
Oct 25, 2017
so last month i bought a gaming laptop, the asus tuf a15 (1660 ti, ryzen 4800h, 16gb ram). i figured now would be a good time to jump in since ive accumulated a ton of games over the years from giveaways from epic, humble bundle, gog, etc. before having a proper gaming computer i mainly played on a bunch of laptops with igpus the worst being one with an amd e series netbook apu from 2011.

so far id say that pc gaming for the most part is headacheless with the exception of some older games and a couple newer games that just had a bad pc port to begin with. one of the most obvious things that stands out to me in comparison to my ps4 is that im playing games at higher settings and framerates than console but the laptop isnt being too loud in comparison to my ps4 which i refuse to use at night. so far im only playing on the built in display which is 144 hz and wow even tho alot of people say the display on this laptop is horrible its still alot better than my old monitor which is quite blurry in comparison side by side. im tempted to buy a new monitor now... honestly im tempted to move to pc gaming as my main platform now after a month with a gaming computer. the cheap games and large library are really nice as someone who finds myself with droughts on consoles these days. but yeah those are my general thoughts one month in, not sure what else to say except for maybe that MOTION BLUR WAS A MISTAKE now that i can turn it on and off and see the damage it does.

oh yeah i forgot that i still havent tried emulation out on this computer. i wonder whats the newest system i can emulate on this.

anyways thanx for coming to my ted talk


Feb 19, 2018
Man, I'd like to jump in on PC gaming as well, but considering financials and the fact that I've got a PS4 Slim already, makes it kinda hard to justify right now. Feels like Next Gen two to three years in would be a better entry point for me.


May 25, 2018
I feel you man. I jumped from a 2013 laptop to a 2020 ABSOLUTE BEAST (Ryzen 7 3700, 2070 Super, 32 GB Ram) mainly for work. It came bundled with 3 months of Game Pass for free, I've tried a couple of games and holy snap. That FFXV Windows Edition? Yes please! Streaming upscaled GameCube games on Twitch? Why not! Heck, what about streaming VR on your Oculus Quest AND on Twitch at the same time? I definitely don't see why not!

I feel like I don't have enough of a lifetime to reach the full potential of what this total monster of a PC can do. I'm not a huge gamer, so far I mostly aim to stream Professor Layton and Baten Kaitos 1 & Origins on Twitch. But I've never felt this extatic. I feel like there's next to nothing I cannot do. And this is amazing. Not thinking about your limitations, not feeling sidelined because your PC is obsolete less than 3 months after you bought it... It's great.


Nov 23, 2019
Ryzen 7 4800H has single threaded performance similar do desktop 3600x or 3700x. Below you can see testing for 3600, and emulation wise it can handle pretty much anything you throw at it.:



Nov 12, 2017
PC gaming is incredible, and even though as an enthusiast it has brought me many headaches (and continues to do so), the benefits are so massive that I can never move on from it as my main platform. And believe me, I've tried.


Oct 28, 2017
Highly, highly recommend desktop gaming to anyone looking to get into pc gaming. I used a laptop as a student for years, out of necessity. It worked, but it was never as smooth an experience as I would have hoped.

In my experience a pc will be cheaper, last longer, have fewer thermal issues and have better quality parts than a laptop, even a gaming one.

OT: pc gaming is great. Easy access you. Huge price-discounted back catalogue of games, free online play, 60hz+ performance and the occasional mod, if it suits you.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
PC gaming is incredible, and even though as an enthusiast it has brought me many headaches (and continues to do so), the benefits are so massive that I can never move on from it as my main platform. And believe me, I've tried.
What's funny is that for me it's the opposite, I've a casual pc gamer hardcore console gamer for most of my life then around 2013 I switched to hardcore pc and casual console until 2018.

PCs benefits are so awesome and there's so many but for some reason whenever I play a game on a console I just have more fun. Since late 2018 I've been mostly on console and rarely touch a pc for gaming. The way pc calls you consoles call me, which is rough since I know 10 years from now consoles will have moved to the cloud making me wish I had bought my games on pc.


Nov 12, 2017
What's funny is that for me it's the opposite, I've a casual pc gamer hardcore console gamer for most of my life then around 2013 I switched to hardcore pc and casual console until 2018.

PCs benefits are so awesome and there's so many but for some reason whenever I play a game on a console I just have more fun. Since late 2018 I've been mostly on console and rarely touch a pc for gaming. The way pc calls you consoles call me, which is rough since I know 10 years from now consoles will have moved to the cloud making me wish I had bought my games on pc.
I'm not so sure the cloud will replace consoles in 10 or even 20 years. Network infrastructure is a very complex problem and obtaining stable latency, avoiding packet loss... You might think the mainstream market doesn't care about this but we'll have to see about that. People often don't know about any of these things but they can feel the difference when they have it in their hands.

And really, I've loved consoles all my life as well. I totally get you. I just love PCs even more, but when a console gets it right it's magical. I remember how much I used to love my PS1...


Oct 26, 2017
Make sure you try some games/genres that don't see representation on consoles! Buy a copy of Stellaris next time it goes on sale. You'll thank me later. Also I would try a moba if you haven't yet. I have been out of the scene for a few years at this point but I got into a HEAVY period with Dota 2 right after I got my PC in 2013 and it was some of the most fun I've had playing games ever (and some of the most frustrating, natch)