Edmond Dantès

It belongs in a museum!
Aug 24, 2022
Alexandria, Egypt

View: https://youtu.be/zckJCxYxn1g

The Return of the King...returns.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is seemingly headed back to theaters in April to celebrate the movie's 20th anniversary. Multiple movie theater chains, including Regal and Cinemark, have updated their websites with showtimes for Return of the King. Based on the listings, it appears Return of the King will come back for a limited time beginning April 13.

Cinemark's website states that the runtime is 4 hours and 20 minutes, so it seems the theater will show the extended version of Peter Jackson's Oscar-winning epic. That's good news because for many, the extended edition is the best version, even if it is very, very long.

Return of the King opened in theaters in December 2003, so its 20th anniversary isn't actually until later this year, but any good Hobbit would want to celebrate early and often.

All three The Lord of the Rings movies came back to theaters in 2021 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series and their 4K remastering. Exact ticket prices have not been confirmed for Return of the King's re-release.

Return of the King swept the Oscars, winning 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director for Peter Jackson, among other accolades. Jackson followed up those films with a Hobbit trilogy, and while it was not as adored critically, the three movies earned billions at the box office.

As such, it's not a big surprise that Warner Bros. Discovery just recently announced plans for additional The Lord of the Rings movies. It's still early days, but for now, you can check out GameSpot's breakdown of everything we know about the new Lord of the Rings movies.

LOTR: Return Of The King Is Coming Back To Theaters For 20th Anniversary

The Return of the King...returns.



Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
Don't mind if I do. Just watched the trilogy again last year and they're still incredible. I missed seeing them on the big screen so I'll absolutely take this chance.


Oct 25, 2017
whoa. I was going through the trilogy again on 4k earlier this year but didn't get to 3 yet. might just wait for this.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
After all why not, why shouldn't I see it again despite owning it on 4K at home.
Edmond Dantès

Edmond Dantès

It belongs in a museum!
Aug 24, 2022
Alexandria, Egypt


Oct 27, 2017
Nice. Makes sense. This is part of a controversial new strategy to introduce a whole new generation to the films by showing them the final one in the trilogy first.
Oct 28, 2017
I remember seeing it when I was 7 in the theater. I actually remember the experience of it too. Not many times I can remember going to the theater when I was a kid.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
I remember waking up the morning after the oscar sweep.

Goddamn it 20 years...


Oct 29, 2017
Three movies we didn't deserve and had no right being amazing. Still to be topped.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I'm there. They did this for all three films when the EEs came out on Bluray, but I missed ROTK. Time to right that wrong.
Oct 29, 2017
We just got our tickets this morning, I am so excited.

There is a specific moment that hits me every time in ROTK. When the men of Gondor are racing back to Minas Tirith on horseback, and the Nazgûl are attacking them, Gandalf rides out and blinds them with the light of his staff. The music hits just right. The cinematography hits just right, with a single shot focusing on Gandalf and the soldiers racing back towards the city as the camera pans towards it. Simply an incredible moment that I cannot wait to see on the big screen again. I may tear up lol

Here in the UK, the Prince Charles Cinema do yearly extended cut marathons.

The last one I attended was good fun. Although, been hungover and traversing the Underground to get home was quite the mission.

I'm jealous, that sounds great!
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
My cinema-going experience of this movie is needing the toilet after like 30mins, but the movie was so good I had to hold it in until the end. Was close to pissing myself by the end, it was very uncomfortable. Especially with all the endings!

Best feeling ever when I finally went to the toilet and stood there for like two minutes letting it all out and knowing I'd just watched a masterpiece.


Jun 21, 2019
20 years... damn, I'm old, I watched it at the cinema.

You're probably in decent company here, we trend geezerly

I was a few months away from high school graduation when Fellowship came out and that was a goddamn theatrical experience and a half. "Mesmerized" doesn't even do it justice. I was genuinely transported to another place. And then the next two came out during college so they're inextricably linked to that time in my life.

I was a huge Hobbit/LOTR fan as a kid so to see them reproduced with such fidelity was actually astonishing.


Prophet of Regret - A King's Landing
Dec 8, 2018
Cant book tickets at my local regal right now. Hopefully amc opens up bookings soon as its closer.


Oct 27, 2017
Perfect! Regal keeps randomly throwing the trilogy back in theaters and last time my brother and I caught The Fellowship and The Two Towers, but missed out on Return of the King. Definitely going to go see it.