Who gets your support?

  • Buttigieg

    Votes: 79 18.2%
  • Yang

    Votes: 341 78.6%
  • Abstain (Trump)

    Votes: 14 3.2%

  • Total voters
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Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
Alright, so invent whatever scenario you want, but the end result is it comes down to these two, somehow.

In this situation, what do you do? Do you roll the dice and hope Pete follows through on some of his early progressive stances, or do you go for the guaranteed $12k payday and whatever data-driven policies Yang might enact? Or do you abstain and go for the devil you know: Trump?

My leaning is Yang. I don't super care for his UBI plan, but I like his data-driven approach to governance. I do like Pete's saying that he'll stack the Supreme Court, but I have doubts he'll actually follow through if he wins.

EDIT: To be clear, this is not a general with all three guys in it. I just included the third option in case anyone likes Trump more than either guy.
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017
not even close


Feb 28, 2018
Mayor Pete is a fraud and a narcissist of the highest order. Yang, reluctantly.
Dec 31, 2017
The imperfect candidate with a solid idea that definitely will.need to be expanded in the future.

A cardboard candidate that stands for nothing.

Yang all day.


Oct 27, 2017
No. Primary, so only one will go up against Trump. I'm just including the their option to see if anyone likes him more than either of these guys.

Easy answer then: Yang, since he's at least aware that if there isn't some reordering of our society things are going to get violent and bleak. Buttigieg is an empty suit who says whatever he can to appeal to the centers of power. Working class and minorities see through him already, he has vanishingly little support from either.

Yang's whole thing is basically a libertarian approach to keeping the guillotines from rolling out. I don't care for him at all. But on this list of three guys this should be a pretty easy choice.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
I have no idea why this is even a poll. Who would abstain and stick with Trump if they only had to choose between Pete and Yang? People don't hate Yang. Obviously I would choose Yang.


Jul 12, 2019
Yang actually seems to have some of his own ideas and policies. Not really seeing either guy doing much in 2020.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like, if nothing else, a solid cabinet and advisory team could aim Yang in a good direction. His heart seems in the right place, even if he sets off a lot warning sirens for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Jesus christ people Yang is not it at a ll. He wants to raise taxes and cut services for the poor under the guise that the $1000 will make up for it.


Oct 25, 2017
This might be as good as place as any, but can anyone tell me why Andrew Yang is behind if his ideas are actually legit good? All the usual places I follow for politics almost never cover him.


Oct 27, 2017
Jesus christ people Yang is not it at a ll. He wants to raise taxes and cut services for the poor under the guise that the $1000 will make up for it.

Remember: the alternative is Pete Buttigieg.

This might be as good as place as any, but can anyone tell me why Andrew Yang is behind if his ideas are actually legit good? All the usual places I follow for politics almost never cover him.

He barely got the kind of fawning coverage Kamala Harris did, even though he outpaced her in her own state. Take that as you will.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're going with experience or track record or whatever I'm not sure Buttigieg's actual resume is particularly helpful for him.

It's something. I dislike both candidates, but I'm going with the most utilitarian option in my view.

Pete may suck but at least other Dems might benefit from his admin. Yang will have to learn everything from scratch, and we've seen what's happened with the GOP thanks to Trump's inexperience.


Oct 27, 2017
It's something. I dislike both candidates, but I'm going with the most utilitarian option in my view.

Pete may suck but at least other Dems might benefit from his admin. Yang will have to learn everything from scratch, and we've seen what's happened with the GOP thanks to Trump's inexperience.

The entire American judicial system being remade in the face of the GOP and the type of people who vote for Republicans getting basically everything they ever dreamed of?

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yang. Pete is the worse remaining candidate. Worse than Biden even. At least Yang will give me my NEETbucks while we watch the world burn together.


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus christ people Yang is not it at a ll. He wants to raise taxes and cut services for the poor under the guise that the $1000 will make up for it.
To be fair $1000 per month would probably make up for it for the poorest of the poor. That's like a full time job at McDonald's. Hell I have a master's degree and a career and my take home is just a little over double that.

But then also to be fair, a UBI isn't happening in my life time most likely. If it does I'll be an old man either way.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow. I understand that Era has certain... "predilections"... that don't necessarily reflect the outside world, but I didn't realize it was to this degree.

Full disclosure: Voted Pete for this poll.


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
I like Yang. Yeah I know he's basically the anti-libertarian but one reason I really like him is that he's not afraid to be a guest on right wing shows to discuss his platform. That's bravery and having confidence in what your platform is. I saw he even went on Ben Shapiros show, and even though I didn't watch the interview it was impressive to see he was willing to go on his show. He's done the H3H3 podcast a couple times as well, sit downs with Fox News etc. can't think of another dem candidate that has been willing to do that, so Yang impresses me and will have my vote if he's the Dem candidate.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
I'll take Yang becuase he would actually beat trump, I don't think Buttigieg can be hated by both Dems and Cons and win a national race
Septimus Prime

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
It's something. I dislike both candidates, but I'm going with the most utilitarian option in my view.

Pete may suck but at least other Dems might benefit from his admin. Yang will have to learn everything from scratch, and we've seen what's happened with the GOP thanks to Trump's inexperience.
Do you think Yang is a narcissist moron like Trump? Or, more importantly, do you think he'd go out of the way to pick the worst possible people for every position and then take their advice?

I think, if anything, the risk is his cabinet could steer him toward status quo, moderate positions.


Oct 25, 2017
The entire American judicial system being remade in the face of the GOP and the type of people who vote for Republicans getting basically everything they ever dreamed of?

Failed to repeal Obamacare and a shit ton of executive orders struck down.

The courts are probably the only successful thing the GOP has done aside from their trillion dollar tax cut.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
Jesus christ people Yang is not it at a ll. He wants to raise taxes and cut services for the poor under the guise that the $1000 will make up for it.

Source on wanting to cut services for the poor? Because on NPR last month he said you could choose between keeping the services you currently have or the $1000.

Also, the tax is a VAT. Plenty of other countries have it.


Oct 28, 2017
Yang easily. One guy is the monorail guy from The Simpsons and the other one is a guy with some sensible ideas and would move this country considerably to the left.


Oct 29, 2017
Yang seems to be a very decent and nice guy, especially since he makes people like my own Chinese relatives excited to have an east Asian representative on the stage. Not super excited about his online community, but he's been able to please his fans with memeage "fan service" to the 4chan/reddit crowd without going into Elon Musk douchebag territory so that's pretty impressive.


Oct 29, 2017
Pete sucks. Yang is not a progressive and his policies would further erode social safety nets because he doesn't believe in needs based welfare.

I'll take a shitty Dem with no conviction over someone who wants to dismantle the very foundations of post FDR liberalism


Oct 25, 2017
This might be as good as place as any, but can anyone tell me why Andrew Yang is behind if his ideas are actually legit good? All the usual places I follow for politics almost never cover him.
A lot of voters are being extremely cautious because of Trump winning in 2016. It's why Biden is the front runner. They just want a Democrat to win, they aren't looking to bring in new ideas to the table. They'll settle for a return of the Obama Era.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you think Yang is a narcissist moron like Trump? Or, more importantly, do you think he'd go out of the way to pick the worst possible people for every position and then take their advice?

I think, if anything, the risk is his cabinet could steer him toward status quo, moderate positions.

Anyone who thinks they should be president despite 0 political experience is a narcissist in my book.

I think he'd more easily be convinced to put establishment politicians in place as he will have to rely on the part to do anything as he has no experience or knowledge. Or he'll put in some unqualified idiot.


Oct 29, 2017
Are we saying these are general election candidates? If that's the case I assume Buttigieg is the democrat, so vote for him. If this is the real world I would vote for neither in the primary then vote for the winner in the general against Trump.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why not neither. Trump is obviously a no-go, but between Mayo and Yang "high ground" gang I'd choose the meteor.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll take Yang becuase he would actually beat trump, I don't think Buttigieg can be hated by both Dems and Cons and win a national race

This is why I'm kind of surprised by a few of the people acting like this is some crazy GAF only thing. Both are marginal candidates with little hopes of getting the nomination, but Pete is broadly disliked by basically everyone who isn't a white professional managerial class type. In this bizarre hypothetical where they're the two that make it to the end, which is really the unrealistic one to win against Trump?


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Yang. I'm a proponent of UBI, even if I'm unsure on his implementation of it. At least someone is actually talking about it.

At least Yang will give me my NEETbucks while we watch the world burn together.

Basically this. I only hit these threads once in a while, because I'm pretty much defeatist about our prospects going forward, and don't want to pile on extra negativity all the time. But yeah, let me go down with an extra grand in my pocket in the meantime.

Plus, I think Yang would fare better against Trump. I haven't looked at polls or anything, that's just what my instinct says.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh I guess i would go with Yang, he is slightly less a "hold your nose and vote" candidate than Clinton for me. Pete is a non-starter
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