Discover a reborn Mortal Kombat Universe created by the Fire God Liu Kang. Mortal Kombat 1 ushers in a new era of the iconic franchise with a new fighting system, game modes, and fatalities!
Warner Bros. Games Announces Mortal Kombat: Onslaught
Warner Bros. Games and NetherRealm Studios Announce Mortal Kombat: Onslaught
Mortal Kombat: Onslaught will feature the first mobile-exclusive cinematic story experience for the franchise, where players must build a team of fighters from a vast roster of characters – and unleash them in massive real-time group battles to stop a dark and dangerous threat from wreaking havoc across the realms.
"We are pushing the boundaries of Mortal Kombat to allow players to experience the franchise in new ways, while still staying true to its core visceral nature," said Ed Boon, Chief Creative Officer, NetherRealm Studios. "With Mortal Kombat: Onslaught, we reimagined Mortal Kombat into a strategic team-based collection RPG with fast-paced, group melee combat that both new and existing fans can enjoy."
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