
  • TamaNOTchi

    Votes: 63 33.2%
  • TamaMAYBEtchi

    Votes: 127 66.8%

  • Total voters


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
The 'Tamagotchi On' (Tamagotchi Meets in Japan) line of electronic toys has been around in the US since 2018, but I stopped caring about virtual pets circa 1998. Until this week. Apparently it's what it's always been, but now with added features that put it in this weird/amazing Venn diagram middleground of Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley... and a breeding simulator?


What is familiar?
You have a small plastic egg device that fits in the palm of your hand and a small blob cracks out of a digital egg, begging for attention for it's brief 1-hour baby phase. It then spends the next days going from child to teen before reaching adulthood. It follows a real-time clock in which hunger, happiness, and their bowels empty over time and it is YOUR duty to sweep the doodie away and shove endless bowls of rice into those now vacant bowels until you either forget, get bored, or decide to start all over again. Perhaps my dumb kid-brain prevented me from realizing it at the time when these were new, circa 1997, but the rhythms of the Tamagotchi after the initial 1-hour baby phase are actually incredibly reasonable to upkeep. They wake up at 7 AM, sleep at 8 or 9 PM, and only truly require care for a moment or two every ~3 hours. It is actually eerie how the fairly early bedtime has made me feel more attachment and routine for the toy than I ever did as a child (giga pet, digimon, et al) as I can slot it into my work breaks and own life routines very well. COVID-year has also made me really starved for routine and relationships with others and this stand-in seems to fill a certain niche expectation well enough (much like Animal Crossing New Horizons did March/April of last year).

What is modernized?
Not only does the display look actually stunning with the vibrancy and pure kawaii~ nature of a series that has undeniably leaned into 'girly' aesthetics, it also introduces lots of quality of life features for those that just can't manage to ALWAYS be present for their new alien egg-baby. There are nearly a dozen 'locations' to visit and the first 'unlocked' location is a hotel/resort where you can drop your tamagotchi off for a nominal fee (in-game currency - no microtransactions [odd to have to state that given the current climate of games today]) from 7 AM to 7 PM - this will keep your tamagotchi in stasis, shielding them from death, hunger, and depression.

Each location also provides a few new meals and snacks, items to play with, and accessories to dress up your adult tamagotchi. Each location also has a unique 'activity' as well, but more importantly each location needs to be 'unlocked' and those conditions are either cryptically hinted at by other NPC tamagotchi you can meet in the in-game park, or by randomly discovering as you play through multiple generations of your babies. Or, you know, you could just google that shit. Some locations introduce a new minigame or 'feature' like the farm location where you visit each day to water a tree that grows more and more each day. Each location has a few specific tamagotchi NPCs you can befriend by playing with and bringing toys with you when you travel, and thus can eventually woo and 'marry' to breed those sweet sweet genetics together. These locations, as they open up, allow for more and more engagement and exploration much like a town or island opening up with features in Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley.

The toys and animations in general nearly always hurt my soul with their cuteness. Sometimes it's as simple as choosing a toy to play with and seeing whether the eggbaby enjoys it or is terrified by it. (seriously, does any one of them actually LIKE the rocket toy?). Much like the heart-events in Stardew Valley, there are some strange and psychedelic moments that can just crop up when you're pressing a button to turn the screen on and make sure they aren't dead or doused in diarrhea - such as the other night when I was about to go to sleep around 10 PM in real life and I heard a 'chirp' and noticed the device was illuminating on its own! I look over and it's my tamagotchi with a dreamy thought bubble above them. I clicked the 'activate' button and entered into my tamagotchi's dream watching a short animation as they explored their food-laden wonderland before my eggbaby grumbled and rolled over to return to sleep. My partner's tamagotchi twins (yes, twins are a thing wtfff) last night engaged in something similar and they were having a nightmare instead!


But, like, where's the GAME?
Up front, these are ~$50 which is a big ask, but this Tamagotchi line feels the most like a 'video game' any virtual pet game has every attempted. Again, in line with life-sim styled games, there is an emphasis on the slow discovery and semblance of 'slice-of-life' ambiance to interactions. What's been the strongest motivator for me thus far has been the gradual progression in growth and generational changes as my partner and I smash our tamagotchi together to make new hybrid versions of the cuties we had previously. The unlocking of new locations and new features being unknowns has also been engaging and has already last us a couple weeks. Looking online for those features would rob a lot of the experience, imo, but connecting with the mobile app and seeing all of the WILD tamagotchi has the opposite effect. I don't feel like I'm being spoiled, but inspired, much like browsing the SPOREpedia once was a decade ago. Seeing the ways in which folks are breeding certain types of tamagotchi or feeding them certain foods to get unique coloration combinations just make me excited for what is in store for my own journey through (hopefully) a dozen+ generations of eggbabies. The mobile app also seems to work seasonally (current May items and events include a trash-can tamagotchi, cherry blossom minigame, and other things that don't really matter), and it also works fairly seamlessly with bluetooth features within the device able to wirelessly transfer your tamagotchi to the social-network-lite app.

The other meta-game element, much like Animal Crossing, is the social media intersectionality: everyone has fun sharing all the cute shit they make, decorate, or discover.

Additionally, though these now boast a full color LCD screen, they run at roughly 1 fps. Which, works out with helping the 2x AAA batteries last for literal weeks at a time I assume; it also seems to help keep the charm of the classic memories as the in-between frames and time helps with ~imagination~ which is the right amount of suspension of disbelief to make one start to think and care and fill in the gaps for why they should give a care about the well-being of a blob of pixels.

If that wasn't enough to be be potentially off-putting, let me introduce the ridiculous tama-exclusivity chart:
Much like Pokemon these are device-specific access to other tamagotchi with which to interact and breed with - with enough access to the mobile app syncronization, equally invested friends, or an outpouring of your own funds, they can all be brought or bred into your own device. There's an afternoon's worth of research to fully understand the chart as it relates to devices available from USA, Japan, and even Korea - but that's not important. What's important is these creatures can be diced into parts and RNG'd together to make literally millions of combinations of new tamagotchi and holy shit is that fucking cool. example below:

Oh, also your tamagotchi can adopt a tama-pet.

and, yes, the pets can fuck and mix and match body parts with other pets too.


Nov 9, 2017
You may have sold me on getting a new tamagotchi. Any recommendations on the eggs, and between Japanese and US?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
You may have sold me on getting a new tamagotchi. Any recommendations on the eggs, and between Japanese and US?
The biggest difference is the US Wonderland version has less than the Japanese Fantasy equivalent that has 2 additional locations and exclusive tamagotchi. SanrioMeets is very popular (obviously), but not available in US/English.

Korean versions don't have Bluetooth and thus cannot use the app on phones to (called Tamagotchi Some).


Oct 31, 2017
Oh man,

I owned like 10 different ones in the span of 3 years when they were all the rage, every store had them in different types and quality.

I had the official bandai Digimon ones you could link to other Digimon tamagotchi and fight, but the moment my digimon evolved in to his final form my battery died and so did my digivice.

Other than that I had a dinosaur egg, a dog one, a generic one that was just a black blob with a mouth, some very cheap made tamotchi's that didn't even make it out the store.

Always loved those things.


Oct 25, 2017
I recently got one of the new Evangelion Tamagotchis, released to coincide with the new movie. There's 6 in the series, but they're all decidedly old skool in their appearance with none of this new functionality. Still cool tho.



"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Wow these new Tamagotchi look awesome, as someone who did grow up with the initial wave in the 90's.

Very tempted, lol. I've even got rechargable AAA's already.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
It's crazy that there is no standout go to Tamagotchi mobile app that gives you the exact same style and the exact 90s flashback and which is super popular and well known.


Oct 28, 2017
I had a tamagotchi when i was like 7yo. What a great experience but i feel like it would be impossible to have one if you aren't a child completely free of responsabilities. Atleast the original one haha

It was so demanding holy fuck. There's one time i was running with the tamagotchi on my neck and the creature just died from the impact. It was such a soul crushing experience, i basically accidentally killed my "son" as a 7 years old. Not mentioning i had to stop everything i was doing when it was hungry or needed another kind of care. I think my mom had to take care of it everytime i got to school lmao

What a crazy toy, seriously. Really educational but i wonder if someone nowadays would be okay with stuff like this. Like, i bet those modern tamagotchi doesn't force the user to do stuff like this, right?


Nov 11, 2018
red room
my wife sent me a picture the other day, they apparently sell the old school tamagotchi at walmart now for $20

i kind of want one


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Damn, just got the low battery warning. Luckily it isn't a game ender and there's flash memory. Using eneloop rechargeable batteries, so just need to pop some new ones in tonight. These lasted roughly a week and a half with heavy use...

I anticipate the next set will last at least 2 weeks+ now that I've gotten used to how much I actually "need" to fiddle with it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Oh gross, the tree I was a watering at the farm produced durian and my fatass Tama ate that shit up, but refuses to even try lemon pie, nor sip tea.

Luckily I'm synced to marry an adorable cherry girl with a parasitic twin attached to her head via what i can only assume is a blood stem...


Oct 27, 2017
I picked up an On and played with it for a few weeks. Unfortunately, I felt pretty bored with it fairly quickly. It's SUPER cute and I definitely like the route they're going, but it really needs to have more gameplay variety especially if they are going to lock certain tamas to specific devices. Maybe the next round will be more interesting for me.

I also picked up one of the retro rereleases and I was really disappointed with the quality. The sound was totally off and entirely too loud, the buttons were hard to press and even the chain clasp it comes with is painted plastic to look like metal. Just buy a used one on ebay for a little bit more and you'll have a better time.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't have the ON but I got the 4U+ and it's VERY forgiving compared to the older ones.
Last summer I went on a spending spree and got almost all the OG Tamagotchis, save for the franchise based ones, like Doraemon and Hello Kitty.
Japanese Tamagotchi Ocean is the hardest one to care for by far. My coworkers kept wondering why I was staring at the tiny device for more than 5 mins every now and then - it's because playing with the tamatgotchi ocean has a risk of dropping his happiness to 0!
The Tamagotchi Devil's pretty cool though. :)


Oct 25, 2017
I've been collecting Tamagotchi (not as hardcore as most) for 20 years now! Sadly, a lot of mine are in storage. I've got most of the Connections in storage, an ID L English, a P's. Out of storage I have a Japanese Meets Magical Green, an English Fairy Blue, and a Japanese Wonder Garden.

More recently I've been getting back into the Digimon virtual pets, too.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I've been collecting Tamagotchi (not as hardcore as most) for 20 years now! Sadly, a lot of mine are in storage. I've got most of the Connections in storage, an ID L English, a P's. Out of storage I have a Japanese Meets Magical Green, an English Fairy Blue, and a Japanese Wonder Garden.

More recently I've been getting back into the Digimon virtual pets, too.
The P's is the one that can be like fully modded for custom sprites of the Tamas?

Also, woooo:


The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
Tamagotchi is still around? That's fucking awesome, I had a couple as a kid and I think I still have my 4th Gen (the tamagotchi connect) still laying around somewhere
Oct 27, 2017
It looks like there's a new generation coming out in about a month as well. Something called Tamagotchi Pix. Can't tell if it's meant to replace On or if it's just a new gimmick thing with taking pictures with the Tama.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
It looks like there's a new generation coming out in about a month as well. Something called Tamagotchi Pix. Can't tell if it's meant to replace On or if it's just a new gimmick thing with taking pictures with the Tama.


Your Tamagotchi Pix Questions Answered By Bandai!

Since the announcement of the Tamagotchi Pix you’ve had many questions! We solicited your questions from our social media profiles to get them answered directly from Bandai! They were really impressed...

Some interesting notes:

Q: Will the Tamagotchi Pix be sold alongside the Tamagotchi On? Will this merely be added to the existing Tamagotchi lineup, or is it replacing the Tamagotchi On?

A: In today's environment, does a product really ever go away? Our marketing focus will be moved from the Tamagotchi On to the Tamagotchi Pix, though the application and website will continue to be available!

Q: Does the Tamagotchi Pix support twins?

A: It does not.

Q: Does the Tamagotchi Pix support marriage?

A: No, it does not. The play feature isn't about raising and marrying your Tamagotchi character, its about raising and interacting with your character and training it so it goes back to Tamagotchi Planet with new skills and so that a new egg can be sent to you!


Sep 24, 2019
I never had one of these as a kid, but my friend was showing me their ON on Wednesday and I ended up making an impulse purchase a couple hours later. It got here last night (I got the same pink one as you, OP!) and I'm super excited to check it out. Thanks for the detailed write up! I did a little bit of research before I clicked buy (mostly just on the differences between Fairy, Magic, and Wonderland), but the details here helped me learn a lot more!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
It looks like there's a new generation coming out in about a month as well. Something called Tamagotchi Pix. Can't tell if it's meant to replace On or if it's just a new gimmick thing with taking pictures with the Tama.

Hella gimmick. More to be my first selfie experience more than a fully featured Tamagotchi experience like the On series is. You can't even export the pics you take because it's geared toward kids, so the social media aspect has to be compromised just like the 'game' experience.

I never had one of these as a kid, but my friend was showing me their ON on Wednesday and I ended up making an impulse purchase a couple hours later. It got here last night (I got the same pink one as you, OP!) and I'm super excited to check it out. Thanks for the detailed write up! I did a little bit of research before I clicked buy (mostly just on the differences between Fairy, Magic, and Wonderland), but the details here helped me learn a lot more!
Glad it was helpful! I stumbled on some Twitter threads that piqued my interest and had to do a lot of research on my end to figure out wtf to even get and do. Now that I'm back in though I am constantly consumed with it and dangerously thinking about getting other devices - which I don't think I have enought mental capacity to do efficiently at the moment...

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've been meaning to get back into Tamagotchi, but I don't really know which one to get. Any recs, OP? I see different brand ones on sale constantly for like 20, but since you said the average one goes for about 50 I'm not sure if they're the "right" ones you're talking about.

Also it *kills* me that there isn't a Tamagotchi app on Apple Watch. Seems like a complete slam dunk to me.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
i imported a cum colored gen2 from japan last year because it has a different death animation than the US model


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Last week I bought my first Tamagotchi since the 90s. It's the Pac-Man one:


It's part of the Nano series, which are not as demanding as the usual Tamas. They're more limited, sure, but it's a fun distraction without being stressful. I also got the Evangelion Tama on the way! I hope this doesn't turn into an obsession🥚👾


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
My twins turned into hella cuties. I also made a wooper crochet case...


I'm also falling deeper into the idea of getting a P's at some point, but there's issues with flickering and huge prices.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
My Mametchi started riding Pac Man today, lol:

Another home run but nope we can't have nice digital pets on a watch apparently :(
Yeah I don't get it, it makes too much sense. Especially considering that the original Tamagotchi was envisioned as a wristwatch in it's planning stages 🤷‍♂️
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
2 weeks with the berry twins and finally decided to risk it with this cute penguin baby


Oct 25, 2017
The P's is the one that can be like fully modded for custom sprites of the Tamas?

Also, woooo:

I meant to answer this weeks ago but brain fog. But yeah, you're able to mod them easy to unlock a ton of content. They were awesome BEFORE that and maybe the peak of traditional color Tamagotchi.


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
I paid almost 300 for 3 of these to get them as a gift for someone

they're more expensive than I remember

BUT the way they work is neat !


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I paid almost 300 for 3 of these to get them as a gift for someone

they're more expensive than I remember

BUT the way they work is neat !
Wow, which ones did you get?

Also, this latest fixation has been the perfect niche to get me to actually focus on a game project and I've started making a really bad tamagotchi game!

For those that don't like virtual pets or find them shallow, what are things you wish were better or present?


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
Wow, which ones did you get?

Also, this latest fixation has been the perfect niche to get me to actually focus on a game project and I've started making a really bad tamagotchi game!

For those that don't like virtual pets or find them shallow, what are things you wish were better or present?

My bad didn't see this notification earlier

I got Wonder Garden, Fairy Blue, and Magic purple.