The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone, this is terrible! Blargonaut has recruited bunch of versions of himself with a time machine in order to rewrite the history of this community!

I have summoned you all to the time machine to stop him, but it seems some sort of time manipulation has turned you all into looking like Blargonaut, so who knows who are the real evil people here! And the time machine keeps demanding for new travel destinations too! Oh what a mess this is.

I guess there is only way to settle this...


Thanks to Faddy for the Banner!

Gamerunner: Grizzly
Game Complexity: Unusual
Phase Lengths: 48/24 (With exception to Day 1, which will be longer)

Player List:
1. [m] ShadowSwordMaster Replaced by [m] Fantomas - CST - End Game'd
2. [they] Zubz - EST Replaced by [m] EzekelRAGE - CST - Killed D7
3. [m] Brazil - GMT-3 - Killed N6
4. [m] Blargonaut - GMT-3 - Killed N8
5. [f] Pirate Bae - UTC+4.30 - Killed D5
6. [m] Fran - GMT-3 - Killed N4
7. [m] Sorian - MST - Killed N7
8. [m] cabot - GMT - Killed N2
9. [m] StanleyPalmtree - GMT+13 - Killed D1
10. [m] Fireblend - GMT-6 - Won The Game N8
11. [m] Terraforce - GMT-5 - Killed D1
12. [m] FluxWaveZ - GMT-5 - Killed D8
13. [m] Kawl - CST Replaced by [m] nin - GMT+1 Replaced by [m]Lone_Prodigy
14. [m] rac - GMT-5 - End Game'd
15. [m] Natiko - GMT-5
16. [m] malus - UTC+1 - Killed D6
17. [m] turmoil7 - GMT-3 - Killed D2
18. [f] KetKat - EST - Killed N3
19. [m] Fandorin - GMT-3 - Killed D4
20. [m] Kyanrute - UTC+2 - Killed D8
21. [f] Dr. Monkey - GMT-5
22. [f] Sophia - GMT-5 Replaced by [m] CeeCee - GMT - End Game'd
23. [m] TheChuggernaut - CST - Killed D3
24. [m] Giant Panda - EST Replaced by [f] Sawneeks - PST - Killed D6
25. [m] Faddy - UTC - Killed D3
26. [m] AbsolutBro - GMT-5 Killed N5
27. [m] Geno - UTC - Killed N1


1. [m] Apopheniac - GMT-5
2. [m] Kalor - GMT
3. [f] Swamped
4. [m] CoolestSpot
5. [m] SalvaPot
6. [f] faircure - EST


Sample Role PM:
You have been summoned by the great Mafia Time Machine to protect the integrity and history of the games this community has played over the years. It seems that a malicious force is out to disrupt the harmony and results of games past and future, and it is your duty to stop them.

You are XXXXX the Townie, which means Ordinary.

You do not have any special powers, but you can VOTE.

You are aligned with The Community, which means TOWN

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated!

Game Thread is here:

Please confirm you have received this role PM by either replying to it, or posting in the game thread that you have received it

Mentor Program:
For new and returning players who would like some assistance, we offer a mentorship program where a volunteer veteran player can assist you. If you are interested in having a Mentor for this game, please contact your Gamerunner. For more info, please check the main MafiERA OT.
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The Bear

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
What Is Mafia?
Mafia, also known as Werewolf, is a famous social deduction game that puts two teams against each other: Town and Mafia. Mafia players know who everyone in their team is, while Town players only know their own alignment. Cut into two 'Phases', Day and Night, the game entails Town trying to eliminate the Mafia via discussion and voting while the Mafia are trying to not get caught in order to match or outnumber the Town in order to win.

Interested in joining or learning more? Check out our MafiERA OT!

1. All site-wide rules apply here.
2. Unless explicitly told otherwise, players may not discuss this game outside of this thread.
3. Unless explicitly told otherwise, players may not directly quote or post screenshots of any PMs, posts, conversations, or any other type of document that was not made in this thread.
4. Players are allowed to lie, within reason, about any game-related material such as the content of a role PM.
5. Please respect all of your fellow players. We ask that you respect a player's personal pronouns and be aware of accessibility when using non-default text formatting. Please do not refer to, or discuss, player activity outside of this thread, for the sake of the game's integrity.
6. Mafia can be an intense and stressful game at times with situations becoming heated. Despite this, being overly hostile towards your fellow players is not allowed. If a player is caught name calling, using slurs, and/or other aggressive behaviors determined by the Gamerunner they will be warned. If these behaviors continue despite the warning that player will be modkilled. No exceptions.

7. Players are required to post a minimum of 10 posts per day phase. Failure to adhere to this will first result in a warning. On the second offense that player will be removed from the game.
8. If a player posts fewer than 5 posts in a day phase without alerting the Gamerunner to their absence, they will be removed from the game without a warning.
9. If you are unable to continue playing for whatever reason, please contact your Gamerunner.
10. If a replacement is added to the game, they may request the current/upcoming night phase to be extended up-to 48 hours to allow time to catch up.

Voting and Lynching:
11. In order to vote for another player to be lynched, you must present it on its own line and in the following format with no spaces: [ HIGHLIGHT ]VOTE: playername[ /HIGHLIGHT ]. Misspelt votes are only accepted within reason. Any other format will not be accepted.
12. To remove a vote from a player, you may simply vote for another player, or you may present it on its own line and in the following format with no spaces: [ HIGHLIGHT ]UNVOTE[ /HIGHLIGHT ].
13. Players may vote for a "No Lynch" to end the day phase without a lynch. This is done by using the formatting above and typing: [ HIGHLIGHT ]VOTE: No Lynch[ /HIGHLIGHT ].
14. When a player has received a strict majority of available votes (>50%), the day phase ends with the lynch of that player. Once a day phase has ended any in-game discussion stops and votes cast after that will not be counted.

Death and the Spectator Thread:
15. Once you are dead, you may no longer discuss the game in any manner with any of the remaining players.
16. Once dead, players may have a choice between the spectator thread and the replacement list. PM your Gamerunner for more information.

17. Outside of explicit allowances the use of the highlight tag is strictly for Gamerunners. Do not use it.
18. Do not edit your posts or hide content in the formatting. Repeat offenders will be removed from the game.
19. If a player is Banned or they are replaced due to inactivity they will have the lowest possible priority when signing up for a spot in their next game.
20. Gamerunners reserve the right to add, remove, or modify existing any rules at any point, and enforcement may be applied retrospectively. However, all players will be informed of changes beforehand.
The Bear

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
MafiEra Mafia Specific Rules (READ ME)

MafiEra Mafia has multiple specific rules to cater to this game. Please read these before game begins:

Day Phase Modification System:
1. Each day phase has a different modifier in place. All of these modifiers are based on either game themes used in the past in our community, or fictional game themes related to it.
2. Each modifier affects the game in a different way. A list with all the modifiers to be used in this game, with short summaries on the games they're based on, is provided in a post below this one.
3. Any modifier is in place for the next day and night phases after it goes live. Example: A modifier that starts in D2 and makes it so that the maximum number of posts for each individual player during that day phase is 30.
4. Each night phase, players can vote for the next modifier to be used. Votes are done publicly in the game thread with command [ HIGHLIGHT ]VOTE: Modifier[ /HIGHLIGHT ]. Votes with incorrect formatting will not be accepted.
5. During the night phase, you may not post anything else in the game thread except your vote for the modifier vote. You may change your vote by posting a new vote.
6. The Vote for the modifier ends two hours before day phase begins - the same time as when night actions lock in.
7. The first modifier to be voted for is done in N1. On Day 1 there is a fixed modifier, that will be revealed when game begins.

8. You may receive PMs fron the gamerunner during the game. Keep an eye on your inbox.
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The Bear

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
List of Day Phase Modifiers (and short summaries of the games they are based on)

Star Wars – Season 2 with some unusual roles, but no unusual mechanics. Theme was Star Wars

Archer – Season 3 game with some unusual roles, and an unusual mechanic. Missions, where four players would go to a mission during night phase. These four players couldn't be targeted by roles outside of these four, and vice versa. Theme was Archer TV-Series

Call of Cthulhu – Season 3 game with unusual roles and unusual mechanics. Players could be turned insane by Lovecraftian monsters. Theme was Cthulu mythos.

NX – Season 3 game with normal roles in place. Was known for a very active Day 1 Phase (roughly 50 pages). Theme was the launch night of then unnamed nintendo console.

Love Boat – Season 5 game with unusual mechanic. All players were divivded into pairs, and they played essentially as pairs the same role. These players also died together, and had private chats. Theme was love boat ride.

Disney Princess – Season 5 game with normal roles in place. Theme was disney princesses.

The Price is Right – Season 6 game with unusual mechanic. Four players played a round of price is right every night for a chance of winning items. Theme was Price is Right.

Pineapple Pizza – Season 8 game with some unusual roles. Theme was pineapple pizza.

Dark Souls – Season 9 game with mostly normal roles and mechanics. Theme was Dark Souls

Heroes vs Villains – Season 11 Game with bastard roles and mechanics. Lots of different roles, mechanics, items and events were at play. Theme was Heroes and Villains across many different properties.

Power Rangers – Season 11 game with unusual mechanics. All players used secret accounts that made them anonymous to each other. Theme was Mighty Morphing Power Rangers

Conspiracy – Season 12 game with lot of unusual roles, and even some that were considered bastard. Theme of the game was conspiracy theories and paranoia.

McDonalds Treasure Land Adventure – Season ??? Game (ERROR: NO DATA WAS ABLE TO BE RECOVERED)

Bar 2: Even More Booze – Season ??? Game (ERROR: NO DATA WAS ABLE TO BE RECOVERED)

RNG Mafia - ??????NULL??????
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Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Conspiracy Modifier: Faddy and Sorian each receive a PM telling them the other one is Scum. They are also the only players allowed to post anything other than votes during the day.


Oct 25, 2017
This is going to be so good.

If Star Wars doesn't have a tic tac toe minigame I'm going to be really sad.

Or was it connect 4?
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The Bear

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
All role PMs have been sent!

Please confirm you have received your role PM by either replying to the pm, or confirming it in this thread. Do this before game starts.


Oct 25, 2017
There was a pineapple pizza theme? Which side was scum? It was the haters, right?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There was a pineapple pizza theme? Which side was scum? It was the haters, right?

Of course not! Only bad people like pineapple pizza.


For the people who are relatively new and may have not been around for some of the themes used as modifiers here (even I wasn't for a few of them!), you can find their setups, roles and the links to their threads in our game data sheet.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
This is going to be so good.

If Star Wars doesn't have a tic tac toe minigame I'm going to be really sad.

Or was it connect 4?

It was lines and boxes.
Don't read anything into me answering that. I just really liked that game.

Scum were the Pineapple lovers.

One day, I'll make a sequel to it. :D

Please give me advance notice so I can alert the ResetEra fire department before it runs.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I'd be obligated to play in a Pineapple Pizza Mafia 2, if nothing else than to try and redeem myself.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the "Best of" mechanic! Maybe I can actually go on a Mission this time.

we don't talk about that game
but suffice to say pineapple pizza is no longer allowed and the side of good won

If liking pineapple on pizza makes me scum regardless of role, then you might as well vote for me now.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree, LB 2 is the worst moment of my mafia life.

That or getting lynched in the champs while yelling THIS IS THE SCUM TEAM LOOK AT THEM SCUMMING OUT RIGHT THE FUCK HERE oh i'm dead that's cool game over
PPM was multiple day phases of being told I was a garbage human that doesn't even know what Mafia is, so I'll take being wrong on one scum boat in lylo over that ._.

That being said I do think your heartbreak in the champs game wins out. Just subbing into the qualifier that one time was a very traumatic experience on my end lol

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
You are an awesome human. I can vouch that you seem to have a working idea of what mafia is. I'm almost a doctor, you know, so you can trust me.