
Oct 31, 2017
I thought this would be a fun thread to do, let's post old rumors about upcoming consoles that ended up being false or most of it false.

Wii U -


The System:

- Uses a custom IBM triple-core CPU running at 3.6GHz per core
- The development kit contains 1gb RAM, but Nintendo have hinted that the console will actually have 1.5gb
- Nintendo will be releasing games that will run 1080p natively. Sources say that with Nintendo's art style and the poewer the system, the games look 'stunning'.
- The system does run on AMD R700 card, but the architecture is slightly different and the clock speeds are much higher.
- The System resembles JPN/EU SNES machines in color only and not in shape
- The development kit is about the size of a 360, not the console
- Close sources say it's as if Nintendo is in "damage control" with 3rd party developers. Nintendo is trying really hard to get 3rd parties on board to develop games and have offered incentives such as not releasing big-title Nintendo games in holiday seasons to compete against 3rd party titles.
- Nintendo went to many 3rd party developers on guidance on what they were after with the new console in terms of system specs, controller and online system.

The Controller:

- Nintendo have been keeping this really quiet and have only given developers controller prototypes to start designing games. However, the final controller build with all the features have only been given to Nintendo 1st and 2nd party developers for now.
- Nintendo had planned on inserting a screen on the controller back when the Gamecube was in development, but opted out due to technology not being advanced enough to be functional
- The controller that's been given to developers has a large 5.7inch hd (960x640pixel) screen, 2 analogue sticks, 4 face buttons, 3 middle buttons (select/home/start in that order), 2 shoulder buttons and 2 triggers.
- The triggers aren't as deep as the 360's triggers, but have plenty of push
- The big thing about the screen is that it's a multi-touch screen, contains it's own battery and is detachable from the controller unit
- The screen when detached contains its own memory so developers can store data on it, so gamers can play whatever the developer designs for the screen-only use
- When the screen is attached to the controller it works by streaming content directly from the console
- Nintendo are giving developers ideas other than just having it function as a quick menu screen for games while attached, or as a simple tamagochi-like mini-game when detached
- The controller contains a gyroscope, but motion controls isn't the focus of the controller like it was for the Wii


- Nintendo will release a Mario platformer as a launch title which hasn't been done since the N64.
- The Mario platformer looks to be the spiritual successor to Mario 64.
- Gamefreak and EAD are hard at work developing a Pokemon online RPG.
- The Pokemon RPG is not an MMO, but does have a large online emphasis and will be Nintendo's flagship title when showing off the online capabilities of the console.
- There will be at least one new IP Nintendo will reveal at E3.
- Nintendo is working on a new Zelda, but didn't reveal anything to developers.


- Some developers have had the Wii 2 dev kit for going on 2 years now. When the Wii 2 is released in late, that's 3 years to develop games on.
- Because of such generous development time, Nintendo have pushed 3rd parties to develop high quality games to be released at or near launch.
- Nintendo have sourced an external company to develop their online network, which the developer has commented, surpasses both the PS3 and 360 in terms of speed and functionality.
- Nintendo is pushing for the console to be online 24/7 and have seamless online integration with many of their games
- Friend codes are confirmed to be gone
- Nintendo has been toying with the idea of a game where the main character is your Mii
- Nintendo will be pushing their Pokemon RPG to showcase their online network
- Rockstar are supposedly hard at work in bringing on of their "most popular" titles to the console.

Nintendo Switch

All I need to post.


PS2 is 15x more powerful then PC's at the time
Most Americans don't realise that each PlayStation unit contains a 32-bit CPU - every bit as powerful as the processor found in most desktop and laptop computers," one unnamed military intelligence source told WND. "Beyond that, the graphics capabilities of a PlayStation [2] are staggering - five times more powerful than that of a typical graphics workstation, and roughly 15 times more powerful than the graphics cards found in most PCs."

That's just some rumors listed, post as many rumors as you want.


Oct 27, 2017
The Nintendo revolution will use nurbs instead of polygons. Always loved that one.


Oct 25, 2017
That terrible rumor that the Durango would have always online DRM...oh wait...

Also, this:

I believed.


Oct 26, 2017
We always get the most BS rumors in the lead up to console launches and I'm amazed that people still fall for it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
We always get the most BS rumors in the lead up to console launches and I'm amazed that people still fall for it.
Besides that I question why people see those rumors and believe them so fervently that they feel the need to die on a hill for them, to the point of embarrassing themselves instead of, you know, just keeping an eye out for them without taking them as gospel.

The old place last year was pretty hard to witness, with multiple people believing the word of clearly clickbaity youtubers like they came right out Kimishima's mouth or something.

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I`ve annoying stated this a couple times before but anything related to the NX prior to the reveal...the controller, speculation, and fake ass twitter insiders post that people kept on gaf for no apparent reason was the stupid shit I`ve seen on a forum or in any related to gaming.

Also something to mention was that before the PS4 Pro was revealed it was said that God of War and Deep Down would be the games that were showcased on it. So where is Deep Down then?
Oct 30, 2017
How everyone got reeled in hook, line, and sinker over that anti-ergonomic "controller" is hilarious to me. I remember that thread...


Dec 18, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
That the Playstation 2 could be used to launch nuclear weaponry. It was just that powerful.

The concern about Playstation 2's central processing unit is its graphics processing ability. It can process more than three million vector units, as they're called, per second which, says the Ministry of Trade, makes it theoretically able to power the eyes of a real life missile guidance system. Not that the Ministry of Trade is that worried. Having declared the Playstation export controlled, it's granted Sony export permits for North America and Europe.

Quite the graphics processing ability. We should start a server farm with a bunch of used PS2s to start mining bitcoin.
Nov 1, 2017
The drama around that fake NX controller was some prime entertainment. So many twists and turns, a CGI mockup quickly followed up by an actual 3D printed version by a different person, and the tree thing lol


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The best for me was that guy doing 15 videos a week to talk about how his sources have confirmed that amd was on the nx and everybody else's sources was wrong.

Good times. /s


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
The tree guyz the tree! I can find out where the NX controller is from! Look at the tree!



Oct 30, 2017
I remember this image floating around an old vg forum during all the Switch speculation; the idea that Nintendo's next console was going to be VR focused and related due to the introduction of headsets at that time.

edit: whoops look like it was older than I thought and speculation for the Wii.
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Oct 25, 2017
I remember this image floating around an old vg forum during all the Switch speculation; the idea that Nintendo's next console was going to be VR focused and related due to the introduction of headsets at that time.
This was originally a Nintendo Revolution/Wii rumour.

One of my favourite Revolution rumours was this one:


Oct 30, 2017
I remember this image floating around an old vg forum during all the Switch speculation; the idea that Nintendo's next console was going to be VR focused and related due to the introduction of headsets at that time.
This render is about 10 years older than that, and was used for Wii (Revolution) speculation


Oct 31, 2017

I was so hyped for the Konix Multi-System back in the late 80s when I had an Amiga. Check out the accessories for this monster! Force- feedback controllers before the Rumble Pak was a thing on the N64. Check out the chair accessory! This is the 80s we're talking about! Yeah, it didn't happen. *Sadface*

Rumour has it that the tech ended up in Atari'Jaguar sans the extravagant accessories.


Oct 27, 2017
Back when I worked retail we went to a vendor show of upcoming products.

As a new Sega Saturn owner the Sega reps told me Toshinden was coming to Saturn and it would be better then the PlayStation version.

Some douche who was covering Jaguar told me Jaguar games looked better then Saturn games. That same guy then said everything was dead once Nintendo arrived. Their system was SO FAST that development units were catching fire.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing can compete with Ps2 launching Nukes and Sadam Hussien was gonna use them as a supercomputer to take over the world
Oct 30, 2017
My school's resident 'My Uncle Works At Nintendo' kid would not shut up about the upcoming 'Game Boy Extreme' (seriously) for what felt like a lifetime. He'd been playing Pokemon Diamond (how prescient of him!) and 'the new Syphon Filter' (uhh...less so) on it all night, but I couldn't come round and see it for a variety of reasons.

He also claimed to have invented Runescape, and attempted to touch my genitals at a sleepover, but I digress.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
My school's resident 'My Uncle Works At Nintendo' kid would not shut up about the upcoming 'Game Boy Extreme' (seriously) for what felt like a lifetime. He'd been playing Pokemon Diamond (how prescient of him!) and 'the new Syphon Filter' (uhh...less so) on it all night, but I couldn't come round and see it for a variety of reasons.

He also claimed to have invented Runescape, and attempted to touch my genitals at a sleepover, but I digress.
man extreeme gives me that tak fuji chills (has he recovered?)


Oct 30, 2017
Las Vegas
I remember word on the street was they had 6 PS1's hooked together with IDE cables and that was the basis of the PS2... quite litterally 6 PS1's duct taped together...

Was there any basis in this?... I don't remember where I heard that from. Maybe a magazine

That terrible rumor that the Durango would have always online DRM...oh wait...

Also, this:

I believed.

that would mean the wii could crunch 445,952,000,000 (that's 446 Billion) triangles... lol... textured triangles... well of course with LODs and such ...

it's still not even possible today haha
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