
Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
"A motive for the killing has not been shared"

Wonder how many pretzel twists will be contorted to not classify it as the obvious hate crime.


Oct 25, 2017
Reminder that Elon Musk, owner of X, regularly promotes this terrorist murderer on his hate platform.

Rip little one.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
That's what they want, they want to radicalize (or for a lot of these people, inspire is a better word, they are already radicalized) people to commit violence against these communities. For these people and their ilk, it's not a problem that is going to just go away, at best they do themselves in through their own infighting or shit that comes to light.


Oct 18, 2023
Why are they called libs of tiktok, they seem to be extremely right-wing. Rest in peace for the victim

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017

It almost astonishing how the last 8-ish years since Trump's election run in 2016 has platformed the vilest people on Earth into positions where they can cause this much harm to innocent people.

How can people thrive on evil? It makes no sense how a person can be so cruel to others.
It's all about attention and engagement. Sad people like the PoS that is Chaya Raichik can feel important and loved because loads of disgusting people like her will high-five her online.


Oct 30, 2017
How can people thrive on evil? It makes no sense how a person can be so cruel to others.
Oct 26, 2017
Oh okay, what a bunch of assholes

This is her profile pic:

She is an extremely vile human being.


Aug 3, 2021
Hope the universe does some good for once. Tired of these fucks being able to do this without consequences.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there really no recourse for people to take against Raichick? She's clearly a stochastic terrorist using her platform to harm people. There must be some form of legal action to take against her.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there really no recourse for people to take against Raichick? She's clearly a stochastic terrorist using her platform to harm people. There must be some form of legal action to take against her.
It is almost impossible to actually get in legal trouble for inciting violence in the US. You need to say something that is specific, actionable, and immediate. Chaya tiptoes up to the line and relies on other people to make more explicit threats and/or do actual violence.

Any social media or communications company that's aware of what she's doing should do the right thing and ban her, but unfortunately we live in hell and most of those companies love all the engagement she generates.


One Winged Slayer
May 27, 2019
A LOT of the blame goes to the school as well. Not calling an ambulance was probably for the reason of not causing a bad news headline (which is what principals most often worry about).

Rest in peace Nex

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
It is almost impossible to actually get in legal trouble for inciting violence in the US. You need to say something that is specific, actionable, and immediate. Chaya tiptoes up to the line and relies on other people to make more explicit threats and/or do actual violence.
She loves taking credit for the aftermath though.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
So are these psychos who killed someone going to face criminal charges or what? This is horrific.
Oct 27, 2017
Can no one at the school be charged for not calling an ambulance???
Are the girls who killed them going to juvie?


Oct 31, 2017
Because like all chuds, they crumble and whine to authorities when it's them who get targeted.

They are exceptionally good at staying on message.

They don't ever, ever directly incite violence. They "point out" the "bad things" that are taking place, talk about how "amazing" it is to see "activists" out there "protecting their children and nation" (or some such nonsense). They then let anyone who DOES break the law take the fall, and get all the credit for the acts that took place.

Lots of us have probably interacted with someone that displays these kind of traits. They get promoted because they point out the flaws in someone else's hard work, while having done none of it themselves. They say something that's right on the line of bigotry and then say "don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say THAT" or "that's not what I meant and you know it", full well knowing that everyone knows exactly what they meant, and then stay on narrative that they themselves are the victim and are under attack, and continue to do what they've always done. I don't know if it's sociopathy, narcissism, plain old hate or what, but that's what they do.

They're the victim, they're under attack, but they've never once had to defend themselves because they've never actually faced legal consequences. All while inciting violence and directly causing the death of marginalized, helpless folks. I am amazed that nothing at all has happened to her, but at the same time I"m not surprised.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ. Everyone in that school that was aware of that situation and did nothing should be fired and held accountable as an accessory at the very least.

The lack of compassion here is just barbaric.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
This pisses me off. I hope all the bad things happen to Chaya and wipe that smirk off her face. Real life super villains.
Feb 9, 2018
Stochastic terrorism at work again. Right-wingers designate a marginalized out-group as a scapegoat, claiming said out-group is responsible for all sorts of scary-sounding and evil things, then a member of said group gets killed. The right then tries to benefit from plausible deniability, their usual routine going something along the lines of "We never told anybody to go out and kill those people. We just said those people are bad. Second, it was coincidental. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. I just owned you with facts and logic, lib."

They know what they're doing, and they're using the First Amendment and a bunch of semantic legerdemain as a shield to protect themselves from any repercussions. But anyone who hasn't been suckered in by their propaganda knows it's bullshit. You can't simply demonize a group of people and not expect at least someone to go out an act on the fears instilled into them by hateful propaganda. If you've convinced someone that, say, trans people are pedophiles that are sexually grooming kids but that the government isn't doing anything to stop it, sooner or later some lunatic is going to take matters into their own hands. This has been the awful consequences of demonization since the dawn of mankind. It's why we really, really need more aggressive hate speech laws in this country. Language demonizing certain groups of people should be treated no differently from any other form of incitement.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
Horrible all around. I cannot believe this fucking loser has the ability to draw these kinds of crowds and do these heinous fucking things to children. Threats of physical violence towards Chaiya is whatever to me, I'd love to see her catch a fucking beatdown as well. The actual nerve to post about getting threats while simultaneously causing others to be killed due to her call to arms is astounding and people on her feed backing her up as well is gross.


Oct 27, 2017
I really hope Chaya gets beaten in a bathroom like the violence she promotes without a care in the world and pretending she was not the cause of it. Just like Trump saying he didn't try to overthrow the government on Jan 6, oh I never directly told people to attack the US Capitol building!


Oct 25, 2017
Chaya is a vile piece of shit. Fuck her and her followers.

RIP to the teen. Have their murderers been arrested?


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Disgusting and tragic. I hate how my home state only ever makes the news thanks to bigots harming others. This story is especially awful.

This is her profile pic:

She is an extremely vile human being.

She's right up there with Kenneth Copeland in terms of raw demonic energy.


Oct 27, 2017
The problem with people like Raichick is they never face consequences for their actions.

People suffer because of her.


Dec 17, 2017
I wish there was more that could be done about stochastic terrorism. Its absolutely insane that people can incite violence but, just because they didn't explicitly say "you should kill this person on this date". They face no consequences.

Like, its literal mob shit "it would be a shame if something happened", then not being held responsible because the threat wasn't explicit.

We need RICO, or something, but for people who start harassment and violence campaigns on social media.