they're great now, sure.

This is called hypocrisy.


Oct 25, 2017
Mercs has always been a giant 5 headed ass dude with no brain inside. I'm shocked he hasn't short circuited yet trying to read or write basic words.


Oct 27, 2017
They better not cave, gotta show these idiots that either they hide again like cowards or reap what you sow.

Lol at people saying good one on Activision. It's still a terrible company trying to show their face in a good light. They don't give a single fuck about LGBTQ people, about you, about anything but cash. So fuck both that guy and activision, this isn't a W everyone's talking about. Gross.

I'm curious, in your opinion, what should have this thread's posts only consisted of?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Lol at people saying good one on Activision. It's still a terrible company trying to show their face in a good light. They don't give a single fuck about LGBTQ people, about you, about anything but cash. So fuck both that guy and activision, this isn't a W everyone's talking about. Gross.

For two weeks, people have understandably called Target cowards for pulling some Pride merch in response to their employees being harassed and threatened.

Yes, the executives at Activision Blizzard terrible people. But that doesn't change the fact that removing this bundle was the right thing to do. And that doesn't change the fact that, no matter how awful the CEOs of these companies are, this is what we need to see more of.

This is the kind of thing we were asking Target and Bud Light to do, rather than backing down. And in this specific case, a company did the right thing. I'm okay with them getting praise for it because it might slightly raise the chance of other companies doing the same.


Feb 11, 2019
I ran the Block the Blue extension on the replies to the Call of Duty tweet about the situation and it was so satisfying
Oct 25, 2017
Why even put twitch streamers and game personalities in your game at all? The chances they'll turn out to be racist or homophobic right after you promote them are basically 100% at this point
Because operators are based on models so when making a roster full of
Model models
Crossover IP

They decided to do a few based on people big in their community whose fans have asked for it for years..

Nick is boring so I don't understand it regardless but I definitely understand something like TimTheTatMan
or if he wasn't feuding with COD(or an ass IRL) DrDisrespect.
Or Ninja in Fortnite.

For reference this is another Operator is MW19/MW2


They've actually hired a handful of these gun influencers/models women as the basis for operators
Though they aren't voiced by them and don't have their names and history
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2020
Oh I know the how and why and using actual models or grown ups, it just seems at this point a wildly stupid or risky move to go with twitch streamers since they seize every possible opportunity to ruin their own careers.

I know they're desperate for good skins in MW2 since every single one so far has been atrocious but like, come on.


Jul 26, 2018
Saw the comments under his response tweet. Absolutely disgusting how many are sharing his view and defending him.


Oct 27, 2017
Idk, at the end of the day everyone can write whatever they want, but in my opinion there sould be more "nah, you're still full of shit" than just "good on them".
Pushing back on violent bigotry is incredibly important and meaningful in the current climate where allies don't give a fucking shit to speak up for us and other orgs and powerful voices are trying to be very much silent in the face of the fully active right-wing pressure. Yes, as a trans woman I am absolutely thankful for anyone standing up in a world that wants me dead, because unfortunately very few people are willing.


J->E Localization
Oct 25, 2017
If you're concerned about children, you should look into the Catholic Church and leave the LGBT community alone!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Funny seeing these dudes call for a boycott. COD playerbase has a rich history with boycotts.



Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Twitter comments in general have become absolute dogshit since Elon introduced Twitter Blue and started to boost their stuff. I barley use the website anymore.
Yeah, only bigots are buying the checkmark and being boosted so 99% of comments on anything on twitter these days is absolute garbage and full of hate


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
One of the worst gaming communities sadly, so I'm glad they've took a stance against this

Red Kong XIX

Oct 11, 2020
Yeah, only bigots are buying the checkmark and being boosted so 99% of comments on anything on twitter these days is absolute garbage and full of hate
They think they are somehow saving "free speech" by paying for the mistake of a literal billionaire, who self admittedly shitposted himself into a bad business deal. At least both Elon and his unbearable fans are loosing money in this.
Nov 1, 2017
That is actually a shitty and ignorant tweet.

The Pride stuff in Overwatch was something that LGBTQ+ members of the development team were pushing for and are happy and proud to have in the game. Referring to that as "virtue signaling" completely dismisses them.

The developers of Overwatch are not the CEO. It's always really frustrating when people can't differentiate between the two when it comes to Activision Blizzard -- especially when those developers have been the victims of that CEO (and other management) in the past.
Thank you for saying this.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
They're not concerned about AR-15s in schools.

They're concerned about kids being comfortable with their sexuality in schools.

Fuck this country.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Tim rode the fence because he still wants COD money. Doc unsurprisingly sided with Nick because he's a known shitpiece. No surprises really.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Overwatch streamer SVB absolutely shitting on Nickmercs bigoted bullshit in such an eloquent way.

View: https://youtu.be/k9uGVeSRYss

There are gay, trans, and queer folks working for these companies that are actually excited about adding these things to their game.

Nobody can really control that their CEO is a rich bigot, in fact, most people cannot do anything about it.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Overwatch streamer SVB absolutely shitting on Nickmercs bigoted bullshit in such an eloquent way.

View: https://youtu.be/k9uGVeSRYss

There are gay, trans, and queer folks working for these companies that are actually excited about adding these things to their game.

Nobody can really control that their CEO is a rich bigot, in fact, most people cannot do anything about it.

Yeah I saw that video on twitter. Very well done and of course the blue checks are doing the blue check thing in the replies.

Anyone on Twitter saying anything common sense about this is basically this kid


Prophet Five

Pundeath Knight
Nov 11, 2017
The Great Dark Beyond
What does being in Florida have to do with it? People can't be bigoted pieces of shit in blue states?

Every Floridian is a piece of shit because they haven't just moved and all of them worship DeSantis and Trump. Anyone living in Florida should be chained to a brick and drowned in the bottom of the ocean. This is what ERA has taught me.


A gay, liberal Floridian (who hasn't "just moved")


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't even know who he was, but it seems everyone else has beaten me to concluding, "Oh, more Faze trash".


Oct 25, 2017
Did I say they should leave it up? Don't put words in my mouth.

It's a good thing that bundle was removed, not a good thing for people to praise AKB. Or we now encourage this kind of thing?

So "fuck Activision" as long as it suits our narrative and we could be viewed as good guys, if not, say they're great now, sure.

This is called hypocrisy.
You're absolutely right, your post is hypocrisy.