
Oct 27, 2017
If anyone ever needs any hard proof that there is no justice in this world, they need only look at the sales figures for The Wonderful 101 and Asura's Wrath, two absolutely amazing examples of the positively orgasmic heights of raw, pump-your-goddamn-fist-in-the-air emotion and spectacle our humble medium has to offer, that sold roughly a couple of dozen copies between them. I'm not here to lay blame or point fingers, because I didn't buy Asura's Wrath at launch either so I'm just as responsible for this injustice, but I just need to tell you dorks about this stupid, incredible video game I just played.


So, how many games have you played where your character gets so angry that his angry-ness blastwave alone reaches from the surface of the planet into low Earth orbit and destroys half a fleet of attacking space dreadnaughts? How many games have you played where you hammer a QTE to resist the laser blast of a planet-sized entity powered by 7,000,000,000,000 human souls harvested over a period of 12,000 years and then amplified even further for good measure? How many games have you ever played where you square up for a fistfight against LITERALLY GOD, and just when you think you might actually be able to punch him hard enough to win he pulls out a set of ELECTRIC NUNCHUCKS? And then it turns out that he wasn't even the final boss! HE WASN'T EVEN THE SECOND-TO-LAST BOSS!

Asura's Wrath is part anime, part QTE game, and part dreadful character action game, and if you resolutely ignore all its extremely obvious flaws then it's an absolute 10/10. It plays out as a sort of anime/video game hybrid, split up into short episodes with their own title cards, mid-episode bumpers, つづく cliffhangers and even a framerate that must hover around the classic anime 12FPS mark for most of the game. The best parts of the game are the hype-as-fuck QTE sequences, and the worst are the actual gameplay parts where you get to pit a godawful combat system against a bestiary of rubbish enemies and slowly run after super-fast bosses warping around huge arenas hoping you can get a hit in. A great combat system could have made this game a true classic, and honestly cutting the combat entirely and only having QTEs would probably have been a better decision than what it is now. There are some straight up abysmal encounters here, particularly some of the late-game and DLC bosses. Oof.

I swapped between the Japanese and English voice tracks, only to find that both are dialed down so absurdly low in the overall sound mix that I couldn't hear a goddamn thing anyone was saying in either language and just resolved to watch for subtitles the whole game (no individual volume sliders). And, of course, this is the game where Capcom sold it without its True Ending and then made you buy it back for a few dollars more. I'm a little conflicted on this point, because I think the game's standard ending is actually pretty good and conclusive, and the first few episodes of the True Ending DLC are honestly pretty bad. But then you hit the final final episode, and the spectacle ramps up to a degree that makes Bayonetta's Jubileus feel like a casual slap fight, and I feel like there's enough good there that you can't play Asura's Wrath without it.


There's never going to be a sequel to this game. Probably not even a remaster. Nobody's asking for Asura in Smash or Mahvel, and I can't even really argue that the game itself is an absolute masterpiece like its brother in arms The Wonderful 101 is (Kamiya's magnum opus, fite me irl if u disagree). But, oh man, what a VIDEO GAME.


Oct 30, 2017
I love, love this game. Absolutely fantastic. And the true ending is godly. I wish it was backwards compatible.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's the biggest hype game in existence.
Plot is basic and the gameplay is forgettable, but man, does the game have moments, and dozens of it!

Soundtrack and Art are also pretty amazing.


Really hoping CyberConnect2 makes another one like this at some point.
There are the Naruto games, but those are pretty tame compared to Asura.
Oct 25, 2017
Adore this game. I'd love a remaster that has the ending as apart of the main package.

Asura and Gene from Godhand not being in a good MVC game is an actual crime.


Oct 27, 2017
One of my favourite parts is the first time Asura really loses control, you also lose control of him. You, the player, literally have to play as another character for the next few missions; that's how hard Asura lost it :P
Oct 27, 2017
Man, I remember playing this though PSNow (yea. streaming latency + QTE = Bad. I know. PSNow was doing free trials at the moment) One of the most hype-as-fuck experience I've ever had. Wish the the true ending wasn't locked behind dlc and it wasn't taken off psn


Oct 27, 2017
i don't remember how many times i've finished this game ( a lot ) , but i stil lcan't help but smile every time.
A great way to dispell my daily worries.

Perry Simm

Jan 11, 2018
True, it's a spectacular game. Loved the "interactive anime series" concept. The amazing last chapter being sold as DLC was mind-bogglingly stupid though. What I wouldn't give for a remaster in 1080p/60FPS (or at least stable 30FPS)!


Oct 27, 2017
I've played TW101 to death and back, in addition to buying two copies (disc + digital, will also buy on Switch if/when it appears), and the soundtrack, and shouting its praises every chance that comes along, so I think I've given that game its dues and then some.

I've never actually played Asura's Wrath though, despite owning it. I bought it ages ago on 360 and forgot to play it, but now my 360 is packed away and I've moved to XB1, so I'm hoping for BC at some point.


Oct 27, 2017
True, it's a spectacular game. Loved the "interactive anime series" concept. The amazing last chapter being sold as DLC was mind-bogglingly stupid though. What I wouldn't give for a remaster in 1080p/60FPS (or at least stable 30FPS)!
Yeah , UE3 was not made for this game and the framerate suffers way too much at points. A glorious AW in 1080/60fps should be magnificent.

One of the rare games where you can tell bosses to "shut up" , trully the stuff of genuisses


Oct 27, 2017
True ending being dlc is a crime. It tops the whole main game which is already great


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
Whenever people were calling Kratos for "Dad of War", my thought always went to Asura. Also a demigod/god, also a father, but didn't fuck shit up for the world as much, put in an effort for people who were NOT his daughter and actually was still WAY more pissed of than Kratos ever was.

And they only kidnapped his daughter.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Was there ever a point where you didn't have to buy the true ending, or did Capcom make it impossible without Youtubing it?


Oct 27, 2017
The opening takes my breath away every time I watch it. Not ashamed to say it makes me tear up a bit. It makes your heart swell up.



Oct 27, 2017
Loved it. Unique. It's like an anime with some QTE and action here and there... but it was so EPIC.
Also the Raphsody song on the end battle!!! :Q.....


Oct 26, 2017
I'm hoping it'll be made back compat on XBO as I've heard the PS3 version isn't all that great. Plus the DLC is slightly cheaper on XBL for some reason.


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
It wasn't a bad game but it was a hard sell. It's more of an interactive story than an action game but presents itself as an action game, and if you go in expecting that you'd only be disappointed.

I think if a similar game would release today it would do better, as the audience is probably more open minded now.


Nov 8, 2017
One of the most notable games that is completely stranded to the last generation. Also notable that the true ending is DLC so when online stores inevitably go down you might not have the ending to the game you bought. (Which is the case with a lot of japanese published games especially from ATLUS and Capcom in general). Hope it gets another chance it was very much a Japanese take on the interactive movie genre that was beginning to get traction towards the end of last gen.


Oct 28, 2017
You did an excellent job putting the sheer awesomeness that is Asura's Wrath into words. One of my favorite games of the last generation. Despite its flaws, I remember it very fondly. The presentation was top notch, along with its art direction, the soundtrack and not to mention the mesmerizing power escalations.

Deleted member 45468

Account closed at user request
Jun 27, 2018
I bought this game and never got to play it because the 360 died from RROD. I kept my Xbox copy in hope that it becomes backward compatible.