
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Release Date: 26th March 2021
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
Platform(s): Nintendo Switch, PC (OT here)
- 8789¥ (physical), 7990¥ (digital)
- €59.99
- $59.99
- £39.99 (Amazon/Game), £49.99 (eShop)

Into every generation, there is a chosen one. One girl in all the world. She alone will wield the strength and skill to stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness; To stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. She is the Slayer Hunter.

Monster Hunter Rise is the latest entry in Monster Hunter's portable series, which originally debuted on PSP, then moved to 3DS and now Switch.

Portable series games tend to be a little more stylised and out there than their console equivalents, and Rise is no different. With a faux-medieval Japanese aesthetic, seamless maps and nifty new wirebug traversal, this game is like Portable 3rd, World and Spider-Man somehow had a baby.




Collector's Edition


Switch + Pro Controller




Each amiibo gives you a different set of Magnamalo layered armor.
Magnamalo outfits your hunter, Palico outfits your kitties, Palamute outfits your puppers.



The wirebug is Rise's biggest and most exciting new feature. With it, you can web-sling and run on walls like Spider-Man himself!


To use it, hold ZL and press X to aim for the air, or A to aim for the ground:

Alternatively, you can freely aim and press ZR to target your bug.

While in combat, you can use ZL+X/A to unleash Silkbind Attacks, special wirebug-based moves which differ depending on the weapon.

You can also use ZL+B in any direction to have your wirebug yank you out of a knockdown - but make sure you don't dive straight back into an attack!


Since the second generation, you've been able to take a cat Felyne Palico companion with you to help out in the fight and provide useful help, such as buffs and healing.

This game adds Palamutes to the mix, which are dog Canyne companions that will help you out in battle, but also provide the convenient option of letting you ride on their back. Palamute riding increases your movement speed, helping you get around the map faster, and also lets you use items like whetstones while moving around.

You can take any combination of two buddies with you for each hunt, depending on your needs. In multiplayer, only the buddy in your first slot will come along.

Skill Switch

The team's last game, Generations, changed up the gameplay with "styles" that added a layer of customisation to each weapon.

In Rise, the customisation is even more in-depth - you can freely swap out one major, one minor and one silkbind attack.
This adds a huge amount of flexibility, letting you really bend the game to fit your playstyle.

You can check out each weapon's switchable skills here.


Siege quests are no stranger to the series, from MH1's Lao-Shan Lung and MH2's Shen Gaoren to World's Zorah Magdaros.
However, the difference in a Rampage is that the monsters are sieging you.

You have to set up armaments (manned by villagers or players) and defend Kamura Village against timed waves of monsters.
When the monsters attack, you can either use the armaments or get stuck in with your weapon - the goal is to find a balance between both.

After you've repelled and/or slayed two waves, a Major Threat (AKA the leader) shows up as part of the third wave.
If you're (un)lucky, this might even be an Apex monster, which yields special rewards but hits like a tank on steroids.

Repelling the third wave or defeating the major threat ends the Rampage and gets you that sweet sweet loot.



Q: Is this a good first game to get into the series?
Yes! The last Switch game, Generations Ultimate, was an anniversary special, so it was super inaccessible to newcomers.​
Rise has none of that and is designed to bring in new players, so go for it!​

Q: The demo was super hard, is this too much for me?
No! Don't worry, MH demos are there so veterans can get a grip on weapon changes and the new game mechanics; there hasn't been a beginner-friendly demo since the first game.​
The actual game will introduce everything to you in a much more organic way. Most importantly, it won't give you just 15 minutes to beat a tough-as-nails flagship.​

Q: How do I choose a weapon?
Try them all in the training area to narrow down your choices, then take the best ones out against an early quest to see which works best for you.​
There's no wrong choice here - the game is balanced so that no weapon is inherently worse than the others. Just pick what works for you.​

Q: How do I level up?
You don't. Monster Hunter games don't have a traditional RPG levelling system - your character is only as strong as their weapons and armour.​
What you should aim to level up is your skill at the game. MH is grindy, but rather than grinding levels, you're playing over and over to improve your own skill. It can be a long journey, but it's very rewarding when you finally slay a monster that's been ruining your life.​

Q: Will this game have DLC and/or a G version?
The G expansion, Sunbreak, is due in Summer 2022.​
There will be no more title updates before that, but new event quests will continue to release until then.​
Q: Does this game have cross-save/cross-play with the PC version?
Sadly not. It seems Capcom underestimated the demand for these features, so they didn't develop Rise in a way that would allow this.​

Q: Why isn't this on PS4/PS5/Xbox?
Because they're not portable. For the Japanese audience, Monster Hunter is a social game where you hunt in local co-op with your friends - the portable series is designed to cater to this specific demand.​
Usually there's also a HD uprezzed port of the portable game released later, which this time around is coming to PC.​

Q: Can we still mount monsters?
Mounting is old news. It's all about COWBOY RIDING now, baby.​

Q: Does this game have slinger/clutch claw/mantles?
No, these are exclusive to World/Iceborne. No idea if they'll make an appearance in future generations.​

Q: How about scoutflies/paintballs?
Nope. The monsters will appear on your map from the start, but they'll be question marks until you actually sight them.​
Additionally, the minimap will be obscured by clouds at the start of the game; the clouds will clear as you explore each area.​
Q: Can I get the deluxe stuff after buying the standard edition?
Doesn't matter if you have physical or digital edition, but you can get the Deluxe Upgrade Kit digitally through the eShop page for Rise (scroll down and you'll see the add-on section)

In addition, you can also check out what each content looks like below. There's a handy video clip that cycles through each item.



MONSTER HUNTER RISE arrives on Nintendo Switch, breathing new life into the genre!


Switch Skill Overview
Weapon Guide Wiki
Official Weapon Videos

Gaijinhunter on YouTube
Arekkz on YouTube


Open spoilers except for information coming via leaks.

Anything leaked (mainly for Sunbreak at this point) must be spoiler tagged until it appears in official marketing.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


SnS is easily the most versatile weapon in MH's arsenal.

✅ A sword to do quick flurry hits with.
✅ A shield to defend and/or use as a weapon for stun damage.
✅ A hot jumping dive attack.
✅ The ability to use items while your weapon is drawn.

If tons of versatility and quick item usage is what you want, SnS is here for you.


Originally an offshoot of the SnS, the Dual Blades drop the shield for hyper-fast and concentrated attack spam.
DB deals a vast flurry of small attacks, making it ideal for elemental and status damage.

By pressing ZR, you can switch into Demon Mode, which drains your stamina but allows you to deal even more destructive attack flurries.
If you can build up your demon gauge by attacking in Demon Mode, you enter Archdemon Mode, which gives you some Demon Mode benefits without draining your stamina.

DB's biggest weaknesses are its inability to block and short range. The wirebug handily helps deal with both of these, so go crazy!


While SnS hits fast and light, GS strikes are few and far between, but they hit like a truck.
The sword is also so massive that you can use it as an improvised shield.

The traditional method is to hit, sheath, reposition, repeat.
Each GS strike can be charged up to multiple levels, so GS rewards good placement and preparation.

World introduced a new GS meta called True Charged Slash, which is a combo of three charged slashes resulting in insane damage.
Naturally this requires a lot of buildup to pull off, so it's been a controversial but powerful addition.


LS is the weeb anime swordsman weapon - even in Japan, where MH manuals refer to it as Samurai Blade.

It's by far the most popular weapon, largely because of its accessible moveset, long range and fast movement.
The downside is that it also sabotages your teammates - every stray slash will interrupt their attacks, quickly making you unpopular in multiplayer.

That said, LS is the best weapon to live your samurai fantasy with, especially in Rise's Japanese setting. If you can master it, you will be unstoppable.


A lance user is a hoppy mobile fortress.

It has the strongest shield in the game, bar none, making it seem like the ideal tank.
But MH is about giving as much as you get, and the lance has no shortage of attack methods.

Poke, poke, poke, reposition with hops, resume poking, tank a hit and deal a strong counter.
If the monster moves away, charge at it like speeding fortress death and resume your onslaught.


What's better than a moving fortress? A moving fortress with FIREPOWER.

The gunlance sacrifices some of the lance's mobility (but none of its defence) for shells that you can blast your opponents with.
The shells ignore body armor, so they deal fixed damage regardless of which body part you hit. However, they also burn through your sharpness.

You can also use Wyvern's Fire, a powerful charged shot which, if it hits, fires a massive blast at your opponent...and your sharpness...and your allies.
Like most of LS's moves, it's a powerful tool as long as you're sensible about how and where you use it.


Imagine being smashed in the face by a massive rock, and you get an idea of how the hammer works.

MH's hammer is a massive rock on a short stick, smashed in a monster's face with lots of momentum.
It primarily deals stun damage and does best at the head, so if you have a hammer user in your party, leave the head clear!

The hammer's primary downfall has always been its short range...but now the wirebug has evened that playing field!


For the second time in the series, HH has been given a major accessibility revamp courtesy of Ichinose.

The foundation of the Hunting Horn has always been to deal heavy impact damage while lining up songs to buff yourself and your companions.
This balancing act was often too technical for players, making HH one of the least played weapons in nearly every game.

But no more. This time around, HH hits hard and fast, with songs that can be played simply by pressing the same attack button twice.
If you play all three notes, you can follow up with a stylish spin which pelts your opponent with soundwaves and buffs you on top.

What more could you ask for?


The swaxe is the first of MH's truly technical weapons.

The weapon has two modes: axe mode and sword mode.
In axe mode, you get greater mobility and range but slower attacks.
In sword mode, you move like a snail but have more dynamic attacks and an overload blast, powered by your weapon's phial.

The weapon has a gauge which builds up in axe mode and depletes in sword mode, so you have to be tactical with your usage.
The key to the weapon is to find a flow between both modes, switching between them as the situation demands.


The second transformation weapon, the CB transforms between an SnS-like form and a massive axe.
The SnS form has a slightly better shield than regular SnS, but can't use items; the axe mode is incredibly slow but has massive range.

The CB gameplay loop is: in SnS form, fill up your phials with attacks, then charge your weapon with those phials.
You can then switch to axe mode, which can deal devastating phial-powered explosive attacks.

Two important CB concepts are red shield and guard points - if you want to main CB, make sure you look these up and get a grip on them.


MH4 introduced verticality to the series, and what better to show that off than with a stylish vaulting weapon?

IG is stylish and fast, with a vault that lets you rain down death from above.
Admittedly the wirebug has made this more feasible for all weapons, but even so, IG maintains its aerial dominance.

The "insect" part comes with your Kinsect, a little beetle that you can send out extract useful buffs from the monster.
These extracts buff your power, speed or defense, according to their colour, and are even more powerful in combination.


Halfway between a crossbow and a shotgun, the LBG is the fastest and most agile of the ranged weapons.

Its key ability is rapid fire - each bowgun has a specific type/types of RF ammo which it can fire 3-5 times quickly, using only one round.
With its rapid fire and speedy reloading, the LBG specialises in elemental and status damage...but can stand with the others in terms of raw damage too!


Where LBG is a shotgun, HBG is more like a walking tank.

HBG moves a *lot* slower than LBG, but makes up for it in raw firepower, even more so in Rise where you can charge your shots.
You can also add shield mods to your weapon, which essentially turns you into a slowly advancing tank. Monster beware.


The bow marries the speed and versatility of LBG with the charging mechanics of HBG.

Bow users don't need to worry about ammo - they have infinite arrows.
Instead of switching ammo types, you apply coatings to your arrows with different effects, such as increased attack power or status damage.

As with all ranged weapons, the distance to your opponent is critical - keep an eye on your reticle for the perfect distance to shoot from.
Also, don't forget to charge! Your shots are exponentially more powerful when charged, so use your downtime to charge your next shot!
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

These are the monsters included in the base version of Monster Hunter Rise (including title updates).

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Oct 25, 2017
Good job, Kanhir! Can't wait.

Now to spend the next 3 days flip flopping over what weapon to start with.


Oct 27, 2017
Great OT....so freaking hyped. Still not sure what weapon to go with this time....still have 2 days to figure it out.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Extremely great effort with the OT, OP! Love it!

Can't wait for this to drop. It's been a while since I full committed to a MH game (I really wanted to with World but had a lot of life stuff to deal with at the time) but I'm craving it now. Demo was super fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Great OT!

I really hope I don't end up enjoying the demo more than the full game.


Oct 25, 2017
Excited to break into this midnight and get to going. Hope to hunt with a lot of you!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine walking through Diglett Cave and encountering a level 50 Diablos.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
I laughed way harder than I should've at the Zinogre and Chameleos captions.

Hopefully my usual guy gets this in his shop tomorrow or Thursday.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
The only Best Buy with the Deluxe Edition in stock is 24 miles away, & I'm not sure I want to wait for GameStop to ship it to me. So I guess it's Standard Edition for me if I pull the trigger.


Oct 25, 2017
Fantastic OT. Need to figure out which weapon I want to main. Long Sword tends to be my go to, but I kind of want to try mixing it up so I'm thinking of going Switch Axe this time since it's been fun when I've tried it out in the past


Oct 31, 2017
Haha do we know if there is a story in this one? I loved the attempt of a coherent story in MH4U.

Curious but is there weather variety? Wasn't feeling the grey overcast in the demo.


Oct 26, 2017
weapon talk? weapon talk

World was my introduction to MonHun, I basically played my 300 hours split between Lance and Gunlance (for 200 hours or so, to be fair I actually like big tanky characters, so it wasnt just a easy mode type thing), when I was finally confortable enough with the game, I went Longsword for the last 100 hours or so.

Then in Generations Ultimate on Switch, I started with Longsword, I remember I dabbled a bit with Lance and Gunlance as usual, but then gravitated towards Greatsword because of that aerial stance (or whatever it was called), I just loved GS with it.

With Rise I'm not sure, I'm thinking I'll finally give Hunting Horn a real go since the songs are much easier to do now.


Jan 9, 2018
Great OT. Feels like this will be my new home for the coming months.

This will be the first MH where I'll go into multiplayer hunts.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Nice OT. Not sure which weapon I want to main through the story, but I'll probably use lance/IG in multiplayer.

I need a primer on iframes (if any) on wirebug skills before I get my game from amazon.


Oct 25, 2017
Thinking weapon wise I'm going Hunting Horn and Bow. Probably Hammer to as I rather not leave it lol.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
weapon talk? weapon talk

World was my introduction to MonHun, I basically played my 300 hours split between Lance and Gunlance (for 200 hours or so, to be fair I actually like big tanky characters, so it wasnt just a easy mode type thing), when I was finally confortable enough with the game, I went Longsword for the last 100 hours or so.

Then in Generations Ultimate on Switch, I started with Longsword, I remember I dabbled a bit with Lance and Gunlance as usual, but then gravitated towards Greatsword because of that aerial stance (or whatever it was called), I just loved GS with it.

With Rise I'm not sure, I'm thinking I'll finally give Hunting Horn a real go since the songs are much easier to do now.
I'm going Bowguns. Always wanted to, never took the jump.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Nice OT title!

Looking forward to this and months of hunting with new (and old!) hunter pals here

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
weapon talk? weapon talk

World was my introduction to MonHun, I basically played my 300 hours split between Lance and Gunlance (for 200 hours or so, to be fair I actually like big tanky characters, so it wasnt just a easy mode type thing), when I was finally confortable enough with the game, I went Longsword for the last 100 hours or so.

Then in Generations Ultimate on Switch, I started with Longsword, I remember I dabbled a bit with Lance and Gunlance as usual, but then gravitated towards Greatsword because of that aerial stance (or whatever it was called), I just loved GS with it.

With Rise I'm not sure, I'm thinking I'll finally give Hunting Horn a real go since the songs are much easier to do now.
I'm personally sticking with LS, but picked up Greatsword as a secondary after dabbling a bit in the demo with it.

I'm thinking about maybe giving Switch Axe a shot as well. Didn't like what I played of it in 3rd gen, but it seems a lot more fun these days.


Oct 27, 2017
Really looking forward to sinking my teeth into a new MonHun. Thinking I'm going to stick with what I know and go Charge Blade and Greatsword. I wanted to try something new this go around but I can't deal with change.