
Oct 27, 2017
Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain
Is my first LTTP, so don't get too hard on me please.

I know, you've probably seen threads like this thousands of times, but I needed to share this.

So, I was really really struggling with getting or not the PSVR Mega Pack when I saw it for only 230 € during Christmas sale on Amazon. Finally I gave up and purchased it. Yup, I'm weak.


So, this massive box arrived home and when I opened it I was like: Jesus, what is all this mess? I'll just show you this pic from the Quick Installation Guide:


So. Many. Stuff.

Anyway, I managed to install everything without getting my desk too much saturated. My room is this one:


(yeah yeah, i have to make the bed, sorry about that)

Turned everything on, put my headset, adjusted it to see everything crisp and clean and...

First let's talk about Cinematic Mode. I like it, pretty good. Medium size is the sweet spot for me, gives you the feeling of being in a cinema. Image quality is pretty OK, tried it with Red Dead Redemption 2 in first person mode and it was a pretty interesting experience. It didn't blow up my mind but it was interesting anyway.

The earbuds included with the package are surprisingly excellent: very good audio quality and it's really great how you can install them in the headset without annoying you while playing.

And then I tried... you guessed it, Astro Bot.

Jesus Christ


My mind was blown. I was like "how on Earth i am playing this in my little room for a reasonable price?", it was SO inmersive, and it was fun to play. Being able to watch EVERYTHING that surrounded me was... undescriptable. Being able to lean looking for hidden spots where this cute little robots could be hidden yelling for help.

You can be sure as hell that I will always remember the day I tried for the first time the Virtual Reality at home. I will remember it like the first time I played Dragon Ball Final Bout (yeah, not a great game to start, heh) on a PlayStation when I was barely 8 or 9 years old.

But my VR experience didn't stop there (and keeps going on): Played Wipeout.

WOW! The cockpit mode was something else. Jesus, so so SO immersive, and God, I almost got motion sickness but I got used to the speed after a couple of laps.

I wonder how's going to be the future of VR. I hope the future technology manages to reduce the stuff needed for making it work. Oculus Go is a good step forward, but that's like an independent console, so it's not a valid option for me.

I still have pending to download and try Skyrim VR and DOOM VFR, but I don't know why I don't see them attractive. Maybe because I already played them on PC?

And I still need to try 3D Blu-Ray movies. I was going to try to rent Avatar but the store was closed, so maybe I'll try it again tomorrow.

So, in a few words: I LOVE PSVR, i hate all the stuff needed to make it work. Cinematic Mode is interesting, Astro Bot is MIND BLOWN, Wipeout VR is MIND BLOWN. Didn't try DOOM VFR and Skyrim VR yet. Didn't try to watch a 3D movie yet.

By the way, the headset is pretty light and comfortable, so it's not annoying wearing it during long play sessions, which is pretty awesome. I don't have MOVE controllers yet and I don't know if I should get them (in my local store the pair cost 80 €, pretty expensive for me). You guys think worth it in a small room like mine?

And now if you excuse me, I'm going to save more cute robots and beat spaceships in races at ultra-high speed.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Another one for the list, never get tired of seeing VR, esp PSVR, LttP threads :)

But yes, this is consumer VR in its more basic, crude form - the future will be incredible.

cute slippers


Nov 1, 2017
I'm sailing the same boat OP. It's seriously good stuff and I just purchased a shit ton of stuff in the PSN sale, in fact I'm off to try out Skyrim now. Peace and enjoy 🙂


Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2018
Bought mine yesterday, too. Really enjoying it so far, but I already want a better screen and wider fov. Still, it's a very unique experience.


Oct 29, 2017
Astro Bot is quickly becoming the most universally acclaimed title here, I don't think I've read a single negative impression here from anyone that tried it, 90% of the posts are "holycrap you guys were right!"

I really hope they make a sequel, or even something diferent as long as it's from Team Asobi and in VR


May 31, 2018
Great to see another happy PSVR owner.

Be sure to try RE7 as well, its one of the must have game.


Oct 27, 2017
I bought PSVR just because Astro Bot. I don't regret it. I platinumed it two times in a week. VR Worlds I didn't like so much. I also bought Moss and I'm waiting to finish download.


Nov 2, 2017
Don't forget to try tetris effect OP :)
The idea might be 40 year old but this versions transcends time.


Oct 27, 2017
England, United Kingdom
lol Welcome to VR, OP! My experience was similar to yours - Astro Bot and WipEout were two of the first games I played. Mind blown. As said above, give Tetris Effect a go. It's an amazing experience and, for me, it performs some kind of magic. One of the first times I played it in VR, I finished my late night session, removed my headset and realised I'd been in Tetris for THREE HOURS. I would've guessed something like 45 minutes. No, THREE HOURS. That blew my mind. I swear, that game absorbs you and does strange things to time and space. lol

Enjoy discovering every new experience. The future is exciting. :)


Nov 1, 2017
I'm really jealous of Astro Bot as a Rift owner but I can't justify not just the cost but also the space for a second VR set.


Oct 25, 2017
Glad you're having a great time. Few pointers for you:

- Check our the January PSN sales as there are some great must-have titles there.
- Doom VFR is best played with a DualShock controller and full locomotion/smooth turning enabled. Just be aware that it's one of the more motion-sickness prone titles, but nothing you can't overcome with time.
- Resident Evil 7 is going to blow your mind. :D
- Though I've not played it yet myself, plenty of Skyrim veterans have said playing in VR makes it feel like an entirely new experience. Don't skip on it just because you've already played it on a flat display. Also, if you can, best to get some move controllers for that...
-...and other essential titles like Superhot VR and Beat Saber.


Oct 10, 2018
These new psvr owners with their "mind blown" threads are nearing psvr reddit status. It's relentless over there. Glad you're enjoying it.
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Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
lol Welcome to VR, OP! My experience was similar to yours - Astro Bot and WipEout were two of the first games I played. Mind blown. As said above, give Tetris Effect a go. It's an amazing experience and, for me, it performs some kind of magic. One of the first times I played it in VR, I finished my late night session, removed my headset and realised I'd been in Tetris for THREE HOURS. I would've guessed something like 45 minutes. No, THREE HOURS. That blew my mind. I swear, that game absorbs you and does strange things to time and space. lol

Enjoy discovering every new experience. The future is exciting. :)

i played Tetris Effect a whole night on my 4K TV...you could play Tetris for 24h, this has nothing to do with VR at all, it is more the nature of the game itself.

as much as i like the game, it is not a good implementation of VR and it looks downright awful through the headset, even on a PS4Pro the IQ is horrible in VR...when playing on a 4K TV with HDR activated the colours pop, it is crispy, it is just awesome...

but through the PSVR headset it looks muddy, crumby, the blocks are shimmering and i don´t really know where this game gets enhanced through VR...you are concentrating on the Tetris Board anyways and not on the effects flying around, you don´t look up and down if you want to play seriously. it was one of the first PSVR games i played and i was really bummed about the experience tbh...

I really love Tetris Effect but i just can´t understand the praise for its VR mode, there are imho much better games to be played in VR than Tetris Effect...for example Rez, Thumper, Polybius are all much better than Tetris Effect

and a tip for the OP: get some moves and Beat Saber, it will blow your mind


Nov 27, 2017
What the fuck OP. Immediately purchase Resident Evil 7 and don't come back unless you finished it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
If you think the revised PSVR is a mess, I guess you haven't seen the original launch model. It came with even more cable. And because I wanted a solution for HDR pass through (which only the revised versions have)... well, the back of my television truly looks like something out of cyberpunk. It's kind of fitting, I guess.

Welcome to VR. Currently playing through Déraciné. Recommend you play Superhot VR with some Move controllers.


Nov 2, 2017
i played Tetris Effect a whole night on my 4K TV...you could play Tetris for 24h, this has nothing to do with VR at all, it is more the nature of the game itself.

as much as i like the game, it is not a good implementation of VR and it looks downright awful through the headset, even on a PS4Pro the IQ is horrible in VR...when playing on a 4K TV with HDR activated the colours pop, it is crispy, it is just awesome...

but through the PSVR headset it looks muddy, crumby, the blocks are shimmering and i don´t really know where this game gets enhanced through VR...you are concentrating on the Tetris Board anyways and not on the effects flying around, you don´t look up and down if you want to play seriously. it was one of the first PSVR games i played and i was really bummed about the experience tbh...

I really love Tetris Effect but i just can´t understand the praise for its VR mode, there are imho much better games to be played in VR than Tetris Effect...for example Rez, Thumper, Polybius are all much better than Tetris Effect

and a tip for the OP: get some moves and Beat Saber, it will blow your mind

YMMW of course and beat saber is a must, I didn't mention it due to the moves ;)
So are the other rhythm games you mention.

For me the tetris VR mode + audio headset puts me into a whole different experience than the flat version.
The best way I can describe it is it's like being high and meditate.
If it has low IQ in VR it's not something I have noticed at all.


Game Designer
Nov 5, 2017
I got PSVR this week too.

Astro Bot really is amazing. Every stage does something new, and it's tbe secret Mario 3D Land sequel I didn't realise I wanted. My greatest criticism is that there are times where it feels a bit too slavishly inspired by 3D Mario, but it does so many things of its own too that it's hard to criticise.

Wipeout I did not expect to enjoy so much, especially as I've never enjoyed the game in the past. I played it on Sega Saturn and PS3 and it never clicked. Playing the demo made me think of playing Daytona 2 in the arcades with a huge screen and rollercoaster tracks. Playing the full game with comfort options and level progression has helped a lot too! It's still a game I'm horrible at and makes me feel pretty queasy, but it is easily one of my favourite VR things.

Moss was an immediate disappointment tbh, so I'm going to circle back around to that another time. I'll probably wait until I'm done with Astro Bot.

No Heroes Allowed (edit not 'Not More Heroes', oops) has a tabletop interface and two talkative characters in the room with you. I expected to hate their banter, but it works amazingly well. I'd like to see this format expanded upon. Maybe a non-creepy version of Summer Lesson!

Rez HD is amazing, but I'm already a Rez fan.
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Nov 23, 2018
I'm really jealous of Astro Bot as a Rift owner but I can't justify not just the cost but also the space for a second VR set.

The game's very good but factor in that for most people it's their first VR game so it takes also the wow VR factor. If you had VR for the last year you will see that many tricks that astrobot pulls you've seen them in other VR games, its just this one is very complete package and has tons of charm.

If you feel the itch for that kind of adventure I think Moss will probably satisfy your thirst without having to hand out 200 bucks just to play one game.


Oct 25, 2017
Bought mine yesterday, too. Really enjoying it so far, but I already want a better screen and wider fov. Still, it's a very unique experience.

I will agree with this for sure. I do think VR / AR truly is the future of gaming, but the current limitations prove it's not quite ready yet.

Fully wireless headset with better screen, wider FOV and (somehow) better full body feedback will take VR from "wow, that's cool" to the main way to game over the next 10-20 years.


Oct 26, 2017
Skyrim VR will also blow your mind. Play that or try it too. Better with two moves...just imagine being in the world like almost in real life and being able to pick up things by yourself and do with them what you want.

For example if you like to steal things in Skyrim VR you can do the following:

Look around the room for other people
Put a bucket on their head
They cant see you anymore

Or you can use arrow and bow like Legolas from LotR and also shoot way faster because...YOU ARE THE ANIMATION! :D


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but whenever I've tried VR of any kind, I can't get over the feeling that I'm just looking at a flat screen really close to my face. I never really feel immersed in the world. I don't know if there is something wrong with my vision or what.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Skyrim VR will also blow your mind. Play that or try it too. Better with two moves...just imagine being in the world like almost in real life and being able to pick up things by yourself and do with them what you want.

For example if you like to steal things in Skyrim VR you can do the following:

Look around the room for other people
Put a bucket on their head
They cant see you anymore

Or you can use arrow and bow like Legolas from LotR and also shoot way faster because...YOU ARE THE ANIMATION! :D

Yeeeeaaah.... I bought that like 30 minutes ago. I couldn't resist. Last purchase of the year, I swear.

Also, in my defense, it's only the second time I've ever bought Skyrim.


Oct 27, 2017
In Cinema Mode you can play your own media files, right?

I don't have a PSVR but I do have a Gear VR and one of my favorite things to use it for before i scratched my phone screen was Cinema Mode.

Here's why: 3D movies looks AMAZING.

You can watch SBS rips of 3D blurays and the 3D works even better than it does with 3D glasses! The picture is also brighter.

Some favorites for their fantastic depth effects:

Creature From The Black Lagoon
Jurassic Park (phenomenal post-processing 3D)
Life of Pi
Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Now I don't know how comfortable it would be with PSVR but my favorite thing to do would be to get all snuggled up in bed with my head on the pillow, staring up into the headset watching a 3D movie in the Void theater stoned out of my mind.
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Oct 27, 2017
Another Astrobot astroturfing thread ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Astro Bot is quickly becoming the most universally acclaimed title here, I don't think I've read a single negative impression here from anyone that tried it, 90% of the posts are "holycrap you guys were right!"

I really hope they make a sequel, or even something diferent as long as it's from Team Asobi and in VR

No joke, anyone discovering VR, with this title more than anything else, will remember this experience decades after, just like those who were old enough to live the transition to 3D (especially with Super Mario 64).


Oct 27, 2017
England, United Kingdom
i played Tetris Effect a whole night on my 4K TV...you could play Tetris for 24h, this has nothing to do with VR at all, it is more the nature of the game itself.

Definitely have to disagree on that. I play both VR and flat versions of the game and I find VR, being in Tetris, absorbs me much more than the flat version ever could. I'd never lose three whole hours playing it flat. For me, they're two wholly different experiences.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeeeeaaah.... I bought that like 30 minutes ago. I couldn't resist. Last purchase of the year, I swear.

Also, in my defense, it's only the second time I've ever bought Skyrim.

Just looking at the sword in your hand is god damn amazing. Feels a bit like the future MMORPGs I expect. Works great with Move controllers and I would recommend them here cause you have two hands in the game by doing that which makes it even more awesome. Also you can turn off teleportation movement in the settings which I also recommend. Use loco walk (holding one button and using one move to walk, it's really easy as soon as you grasp the controlls, that takes a little bit).

Here is also a manual for the controlls which I would recommend

Also for anyone wanting to try VR Porn you can use the app Littlstar on your PS4 and an external harddrive for that.


Oct 27, 2017
In Cinema Mode you can play your own media files, right?

I don't have a PSVR but I do have a Gear VR and one of my favorite things to use it for before i scratched my phone screen was Cinema Mode.

Here's why: 3D movies looks AMAZING.

You can watch SBS rips of 3D blurays and the 3D works even better than it does with 3D glasses! The picture is also brighter.

Some favorites for their fantastic depth effects:

Creature From The Black Lagoon
Jurassic Park (phenomenal post-processing 3D)
Life of Pi
Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Now I don't know how comfortable it would be with PSVR but my favorite thing to do would be to get all snuggled up in bed with my head on the pillow, staring up into the headset watching a 3D movie in the Void theater stoned out of my mind.
Why have I not thought of this (with my gearvr)? 😲

I like doing that with some 360 videos but never thought of doing this. What player do you use?


Oct 27, 2017
Why have I not thought of this (with my gearvr)? 😲

I like doing that with some 360 videos but never thought of doing this. What player do you use?
Oculus Video. It's been about a year since Ive used it so idk how it's been going since then.

You have to put the files in a "3D" folder for it to be detected properly, IIRC.

Void Theater (completely black background) is the best, IMO. It's the most immersive and offers the best range of physical viewing positions. I can't remember if they removed the feature but I also remember that Void lets you scale the picture size.

The other virtual theater rooms are a fun novelty but Void is where it's at.

Hulu (i think it was Hulu) also has a Void option but it's a baffling grey. It sucks.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Apr 27, 2018
VR never ceases to amaze people and I'm happy about that.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Apr 27, 2018
I wonder how's going to be the future of VR. I hope the future technology manages to reduce the stuff needed for making it work. Oculus Go is a good step forward, but that's like an independent console, so it's not a valid option for me.
Well Oculus Quest is going to be out next year and it's gonna basicaly be the PS4 Pro of the portable Oculus headsets, as it's going to introduce and have or try to have every single Oculus Store release playable on there. Which will be sorta huge since Beatsaber with no need to worry about cables nor a PC.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Welcome to the VR family :) glad to see you are enjoying the amazing experience Astrobot and VR in general gives.

RE7, WipEout Omega Collection, SuperHOT VR, Moss, Beat Saber, and Tetris Effect should be high on the list to buy next, plus many many more.


Oct 25, 2017
Hell yea OP, I enjoyed reading that haha. Love the first time mind blown impressions. Enjoy and savor every minute of it because it is damn special, that feeling! Welcome to VR.


Oct 30, 2017
It's not bad for the price. The low resolution hurts it, but it's not bad. Give Playstation Worlds a try. When they lowered me down into the sea in a shark cage, I was sold. I looked everywhere and felt like a kid again. Also, try Polybius in VR. Jesus Christ, that game moves fast. :D


Oct 27, 2017
Oculus Video. It's been about a year since Ive used it so idk how it's been going since then.

You have to put the files in a "3D" folder for it to be detected properly, IIRC.

Void Theater (completely black background) is the best, IMO. It's the most immersive and offers the best range of physical viewing positions. I can't remember if they removed the feature but I also remember that Void lets you scale the picture size.

The other virtual theater rooms are a fun novelty but Void is where it's at.

Hulu (i think it was Hulu) also has a Void option but it's a baffling grey. It sucks.


Oct 27, 2017
I still have pending to download and try Skyrim VR and DOOM VFR, but I don't know why I don't see them attractive. Maybe because I already played them on PC?
To be honest - 2d ports are not going to hit the highs that games built-for VR do, and you've already experienced some of the best now.
But between the two - Skyrim is still nice and worth experiencing. Doom sadly isn't - it's motion-blurred to hell which is just about the worst thing you can do in VR, and as mentioned by others, it's high on the discomfort scale as well.

For a new owner - there's a ton of free content to sample from as well - check out the demo compilations and other standalone demos from PSN:
Some of the stuff you absolutely need to see(all have demos):
Statik, Moss, The Last Guardian, DinoFrontier, JobSimulator, The Persistence, Battlezone and a more.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
PSVR is absolutely fantastic. For the best experience have a PS4 Pro and a PS4 Flight Stick / PS4 Steering Wheel.

Eve Valkyrie with a flight stick is unreal.