
The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Uhh... the fuck does her sexuality have to do with her being super smart at a trivia game show, NBC?


NBC Under Fire For Treatment of Mattea Roach, 16-Time 'Jeopardy' Champion - Inside the Magic

NBC News has come under fire for its treatment of 16-time 'Jeopardy' champion, Mattea Roach. Full details about the controversy inside.


Roach recently won her 16th Jeopardy show and, now, NBC is being blasted for their treatment of the 23-year-old. In a Tweet about her impressive win streak, the news network referred to Roach as a "23-year old lesbian tutor" rather than using her name:

The 23-year-old lesbian tutor from Toronto has amassed a total of $320,081, the most by a Canadian contestant in "Jeopardy!" history.

Per a report from Canada's Global News, Roach's family is extremely proud of the young woman's success on the hit game show:

Her cousin, Carol Baan, says Roach has won the mantle of "Canada's sweetheart" as she makes her country and her family in Nova Scotia proud with her smarts and on-air charm.

"Even up to the 14th game, she still kind of looks like that kid in the candy store that just can't believe it herself," Baan said.

More at the link.

Apropos of nothing, The Lesbian Tutor is the title of the shitty romance novel I'll never write.

Define me solely by my sexuality if old.


Oct 27, 2017
Like did no one fucking question that headline before authorizing submission? That is some fucking disgraceful and disgusting writing, NBC.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
news tweets been sucking ass with this shit for years, they want engagement over actually telling folks shit, they want that click, they want that love retweet, they want that hate retweet
Does a lesbian tutor teach lesbians or do they teach about lesbians
dont get me started on lesbian Tudors
Oct 25, 2017
personally, i'm interested to know more about contestants and especially the ones that other shows would shy away from my forcing them to describe themselves in as generic of a way as possible to avoid upsetting older and less progressive audiences.

and, you know, with the whole "lesbian visibility week" thing happening right now, this headline isn't really all that much of a stretch, or offensive, or in poor taste. some of you all are really, really stretching for outrage here.

she's always had me smiling each game she's been on. guess now i know my gaydar was going off!


Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me of D'Fwan from 30 Rock. "Because I'm not just a gay hairdresser. I'm also a homosexual party planner."


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Was this posted because it's Lesbian Visibility Day/Week? I saw a bunch of Twitter posts about it the other day


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
personally, i'm interested to know more about contestants and especially the ones that other shows would shy away from my forcing them to describe themselves in as generic of a way as possible to avoid upsetting older and less progressive audiences.

and, you know, with the whole "lesbian visibility week" thing happening right now, this headline isn't really all that much of a stretch, or offensive, or in poor taste. some of you all are really, really stretching for outrage here.

she's always had me smiling each game she's been on. guess now i know my gaydar was going off!
It was posted on lesbian visibility day so it seems accurate to say this is part of lesbian visibility week.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like a sequel in the "The English Patient" cinematic universe.


Oct 25, 2017
This makes her sound like she is tutoring lesbianism

They know what crowd they're stirring to false anger with that one smh


Oct 27, 2017
Lesbian Visibility Week must not be working if this many people are missing the posts about how it is currently Lesbian Visibility Week


Oct 25, 2017
the article is literally in the LGBTQ interest section of NBC news (https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/mattea-roach-becomes-latest-lgbtq-jeopardy-phenom-rcna25847). The whole article is about her and other lgbtq jeopardy contestants. yeah, her sexual orientation is relevant to the article.

and using a description in a tweet rather than the name is super common. I see stuff like "Republican congressman" all the fucking time and have to click through to find out who they're talking about.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
A 23 year old, a lesbian, and a Canadian tutor walk into a bar.

comment above about it being in the LGBTQ section makes a bit more sense. seems like a lot of descriptive words though


Oct 26, 2017
honestly just put the name in the tweet at least

news twitter always be leaving out the names of subjects and its annoying as hell

Their cool with it because the name of the subject is put in the link text.

(Oh, and, yes, this was done because it's lesbian visibility week. This was not a snide line by NBC.)


Oct 25, 2017
the article is literally in the LGBTQ interest section of NBC news (https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/mattea-roach-becomes-latest-lgbtq-jeopardy-phenom-rcna25847). The whole article is about her and other lgbtq jeopardy contestants. yeah, her sexual orientation is relevant to the article.

and using a description in a tweet rather than the name is super common. I see stuff like "Republican congressman" all the fucking time and have to click through to find out who they're talking about.

Makes a lot of sense. OP missed quite a large and important bit of info in an effort to make ResetEra outrage thread #67853.

My schedule lines up well with watching Jeopardy in the afternoons and I've seen most of her games. She's doing very well.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn

Its like when you see the ugliest, most disrespectful NBA dunk and they work their way back to the other side of the court like its no biggie except for a minor tell (extra hard hand slap to a teammate giving props, a look to the corner where they give a quick mischevious look the camera barely catches) and don't even look at their victims direction.


Oct 25, 2017
Just calling her a tutor is kinda selling her short. She tutors law school students.

She is super smart, but I don't see her reaching Matt/Amy level of winning streak unless she tightens up her buzzer game.


Oct 27, 2017
No lie, it's nice to know when people are lesbians, at least for me as a lesbian. I remember being so excited any time there was a lesbian my age on ANYTHING. Some 12 year old out there is super excited about this tweet.
Oct 30, 2017

Its like when you see the ugliest, most disrespectful NBA dunk and they work their way back to the other side of the court like its no biggie except for a minor tell (extra hard hand slap to a teammate giving props, a look to the corner where they give a quick mischevious look the camera barely catches) and don't even look at their victims direction.

That look of exasperation on her face when she gets it right is killing me lol

Also I swear to god I thought that Jeopardy tweet said "labia" and not "tibia"