
Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona


Monster Part Breaks and Rewards

There's a new feature where breaking a monster's part immediately grants the rewards the material that you looking for.

Armor Set and Skill Changes

You can swap to a second weapon out in the field by stashing it in the pouch of your Seikret mount. It can be any two weapons even two of the same kind.

New Skills/Features For Swapping

Armor sets can't be switched out while moving, but skills have been changed up to better suit the ability to switch between 2 weapons while on the move.

From Gamesradar Intreview Tokuda says

"I can't go into too much detail just yet because we have a campaign ahead of us to reveal more gameplay details," he said, "but I would say that as the story progresses, players will be able to gain access to skills or features that will tie into this new system of using two different weapons at the same time. As to what exactly that means, watch this space. We've just started revealing information."

World Level Difficulty

Often mentioned across various previewers that the difficulty and time it takes to defeat a monster is more similar to World than Rise.

Focus and Wound System Expanded

Focus Mode isn't a replacement for combat overall, but more so a means of giving new players a more directed means of directly targeting weakpoints and guards against attacks with the cursor

Wounds appear as you accumulate damage on a body part, and Focus Mode causes Scoutflies to highlight them in red, and dealing enough damage to these wounds will destroy them and deal massive damage

Some special moves are designed to destroy wounds more quickly

Weak Point Focus Attack With R1

You can execute a weak point Focus attack in game by pressing the R1 button

Barrel Bombs Thrown and Refund

You can re-position Barrel Bombs that you've placed on the ground

No Live Action Cooking

Cooking has also been confirmed that it will not be live action it will be CG.

Weapon Rework Philosophy

Each of the weapons that were shown in the demo have changed as well as some overall gameplay changes.
It sounds like the philosophy for the weapon reworks in Monster Wilds is all about taking a step back from the highly Dynamic and often flashy combat mechanics seen in Monster Hunter Rise, and instead they're focusing on making the weapons feel more substantial rounded and true to their original forms this involves simplifying certain animations and then emphasizing the weight and impact of each attack.

Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun have the biggest reworks compared to other weapons

Hunting Horn will return to a more MH World-style of play, but will still have plenty of new additions

While wielding 2 weapons, their gauges/abilities like Spirit Gauge or Charged Shield don't go away from switching between them on the move but still naturally deplete over time like normal

Weapons that are switched out at regular and temporary camps still lose their various amps/gauges

New Swarming System

The new swarming mechanic being possible and we kind of saw this in the trailer where a monster was swarmed by smaller monsters.
But it seems like the player will also get swarmed when attacking a pack of monsters, hence the focus on luring monsters away from one another it definitely adds a layer of strategy to hunting where you now need to account for the fact that monsters when in a pack essentially have backup if they are grouped together.

Mounted Combat Explained

Mounted combat while it is confirmed it is not fully implemented in the sense of it being used as a way to actually hunt monsters, instead it is simply used as a way to lure monsters or do special actions.
Hunters can perform attacks while riding their mounts. This includes basic attacks as well as potentially more complex moves, depending on the mount and weapon combination. Mounted combat enables quick repositioning, allowing hunters to avoid damage, close distances rapidly, and maintain pressure on the monster.

Special dismounting attacks provide additional opportunities to damage monsters as hunters transition from mounted to ground combat. This feature enhances the fluidity and dynamism of hunts, offering new strategic options.

Completely seamless transitions from the village to the locale

The settlements were integrated directly into the maps themselves which meant no loading screens
Hunts were also seamless, as you could start them straight in the field by attacking a Monster and could stick around after finishing a hunt on the map
Cooking meals could be done on the move instead of just at settlements or regular base camps, albeit you need to have purchased/found and have on hand the right ingredients for these meals, like when the player bought some cheese from the Cheesemonger before heading out
Temporary camps can be set up out in the field that function just like other base camps in specific places, and they can be destroyed by Monsters

Some cutscenes and sequences will still be solo only

Similar to World, and need to be seen first before other players can join, but they can join much more smoothly as soon as these story sequences are finished, and active matchmaking and parties will remain in the background even as these cutscenes are happening to either notify players when they can join up or get them joined up right away

Push Hardware "to the max" To Bring The World To Life

"To be honest, it was always clear in my mind that was the direction I wanted to take it," he told me. "Any Monster Hunter game where I'm director is always going to be focusing on the ecosystem element. As the hardware generations we're working on get more and more powerful, I want to use the specs of the hardware to the max in order to depict as convincing a living, breathing world as I possibly can."

Maps are said to be over twice the size of the ones from MH World

There is much greater environmental interactivity and fluid interactions out in the field

Weather changes are dynamic during the hunt and can actively change elements of the hunt like the Sandtide storms causing certain Monsters to clear out or others (like the mystery Apex Monster of the Windward Plains or Great Thunderbugs) to come out, as well as changing what kind of items are found on the map

There are far more Monster-on-Monster interactions like the Small Monster raptors dogpiling on a low HP target Monster, Balahara sandtraps taking care of the Alpha Doshaguma's pack, etc.

You can see Endemic Life live out their life-cycles like hatching from eggs and being fed by their parents

There are far more environmental traps and environmental effects, such as stalactites galore, lightning strikes creating brush fires, etc.

Some weapons changes

The Great Sword specifically has been changed to reduce any unnecessary flourishes and make it feel like every swing really counts, so each weapons feels heavier and more targeted.

The Heavy Bowgun recall has apparently been made more realistic and they've made adjustments to it which sounds like they've reduced the amount of ammo types available in an effort to balance its power and its versatility

The Dual Blade is getting a new blue demon mode that focuses on evasion making sticking to a monster much easier, the attack animations have also been altered to be more precise and agile.

The Long Sword has been altered to feel more deliberate and impactful. The helm breaker is making a return with an additional finisher.
And there might even be a new stance offering an alternative way to build key levels.

Some sources used


 「モンスターハンターワイルズ」では,狩りのシームレス化をはじめ,季節や天候が移り変わる環境を利用する狩猟,狩猟中にその場でできる武器交換など,新たな試みがなされている。本作を手がける辻本良三氏,徳田優也氏,藤岡 要氏への合同インタビューが行われたので,その内容をお伝えしていこう。
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Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
My english is not the best so I tried the best I could to write what the youtuber was saying.

Also I didn't put all 18 because at the end was just talking about individual weapons and changes to it.

I just find it the parts I posted more interesting for some the changes and what to expect with Wilds


Oct 26, 2017
Well… while I prefer the flashy movements of Rise, I'm sure I'll still like this game. Plus, I'm sure the Rise team will make another MH with the flash moves again.
Feb 21, 2022
the weapon reworks in Monster Wilds is all about taking a step back from the highly Dynamic and often flashy combat mechanics seen in Monster Hunter Rise, and instead they're focusing on making the weapons feel more substantial rounded and true to their original forms this involves simplifying certain animations and then emphasizing the weight and impact of each attack.

Music to my ears


Oct 27, 2017
Hmm receiving rewards instantly for part breaking is interesting, might possibly mean the usual end screen after a hunt is gone considering the seamless approach they seem to be aiming for. Hoping this applies to the usual horns and tailwings, etc, I still like carving tails mid-hunts.

I'm also hoping those parts break rewards aren't 100% drop rate, Rise already showered you with monster drops, almost too easily even. Would like something closer to World in term of drop rate, or something in-between World/Rise.


Oct 27, 2017
Paris, France
The ecosystem and interactions between monsters looks interesting, but I will miss dearly the mobility of Rise, darting through the air like spider man.

Loved going on a hunt with the palicos and doggie.
They had such silly and fun outfits too. I play MH games 85% for the fashion and dressing up the cats. Killing monsters is only a means to an end.

A good point is that the environments look less messy than world, they were over detailed and confusing to navigate.


May 26, 2023
This :
Each of the weapons that were shown in the demo have changed as well as some overall gameplay changes.
It sounds like the philosophy for the weapon reworks in Monster Wilds is all about taking a step back from the highly Dynamic and often flashy combat mechanics seen in Monster Hunter Rise, and instead they're focusing on making the weapons feel more substantial rounded and true to their original forms this involves simplifying certain animations and then emphasizing the weight and impact of each attack.

Combine with this from the reddit thread :
"Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun have the biggest reworks compared to other weapons"

I really thought that if one ranged weapon needed to be changed to be less "dynamic and flashy" it would be Bow because even in World, Bow is the most anime weapon of all with the dodging left and right.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
This :

Combine with this from the reddit thread :
"Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun have the biggest reworks compared to other weapons"

I really thought that if one ranged weapon needed to be changed to be less "dynamic and flashy" it would be Bow because even in World, Bow is the most anime weapon of all with the dodging left and right.
Thank you, and added


Oct 25, 2017
This :

Combine with this from the reddit thread :
"Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun have the biggest reworks compared to other weapons"

I really thought that if one ranged weapon needed to be changed to be less "dynamic and flashy" it would be Bow because even in World, Bow is the most anime weapon of all with the dodging left and right.
They're probably getting reworked because of the two weapon system, I imagine. Bows don't have as extensive of an ammo system as those two weapons. And I doubt they'll remove dashing from bows. I think they mostly just want to keep a lot of the animation and playstyle weighty and have a lot of momentum unless you are using dual blades. Insect Glaive in MH4U always felt like what they wanted a weapon that makes a character fly to be over what Tonfas were doing in Frontier.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
Some cutscenes and sequences will still be solo only

Similar to World, and need to be seen first before other players can join, but they can join much more smoothly as soon as these story sequences are finished, and active matchmaking and parties will remain in the background even as these cutscenes are happening to either notify players when they can join up or get them joined up right away
ughh why? I mean, at least the parties are queued, but it's still annoying to manage progress across a group.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 18, 2017
I never really played World, but I loved Rise. Was mostly an Insect Glaive user. Really wonder what they'll do with the Insect Glaive this time, the way they're talking about being less flashy.


Oct 27, 2017
Instantly getting materials from broken parts is kinda huge.

As for the weapons, I will need to see the changes in action. I loved how dynamic combats were in Rise, even if it's true that it made the game easier. I guess they wanna change LBG/HBG so they stop being the easy weapons too? I played the HBG in Iceborne and it was stupidly op and tanky. But the Bow would need some changes too I guess. That was my main weapon for base World and it was a dodge machine.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
Overall I liked World better than RIse so to me this all adds up well ... except for no longer carving monster parts, that feels like a letdown. Its always been a good risk vs reward mechanic, especially for new players.


Oct 27, 2017
I just want cutscenes to be skippable. Replaying world is almost insufferable
This is my only worry with this team. I am up for any changes and things they try as I feel monster hunter is such a great series and I enjoy all the different things the titles do, my favourites are Rise & GU but really enjoyed world, though going back to start a fresh character and the unskippable stuff and forced stuff was not fun at all. Really hope they sort that out.


Oct 28, 2017
Each of the weapons that were shown in the demo have changed as well as some overall gameplay changes.
It sounds like the philosophy for the weapon reworks in Monster Wilds is all about taking a step back from the highly Dynamic and often flashy combat mechanics seen in Monster Hunter Rise, and instead they're focusing on making the weapons feel more substantial rounded and true to their original forms this involves simplifying certain animations and then emphasizing the weight and impact of each attack

This sounds good, one of my personal highlights.


Oct 26, 2017
Happy they are toning down the flashy business of Rise. Was becoming a character action game.


Jun 1, 2018
Well… while I prefer the flashy movements of Rise, I'm sure I'll still like this game. Plus, I'm sure the Rise team will make another MH with the flash moves again.
Yeah don't worry that's been the pattern for MH since 4th gen I believe. We're going to enjoy 2-3 years of Wilds and then it'll be the next portable game's turn in the spotlight.


Sep 19, 2021
Some cutscenes and sequences will still be solo only

Similar to World, and need to be seen first before other players can join, but they can join much more smoothly as soon as these story sequences are finished, and active matchmaking and parties will remain in the background even as these cutscenes are happening to either notify players when they can join up or get them joined up right away
Whyyyyyyyy. This is so dumb! Kills any momentum when you watch a cutscene of a cool monster only to have to quit and join someone else's game. Just have everyone watch the cutscene together. My biggest gripe from World and they are doing it again.


Oct 25, 2017
They really need to fix the awful multiplayer system they had for World, I can not believe how bad it was…


Oct 25, 2017
Overall I liked World better than RIse so to me this all adds up well ... except for no longer carving monster parts, that feels like a letdown. Its always been a good risk vs reward mechanic, especially for new players.

They didn't say you don't carve anymore. They said that when you break a talon or a horn and it visually looks busted you just get the item associated with it immediately instead of the rewards screen.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Some cutscenes and sequences will still be solo only

Similar to World, and need to be seen first before other players can join, but they can join much more smoothly as soon as these story sequences are finished, and active matchmaking and parties will remain in the background even as these cutscenes are happening to either notify players when they can join up or get them joined up right away

At least it's improved, I guess? Still feels really dumb.


Oct 30, 2018
"It sounds like the philosophy for the weapon reworks in Monster Wilds is all about taking a step back from the highly Dynamic and often flashy combat mechanics seen in Monster Hunter Rise, and instead they're focusing on making the weapons feel more substantial rounded and true to their original forms this involves simplifying certain animations and then emphasizing the weight and impact of each attack."

All i needed to hear, i had the same impression from the trailer, but, it's nice to have further confirmation.
Nov 5, 2019
Please please PLEASE don't be monetized to hell and back with microtransactions. Rise gave us a scary look into the future when they introduced weapon skins for purchase, a first for the series


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
Great write-up Angie! I think this could be my GOTY even in a year with GTA6 and Death Stranding.


Oct 26, 2017
It sounds like the philosophy for the weapon reworks in Monster Wilds is all about taking a step back from the highly Dynamic and often flashy combat mechanics seen in Monster Hunter Rise, and instead they're focusing on making the weapons feel more substantial rounded and true to their original forms this involves simplifying certain animations and then emphasizing the weight and impact of each attack.

That's all I needed to know. GOTY incoming.


Oct 27, 2017
A sequel to World being similar to World sounds good to me.

I hope the Seikret doesn't interfere too much with the combat tho.


Jan 9, 2018
Nothing sounds like a direct improvement from previous games besides the ability to reposition barrel bombs. And switching weapons could prove to be an improvement I guess. But that brings problems with the skill system which they say they're addressing. But we still don't know how, so I'll need to wait and see if it's actually a good solution or not.

I don't understand why they can't just disable CG/cutscenes when playing multiplayer, or let us stay connected and skip the cutscenes at the very least.

Also removing real time cooking meat is so stupid. The whole point of cooking is avoiding the risk of being attacked while cooking.


Oct 25, 2017
Bigger maps are cool but please don't make them such convoluted messes like World.
Oct 25, 2017
Very happy to see that the devs understand that the two types of monster hunter are very different and it's worth doing both. Rise/Sunbreak is fun, but it's a very different type of game and combat system. Glad to see we'll be going back to the slower pace and higher weapon differentiation.


Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, having to go back to world style combat is mid af, but I guess you gotta keep the old heads happy

I can deal if the events are cool at least


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
For the difficulty, I wonder. World was the easiest MH at the beginning, but difficulty did ramp up in Iceborne. While Rise is quite easy itself, I found it more balanced that World, so not sure what they mean.


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
Ooof...most of those changes are...not good?

Hubs being part of the map and seamless stuff sounds neat.

Sure it'll be fun still but not at really what I wanted to hear, expected as a follow up to world though. Bring back styles from Cross/Generations your cowards.


Oct 27, 2017
Very happy to see that the devs understand that the two types of monster hunter are very different and it's worth doing both. Rise/Sunbreak is fun, but it's a very different type of game and combat system. Glad to see we'll be going back to the slower pace and higher weapon differentiation.
Who else would understand if not the guide who are literally running the franchise and went that direction in the first place ?

Mainline series was always the more grounded and traditional one, while the Portable/Generations/Rise titles are the flashier and more experimental ones.


Oct 25, 2017
Being able to do something with your armor set to account for different skill requirements on your swap-to weapon is definitely something that's needed. Not really for blademaster stuff, but a lot of bowguns are straight up unusable without the right skills. Reload speed, deviation, recoil and such. Would almost defeat the purpose of the swap mechanic for me if this wasn't a consideration. There's always guns like Narga weapons that mostly work out of the box, I guess.

edit: though, thinking about it, maybe this is what got reworked. Maybe recoil etc aren't a thing at all anymore. Seems unlikely but hey, who knows.
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