Lady Dimitrescu
Nov 8, 2018
Ah... well i thought there were at least multiple options in the left opposition. I've read that about the uk greens too.

Lib Dems are on the side of "Trans Women have the right to exist, but TERFs have the right to express their opinion and not have consequences for it" So its much better than Keir's flat out transphobic crusade.


Oct 25, 2017
Profoundly tone deaf and irresponsible to ban a woman for justifiably using that word about a man for seeking to police trans women's very existence.

What the fuck is wrong with you, mods? You step on rakes like this for no reason whatsoever. You are why this place isn't safe and why it's bleeding members.

Ban all of us for meta commentary though I'm sure.


Jan 11, 2018
I don't have any numbers or anything but last I checked I'm fairly sure the general public doesn't actually really care much about this, it's the TERFs and right-wingers pushing it as part of their culture war like trans people represent the end times.

Polls of voter's important issues generally show it as a rounding error.

Depressing... I could "understand" it from a cold-hearted, calculated political viewpoint if polls suggested it was a key policy area. But as it is... I don't understand the straight up denial of trans rights like this.


May 3, 2023
Ah... well i thought there were at least multiple options in the left opposition. I've read that about the uk greens too.

Yeah, in general the Scottish Greens are better on progressivism like this, English/Welsh Greens less so. They've been two separate parties since 1990. It can broadly come down to who your local representative is. Fortunately, mine is pretty good on this.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Moderating in a binary fashion without due consideration for context or nuance is inadvisable in cases where alleviating if not nullifying context was made evident for the supposed violation. I declare it inadmissable in a court of law, and all that stuff.

People like Starmer arguing for restricting people's right to exist in public spaces is anti-democratic bigotry that opposes human rights. Politicians whining about stupid bullshit like this so they can pretend like they're doing something, when there are actual pressing problems that need to be addressed, is frustratingly idiotic. Stop making up and wasting time on non-issues at the behest of dumbass bigots throwing tantrums, and just let people go to the bathroom you heinous fucking turds.

If you can attach messaging along those lines to your vote somehow, please do.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Man, what is with the UK and their obsession with oppressing trans people?
It's fucking weird.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Trolling across multiple threads; History of Trolling and Modwhining
Now we get to question whether the mods chose to action harshly because of the she/they angle or because the poster wasn't a cis woman. Wonderful.
seems like we need The Things tests, but for the c-word!
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Labour are no allies and this proves it.

Cannot claim this in good faith anymore. Unfortunately it won't stop some from defending this either in online discourse or the inevitable labour governent. None of the other parties are much better either. Trans people are under attack from all sides.
Lady Dimitrescu
Nov 8, 2018
Labour are no allies and this proves it.

Cannot claim this in good faith anymore. Unfortunately it won't stop some from defending this either in online discourse or the inevitable labour governent. None of the other parties are much better either. Trans people are under attack from all sides.

It's so fucking strange that a senile old man "in charge" of America has more compassion and allyship than the entire UK government.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, what is with the UK and their obsession with oppressing trans people?
It's fucking weird.

There aren't many TERFs in the UK but most of them have newspaper columns (from all political persuasions I might add).

Politicians see columnists views as the views of the public in general so will try to pander to their views.

Much of UK politics is driven by the insane brain worms of the UK media.


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
Could someone give me a rundown of what UK parties align with trans progressivism pls? I can guess the Greens would be, given their affiliation with the EGP but the rest is hard to parse from a quick look and i don't know where to start.
TUSC are pretty good when it comes to trans rights looking at their manifesto "● Full equality for LGBT people. Oppose transphobia, promote trans and non-binary rights. Support Gender Recognition Reform for all trans and non-binary people."

They actually had the best manifesto i've had through the post this past month or so out of any party.

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022
Man, what is with the UK and their obsession with oppressing trans people?
It's fucking weird.
The weird thing is this is a near-overnight about-face.

Even the Conservative government was, up until quite recently, generally progressive on trans issues, arguing for self ID. Being that it's a very small part of the population who are transgender, it was a "quiet" issue that nobody seemed bothered by in terms of national dialogue.

Then just two or three years ago it suddenly became this huge talking point in the rightwing (and then, sadly, centrist and leftwing) press, given rocketfuel by JK Rowling's obsession with the matter. Suddenly all this quiet progression was halted and everyone - conservative or not - fell into line on saying shit that basically amounted to "trans women aren't women".
Feb 24, 2018
Man, what is with the UK and their obsession with oppressing trans people?
It's fucking weird.
A mixture of decades of treating trans people as jokes, a gross lack of understanding biology that people like Rowling and Newspaper have taken advantage of (the same tactic used by the press during the MMR scare and when supported climate change denial), low-key transphobic policies throughout the 80s-00s and people like Rowling championing yet.


Jul 4, 2023
The weird thing is this is a near-overnight about-face.

Even the Conservative government was, up until quite recently, generally progressive on trans issues, arguing for self ID. Being that it's a very small part of the population who are transgender, it was a "quiet" issue that nobody seemed bothered by in terms of national dialogue.

Then just two or three years ago it suddenly became this huge talking point in the rightwing (and then, sadly, centrist and leftwing) press, given rocketfuel by JK Rowling's obsession with the matter. Suddenly all this quiet progression was halted and everyone - conservative or not - fell into line on saying shit that basically amounted to "trans women aren't women".

Yeah I was thinking about this the other day. I remember not so long ago even Sunak talking at least neutrally if not outright supportively. I want to say Braverman was one of the first to really start pushing transphobic rhetoric as part of her efforts to drag the tories deeper into the culture wars, but I'm not certain.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering polls show that there is a real possibility that the UK will be the only "super power" left not sliding into alt right facism, the fact that even they will be openly transphobic really paints a bleak picture for trans people. I feel for you all.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
TUSC are pretty good when it comes to trans rights looking at their manifesto "● Full equality for LGBT people. Oppose transphobia, promote trans and non-binary rights. Support Gender Recognition Reform for all trans and non-binary people."

They actually had the best manifesto i've had through the post this past month or so out of any party.

Ty for the info!


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Kier Starmer is a piece of shit who deserves to be called every bad word under the sun but hey let's tone police woman calling him the c-word. Truly YT levels of ridiculousness.

Guess Era is TERF friendly?


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Echoing what someone said earlier. I thought women were given some leeway on that word.

it's certainly why we all need to stick together, even away from politicians

we need to hold tight to each other

I'm still mad at you because you sold me on Great Value spicy nuggets and they were all sold out at Walmart when I went to buy some and try them.

Until Walmart gets new stock of nuggets, no holding.

ugh ugh ugh ugh I get the greebies from thinking about it

Yeah I thought about that too but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Oct 25, 2017
What is the probability that this new Labour government is going to be to the right of David Cameron and Theresa May's government?
On trans issues they will be far to the right of Cameron and especially May who was generally sympathetic.

As well as what Keir Starmer has said, look up Wes Streeting and Bridget Phillipson's most recent statements (the probable health and education secretaries respectively).

Labour are awful.

*deep breath*


I hate him so much. Cunt.
I am not sure who this ban is supposed to be protecting.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
Whats funny is they already know how to tell the difference between one community using a slur vs another. Even as a delicate white person I'm not comfortable seeing the other c word but I don't expect the forum to police black members use of it
The weird inconsistency with slurs here is getting kind of uncomfortable. I won't police black members from using the other c word, but I was thrown off to see other slurs getting thrown around without actioning.

Until there's some consistency, staff deserves some flack over how this word is being handled.

Now we get to question whether the mods chose to action harshly because of the she/they angle or because the poster wasn't a cis woman. Wonderful.
The way the rules were written always felt like they don't really take NB/GF/GNC/etc people into consideration.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Also the UK leadership is trash. US leadership is trash. Feels like the whole western world is regressing on trans rights.
Nov 4, 2017
JFC Grue , I almost choked on my tea and biscuits reading that. Attempted murder on Era.

Starmer is a disgusting human being, and I'm so disgusted but unsurprised. Excuse me while I toss my UK citizenship in the trash, no interest going back to TERF island anytime soon.


Oct 31, 2017
Anyone who isn't aware of that by now will not be convinced by this. It's been clear that a vote for Labour is a vote for weaponised transphobia for a long time.

The point I was (poorly) trying to make is that by dropping that ban, internal policy took spotlight over the continued travesty.

In my opinion, it was the wrong thing to do because it just draws attention from the hate speech/policy that's taking place in the UK. In doing so, it highlights the forum rule over the trans hate, if that makes sense.


Oct 28, 2017
His strategy of throwing trans people under the bus is absolutely failing. Rowling outright said she isn't voting for Labour. All the TERFs see right through Starmer's pathetic attempts to turn Labour into diet Tory. I fucking hate him with every fibre of my being. Stopped voting for Labour ever since Starmer took over and i'll never vote for them again until he's gone.


Oct 27, 2017
Can we go even a week in this country without some piece of shit, let alone a piece of shit that's about to become PM, demonising trans people for existing

Who is he even fucking appealing to at this point? disillusioned tory voters are going to vote reform, lol

Also I don't think there's ever been better evidence for the C word ban being stupid and needing more context than that second post.


Mar 18, 2018
Banning someone for saying the c word in response to transphobia is such a microcosm it's genuinely incredible.


Aug 26, 2018
This is why I'll probably never go back to the UK for vacation even though I enjoyed it a lot a few years ago. I loved Scotland so much. What a shame.

That ban is pretty shameful too. Maybe one of the most unjust I've seen on this forum and there have been some doozies over the years.


The Wise Ones
The Fallen
May 22, 2018
At this point I have no idea who this dipshit is trying to appeal to with these shitty rhetorics, its just plain bigotry.