Xero grimlock

Dec 1, 2017
I've played all the dark souls games, but I hate trying a boss a few times in bloodborne only to have to stop and go farm blood vials, just makes me not want to start it back up again. I love it otherwise, this is my 3rd attempt and getting through it, and I'm thinking about starting it back up where I was at, but I know I got about 20 mins of blood vial farming before I should bother tackling the boss I'm on.


Nov 27, 2018
You should drop the game and move on. Don't force yourself to farm something you are not interested in doing.


Dec 18, 2017
Vial farming is a small speedbump early in the game. Later on you'll have tons and never be in need.

At the start it's not even really necessary if you "get good", but yeah, I had to grind for vials for the first few bosses also. It's an irritation but one that you'll never have to experience again.

The rest of the game is so amazing that it's worth it, so stick with it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I agree that vial farming sucks compared to Estus flasks but there are locations that help a lot. And you can buy them for relatively little.

In related news, it's bullshit that the vial price increases as you go through the game.


Sep 21, 2018
use your spare blood echoes to buy the max amount every time you are back in the dream.
if you farm them you are doing it wrong.


Jul 22, 2019
If you are going through 20 vials each attempt and dying, try a different strategy against the boss.


Jan 24, 2019
Farm echoes instead and buy them. I found that to be much faster actually. Where are you at in the game?


Oct 29, 2017
This is what put me off the game the most. Kept getting owned by the blood starved beast and if I could have just reloaded the game and kept my items and kept attempting the fight it would have been a lot more fun for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Also once you unlock the first chalice dungeon, start helping people and you'll have them maxed out in no time.

In my current playthrough I just got past the third boss and have storage maxed out for blood vials and almost maxed for bullets.


May 9, 2019
I feel like bb is particularly good at giving you quick farming locations for some of the toughest fights
for cleric beast/papa gascoigne you can farm those brick trolls to the left of the checkpoint. The usually drop blood vials and are pretty easy to parry


Oct 25, 2017
Farm echos and buy. Once you're beyond a certain level you'll start having a few thousand echos left after leveling up. Dump those into bullets and vials each time and you are set.

Needless to say, don't burn other consumables on anything other than boss runs to make sure you finish the fight strong.


Oct 27, 2017
One thing I always did was just throw any spare Blood Echoes after leveling up at buying blood vials and bullets. If you can manage to stick around until you get to the Forbidden Woods (which is fairly early on) you can start racking up Blood Echoes on a few easy farming runs and spend them all on Blood Echoes.


Oct 30, 2017
If you want to play the game, just focus on getting better and you'll eventually be swimming in the stuff. I'm know this sounds like a Git Gud comment, so I'm sorry if that is offensive. But it's what I did and enjoyed the game until the end once I figured it out.


Mar 9, 2018
Find an area you like and farm there. I like the one of the first areas where you run through the left shortcut gate, and run through the house with the wheelchair guy.
You'll get like 10 each run.

When you return to hunters dream, level up if you can or just buy vials.

Do this a couple of times and you'll end up with 20 in your inventory and 80 in your chest, which should be good for 5 boss attempts.

You'll probably wanna try a different strategy though if you're using 20 each try.


Oct 28, 2017
It was my first From game and I didn't think it was much of an issue but after using Estus and Gourd it really baffles me why From put this in Bloodborne. It's a shame because the game would otherwise be a 10/10 to me even with the performance issues.

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
I've played through this game like 5 times and I never had to farm them. I just buy them if I need them.

Estus being so braindead easy to manage doesn't mean it's hard to manage blood vials. They're about the same for me because they're so easy to get.


Oct 27, 2017
Rather than rely on vials, learn the fight a few steps at a time. Once you learn the patterns and how to deal with them get some vials just to cover any mistiming or mistakes you make. Go into the fight with an intent to learn and adapt to the boss' moves rather than try to 1st time it and miraculously clutch it out without knowing what is actually happening. That always works for me. My first attempt was usually just observation and avoidance. Only attack to check if the boss might have some special retaliation and to check how many attacks you can get in before it retaliates. By the 3rd attempt I'd feel comfortable enough to go all in. This has been an effective strategy for me in most of these types of games.


Oct 25, 2017
After third or half the game, they get extremely cheap compared to how much echoes you get that you don't think about it.


Dec 15, 2017
This never was an issue for me cuz I'm good at the game.

I kid, I kid...kinda
Oct 30, 2017
Here's what you do: farm the max amount and back up your save onto a USB disk. Once you've run below 20, overwrite your current save with the one from the USB drive.


Jul 22, 2019
Giving players 20 blood vials right off the bat was mistake. Got people used to spamming it, then would run out and have to farm.

People had to adapt to surviving with a couple of estus flasks in the recent Dark Souls titles at the start.


Oct 27, 2017
This is what put me off the game the most. Kept getting owned by the blood starved beast and if I could have just reloaded the game and kept my items and kept attempting the fight it would have been a lot more fun for me.

If you feel that way, just store your save file on USB and restore it before retrying. I won't tell anyone, I promise!


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I remember farming blood vials every now and then, but it's not that bad.

Certainly not something that I'd highlight when assessing the game's flaws.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 5, 2017
If you don't get on with it, then don't force yourself and move on to another game. Worst you can do is to try and like a game for the sake of it.


Oct 8, 2018
I wish I knew what I was doing so differently from everybody else that I only ever had to very briefly farm blood vials once, pre-patch.
Oct 27, 2017
I was shit at Bloodborne, I died a million times on every single boss and had to summon for a lot of them and I still don't recall having to farm vials at all. I recall stocking up any time I was in the hunters dream, but I don't recall having to stop what I was doing to go and find more.

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
Don't forget you can't rely on shields in this game lol, you don't get to hide behind shields to save your life. The old "just block and hit back luls" doesn't work here. You shouldn't be burning through all your vials like candy, especially at the beginning where you don't get them as easily. Are you absorbing as much hits as possible? Because you won't last long in this game if that's what you're doing. Use your speed to your advantage. You're faster than every enemy type in this game. This game is much faster than the Souls games and it's with good reason. In this game, movement and spacial awareness are pretty important.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually legitimately consider this the game's biggest flaw, they basically went and created a problem they'd solved with estus flasks.

Now while differences in combat system and such mean it doesn't transfer straight over, it's nonetheless a bizarre step back that only punishes the player further for having trouble with a boss fight


Oct 25, 2017
It's not so bad, because you can easily do it in early areas and later in the most efficient blood echo farming area.

When you activate the shortcut to father gascoine with the elevator you can easily farm the about 4 brick guys in the way for 2 vials each.

Later in the game you can farm the route from the witches adobe to the hemwick channel lantern for a ton of blood echos and vials.

Seriously, the only thing i ever farmed for was echos to level up and as a side effect it also maxed out my vials.


Dec 15, 2017
My best advice is not to waste the vials on jabronies (some people don't even realise that you can just run past them if you don't really need the echos) and also don't get hit when you're fighting the bosses. Do trial runs to learn their attack patterns if you need. Blood vials aren't an issue if you
A) git gud
B) stop wasting them on jabronies
C) don't care about dying enough not to waste them

If you're really itching for vials, the giants drop a bunch and you can buy them for nickels in the early game
Xero grimlock

Xero grimlock

Dec 1, 2017
I dont spend 20 each boss fight, and I'm at the cleric beast now, but even after a few failed attempts of trying to learn her moves it still gets me below my amount. it's not been everyboss. I made it at least past the witch last time, and yeah I've been doing the grind past the left shortcut and I try and use my blood echoes to buy a bunch more. It's not hard just tedious, though from the sounds of it I should be going around father gascoigne to farm them.


Dec 6, 2018
The system can certainly be rough early on if you are struggling with the games difficulty.As always it's going to punish players new to this type of game more and possibly put them off.
It was my first From game and things certainly got easier the longer I played,including blood vials which became less of an an issue later in the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Those two enemies right before Father G drop at least one everytime and theres the guanlet before them that drop one everytime two. Its pretty easy to farm them up. Once you start doing chalice dungeons you can max it out easy since you get so many echoes from doing them.


Oct 25, 2017
Just buy them everytime you go back to the hub. You shouldn't have to farm at all. I never did in either of my playthroughs even with the dlc.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel like the game should probably just give you 5 or so vials every time you run out, having to farm vials during the early game just isn't that fun, and doesn't really add anything to the difficulty of the game either.
Oct 27, 2017
This is the first time I've heard the term Papa Guacamole and jabroni used in the context of Bloodborne.

I have nothing else to contribute, vial farming is not great.


Oct 27, 2017
use your spare blood echoes to buy the max amount every time you are back in the dream.
if you farm them you are doing it wrong.
Exactly, after you level and finish whatever other things you need to do in the dream, spend the rest of your echoes on vials.

Easiest farming route for me was to start at the Cleric Beast and kill the two beasts and troll on the bridge, then turn around and drop of the broken stairway on the right side off the bridge and kill two more trolls next to the Gascoigne shortcut. Doing this will usually net you 12 vials.