
Jan 15, 2018
I feel like I'm having a panic attack and can't breathe. I have to be up early tomorrow to get tested for COVID for my job and I can't sleep.

I don't know what to do. We're engaged and were supposed to be married in March but it got cancelled because of the pandemic.

I have no idea where she is. She refuses to come home to talk to me.

This is a the first time I've dealt with a long term relationship ending and I feel like I'm falling apart.

I have no one I can even turn to for support right now because I live in Spain and my family are all in the UK. No real friends for me to dump this stuff on. My family told me to pack and head back to them but the thought of that just makes this all the more real and I start crying and freak out.

I'm also losing my cats now I guess. Outside of my fiancée, they're the most important thing to me but they're in her name and she would never let me take them.

I tried calling 116123 (the number for the Samaritans in the UK and supposed to be an EU emotional support number) for something, support or just an ear because I just can't cope right now but it says the number doesn't exist here in Spain and Skype won't let me call that kind of number.


Oct 26, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA
I'm so sorry. How long has she been out of contact? Can you stay where you're living right now? Don't jump into something major like a move until you have a better idea of what's going on.

That's really terrible. Can you at least Skype one of your UK friends so you can have someone who knows you to talk to?


Oct 27, 2017
Hey OP. I went through a VERY similar situation to you last year. I was supposed to get married in December and my fiancee literally drove two hours to her family's house and ghosted me for 24 hours before coming back with her family, yelling at me and dumping me right there.

Take a deep, deep breath. Then take another one. Call your folks. Skype a friend if distance is an issue. You need them right now and that's totally OK.

There's nothing I can say that's going to make you feel better but it's all a matter of time. That is literally the only thing that will make you feel better.


Nov 11, 2017
Hi mate, sounds like a rough time, just had a look and if you need someone to talk to in person theres a Samaritans in Spain with the number 900525100


Oct 27, 2017
Covid is putting a strain on countless relationships. My sympathy goes to you.

Why did she leave? Is there a 3rd person involved or did you have other types of issues?

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
OP, you still got things going for you. You have a job lined up so just take it one day at a time. Try to keep communication open with her and if that fails well you know you can always fall back to the safety net of home.


Jan 15, 2018
Thank you so much for everyone responding.

I'm so sorry. How long has she been out of contact? Can you stay where you're living right now? Don't jump into something major like a move until you have a better idea of what's going on.

That's really terrible. Can you at least Skype one of your UK friends so you can have someone who knows you to talk to?
I spoke to my family for awhile this evening and they're really worried about me, which is making me feel worse. But for now I'm still in the flat we share and a co-worker told me months ago if I ever needed somewhere to stay for anything, she has a spare room and it'd be there. So hopefully that'll be okay.

Hey OP. I went through a VERY similar situation to you last year. I was supposed to get married in December and my fiancee literally drove two hours to her family's house and ghosted me for 24 hours before coming back with her family, yelling at me and dumping me right there.

Take a deep, deep breath. Then take another one. Call your folks. Skype a friend if distance is an issue. You need them right now and that's totally OK.

There's nothing I can say that's going to make you feel better but it's all a matter of time. That is literally the only thing that will make you feel better.

Thanks a lot. I'm sorry to hear about what you went through too.

I'll speak with my folks again tomorrow and hopefully a brand new day can help things a little.

Hi mate, sounds like a rough time, just had a look and if you need someone to talk to in person theres a Samaritans in Spain with the number 900525100

Thank you for that. My Spanish is a little rough though. Hopefully it'll still help. I'll try give them a call after my test tomorrow.

Are you British and you moved to Spain to be with your GF?

Kind of. I came here to teach English and planned to leave but met her and ended up staying on.

Covid is putting a strain on countless relationships. My sympathy goes to you.

Why did she leave? Is there a 3rd person involved or did you have other types of issues?

It all stems from repeat arguments from over the last year connected with a group of friends that she reconnected with and now basically dominate every free second of her life to the exclusion of all else. She's taken the view that I don't want her socialising when all I've basically asked is that she incorporate me a bit more in her life. Most days I'm just left by myself and don't see her anymore.

OP, you still got things going for you. You have a job lined up so just take it one day at a time. Try to keep communication open with her and if that fails well you know you can always fall back to the safety net of home.

Yeah, that's all I can do. Although, to be honest, I hate my job but I've just stuck it out because it allowed me to live here and be with her.

We always had the intention of leaving Spain and going to the UK because she wanted to work there but she now told me she doesn't want to leave Spain anymore. Which is rather frustrating to hear after almost 7 years of the plan being to leave. All that changed in that time is the aforementioned new friends.


Jan 15, 2018
Just to update the situation somewhat. While I was answering the messages, she came home all of a sudden and basically said she doesn't see the relationship working anymore and really didn't want to listen to anything I tried to say. She's now gone to sleep.

I just hope cooler heads will prevail soon and she can realise what she's throwing away over something so silly. I really can't handle a repeat of this again, it's wrecking me, jesus.

I just can't fall asleep. My heart is racing, my hands are numb and tingly. I feel horrible.

Yet she sleeps like a baby so I guess that says enough. I don't know.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Yet she sleeps like a baby so I guess that says enough. I don't know.
She's checked out. Your relationship was dead ages ago and you (and maybe she) just didn't realize it. Don't hold out hope that she'll change her mind, prepare like it's completely over.

plus do you really wanna be with someone who acts this way


Oct 25, 2017
Just to update the situation somewhat. While I was answering the messages, she came home all of a sudden and basically said she doesn't see the relationship working anymore and really didn't want to listen to anything I tried to say. She's now gone to sleep.

I just hope cooler heads will prevail soon and she can realise what she's throwing away over something so silly. I really can't handle a repeat of this again, it's wrecking me, jesus.

I just can't fall asleep. My heart is racing, my hands are numb and tingly. I feel horrible.

Yet she sleeps like a baby so I guess that says enough. I don't know.
Sorry this is happening to you, but she kind of sounds like.. she is not good for you and her priorities have all completely changed.

Whatever you had with her is gone now, and it seems like she is not treating you with contempt. This is not good for either of you. I think it's best if you can come to terms with this and organize yourself to move on, even if not moving out right away, but treating her more like some stranger or platonic roommate.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Just to update the situation somewhat. While I was answering the messages, she came home all of a sudden and basically said she doesn't see the relationship working anymore and really didn't want to listen to anything I tried to say. She's now gone to sleep.

I just hope cooler heads will prevail soon and she can realise what she's throwing away over something so silly. I really can't handle a repeat of this again, it's wrecking me, jesus.

I just can't fall asleep. My heart is racing, my hands are numb and tingly. I feel horrible.

Yet she sleeps like a baby so I guess that says enough. I don't know.

She probably had one foot out the door OP... Sounds like she was ready to walk away and you weren't ready for this at all thus being blindsided.

Take the time to go through all of what you're feeling, in whatever ranges, it will be hard and it will hurt. You'll be confused, you'll be lost. It's ok as long as you do not inflict any harm towards yourself or her.

I am sorry you're going through this. I think you're just going to have to respect what she wants even though it will be incredibly difficult for you. Let time do its thing for now.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
I really can't handle a repeat of this again, it's wrecking me, jesus.

I just can't fall asleep. My heart is racing, my hands are numb and tingly. I feel horrible.

Yet she sleeps like a baby so I guess that says enough. I don't know.
I think you've already figured it out OP. I hope your relationship ends up working out but like you said, you feel horrid and she's sleeping soundly as if nothing happened. If she doesn't see it working anymore and it isn't different tomorrow morning I wouldn't hold out any longer and go try and stay with your coworker. You want to get out of there ASAP and start the beginning of the healing.

I know how you feel and it fucking sucks but if it is over you need to get out of there ASAP because it will suck even more if you're stuck together.


Jan 15, 2018
Hope it works out OP. These are really difficult times we are in and people cope in different ways.

Thank you. I tried explaining to her that things are undoubtedly a bit more stressful owing to the pandemic, but she just dismissed it and says her problems predate that. Which then begs the question of why she accepted my marriage proposal in the first place then.

I've tried to tell her that she's bottling things up and then can't understand why I'm not receptive to her problems. I've discovered a lot of problems she's been having through this whole episode because she's neglected to actually communicate any of this to me. It's frustrating and makes me feel bad knowing she's been unhappy and I've done nothing about it.

She's checked out. Your relationship was dead ages ago and you (and maybe she) just didn't realize it. Don't hold out hope that she'll change her mind, prepare like it's completely over.

plus do you really wanna be with someone who acts this way

That's literally what my mom said to me today - just treat it like it's over because it probably is. My whole family are shocked by how she's been acting and didn't expect it at all.

But accepting is really proving a lot harder than I can handle really. My cats keep coming and sitting with me and that just causes me to break down because I know I'm about to lose them.

God, this sucks.

Sorry this is happening to you, but she kind of sounds like.. she is not good for you and her priorities have all completely changed.

Whatever you had with her is gone now, and it seems like she is not treating you with contempt. This is not good for either of you. I think it's best if you can come to terms with this and organize yourself to move on, even if not moving out right away, but treating her more like some stranger or platonic roommate.

Honestly, the longer I hold on, I think the harder this is going to end up being. I realise I've just got to rip the band aid off now and start dealing but jesus it's hard. As soon as I think about it, I've got an elephant on my damn chest.

She probably had one foot out the door OP... Sounds like she was ready to walk away and you weren't ready for this at all thus being blindsided.

Take the time to go through all of what you're feeling, in whatever ranges, it will be hard and it will hurt. You'll be confused, you'll be lost. It's ok as long as you do not inflict any harm towards yourself or her.

I am sorry you're going through this. I think you're just going to have to respect what she wants even though it will be incredibly difficult for you. Let time do its thing for now.

She basically said as much today, that she's been feeling more and more like this. Never told me once, which doesn't help but oh well.

This just gets frustrating when such a long relationship is ending over such simple things as spending a bit of time with me and being a bit more responsible around the house, instead of neglecting things (like the cats) because she wants to be with her friends. It's just so stupid.

My folks told me to give it time and maybe she'll come around but honestly if this is over, I'm heading home (I really need to be with my family) and thanks to Brexit, she literally can't join me come December 31st. So yeah, going to be pretty final.

I think you've already figured it out OP. I hope your relationship ends up working out but like you said, you feel horrid and she's sleeping soundly as if nothing happened. If she doesn't see it working anymore and it isn't different tomorrow morning I wouldn't hold out any longer and go try and stay with your coworker. You want to get out of there ASAP and start the beginning of the healing.

I know how you feel and it fucking sucks but if it is over you need to get out of there ASAP because it will suck even more if you're stuck together.

Yeah, you're right. I'll be seeing the co-worker in the morning since she's actually giving me a lift there so I'll speak it over with her and hopefully get this sorted. Given her reaction when she got home, it's hard to hold out hope.


Oct 25, 2017
Shit sorry man, i broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago, it's a hard time if you need to talk im awake for awhile! I think she's been checked out for awhile but she's not making it easy for you. If i was you, i'd ask for the day off to pack stuff. You don't want to come back from work and she's doing the packing for you. :(


Jan 15, 2018
It probably sounds silly but the thing driving me most insane right now is the thought of losing these cats. That's really killing me. And they're just sitting here oblivious to what's happening. It's just breaking my heart looking at them.


Jan 15, 2018
Shit sorry man, i broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago, it's a hard time if you need to talk im awake for awhile! I think she's been checked out for awhile but she's not making it easy for you. If i was you, i'd ask for the day off to pack stuff. You don't want to come back from work and she's doing the packing for you. :(

I'm sorry to hear about your relationship problems too.

Thankfully, I only start work on Tuesday for meetings and then back in class teaching on Wednesday. But if I continue feeling like I am right now and if this relationship is truly over then I'm not even bothering to stick around for the job. She's the only reason I persevered in it all these years.
Oct 28, 2017
I hate to say it but based on what you are saying about her general attitude toward you and being distant with her friends, it sounds like she may have met someone else. That's why she's so checked out.
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Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It probably sounds silly but the thing driving me most insane right now is the thought of losing these cats. That's really killing me. And they're just sitting here oblivious to what's happening. It's just breaking my heart looking at them.
Although it hurts rn, there are always going to be cats who need a good home. When you get back, it might not be the worst idea to adopt one of your own. Might help you cope.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
Is there any reason why you don't do anything but sit alone at home? Was this the situation before the pandemic?


Nov 3, 2017
Break ups suck, time will heal though.

Check out Reddit/noContact on how to move on quicker


May 20, 2019
It probably sounds silly but the thing driving me most insane right now is the thought of losing these cats. That's really killing me. And they're just sitting here oblivious to what's happening. It's just breaking my heart looking at them.

That actually makes sense to me. When my wife left me for another guy, she took my chihuahua dog. Out of all the bizarre emotions I felt, it was the dog that I felt the worst for. Poor creature was part of a pack and suddenly had his whole life upended. Emotions manifest in strange ways.

Echoing everyone here though, highly likely that the relationship is really over. Rationality isn't something that's going to work with your brain right now, unfortunately, but try to keep telling yourself that in a year or two all of this will be in the distant past and you will be fine in the long term. Realistically, you do not want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you - that would be the bigger nightmare than her leaving.


Jan 15, 2018
I hate to say it but based on what you are saying about her general attitude toward you and being distant with her friends, it sounds like she may have met someone else. That's why she's so checked out.

I had considered it but then pushed it out of my mind and just convinced myself it's not that. But who the hell knows at this point? I've been oblivious to a lot of stuff it seems. That'd just be the icing on the cake.

Although it hurts rn, there are always going to be cats who need a good home. When you get back, it might not be the worst idea to adopt one of your own. Might help you cope.

Heh, yeah that's a good point. I think it just hurts even more considering these were my first cats. I've always been a dog person. They're just so sweet and loving and completely changed my perspective on cats. I really do love them. I'd definitely get another later.

Is there any reason why you don't do anything but sit alone at home? Was this the situation before the pandemic?

I'm a pretty introverted guy. I've always been content spending a lot of time alone, reading, playing guitar, playing games, whatever. But since I met her my life was a mix between spending time with her inside and outside the house and then a bit of my alone time. Now it just feels like I'm back to being alone all the time.

What aggravates me is she used to get annoyed with me years ago if I went to another room to play games or read by myself on weekends, because that was, to her, the time that we were supposed to spend together. Now that the situation is reversed, it's somehow fine for her to be gone all weekend and I have no right to complain.

That actually makes sense to me. When my wife left me for another guy, she took my chihuahua dog. Out of all the bizarre emotions I felt, it was the dog that I felt the worst for. Poor creature was part of a pack and suddenly had his whole life upended. Emotions manifest in strange ways.

Echoing everyone here though, highly likely that the relationship is really over. Rationality isn't something that's going to work with your brain right now, unfortunately, but try to keep telling yourself that in a year or two all of this will be in the distant past and you will be fine in the long term. Realistically, you do not want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you - that would be the bigger nightmare than her leaving.

Sorry to hear about the situation with your dog. It really is a shitty feeling.

You're right about feeling better eventually. Just feels so awful in the meantime, though. I never expected this at all so it's really hitting like a truck.

But yeah, the comments she's made today have kind of poisoned the well. Even if she is just angry or stressed, she's obviously feeling that way if she's so adamant about it, so I've got to just accept it.

Pretty easy just telling myself that and then actually trying to do it. I really wish I was closer to my family right now.

Break ups suck, time will heal though.

Check out Reddit/noContact on how to move on quicker

Thank you. I'll check that out. An old buddy of mine went through a rough break up some years ago and Reddit helped him a lot.


Jan 15, 2018
I actually want to just quickly thank everyone again for all the kind responses. It's really helping a lot. Thank you all so much.


Jul 19, 2019
Hey Aranath I just sent you a message. I just want to say, try to take it easy right now. I can imagine this being one of those moments in life where you think the sky is falling, but it helps to put things in context.


Jul 19, 2019
I think I'm pretty angry with this woman for treating you like this.

Guys dont do this. Its not healthy. Have you ever experienced breaking up with somebody? its not a good feeling telling somebody you dont love them anymore.

Dont paint her as evil, we dont even know her and the OP is upset.
Last edited:


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Love ya dude, I know it's rough. You have every right to be sad about it, but also somewhere in your mind remember there IS a moving forward after this, that's all we can do is keep moving forward and life is gonna take you on a new adventure. You're not stuck, this is just a new chapter. Grieve, but also think about how you can land on your feet and get the things you need to have in order in order, this is your time to focus on you because if she's leaving she is going to have to go through the same thing.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
She basically said as much today, that she's been feeling more and more like this. Never told me once, which doesn't help but oh well.

This just gets frustrating when such a long relationship is ending over such simple things as spending a bit of time with me and being a bit more responsible around the house, instead of neglecting things (like the cats) because she wants to be with her friends. It's just so stupid.

My folks told me to give it time and maybe she'll come around but honestly if this is over, I'm heading home (I really need to be with my family) and thanks to Brexit, she literally can't join me come December 31st. So yeah, going to be pretty final.

It's a very traumatic thing so don't feel down for freaking out earlier or at this moment. You clearly care about this person, a lot.

She doesn't owe you an explanation but it would've been the decent thing to do-- especially for someone she cares or cared about but as stated earlier she has checked out... Completely it seems. And while I don't want to plant seeds or project things into your head... Disappearing for a certain amount of time and not answering your text at all and suddenly reappearing does make it sound that she indeed might have met someone. But she could have just been with friends or family.

I will say this, but based on the above, it kind of sounds like you might have neglected things that did not matter to you as much but mattered to her. While it doesn't matter at this point, be careful with minimizing things that may not bother you but bother others. To do so may come off as dismissive to the other party and they might not think you care as much as you say you do. Obviously though, this is conjecture, only you and her know the meat of your relationship. A huge part of relationships is respecting needs or responsibilities either big or small. I say this because it sounds like you have a long way till December and might be holding out hope that she comes around. Do not count on it.

Right now my best advice would be to proceed as if it was over and give yourself time and space to heal. She is much further along in emotionally removing herself in the situation than you are and it won't do you much good to be dwelling on those feelings. Best of luck Aranath, I am rooting for you.

I think I'm pretty angry with this woman for treating you like this.

It's an awful thing to just go completely cold on someone like that.


Mar 10, 2019
Guys dont do this. Its not healthy. Have you ever experienced breaking up with somebody? its not a good feeling telling somebody you dont love them anymore.

Dont paint her as evil, we dont even know her and the OP is upset.
He's the one in front of us right now in need of support, so I gave supporting words. Words she'll never even see! Somehow I knew some scold would come out of the woodwork over it. I'm sorry if saying I "might" be "pretty angry" was too extreme for you!


Jan 15, 2018
Hey Aranath I just sent you a message. I just want to say, try to take it easy right now. I can imagine this being one of those moments in life where you think the sky is falling, but it helps to put things in context.

Saw it and responded. Thank you again for reaching out.

And yeah, you're right. I am trying to look at the big picture, but it's still kind of hard not to focus on the little things still.

I think I'm pretty angry with this woman for treating you like this.

That's pretty much been my family's response to all this. My dad was pretty furious tonight. He basically said I've done so much since I met her to help her and this is where it leads. I agree with my dad on that actually. I helped her out of a toxic family situation, which included physical violence in public, and helped her get on her feet and now she's doing her dream job. I've never asked for much in return, so it feels like a kick in the teeth really.

Guys dont do this. Its not healthy. Have you ever experienced breaking up with somebody? its not a good feeling telling somebody you dont love them anymore.

Dont paint her as evil, we dont even know her and the OP is upset.

I agree with you on that. As I said earlier, I've been pretty oblivious to her unhappiness it seems, so I'm trying to avoid getting angry about any of this and genuinely tried to empathise with her and try to understand where things have gone wrong. But I think it's too far gone for that now.

I still love her. It's not like those feelings have just disappeared. Well, at least not on my end. I don't wish anything ill of her, despite her being rather mean-spirited through all this.

Love ya dude, I know it's rough. You have every right to be sad about it, but also somewhere in your mind remember there IS a moving forward after this, that's all we can do is keep moving forward and life is gonna take you on a new adventure. You're not stuck, this is just a new chapter. Grieve, but also think about how you can land on your feet and get the things you need to have in order in order, this is your time to focus on you because if she's leaving she is going to have to go through the same thing.

I've been putting off heading back to university and focusing on a career change for a few years now because the focus has been on getting her career sorted. It's actually somewhat of a relief to think I can finally do what I've been wanting to do for so long.

It's a very traumatic thing so don't feel down for freaking out earlier or at this moment. You clearly care about this person, a lot.

She doesn't owe you an explanation but it would've been the decent thing to do-- especially for someone she cares or cared about but as stated earlier she has checked out... Completely it seems. And while I don't want to plant seeds or project things into your head... Disappearing for a certain amount of time and not answering your text at all and suddenly reappearing does make it sound that she indeed might have met someone. But she could have just been with friends or family.

I will say this, but based on the above, it kind of sounds like you might have neglected things that did not matter to you as much but mattered to her. While it doesn't matter at this point, be careful with minimizing things that may not bother you but bother others. To do so may come off as dismissive to the other party and they might not think you care as much as you say you do. Obviously though, this is conjecture, only you and her know the meat of your relationship. A huge part of relationships is respecting needs or responsibilities either big or small. I say this because it sounds like you have a long way till December and might be holding out hope that she comes around. Do not count on it.

Right now my best advice would be to proceed as if it was over and give yourself time and space to heal. She is much further along in emotionally removing herself in the situation than you are and it won't do you much good to be dwelling on those feelings. Best of luck Aranath, I am rooting for you.

You're absolutely right about me missing things. This is why I don't want to get angry because I obviously don't know what she's been going through all this time.

It's just so frustrating that it was never clearly spoken about so we could work through whatever problems we had been having. It's just a waste of all this time that we have spent building a life together.

And thank you again everyone for the kind words. I still can't sleep and it's 4am but it's helping a lot to get my body to relax and put my mind somewhat at ease.


Jul 19, 2019
He's the one in front of us right now in need of support, so I gave supporting words. Words she'll never even see! Somehow I knew some scold would come out of the woodwork over it. I'm sorry if saying I "might" be "pretty angry" was too extreme for you!

Im not concerned about her, but it doesent help the OP right now to imagine she is a cold bitch.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
You're absolutely right about me missing things. This is why I don't want to get angry because I obviously don't know what she's been going through all this time.

It's just so frustrating that it was never clearly spoken about so we could work through whatever problems we had been having. It's just a waste of all this time that we have spent building a life together.

And thank you again everyone for the kind words. I still can't sleep and it's 4am but it's helping a lot to get my body to relax and put my mind somewhat at ease.

No problem, don't be too hard on yourself and focus on getting through it for now.


Oct 25, 2017
Rough situation to go through OP. Have dealt with similar shitty situaitons in the past. Stay strong and move forward. You deserve a break from the wreck of a situation and a good clean new start. Best of luck mate


Nov 14, 2017
White Plains, NY
In crappy situations I try to find the positives.

In your case, OP, it sounds like you can more or less make a clean break with her. As in, none of your friends or co-workers are also her friends. This is definitely better than a situation in which she became a part of your circle of friends, and now wants to end your relationship while remaining a member of your circle. That happened to me 8 years ago, and it led to the most miserable year of my life. That said, following that, I met my best match and am now happily married.

Every failed relationship is, in essence, narrowing down. For those who want to be attached, the goal is not to find a partner; it is to find your best partner. From the sound of things, this person was not your best partner. Clearly, you love her and this hurts, but please try to believe that this is ultimately for the best.

Hang in there.

And also, if at all possible, until you're able to get out of there, don't sleep in the same room as her. That's just going to make it more difficult than it already is.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Just to update the situation somewhat. While I was answering the messages, she came home all of a sudden and basically said she doesn't see the relationship working anymore and really didn't want to listen to anything I tried to say. She's now gone to sleep.

I just hope cooler heads will prevail soon and she can realise what she's throwing away over something so silly. I really can't handle a repeat of this again, it's wrecking me, jesus.

I just can't fall asleep. My heart is racing, my hands are numb and tingly. I feel horrible.

Yet she sleeps like a baby so I guess that says enough. I don't know.

Just move out. Don't be around her. Don't waste your time with someone that doesn't respect you. If she doesn't want you then that's on her and she's the one missing out. But the way she's going about it is petty and childish as fuck. Cold shoulder rather than at least a conversation is unfortunate how cowards roll. Don't stress too much over it. Believe it or not she's doing you a favor now. You own her nothing.

She chooses to be indifferent to your emotions ask yourself: Is this someone I really want to attempt to build the rest of my life with?

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Based on experience she very likely has a new bf.

I mean yea, but why stress dude out even more by pointing it out.

Although I'd definitely mention it to her. Something along the lines of "Ya wanna break up I'm ok with that but at least don't be trash and attack me cause you out cheating."

Too many folks just can't admit they found someone else and move on. Instead they toss hostility out cause they're projecting and it makes it easier to break up if they can be mad about it.


Oct 25, 2017
Who's place is it? Yours or hers or is it joint?

If it's your place I'd honestly just tell her she's got to go then. If she's over it then she needs to move on and not just be sleeping at the OPs place.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
I mean yea, but why stress dude out even more by pointing it out.

Although I'd definitely mention it to her. Something along the lines of "Ya wanna break up I'm ok with that but at least don't be trash and attack me cause you out cheating."

Too many folks just can't admit they found someone else and move on. Instead they toss hostility out cause they're projecting and it makes it easier to break up if they can be mad about it.
yeah I hear this


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Oct 28, 2017
Based on my own experience, nothing as hardcore as that, but a long relationship anyway... it get's better.
I won't be in a day, a week or a few months, could be more, but you will get better and it's not the end of the world, as might looks like.
I'm just worried that you're 'alone' in Spain, I don't know your work situation, but there's a chance of you going back to the UK?


Jul 19, 2019
You know what is funny? we play games and watch movies, etc. in order to have a good time and distract us from the heavy stuff. Then when something bad really happens, it seems like our hobbies dont really help us at all lol. To paraphrase that famous misquote, "videogames were a mistake",

OP, this is the best time to do a naked run on Dark Souls!


Jan 15, 2018
No problem, don't be too hard on yourself and focus on getting through it for now.

I'll definitely do my best. Thank you.

Rough situation to go through OP. Have dealt with similar shitty situaitons in the past. Stay strong and move forward. You deserve a break from the wreck of a situation and a good clean new start. Best of luck mate

Sorry to hear you had your share of problems too. But that's sure to be plan. A clean start sounds good, even if this still hurts like crazy right now. Definitely not the greatest feeling.

Based on experience she very likely has a new bf.

At this point, I'd rather not know. If it is the case, then that really sucks. But I guess not much that can be done about that.

Despite being angry, my mom is still holding out hope that she comes to her senses if I leave and she realises what she threw away but I'm skeptical. If she has actually met someone, then gg I guess.

In crappy situations I try to find the positives.

In your case, OP, it sounds like you can more or less make a clean break with her. As in, none of your friends or co-workers are also her friends. This is definitely better than a situation in which she became a part of your circle of friends, and now wants to end your relationship while remaining a member of your circle. That happened to me 8 years ago, and it led to the most miserable year of my life. That said, following that, I met my best match and am now happily married.

Every failed relationship is, in essence, narrowing down. For those who want to be attached, the goal is not to find a partner; it is to find your best partner. From the sound of things, this person was not your best partner. Clearly, you love her and this hurts, but please try to believe that this is ultimately for the best.

Hang in there.

And also, if at all possible, until you're able to get out of there, don't sleep in the same room as her. That's just going to make it more difficult than it already is.

That's a really good point about making a clean break actually. It's nice to actually know we can avoid crazy complications through all this.

I'm really sorry to hear about experience you went through. That must have been beyond shitty, dang. I'm glad you made it through though. Helps instil a bit more confidence when things seem so dire right now.

I'll try keep a positive outlook as much as I can.

Unfortunately, our flat is pretty small so sleeping elsewhere is actually kind of hard. But if things are as over as they seem to be, I don't think I'll be sticking around here for much longer. Just being with the cats is killing me enough.

Just move out. Don't be around her. Don't waste your time with someone that doesn't respect you. If she doesn't want you then that's on her and she's the one missing out. But the way she's going about it is petty and childish as fuck. Cold shoulder rather than at least a conversation is unfortunate how cowards roll. Don't stress too much over it. Believe it or not she's doing you a favor now. You own her nothing.

She chooses to be indifferent to your emotions ask yourself: Is this someone I really want to attempt to build the rest of my life with?

Yeah, you're right. I tried to get across to her tonight that the way we're going about all this is a bit messed up but she was still totally indifferent, so I suppose to her it's a done deal.

The conversation tonight hurt a lot but changed my perspective a bit.

I mean yea, but why stress dude out even more by pointing it out.

Although I'd definitely mention it to her. Something along the lines of "Ya wanna break up I'm ok with that but at least don't be trash and attack me cause you out cheating."

Too many folks just can't admit they found someone else and move on. Instead they toss hostility out cause they're projecting and it makes it easier to break up if they can be mad about it.

If she did meet someone else, I'd really rather not know. I think it would mess me up even more and just make this whole experience even worse.

Who's place is it? Yours or hers or is it joint?

If it's your place I'd honestly just tell her she's got to go then. If she's over it then she needs to move on and not just be sleeping at the OPs place.

The landlady is basically family to her (small Spanish town) so I don't think I'd have much of a leg to stand on if I tried to kick her out. It would make things so much easier though.

Based on my own experience, nothing as hardcore as that, but a long relationship anyway... it get's better.
I won't be in a day, a week or a few months, could be more, but you will get better and it's not the end of the world, as might looks like.
I'm just worried that you're 'alone' in Spain, I don't know your work situation, but there's a chance of you going back to the UK?

I'm glad you made it through your experience. Sorry you had to deal with this kind of thing too.

My parents said I'm welcome back in their home any time I want, so that's a relief. I have no idea what I would do for work at the start, but if that's the route my life takes, then heading back to university would be the first big goal.

You know what is funny? we play games and watch movies, etc. in order to have a good time and distract us from the heavy stuff. Then when something bad really happens, it seems like our hobbies dont really help us at all lol. To paraphrase that famous misquote, "videogames were a mistake",

OP, this is the best time to do a naked run on Dark Souls!

Haha, could be, could be. I tried to play some Red Dead 2 today but couldn't concentrate at all. I really struggled to motivate myself to do anything. I've really been an absolute mess. Turns out break ups are definitely not my strong suit.


Oct 28, 2017
Sorry you're having a rough time OP, I feel your pain; I said goodbye to my cat because he went to my ex. It's really hard, but with more time the relationship with clarify and you'll be able to slow down a little. In the meantime, treat yourself well and keep reaching out for support!
Oct 25, 2017
Aranath, tough as this may be right now, your responses here tell me you're gonna be just fine. Very impressed by your maturity and perspective. Can totally understand the cats being the hardest part, but at least career prospects and new opportunities await

And FWIW, I had a partner from another country for a few years. When we visited her home town, she reconnected with a bunch of people and basically shut me out (I couldn't speak the language). It was like this lost piece of her identity had been revived. We broke up not long after that. No idea if this is similar to what your partner has gone through, but it seems it might be.

Although I'd definitely mention it to her. Something along the lines of "Ya wanna break up I'm ok with that but at least don't be trash and attack me cause you out cheating."
I'd personally recommend not broaching the subject like this, if it's even something he wants to do.


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Oct 28, 2017
My parents said I'm welcome back in their home any time I want, so that's a relief. I have no idea what I would do for work at the start, but if that's the route my life takes, then heading back to university would be the first big goal.
Good, take a look at what you can and do right now, weight your options, don't make hasty decisions. But in your place, I would just fly back to my parents house.