
Oct 25, 2017
Is there anywhere other than Twitter archiving the pitchbot stuff? I wanted to look at some of their recent posts but Twitter doesn't show new posts any more if you're not logged in.
Oct 25, 2017
Just come out and endorse Trump already. I at least respect that The Post is upfront about it.
Oh come on, this might have just been him dressing up a 19th century plutocrat for Halloween.

Pictured: a man who desperately needs to touch grass.

I have never wanted to give someone a wedgie so badly.

Definitely looks like a Gotham supervillain.

I'm pretty sure I saw him in an oil painting in Dishonored

His face looks like someone beat you to it.

That's an actor, the poster was making a joke(?).

The real guy is much more punchable.



volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
In case anyone wants to read someone write what they're probably thinking, here's Jeff "how-have-I-not-had-a-stroke-yet" Tiedrich talking about the Times.


the New York Times can piss up a rope

Times publisher AG Sulzberger is a power-mad diaper-baby


Oct 25, 2017


Jul 28, 2023
User Banned (Permanently): Misrepresenting Moderation; History of Promoting Cross Thread Drama, Dismissive Commentary & Modwhining
Ah yes, the same newspaper which when criticised for biased coverage by Palestinian members in the Israel genocide thread resulted in every single one of them being banned. Some of those members left Era permanently. Shame on you B-Dubs.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I won't post it to give them clicks, but the NYT didn't care for Jost's hosting of the WHCD.


Oct 25, 2017
Last edited:


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Nobody is gonna remember what happened last night in a couple of weeks anyways, why are people losing their minds over this?

Because we've trained ourselves to hoot and holler over anything that might be bad for Trump and lose our minds over anything that might be bad for Biden. By October, all the pundits giving the "replace Biden" rhetoric breath are going to look really stupid.


Oct 27, 2017
Jupiter, FL
Because we've trained ourselves to hoot and holler over anything that might be bad for Trump and lose our minds over anything that might be bad for Biden. By October, all the pundits giving the "replace Biden" rhetoric breath are going to look really stupid.
Lyndon Johnson once said that he could walk on water on the Potomac and the Washington Post would run a headline the next day saying the president can't swim.

I think about that quote a lot.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Where is their editorial calling for Trump to step aside for being a convicted felon?

Because Trump's insanity and the sensational headlines they can draw from it get eyes on their dying medium. Also, his constant threats towards them and the "failing NYT" rants he always went on got them subscribers. I mean CNN's CEO a few years ago basically said Trump was the best thing to happen to their network because people were always tuning in to hear what new insanity would come out of his mouth during those daily Covid briefings he did, but earlier as well when they would just have the camera focused on his empty podium for upwards of an hour before he even spoke. As much as he is focused on eyes and ratings, they are right up there with him in that regard.


Oct 30, 2017
Even people here on Era are repeating the same shit. It's tiring.

There's only one choice this coming election. Go and VOTE.

The scrutiny surounding a literal fellon hasn't even been half as bad as this.

It's HILLARY'S E-MAILS all fucking over again, and it's tiring.

Go out and vote.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
Even people here on Era are repeating the same shit. It's tiring.

There's only one choice this coming election. Go and VOTE.

The scrutiny surounding a literal fellon hasn't even been half as bad as this.

It's HILLARY'S E-MAILS all fucking over again, and it's tiring.

Go out and vote.

Frankly, I don't give a damn if Biden is the nominee or not. At this point, I trust the Democrats to put a President in office that'll surround themselves by experts in their respective fields, and that's the bare minimum that the GOP cannot meet.


May 4, 2024

That's an actor, the poster was making a joke(?).

The real guy is much more punchable.


My eyes parsed these two as Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. I honestly thought both of you were doing a bit.

Frankly, I don't give a damn if Biden is the nominee or not. At this point, I trust the Democrats to put a President in office that'll surround themselves by experts in their respective fields, and that's the bare minimum that the GOP cannot meet.

This needs to be shouted from the mountains.


Oct 25, 2017
Frankly, I don't give a damn if Biden is the nominee or not. At this point, I trust the Democrats to put a President in office that'll surround themselves by experts in their respective fields, and that's the bare minimum that the GOP cannot meet.

That's why Trump's "He doesn't fire anyone" attack failed in the debate. Biden doesn't need to fire anyone, One, because he isn't a baby who demands complete loyalty, and Two, and this is the bigger one, because they actually do a really, really good job. I wish Biden had highlighted how much his team has been instrumental in getting the nation back on the right track and those placements were done by him.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
And some on here eat that shit up.

It's not that they eat it up. It's that it aligns with their interests. The same kind of people who shared right wing edited Dementia Joe clips as authentic because it appealed to their desire to damage Biden. Them and the closet accelerationists that we see inching closer and closer to outright advocating for a Trump win.


May 5, 2024
I don't see how people can watch that debate and conclude anything other than that Biden needs to step aside. He's a good man, but he is declining. If people don't get their head out of the sand, I think the Democrats are sleepwalking to defeat in November.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not that they eat it up. It's that it aligns with their interests. The same kind of people who shared right wing edited Dementia Joe clips as authentic because it appealed to their desire to damage Biden. Them and the closet accelerationists that we see inching closer and closer to outright advocating for a Trump win.



Oct 30, 2017
I don't see how people can watch that debate and conclude anything other than that Biden needs to step aside. He's a good man, but he is declining. If people don't get their head out of the sand, I think the Democrats are sleepwalking to defeat in November.

Trump has been declining since God knows when and it's been paying off for the GOP to invest in him.

You know, the 78-year old convicted criminal, con man and compulsive liar.


Oct 22, 2018
I don't see how people can watch that debate and conclude anything other than that Biden needs to step aside. He's a good man, but he is declining. If people don't get their head out of the sand, I think the Democrats are sleepwalking to defeat in November.
I don't see how people can watch one debate and conclude that Biden needs to step down. He was fine before and after the debate. Being sick can mess you up at any age.

People still want to push the fairy tale that there's some magical candidate who can easily beat Trump this year if switched mere months before the main election. Those people sound like the one with their heads in the sand. 🤷🏻


Jun 1, 2024
History also does not support the notion that replacing the current guy at this point will lead to anything but disaster.
We are in a new world and old political norms don't apply anymore.

A tv host/conman with zero political experience became president

Everyone has their own personalized newspaper in their pocket that gets more extreme the more you read it

Nothing is the same


Oct 30, 2017
We are in a new world and old political norms don't apply anymore.

Except most of the democratic demographic still follow old political norms. That's why they accepted Biden in the first place, since he was an established name.

Trump's literal selling point has always been that he's outside the old political norm. Now you want dems to also go against the old political norm too, except... hey, didn't you just say republican and democratic voters behave differently? Will democratic voters accept a detour from the old norms like republicans did?


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Pay close attention to how urgently the media is running with this narrative. They know they're going to run out of steam quick once Trump gets sentenced.