
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands was a huge disappointment for me. I've always been a huge fan of the Borderlands series and the Tiny Tina DLC for BL2 is IMO one of the best DLCs ever, but Wonderlands just didn't grab me at all once I started playing it. Guns felt weak and the variety just wasn't there. Even the spells were underwhelming which was the main draw. Just overall a huge letdown.

Oh and Dying Light 2 was a broken piece of garbage. I actually had some fun with it, but god this game was not ready to be released when it came out. I kid you not EVERY single quest at launch on PS5 was bugged to some extent. I had probably a dozen crashes, every quest would stall out and not progress after a few steps, and I got the bug where your character got stuck in an infinite falling deathloop. Crazy that after years of development hell they still put that game out in the state it was in. I don't know if it's any better nowadays after patches but I'm not sure I even care enough to go back to it.


May 9, 2019
I really didn't think GoW Ragnarok could disappoint me, but it managed to despite basically being more GoW 2018, which was my GOTY that year. I have felt little to no drive to keep playing that game past the first 5-10 hours and I can't fully put my finger on why. In a sense, GoW 2018 is a game that never should have worked half as well as it did, but it really worked for me and I adore it. But...combo-centric combat with swarms of enemies with a shoulder cam, large scale epic encounters with a no-cut camera that largely forces grounded cinematography, story premise so weird and out of place that it had to be executed to perfection to work, and they pulled it off somehow. Maybe Ragnarok just shows what happens when it isn't executed with near perfection (to me personally). It's a game I can completely understand people loving, but god if it isn't a death by 1000 cuts for me.

Dying Light 2 initially was a pretty big disappointment, but the updates throughout the year have made it more fun to play so I'm not sure it qualifies anymore.

Maybe The Callisto Protocol, but I'm still waiting on them to fix up the PC version enough for me to want to play it to begin with.

On a positive note, I had far more pleasant surprises this year than frustrating disappointments (Spark 3 being the biggest, Sonic Frontiers, Tunic, Neon White, Thymesia).


Oct 27, 2017
As a whole I wasn't that disappointed in HFW, but the ending and setup for the next game was my most disappointing gaming moment of the year. There were so many options they could go with but I was disappointed with what they did with Silas, the final confrontation with FZ, and the new antagonist of the next game. The setup makes it feel like the 3rd game will just be a repeat of the first game.


Oct 30, 2017
2018 was my game of the year, I wasn't super hyped for ragnorak this year but still expected to like it enough at least. Can't even force myself to push much into it. Uninstalled :(

Same for me. Ragnarok is a huge disappointment for me. I wasn't really hyped but still expected a good game. But the level design is just bland, the combat is a let down with obvious design flaws on higher difficulties and the worst of all is the story and the way it's told through forced walking sequences.
Oct 27, 2017
Callisto Protocol. I expected a delicious gourmet sandwich of horror. I got delivered a plain cheese sandwich.

The ongoing technical problems combined with just how vanilla the gameplay is… It could have been so much more.


Oct 27, 2017
I was hoping Ghost Wire Tokyo was gonna be a good one, but it was probaby the worst thing I've played this year next to Koumajou Remilia Scarlet Symphony. Just utterly devoid of...anything really. Completely rote and derivative. I at least hoped the world design would be good and atmospheric but even that was awful.

I could also name Forbidden West and Ragnarok, but as someone who didn't like the first outings, I didn't have high expectations for either (they were both somehow worse though).


Feb 5, 2019
GOW ragnarok for me. That is not to say it was a bad game. It's still the third best game I played this year but I expected lot lot more from it as it was follow up of gow (2018), which imo is the best playstation exclusive of the last decade.
Oct 26, 2017
Aside from Elden Ring, most everything has been a mild disappointment this year.

Stray - completely fine but oddly sterile.
TMNT:Shredder's Revenge - fun but quickly wears out its welcome.
Master of Magic - really looked forward to this but it wouldn't even boot on my PC.

At least I had time to play a ton of Yakuza: Like A Dragon and Fire Emblem: Three Houses, those two are just super solid.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
No contest: it's Gran Turismo 7.

It was supposed to be the second coming, the game many of us wanted back after Sport took a detour into e-sports and online play. We just wanted an elaborate, all-consuming CaRPG like the glory days of the PS1 and PS2 eras. Hell, even Gran Turismo 5 and 6 were pretty decent. And the driving in Gran Turismo 7 is fantastic; it's the most involved I've ever felt playing a GT game, a game that genuinely frightens me at extreme speeds or when taking turns faster than I should.

But everything else around that driving is a disappointment. The car selection feels strangely artificially limited, even though it's actually pretty decent. The menu system is extremely linear, and once it's over, your campaign is done; you don't get the sensation of building up your garage of cars organically because you're led down a path where each event requires a car that you won in the last event, with very few exceptions until near the end of that progression. Events lack variety; everything is some variation of "drive any car in this broad class of vehicles," with none of the fun one-make events and relatively few events locked to specific manufacturers, body styles or car eras.

The economy issues seem to have been at least partially solved, with payouts becoming more generous over time (though I stopped paying attention around May or so), but they all still amount to racing the same meta events over and over to build up credits to buy more cars. And there isn't even a particular reason to buy new cars; it's not like any of the events require them anyways. Finally, there's the problem everyone hates: rolling starts with highly staggered car positions, turning every race into chase-the-rabbit affairs against uninteresting AI. This isn't a new addition to Gran Turismo, but the rolling starts are worse than ever. These are just the most obvious low points of a game filled with many dubious design decisions, big and small. And as much as some of those decisions are Polyphony's trademark quirkiness shining through (car washes are back and there's a cute animation!), many of them are not (you have to be INVITED AT RANDOM to buy certain expensive cars and if you don't get the money together by a certain time, fuck you the invitation expires? cars in the historic auction change price based on real-world value, i.e. they always get more expensive? roulettes imply that each displayed prize is equal probability when everyone knows they're not even close?)

Gran Turismo 7 has earned the dubious honour of being the game that may have killed a franchise for me. I don't know what they could do in a Gran Turismo 8 to interest me at this point.


Apr 14, 2020
As a huge (I have the platinum for every game) From Software fan, I have to say that Elden Ring was such a disappointment that they've gone to a day one buy video game company to a wait and see one.

Really didn't expect the game to be this bland and uninteresting. Felt like they'd gone backward compared to Sekiro or Bloodborne. Super disappointing.

Kingdom Key

Aug 4, 2021
Horizon Forbidden West. It suffers from sequel syndrome where the developer feels everything needs to bigger and better, but they end up making the game - and in this case especially the combat - convoluted. HZD was awesome. Apparently the story in HFW is terrible too but thankfully I never made it that far.

XC3 was just straight up a bland, boring slog with horrendous party AI that the combat relies too heavily on. XC2 washes 3 in every aspect.

Bayonetta 3 is a good one too, though I did not actively dislike it, it did not live up to my expectations. I did not necessarily enjoy where they took the story, the level design and combat.

Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope was awful after how solid Rabbids was. AI-generated levels with real-time movement in a SRPG. Come on now.

Ragnarok wasn't what I expected it to be either. Ancient level design with worse invisible walls than those in a PSP game, repetitive puzzles, forced walking section for unnecessary dialogue and the same undercooked combat.

I would say Pokémon S/V but GF hasn't released a good game since Black & White 2.

The games I enjoyed the most this year (The Quarry, Sonic Frontiers) were huge surprises that received mixed reviews. This year was a great reminder not to rely on reviews too much.
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Nov 14, 2017
Horizon: Forbidden West for sure. Zero Dawn was a pretty by the numbers AAA open world game that was buoyed by a strong story. Naturally I figured FW would be able to build on that but instead we got another by the numbers AAA open world game but this time the story was pointless and boring.


Apr 12, 2021
This thread is going to save me a ton of money.

For me it was Bayo 3 as well. Still quality and fun, but felt way too messy and chaotic, even for a platinum game. Hated the story and "exploration" sections. Loathed the ending. Now that Capcom is back, P needs to step up.


Oct 27, 2017
Elden Ring. For the hype about the amazing sense of discovery and amazing world... well...

The world, while very pretty to look at, was quite boring and stumbling upon random dungeon after dungeon upon yet another mediocre dungeon with copy pasted content ending in yet another retextured boss made the game a slog and made me roll my eyes. Eventually just stopped and focused only on the main legacy dungeons and just forcing myself to finish the game. Would've rather they cut most of that shit out. The legacy dungeons were the strongest part of the game and the only thing keeping me playing it. I miss the focused brilliance of Bloodborne. Not the meandering boring obtuse open world with tons and tons of recycled content just to fill out said world.

So disappointing. I still beat it but it was a chore to do so and have never once had the energy or will to play it again and go through the same boring open world.
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Oct 28, 2017
Surprised to see so many Horizon Forbidden West mentions. Top game for me.

Anyway, i think it's GoW Ragnarok. Loved the first 10-15 hours and even loved the Yak riding and stuff, but the restrictive nature of the game and some questionable writing have leaved me unimpressed as it went on.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Pokémon Scarlet for me. Arceus was a surprisingly fresh game; I hoped it was a portent for something really special in the subsequent mainline game. Unfortunately, Scarlet's combination of a larger-but-blander world, worse game feel (movement, interactions with the world of characters, etc.), and the frankly unacceptable performance really bummed me out. Maybe Gamefreak will put it all together next time. I feel like Scarlet was close to being something really great.


Oct 27, 2017
Three big ones for different reasons:

Dying Light 2 - I played the first one a year prior after I got my PC set up and it was a revelation, seriously underrated gem in a gen full of mediocre ass open world games so this long awaited sequel had a lot to live up to, and boy did it not deliver. Some pretty good stuff in there especially the visuals of certain areas especially up high and night time, the glider and grappling hook were also fun but FUCK did they Ubisoftify it in the worst way possible, the HUD/UI is disgusting and the busy work crap ruins the entire mood of the game, not to mention an awful ending section that brings the whole thing down and poor characters that just suck. Sure, the levels look good and some places are interesting but as a whole it's a damn downgrade from Dying Light, gone is the unique just abandoned city in fake Istanbul in favor of generic post apocalyptic tribal overgrown nonsense.

Immortality - Always heard good things about Sam Barlow's games and once reviews came in and that this game was about film I was hyped as hell. Bought it day one and I dunno what in the fuck did I "play" exactly. Bad cheesy acting that is supposed to be bad but not really? Gameplay mechanics as engaging as a DVD menu and nonsensical pretentious story that is trying so hard to appear deep and meaningful? After a couple I was shaking my head, trying to stay awake. Oh and this game is practically impossible to play without a controller but the game never makes this explicit or even suggests it. Fuck me into heaven!

God of War Ragnarok - THE reason I kept my PS5 and ai guess my real answer to this thread. Should've probably sold my PS5. Was very much excited and looking forward to the sequel of a great God of War game, and since I wasn't really on the Fromsoft hype train this game was my most anticipated of '22, hoping I was in for a GOW2 tier experience. Ragnarok wasn't only disappointing it was shockingly an unfun boring experience and yet another solid example that generally speaking gaming media will almost always be blinded by production value and "cinematicness" in lieu of, you know, a video game. So much I could say about it here including the messy, written by several different writing teams, story but I'll just paraphrase a line from a pretty good critique of the game: "Ragnarok is a game that feels so pre occupied with playing itself." I'm not interested in such designed to death by committee games that play themselves, especially not in this day and age.


Oct 25, 2017
A number of this years releases struck me as "great" but still "affected by covid" in some ways. A polish that probably would have been better if most of the working world wasn't upended.

Deleted member 117798

Account closed at user request
Jun 8, 2022
I didn't play that many new games this year, but of the few I did play I have to pick AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES nirvanA Initiative. I loved parts of it and hated others. And I hate saying that because I love and appreciate what Uchikoshi usually does, but the game was a bit of a let down. It felt like all of his most popular concepts were thrown into the same game and it just didn't work. It doesn't help that those same concepts were better explored in other games he's already worked on.

I enjoyed the new duos the most. Aiba and Mizuki are good together and Tama and Ryuki were the only new additions to the cast that I really liked. Everyone else was just okay or underwhelming (looking at you especially Lien!). Kizuna's thoughts on the unemployed made me sour on her pretty quickly, she gets a bit better as the game goes on but her and Lien's stalking/obsession with her paints a dreadful first impression. Shoma and Komeji were fine but their ending felt like a rehash. Gen was cool but again, his ending left a lot to be desired. The returning characters don't fare much better, either. Everyone feels a bit one note and Moma's infatuation with Iris in particular is ramped up to the extreme in this game, it was bordering on uncomfortable at times to be perfectly honest. I didn't care much for him in the first game, but he came off way worse this time around.

I generally thought the first 10 hours or so were solid, Ryuki and Tama bounce off each other well and I enjoyed the ride up until we switch to Mizuki. Then everything took a turn for the worst. The story and general pacing take a massive dive, a specific plot twist regarding Mizuki felt incredibly unearned and I just didn't like how it retroactively damages the first game. Then you get the climax at the stadium and the game just...falls apart, there's no tension or real stakes that you can actually believe in.

It isn't a bad game in the same way that Zero Escape 3 might be described as such, but the last 15 hours were a slog and the major plot twists (outside of a cool one in particular) really rubbed me the wrong way. It's like the game didn't really know if it wanted to be a sequel or not at times, which left me dissatisfied with its conclusion.


Prophet of Regret
Jan 1, 2018
I usually know what I like to play and set my expectations correctly, but at this point I barely remember what Horizon: FW was about. The most forgettable story in a long time in a videogame.
I honestly can't remember the name of a single character outside of Aloy and Eren(d?)? I'm not even sure I spelled the dude's name correctly.
Also damn, the ending was atrocious. Like some stupid fanfic level of bad. The final "twist" made me burst out laughing on my couch, quite literally.


Oct 25, 2017
Bayonetta 3 takes the cake for me. Outside of core mechanics the game is kind of a disaster, which I wasn't expecting after the first two all time classics. Beat it once and haven't really touched it since. Never thought something like Stranger of Paradise would turn out better but shit.
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Bayonetta 3, the changes to the combat and focus on the demon slave mechanic is just not for me at all. I didn't think I'd care much about the story in a Bayonetta game, but good lord Bayo 3's story was so bad that it also really impacted my enjoyment - maybe I'd have been able to look past it if I'd enjoyed the gameplay more?

It wasn't all bad, but it was definitely a real letdown.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
The Callisto Protocol for sure, I refunded that shit after 30 minutes. Completely unfinished technical garbage on PC. I didn't even get to be disappointed by the underwhelming game.

Special mention to Bayonetta 3 for running terribly to the point of ruining the game.


Aug 15, 2019
Honestly I bounced off a lot of the big hitters this year. Dissapointed with Elden Ring, Horizon and GOW: Ragnarok. The latter two I didn't finish. Hopefully maybe go back to them at another time and hope they grab my attention. I wondered if I'm just bored of gaming but I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 at the moment and loving it. I've enjoyed pick up and play games like Mini Motorways this year.

As to why? Elden Ring was a weird. Loved the first 30 hours but really struggled with the next 50. It became samey and I missed the more focused metroidvania elements of being in places like undeadburg. Didn't have the same atmosphere of the the other games and the boss battles are generally becoming worse and worse. I think after 10 or so (?) souls game I just became burnt out.

I been a big fan of Sony games, they been my primary gaming machine of choice over the last 25 years or more. But I'm finding their latest releases a bit of a stodgy slog. I liked Horizon ZD and the GOW reboot but I just found their sequels unengaging and couldn't stick with them. They're extremely well polished but they feel a bit like Oscar bait. I'm 100% sure they are lovingly crafted but they lack personality and they feel like many other games. But that might be just me and having an off year. Hopefully they change my mind on a second crack at them in a couple of years time.
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Deleted member 20986

Oct 28, 2017
Zero. It's been a pretty barren year of gaming for me. New games I've played were only Horizon FW, Stray, GOW Ragnarok and Callisto. I've bought other older games but yet to finish them.

You'd think I'd be disappointed with Callisto but looking back I guess I didn't have that high expectations for it; I was just betting on it to be a very competently made game, and it only turned out to be a competently made game with a lot of bad decisions.


Nov 21, 2021
Ghostwire Tokyo was a disappointment for how barren and hollow the game felt to play. It looked great and it would've been great to really go with the Japanese folklore but the gameplay wasn't up to it.

GoW Ragnarok is turning out to be a disappointment as the pacing is killing it. I'm in the back half (think late back half now) and it feels like such a slog. Horizon Forbidden West became a slog towards the end but I've only put 30 hours into GoW Ragnarok and it's feeling much more of a slog and a disappointment than that game where I got through HFW in 66 hours (though again that was a case of just push for the end because I was getting tired of it).


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
I'd struggle to disagree with any game mentioned in this thread. It's been a year of disappointing releases for me too.

Aside from the stuff already mentioned, I'll also nominate The Entropy Centre.

The first person environmental puzzle genre is one of my favourites, but sadly this simply wasn't a good game, in fact probably the worst in the genre I've played. And I'm pretty sure I've played them all.

The game was just incredibly tedious, poorly written, puzzles repetitive and not well designed, bland environment with constantly repeated assets and little variety. And it outstayed it's welcome. If Talos/Manifold/Portal etc are a 10/10 (they are), this is about a 2.


Oct 29, 2017
I generally don't think I'm overly negative, but I was pretty disappointed with a lot of new releases I bought this year.

- Dying Light 2
I said often that DL1 is one of the best games of last gen and probably my favorite coop game of last gen. It had a pretty whatever story but the gameplay, setting and the day/night system was incredibly fucking cool. The 2nd game made some weird changes like removing guns and doubled down on the story focus and instead of focusing on quality, the game went all in on the quantity - its a lot of game but most of it is unremarkable. The first game is just far superior.

- Horizon Forbidden West
The improvements felt surface level. It is one of the best looking games ever with incredibly impressive animation work, but I really didn't vibe with the gameplay and even the story this time around. The gameplay just felt... busy, in an unenjoyable way. They patched in some QoL features later which is nice but I played at launch. Also, the narrative just failed to really captivate me. The first game was hard carried by that.

- Gran Turismo 7
The actual driving is incredible, and its a fantastic looking game. Absolutely hated the menu book progression and the whole economy balance was borderline insulting with how much it was pushing you towards microtransactions. Again, improved after launch but by that time I lost interest in the game.

- Soul Hackers 2
Once again, a bunch of QoL features that I would've enjoyed gets patched in AFTER i play the game. But still, even those wouldn't save the incredibly anemic dungeons. Felt like a game that Atlus barely cared about to make in the first place.

- Saints Row
Honestly sometimes I forget this even came out. There were red flags all over the marketing but unfortunately chuds whining about diversity and whatnot drowned the legitimate complaints out. Sadly, the game itself was sucky too. I don't even understand why they bothered to have a new cast when nothing is... different. It's basically a retelling of SR3 with a different setting and characters. On top of that, the game just felt mechanically very dated too, and not particularly fun.

- God of War Ragnarok
Somthing about the pacing of this game just really didn't vibe with me. I found myself treating the gameplay bits as the neccessery evil to get to the next cutscene. It also made me appreciate GoW 2018's leaner but more effective design.

I found myself pleased with a lot of games this year that I had zero expectaitons for, or just came out of nowhere.


Jun 25, 2020
Nothing has really disappointed me this year. Not really surprising to see so many Bayonetta 3 mentions given how disrupting the game is, but I think it's the best one of the franchise and my GOTY.


Oct 27, 2017
Horizon Forbidden West. As a non RPG player, i was surprised how much i enjoyed the first game. I didn't enjoy Forbidden West at all and gave up on it quite rapidly. It was (too) big and overwhelming in a typical big budget AAA open world kind of way. Also, despite a very long introduction, i felt the game did a bad job of teaching players how to play. Visually, the 30fps mode didn't feel smooth and the 60fps mode had issues too though i assume a lot of this has improved since launch.

One day, i'll have another go at the game but i don't think i'll change my mind on it. Or maybe i'll try the DLC Burning Shores which should be a lot smaller in scope.
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Oct 27, 2017
I'd struggle to disagree with any game mentioned in this thread. It's been a year of disappointing releases for me too.

Aside from the stuff already mentioned, I'll also nominate The Entropy Centre.

The first person environmental puzzle genre is one of my favourites, but sadly this simply wasn't a good game, in fact probably the worst in the genre I've played. And I'm pretty sure I've played them all.

The game was just incredibly tedious, poorly written, puzzles repetitive and not well designed, bland environment with constantly repeated assets and little variety. And it outstayed it's welcome. If Talos/Manifold/Portal etc are a 10/10 (they are), this is about a 2.

Iirc, you posted very positive impressions in the OT? What happened?


Oct 30, 2017
Horizon Forbidden West. The first game was my GOTY, but for some reason HFW didn't hook me at all. The game is too big and long, the story isn't as interesting, and even the combat wasn't as satisfying as in the first game. I forced myself to finish it. But I have to say that it's one of the most beautiful games I've played, I'll admit that.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Overwatch 2. I did not play much Overwatch 1, but I thought OW2 would grab my attention and be fun to play. But it did not take long for me to lose interest in it.

I think OW2 is the most boring multiplayer FPS game I have played recently. All the elements I dislike in FPS games mixed into a single game.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Somerville - I had such high hopes given the development pedigree and the trailers but fundamentally it's just a rough game to play. The move to 3D did the puzzles no favours and there's much less platforming than in Playdead games. The one mechanic you use is not particularly fun to repeat and the game never feels that clever in its implementation. There's so much wrong with it, it's a bit of a stinker. Short enough to blitz through but a 6/10 at best.

Pokémon S&V - caveat I've yet to play this but it's just another horrendously engineered game from Game Freak that really under delivers on what a phenomenal IP from the 90's should look like in 2022. It sells because it's pokemon but if you've grown up with the franchise there's little to attract. I'm particularly annoyed that they've now whiffed the Spanish setting on this game.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't played the game (nor planning to soon), all this mention about "God Of War Ragnarok despite loving GoW2018" makes me curious.

I loved GoW 2018, it, TLOU1 (haven't played 2) and SoTC are the only Sony SP FP that truly click with me (Horizon is too Ubisoft-like, Uncharted is too "movie" like for me. Days Gone/Tsushima doesn't interest me because they gave me Ubisoft vibe).

It's not perfect (I dislike the clearly tacked on RPG element/loots), but thought it managed to be a cinematic experience without sacrificing the gameplay.

Is GoW Ragnarok actually a downgrade from 2018 ? Or is it because Ragnarok doesn't have the "freshness" that 2018 bring (kinda like Bioshock 2 to Bioshock 1) ?


Oct 27, 2017
Osaka, Japan
Honestly, I haven't played any game this year that fits the moniker of "disappointing".

OP already mentioned Scorn, which is one of the WORST games I've played this year, but I had zero expectations so it wasn't disappointing as such.
Every game I've played that I had expectations of, it ended up meeting or exceeding.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I bounced off both Horizon and Dying Light 2 pretty fast. I'll probably circle back and give them another shot, but my first impressions were "boring" and "buggy and boring", respectively.

But the real winner is Salt & Sacrifice. I played for several hours before I finally decided it wasn't going to get better. The game is a chore.


Oct 26, 2017
People posting Elden Ring and GOW:R in here... as ResetEra as it gets.

Like many have already said, the true answer is The Callisto Protocol. :(


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Iirc, you posted very positive impressions in the OT? What happened?
They were initial impressions; I'd only played the first 30 minutes at that point.. I was also just excited to have a new game like this.

But then the rest of the game happened. There are some truly awful game mechanics too, the "angry bots" that fire things at you is janky and annoying as hell. All kinds of bad design decisions tbh.

Just not in the same league as other games in the genre. Feels like a lame tribute act.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
It was Horizon Forbidden West for me. I absolutely loved the tight package that was the first one, but I always thought since then the open world genre evolved with Zelda. Horizon 2 didnt get any better than the first, it just got bigger and bloated. I found it incredibly boring and had to push myself to finish it.