Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom

Platforms: PC/PS4/XB1/Switch | Hours Played: 8 | Release Date: 5th July 2016 | Price Purchased: £7.50

I felt like I'm the only one who hadn't played this game yet. Well two years later and I snagged it in the latest steam sale for £7.50 and I gotta say it was totally worth the asking price. Hell it's even worth the full price tag it'd normally be! While the game is basically just a glorified boss rush of sorts the developers do so much with this simple framework that I couldn't help but keep playing this in bursts constantly throughout the week after coming home from work. The combat is where the game really excels, It's like this big grab bag of all of my favourite mechanics from character action and arcade games slapped into one tight precise package. Over the course of fighting the 10 bosses in the main campaign you get a good grasp on mechanics varying from twin stick shooting, a souls-esque parrying system that allows you to remain stationary while blocking damage from incoming melee attacks and countering them, a dodge system very similar to various character action games that allow you to dodge incoming projectiles, wave attacks and rapid lung attacks. Add in the ability to charge both your gun and melee attacks and you've got a fair amount of depth for a combat system that looks deceptively simple at first glance. Speaking of the bosses I have to say that none of them came off as lazy or uninspired, they were all a blast to fight against and learn their attack/patterns and behaviors. Once you've got the dodging and parrying down of every boss in the game it's really satisfying to effortlessly whittle down a boss in one sitting that was previous giving you trouble with when you first encountered them. Hell there's even some awesome bullet-hell type projectile and beam dodging towards the end of most of the boss encounters as well for those of you into schmups!


Personal standouts for me had to be "The Hand" which was a refreshing boss fight that focused almost primarily on melee combat and wave attack dodging, "The Line" was a nice methodical fight that didn't so much revolve around constant quick reactions and intense combat than trying to figure out how to get at the boss while wearing down the walls and defenses around him during his various phases, and "The Beat" was a really neat little platforming focused fight that put emphasis on forward momentum and dodging projectiles hurtling towards you, a really interesting chase sequence of sorts. Visually I think this game is fucking stunning. While it's not technically impressive it has this lovely style that just really appeals to me. Flat shading, colours, great using of lighting and depth of field that all comes together to form a treat for the eyes. The music is also really kick-ass. A fantastic mix of lovingly composed Synthwave, Darkwave, EDM and tons of other sub-genres that sort of give the game a sense of rhythm alongside the combat, each and every track is perfectly suited to each boss and arenas you fight them in and gets you really pumped up as well! So top marks on the presentation side of things!


One of the biggest gripes for me though comes from playing through the game for the very first time. There's these long drawn-out walking sequences that give you a kind of preview of the environment each individual boss inhabits and a preview of the arena you fight them in as well. While I can understand why the developers included these parts, to allow players to wind down and relax after a particularly stressful or drudging fight and to hear a bit of narration about the main characters situation and why he's fighting these "Jailers" I would've really liked the option to be able to skip some of these walking sections much like you could skip the pre-fight boss cutscenes by holding down a button. The option to have the game auto-walk through these sections without any direct input goes some way to alleviating this problem a little but it doesn't eliminate it. The boss rush mode unlocked after beating the game thankfully remedies this...eventually....


So yeah, overall I fucking love this game and kind of regret not buying it when it was fresh in every-bodies mind. If you're the type of person who's loves Treasure's boss-focused arcadey games this should be right up your alley. It seems to be going on sale more and more often these days as well so why not give it a shot. So glad I did! Probably would've made my 2016 GOTY list if I had played it that year...





Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
I really didn't like how this controlled.
Felt weirdly laggy somehow.

Just couldn't get on with it.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Oh Furi is fantastic, GOTY of 2016 no doubts. The credits scene is fascinating and some of the boss fights are really impressive.
Oct 27, 2017
I've never played the game, but the soundtrack remains looped during my studying playlists.

Just listen to this if you need proof on how amazing the soundtrack is.


Nov 4, 2017
Just dl'd this game last night on Switch. It is awesome and the music kicks ass!

Sewer boss is a douche though


Dec 7, 2017
I finished the game today and the game was great but I had one problem with it: difficulty spikes. Some bosses were extremely hard like The Line and The Burst. After The Burst, the rest of the game was a breeze even the final boss.

Also, this song is amazing.

Deleted member 12009

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Great gameplay. Great character design. Great music.

I loved the bullet hell segments so much- something a lot of my friends were turned off by. It was so satisfying to wind between lasers, swords, and mines to score that melee takedown.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I got stuck on the sniper boss and never got past it :/


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for making this! I played it recently too, and loved it. Took me completely by surprise.

My favorite boss had to be The Burst, which played and felt like a level straight out of Trap Gunner (one of my GOATs); dope gameplay, dope characters, dope soundtrack, and super focused on exactly what it wants to be.


User requested ban
Jan 12, 2018
I didn't know what to expect at first, but after the first two bosses I was completely hooked. Beat the entire game in a single night sitting, because I just couldn't stop playing. It's flashy, it has a cool dodge mechanic and the music is incredible.

I actually really loved the silent moments between bosses, because it helped build up the tension. It didn't really feel like a ''down-period'' to me, even if it was intended that way. I also loved the difficulty that Furier mode brought to the table. The bullet hell sequence of The Burst (The Sniper lady) is an entire experience on its own. Loved every second of it.

Last edited:


Nov 20, 2017
One of my favorite games of all time, I wouldn't change a thing.

I still need to get around to playing the dlc


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't know what to expect at first, but after the first two bosses I was completely hooked. Beat the entire game in a single night sitting, because I just couldn't stop playing. It's flashy, it has a cool dodge mechanic and the music is incredible.

I actually really loved the silent moments between bosses, because it helped build up the tension. It didn't really feel like a ''down-period'' to me, even if it was intended that way. I also loved the difficulty that Furier mode brought to the table. The bullet hell sequence of The Burst (The Sniper lady) is an entire experience on its own. Loved every second of it.

Sweet Jesus, that was satisfying as fuck to watch!


User requested ban
Jan 12, 2018
Sweet Jesus, that was satisfying as fuck to watch!

It's not me (obviously, but just felt like pointing that out), but yeah that's another reason why I really loved Furi.

After enough practice the boss will just ''click'' for you and the smoothness of the dodge mechanic really comes into play. Teleporting all over the place, dodging a myriad of projectiles. Very damn satisfying.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a game I probably would have never played if it wasn't for PS+. Loved almost everything about it aside from the walking phases.

Only realised there was a DLC for it recently, so I might pick it up at some point.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Great to see the love for this game. Member TheWorthyEdge held a lengthy interview with one of the developers which was insightful

Nice to see people posting the best tracks from the game.

Another of my favourite tracks.

OP I know this doesn't solve your problems but you can tap X (ps4) equivalent to make him auto walk to the next destination instead of holding the button.

Tarot Deck

Oct 27, 2017
People were going crazy when it was announced on the Switch, so I decided to play.

Its basically a boss Rush, with counter elements and awesome soundtrack. Like a distilled version of No More Heroes.

Here is mathewmatosis review -


Oct 25, 2017
Loved it.

Also love an indie dev taking a stab at the character action genre now new entries in the genre are so infrequent.


Oct 27, 2017
Such an awesome game. Had so much fun with the gameplay, audio and visual desgin.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
This is my personal favorite, what an incredible soundtrack. Best OST of 2016 for me and goddamn DOOM came out that year.

Oh yeah Doom came out then too, Mick Gordon did a brilliant job, that was great but Furi's soundtrack has been played everyday since I completed it.

This track is easily the best. Shame "The Song" was a tad easy though.

Both of The Toxic Avenger's songs are the best on the soundtrack they were what made this game and the ending resonate with me.
She was easier than she should have been. I stayed with her when she asked on my first play-through.


Oct 25, 2017
This game. It's like Punchout on steroids. Absolutely maddening at times but once you break through and figure things out, it's magic.
Just finished The Hand and the Song back to back. Really digging the storytelling as well. Strange.


Feb 27, 2018
Sorry to bump, but here's a question: Switch Version of PC version? Some people say the Switch version is much easier due to bullet pattern changes, some say harder. Which is the ideal version to play?

(Note: I don't care about things like leaderboards or the fact that it's on PC.)


Oct 25, 2017
Yup, Furi was absolute blast.
Can't wait to see what the studio has on their sleeves next.


Oct 25, 2017
It says something that they were inspired by NMH and Suda himself was inspired by this for the new NMH


Oct 25, 2017
Is the Switch version any good? I remember Transistor having some slowdown on PS4.


Dec 18, 2017
As someone who loved NMH but is not really big on bullet hell twin stick shooters, would you recommend this game?


Jan 24, 2018
This is a GEM of a game with a Legendary soundtrack! I feel like this and Hyperlight Drifter are my neon purple indie brothers. Both excellent game about swordsmen from the future with awesome soundtracks.


Oct 27, 2017
my gut tells me this will show up on Twitch Prime sometime soon, hope i'm right, i've held off long enough


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i enjoyed it, but something about its controls always felt off to me