Oct 27, 2017
America is beyond repair. It's irreparably fucked.

It's not. Shit's bad but get some perspective.

I'd love to hear what Americans will do instead of this, then. If the election is in dispute and Trump does not agree to leave office, I'm not sure what your country's backup plan is. I am extremely concerned that you don't have one and it's Civil War II for everyone.

January 10th a new president will be sworn in if the electoral college doesn't vote and it'll be Nancy Pelosi. "BUT WHAT IF..." it's plain as day, just like when voting is and we know how that stunt went.


Oct 25, 2017
To the jury here is a picture of Kyle removing graffiti from walls so he was there to help clean up and protect the city. So please find my client not guilty.


Jan 6, 2018
If you seriously want to get into gun ownership for interest in the hobby, protection or whatever, cool. I own multiple and have shot most of my life. That said, can we stop adding something to the effect of "I'm in a panic and going to buy a gun, fast" at the end of these bad news posts? It's becoming a worrisome trend.
POC are legitimately concerned for their safety as those with guns are already shooting them and the supposed law enforcement is on these white supremacists side. I know guns dont help but so help me if I have a gun and someone shoots at me and it isn't instant death I'd shoot right back. You can't threaten our lives and expect no clap back. Can't fight a war against guns with words only...get a gun and practice safety is a ok in my book in this climate.


Apr 7, 2019
This is like asshole lawyer that is gonna be a pain in the ass and somehow wins on Law and Order only if they win, it's gonna be the King riots x a million
If the kid gets away scot free regardless of anyones opinion he will likely face street justice unless he has bodyguards 24/7. I personally feel he deserves 20 to life.

Mr Spasiba

Oct 26, 2017
Lawyer gonna be up there like Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men on some "YOURE DAMN RIGHT MY CLIENT MURDERED THOSE COMMIES AND HED DO IT AGAIN"

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
The lawyer is a QAnoner as well.

Edit: I'm pretty sure he used to have the WWG1WGA on his Twitter profile.

"Your DIS-Honor, my client is an emancipated sovereign citizen, and cannot be legitimately tried in this, an admiralty court! Show me where it's written in the Constitution that self-defense against tyranny is illegal. Huh? Huh? You can't, can you? *farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt*"
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Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Today I learned that it's tyrannical to not want police to shoot me and say something about not wanting police to shoot me.

I wish these fucks would just be honest and say that they want us minorities to either fall in line, or be killed/harassed/arrested when bothering to speak out about it.


Oct 26, 2017
If the kid gets away scot free regardless of anyones opinion he will likely face street justice unless he has bodyguards 24/7. I personally feel he deserves 20 to life.
The problem is, you will likely already see him get that help.

How the fuck is this shit getting donations?


Nov 22, 2017
An armed Left is the only thing that can convince the US governement to implement gun control. And it may temper a little the eagerness of the bugaloos lunatics to see guns that can be pointed at them, too. So I won't object.
The police might shot you if you're black, however.

Deleted member 910

Oct 25, 2017
The thing that scares is the dozens of comments like this under it


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Good to know that the constitutionally-protected right to assemble is now viewed as tyranny.

GOP's gotta make up their mind, either they're upholding the constitution or they aren't. You don't get to pick and choose which amendments you like.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah sorry, I can't take anyone who uses the phrase "Civil War" in 2020 (and is not referring to the Marvel movie) seriously

I hope so. I'd love for you to not take me seriously because it means I'm imagining the threat. But they're shooting people in the streets. The President has his own group of secretive armed officials to carry out "protection of federal courthouses" and basically kidnap people off the streets without any sort of oversight. Everything sounds really bad in the States and it just seems like it's going to get worse.


Oct 27, 2017
His other lawyer:
Oh, cool. There is two of them.
Oct 27, 2017
Those of you saying "Don't buy a Gun!" where the fuck have you been in every other thread related to the protests or gun ownership on ERA? I feel like the majority of voices here are now saying "I'm getting a gun for protection" and that is now the norm as "get strapped" pops up every half dozen posts.

Look yeah, I'm not in the US so I have the luxury of not having to be worried about being gunned down everytime I step outside but the lack of push back on gun ownership is utterly depressing. And yeah I probably don't have the right to say shit and I don't even want to say anything in these threads anymore but I'm shocked at the lack of push back especially from Americans.


Apr 27, 2018
What is with the narrative that the country needs to be taken back, saved etc. when Trump is the one in power and running the show.


Oct 25, 2017
Ames, IA
Yes it is. Look at the news for one second and tell me with a straight face there's anything even remotely resembling hope for the future. This country is fucking done.
God-Queen Nancy Pelosi will finally reveal her true progressive form and unleash her power turning all guns into bongs


Oct 25, 2017
POC are legitimately concerned for their safety as those with guns are already shooting them and the supposed law enforcement is on these white supremacists side. I know guns dont help but so help me if I have a gun and someone shoots at me and it isn't instant death I'd shoot right back. You can't threaten our lives and expect no clap back. Can't fight a war against guns with words only...get a gun and practice safety is a ok in my book in this climate.
I'm a person of color and I've long spoken for others to get into gun ownership. I've shot since I was ten. I'm not down on guns. If we're sharing news on what the lawyer said or whatever, great. If the OP is seriously interested in responsible ownership and wants some resources, great. This trend of masking one's anxiety behind a news story and worryingly tossing in that you're arming up as a result with little more context at the end of a post just seems a bit iffy as a gun owner myself. Apologies if you take issue with that, but it is what it is. Every person has their justification for this stuff, but ownership isn't something you take lightly imo.


Oct 25, 2017
Good to know that the constitutionally-protected right to assemble is now viewed as tyranny.

GOP's gotta make up their mind, either they're upholding the constitution or they aren't. You don't get to pick and choose which amendments you like.

This is not a situation of a guy firing into a marching crowd, this is a situation where allegedly multiple people attacked Mr. Rittenhouse, including one man with a handgun. He claims self defense. Its going to involve a lot of work to show premeditation, intent to hurt/kill before the event, etc.

Wisconsin is a Castle Doctrine state which I believe gives civil and state immunity from prosecution if someone uses deadly force in the course of defending themselves, you are not required to take an opportunity to flee. I believe Mr. Rittenhouse was even being interviewed (on camera) when everything happened so there should be tons of evidence on what happened from multiple video sources.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Yeah, that'll solve it. Add more guns to the mix!

When the other side is armed to the teeth and consider you subhuman, I don't know what else you'd do. Those people are not going to magically start respecting you just because you ask.

In a perfect world, guns would be banned. In our world, it's starting to feel like owning them yourself is the only way to push back.


Apr 7, 2019
If Zimmerman is living his best life to this day, nothing will happen to the kid.
I think his actions have caused more of upheavel and distress than his even if its just as bad.
The problem is, you will likely already see him get that help.

How the fuck is this shit getting donations?
Makes no sense he shot the first victim 5 times in the back that is not self defense it never will be and then their cult continue to slander the first victim calling him a pedophile. Because from math and his age he was a senior in high school when he was arrested for having sex with a minor that's 15-17. Therefore one can conclude it was a high school girlfriend and slandering the dude after he was unjustly murdered and served 12 years for something we have romeo and juliet laws for now to prevent that is gross.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
As opossed to shooting them in the streets? Good luck.

When they come for you what you gonna do? Can you pinpoint the exact day that fascism escalated to violence in all other countries when it took over?

I never said shoot them in the streets, yet, as it hasn't come to that. But if they come for you what is your plan? They're armed. You are not.


Oct 27, 2017
POC are legitimately concerned for their safety as those with guns are already shooting them and the supposed law enforcement is on these white supremacists side. I know guns dont help but so help me if I have a gun and someone shoots at me and it isn't instant death I'd shoot right back. You can't threaten our lives and expect no clap back. Can't fight a war against guns with words only...get a gun and practice safety is a ok in my book in this climate.

yeah as a brown skinned man (asian descent but still brown) I panic bought earlier this year. I legitimately don't think the police will defend POC when shit hits the fan with more racists like this. The alt right/boogaloo crazies are already armed and, although I'd love to live in a world with no guns, the sad fact is that not owning one can only be a hindrance at this point.