
Mar 16, 2022
Absolutely garbage, misleading headline OP. Did you even listen to the podcast?

They repeatedly state that they are speculating, Kat says she could see Holiday 2025 being in play, Nate says that he speculates it could be Summer, but that March could be in play if Nintendo decides to reveal this Fall.

MVG even says that he has never correctly predicted a Nintendo release.

Completely misleading, horrible headline for this thread that has already misled tons of people.
^ So much this. Like why OP, wtf?


Dec 17, 2017
There is nothing here.

Its literally just them going "we expect the release date to be 6months after the reveal", but they don't know when the reveal will be.

My uninformed speculation is that since nintendo already said the switch 2 will be revealed this FY, that it is also going to be released this FY.


Nov 17, 2020
I mean, they can't launch Switch 2 without good launch games. I'm sure the hardware is not the blocker, but rather the lack of AAA games ready for launch this year, so they're probably working on a new mario and that takes time.
Mar 11, 2020
Well people say this shit every year, eventually someone gonna be right.

Ugh i'm just sick of the aging system and devs releasing badly running games on it. I want a new more powerful one already so i can actually start buying non first party things on it again.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I'm wrong here, but I feel like there is a sweet spot where the Switch doesn't lose 'mindshare' with the casual market if they wait too long. Holiday 2025 feels too long. Already thought March 2025 was stretching it. Really don't want Nintendo lose steam.

I know a lot will disagree but beyond poor marketing, a reason I thought the Wii U failed was because they waited so long after the Wii craze ended. Switch is much larger than Wii, though, so maybe moot.

I agree with this. A lot of my friends that were really into switch in the early days are over it. We'll see if Nintendo can bring them back in, but it would've been easier if Switch 2 was 2022 or 2023


Oct 25, 2017
You can take the reveal month and add 5-6 months to most likely get the releaase date.

In two months and some change we will in all likelyhood know (by announcement or rule out) if March is still on the table. And then we can eliminate each corresponding month up until March of next year (when the president of Nintendo said it would be revealed by).

So no real need to get heated up about some comments on a podcast, but hey go ahead.


Jul 20, 2024
Sounds about right, Metroid 4 will still be on Switch, it can carry them through 2025 together with a few more titles we don't know about yet.

Diogo Arez

One Winged Slayer
Oct 20, 2020
Way too late if true, I'm tired of the Switch already, been holding off on playing anything this year until Switch 2


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
I don't buy this at all, Furukawa said they'd show the console this FY so if it was scheduled for next Holiday then they have no reason to show it this FY


Oct 28, 2017
That section is absolutely speculation. Nate also said first half? MVG guessed 2nd.
Yeah, it's gotta be noted, this is speculation.

I think by the end of the year we'll have a better sense of when it's coming. The Switch was first revealed October 2016 so I think if the Switch 2 is revealed this year then a first half of next year launch is absolutely on the table. Especially if some kind of Switch 2 event is announced for early next year.

Also, it's less that it won't have gimmicks (it almost certainly will) but I would guess it just won't have NEW gimmicks. It'll have the same gimmicks as the Switch.


Nov 27, 2022
fine with me
there's so many games on every platform that I wouldn't mind eventually getting it


Jul 16, 2019
At this point I don't trust anything about Switch 2 unless it comes from Nintendo.

That being said, I wouldn't be upset if it's true. I still have so many games to play in the meantime.


Oct 25, 2017
This is 100% just speculation, there is no rational reason for Switch 2 to be at the end of 2025.
Jul 7, 2023
To give a full summary of what they said:
  • They're assuming since Nintendo said they will "announce new hardware this fiscal year," they won't launch it this fiscal year
  • They're then taking this assumption to speculate about when the Switch 2 would launch, if this assumption is true
  • With this in context, MVG and Kat said around September timeframe
tl;dr speculation


Oct 25, 2017
Y'all gotta stop making threads over every random podcast musing and passing it off as reporting. Media literacy is in the toilet around here.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I believe it and it's fine tbh.

No fucking way

This is already a dead year, and they're gonna make us wait AN ENTIRE YEAR for this shit to end

For fuck's sake, Nintendo
What is a "dead year"? We have a new Mario Party, DKCR, new Mario & Luigi, new Zelda, and then next year we got Metroid Prime 4 and a new Pokemon Legends game.

It ain't the 2017 one-two punch of Breath of the Wild and Odyssey, but I'd consider it far from Wii 2012.

Dance Inferno

Oct 29, 2017
I just picked up a Switch OLED from Japan on an impulse so this news makes me happy. Was worried my purchase would be immediately invalidated if Nintendo announced a 2024 Switch 2 release.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
I watched the entire thing earlier today while working out and I swear Nate was more in favor of first half (with closer to June) being the release, while MVG and Kat thought September was more likely, but dare posed to consider the holiday for a potential release.

Did OP even watch? Or just take a random discord message and rush to post a thread? So many people on the first two pages are taking this as information as if it's actually what was said, not even stating it was the host's speculation, or anything.


Oct 24, 2017
They've already said they're announcing this FY.

Even if they push that to March, it would be uncharacteristic of them to reveal in March for a holiday release for hardware. A holiday release would probably mean that something went real pear-shaped with software.


Oct 22, 2023
Nintendo repeating the mistakes of Wii-WiiU transition again if this is true! Switch2 must have VR/AR and dual screens or it's toast lol!


Apr 26, 2018
I'll eat my hat if it's Holiday 2025. It's going to launch early in the year, just like the first Switch. They just don't have enough Switch software to get them to Holiday 2025 without, like, a 6-month release desert. Stuff like Metroid Prime 4, which is coming early 2025, is obviously being prepped for a crossgen Switch 2 release. Also, I fully expect there will be some new gimmick. Maybe not a particularly game-changing one, but we're not just getting a Switch carbon copy with better chips inside.